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LOL! The losers don't determine the content of the negotiation. That time has passed.
In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.
There would be no war in Ukraine had there been a second Trump term.
It is not Ukraine’s to sell. Ukraine is Biden/NATO/NWO’s puppet, so there will not be peace in Ukraine until Biden says the War is over. This is 1000% Biden’s war, and the blood of every life lost is on his hands. There would be no war in Ukraine had there been a second Trump term.
Russia never made an offer
Who cares as usual? I don’t
In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.
WookieMan says
Russia never made an offer
BS. That’s what The Maintsream media dipshits and liars tell you.
Even after rolling tanks across the border negotiations were ongoing. Biden refused to let his puppet Zelensky negotiate a peaceful resolution.
If you don't care, then why are you posting here at all. Especially with comments that basically state "who cares about the topic of this thread?"
RayAmerica says
In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.
Attention Ukey Nazi Fluffers! ^^^^^
Show me any evidence of a good faith offer?
Because I see dip shits arguing here over a region that has been in flux for centuries. So who fucking cares. You're all wrong 100%.
WookieMan says
Because I see dip shits arguing here over a region that has been in flux for centuries. So who fucking cares. You're all wrong 100%.
Right. Still hasn't answered my question. If you don't fucking care, then why bitch? And why should any of us bother with what you say?
I'm pointing out how dumb some people look talking about this topic.
WookieMan says
I said WHO... again WHO fucking cares.
So what? Doesn't answer the question.
I made a statement that answered your question.
We need THIS hemisphere coordinated and working together and fuck the other side of the globe. They're fucking idiots. Have been forever.
How did that Ukraine War Go?
This was one of the Globalist’s big plays. But what was the objective, really? To “weaken Russia?” Or to exhaust the United States of money, armaments, and the will to act as the world hegemon, while at the same time destroying what’s left of Europe’s economy and culture? If that was the aim, it was a whopping success. In terms of our country’s own interest, the Ukraine project was a completely unnecessary failed enterprise of epic foolishness.
The so-called “free world” was unbothered by Ukraine during the decades it was a province of the Soviet Union, nor during centuries prior when it was a backwater of the Romanov monarchy. Ukraine didn’t cause any problems for us, or anybody else all that time, nor after the Soviet collapse when it became a sovereign state. We made it a problem in 2014 by mounting the color revolution against President Viktor Yanukovych and then installing a set of puppet presidents who we directed to antagonize the Russian-speaking people of Ukraine’s Donbas region.
We adopted the stupid plan to try and enlist Ukraine into NATO, when Russia made it clear that was unacceptable. We persisted and prodded Ukraine to attack Donbas with rockets and artillery for eight years, and blew off the Minsk accord that would have settled the Ukraine-in-NATO quarrel. And finally, the Russians had enough and moved militarily to assert the proposition that Ukraine was and remains within their sphere-of-influence — just as we claim the countries of Latin America are in ours under the Monroe Doctrine.
After two years of real shootin’ war, Ukraine’s death toll is around half a million; Russia’s is way less than that, and altogether, including refugees who left, Ukraine has lost nearly half its population, formerly 32-million. The Russians are firmly in control of the battle space now. They have reserve troops, armaments and equipment, and a substantial arms manufacturing infrastructure to back that up. The Ukrainians are left with just about nothing. It’s only a question of time before Ukraine will have to seek terms for concluding this fiasco. The USA is currently pretending to shift to a stance that would join whatever that negotiation amounts to, but we have no leverage left in the matter. The upshot is another military humiliation for America on “Joe Biden’s” watch. I believe President Putin will resist the urge to rub it in — for the simple reason, as any reader of history knows, that the victor must give the loser a way out, to save face, or at least pretend to. If I were Mr. Putin, I would be respectful of America’s current deeply psychotic condition.
The news media has already pretty much memory-holed Ukraine. It’s off the front page and the first ten minutes of CNN. Two years ago, the US propaganda-industrial complex ramped up vast sentiment for helping Ukraine in its supposedly valiant struggle. $200-billion later we have zip to show for it. Now everyone sees what actually happened and recognizes it as just another trademark “Joe Biden” disaster. There are no blue and yellow Ukraine flags still hanging from the porches and windows here. It’s over.
WookieMan says
I made a statement that answered your question.
All you do is helicopter into threads and post crap that clearly shows you didn't even read the topic/title of said thread, read what was discussed, say/bitch about things out of context and then get pissed when called out on it.
at no point has a user here said Ukraine isn't fucked.
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