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LOL, sure Jan.Which part of my statement warrants the condescension? Or you are using it to dismiss something that you can't debate?
You know, I'm always happy to rub someone into the doo-doo that they leave behind.
Getting frustrated, hmmm?About what? I challenged your statement, you have no answer, and I'm frustrated?
Which part of my statement warrants the condescension?
My track record here is nearly perfect, in terms of predictions and reports. I earlier explained how to tell if your process holds water. That was apparently wasted on you.
This is why I don't take you very seriously.Go back and find a fact that I declared that turned out inaccurate. You may go longer than 48 hours. I doubt that you can.
Eric Holder saysMinime saysIm from Ukraine and have relatives and friends in there. I can tell you that most people dont give a shit who rules them. All they want is prosperity and peace.
According to my colleagues in Ukraine this is the type of people they call "wata" ("cotton"?) there. =)) Nobody said these types don't exist - they do, but it was great miscalculation by Putin to assume they are in the majority. Apparently they are not.
It's OK, we had fucking loyalists during American Revolutionary War too.
PS. And how's that "prosperity and peace" going on for the Putin's subjects?
There are wars worth fighting for and then there are wars for power. If you cant tell difference between those then you either young or full of shit. This war sold to young generation as for freedom. If you t...
Does it matter if there's multiple people playing the part?
Biden is obviously a puppet. It doesn't even matter if he's a CGI deep fake.
Looks like Russia is dialing back expectations claiming Kiev and other major cities were never the goal. Looks like Russia might be pushed out of Kherson too.LOLwhat? Start a major invasion from 6 directions, lose more troops, tanks and aircraft than in 10 years of Afghan war, displace 10 million people, kill God knows how many civilians and get hit with major sanctions only to get what you already had - a useless sliver of Ukrainian territory with some non-functioning old coal mines and chemical plants? This is the smartest plan in the history of smart plans! Smarter even than that gnome underwear plan. How's the fuck is this any better than what they had on Feb 23, 2022? Same fucking Dumb_ass under control, but no sanctions and the whole world oblivious to how really fucked up their military is. PUTIN! SO! SMART!
"Russia had never intended to capture Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities, the generals said - these are not setbacks in other words, it's all part of the plan. And the plan was to distract Ukrainian forces while Russia/ Donetsk/ Luhansk made territorial gains in the east."
socal2 saysOnvacation saysSome folks don't like being manipulated by propaganda.
Yeah - It is tough to know what to believe.
Not really. Whatever our government is promoting is the wrong thing to support. That's pretty much been the rule for 20 years.
Were they right about any of the wars?
Were they right about bailing out the criminals on wall street in 2007 and 2008 instead of prosecuting them?
Were they right about passing the ACA that only made it illegal not to carry health insurance, and imposed a $2,000 fine on those that couldn't afford it?
Were they right about LGBTQ+ advocacy?
Were they right to overthrow Ukraine?
Were they right about abortion - up to the day of birth?
Were they right about sars-cov2-19 being a pandemic?
Were they right about the vaccines?
Were ...
- Chubais, one of the closest Putin comrades and Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Relations with International Organisations, left his office and jumped the ship. He was seen in Turkey. If you don't understand what that means you don't understand anything.
- Elvira Nabiullina, Russian head of the Central Bank, has requested to be relieved of her office. The request was denied. This is the unquestionable part. The part which is likely but for which I can't point to a public source is the following: it happened twice, and after the second time she was told that the only way she's leaving is through the penitentiary system for her and her family.
Go back and find a fact that I declared that turned out inaccurate. You may go longer than 48 hours. I doubt that you can.
While you don't take me seriously, here are couple more facts I didn't yet see reported here:
- Chubais, one of the closest Putin comrades and Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Relations with International Organisations, left his office and jumped the ship. He was seen in Turkey. If you don't understand what that means you don't understand anything.
- Elvira Nabiullina, Russian head of the Central Bank, has requested to be relieved of her office. The request was denied. This is the unquestionable part. The part which is likely but for which I can't point to a public source is the following: it happened twice, and after the second time she was told that the only way she's leaving is through the penitentiary system for her and her family.
