Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   432,265 views  4,178 comments

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3982   stereotomy   2024 Jun 14, 2:52pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

WookieMan says

This also is all assuming Ukraine didn't hold back some nukes from the 90's

Nukes they never had the control codes for anyway?

Control codes? The Soviets didn't have any