Ukraine is the 4th most corrupt country in the world. Russia is the 7th.
AmericanKulak saysUkraine is the 4th most corrupt country in the world. Russia is the 7th.
By whose measure?
This is the dullest and oldest trick out there, flip the responsibility onto me to debunk you.That's how arguments work: if you claim or imply something, you need to back it up. It IS your responsibility.
I saw how you tried to maintain the fiction that Masks worked on a public health level by dismissing real world empirical data and clinging to controlled laboratory experiments.
ou show up when the Narrative needs to be Defended
Eric Holder saysAmericanKulak saysUkraine is the 4th most corrupt country in the world. Russia is the 7th.
By whose measure?
Ernst and Young in 2012..
That's how arguments work: if you claim or imply something, you need to back it up. It IS your responsibility.mostly reader says
That's how arguments work: if you claim or imply something, you need to back it up. It IS your responsibility.
You dismissed my statement, I challenged you on that. With predictable result.
Now you are outright lying. I remember that argument. Where did I try to maintain a fiction? Be specific. I say - your reading comprehension is not my problem.
I mostly show up on 3 occasions:
- when I can be of help and I don't see that help coming from someone else
- when I must engage in a dialog to learn something
- when someone says something outrageously stupid and untrue about a cause for which I care. It has nothing to do with narrative. I just know it for a fact that those who defend this invasion are blowing the trumpet for the worst of the scum that there is.
There's one more, when someone lends advice which may cause bodily harm. This hasn't yet happened here AFAIR. One instance was somewhat close, but not close enough to pass the criteria.
There's a thread on it, not too long ago, maybe a couple of weeks back. We had a discussion on YOU providing evidence that masks work in the real world, and you provided nothing but controlled experiments in labs.Because! That! Was! My! Initial! Statement! To which everyone in the right mind should agree - that masks work in controlled environment. It was never meant to be extended to anything other than that. Of course I didn't provide real world evidence, I never was in that conversation and I never defended that position. "I gracefully decline the invitation to join your hallucination".
Ain't you a hero?
Because! That! Was! My! Initial! Statement! To which everyone in the right mind should agree - that masks work in controlled environment. It was never meant to be extended to anything other than that. Of course I didn't provide real world evidence, I never was in that conversation and I never defended that position. "I gracefully decline the invitation to join your hallucination".
You made a comment - I answered. Is there a problem? Apparently there is. Sorry about shattering your little world.
But hey, look, there's a Nazi under your bed!
BTW, I used this last line under other circumstances and didn't expect that I'd have a chance to use it here.
And my statement was Public Health. What works in a lab doesn't always translate to the real world, whether engineering or biology, as IRL is a messy place.
You're way too full of yourself, which is why I dismiss you.
So you decided that I argued against your point and made a fool of yourself. Got it.
This doesn't provide any information.It sure does. It invites a discussion about a possible disconnect, at the very least.
You're just declaring victory because you always want to be in an argument, and not a discussion.
You've shown no capacity to think or to absorb information, or to digest what you didn't previously know.
richwicks saysYou're just declaring victory because you always want to be in an argument, and not a discussion.
I'm declaring the victory because it's warranted. If you crap your pants I may pretend that it didn't happen if I like you. Or not if I don't.
there are no good sidesCut the crap, comrade. You've been hanging off of Putler's nuts too long to pull off this mask of impartiality.
richwicks saysthere are no good sidesCut the crap, comrade.
You've been hanging off of Putler's nuts too long to pull off this mask of impartiality.
"Comrade" - the Irony.At least you understand that there's no irony in "Cut the crap".
You can do better than this. This is lazy of you.It's not lazy, it's adequate.
richwicks saysYou can do better than this. This is lazy of you.It's not lazy, it's adequate.
You've been pushing blatant pro-Russian propaganda here
Please Clap.
Leaked stories from the Pentagon have exposed how mainstream media reports Russia’s conduct in the Ukraine war, in a bid to counter propaganda intended to get NATO into the conflict
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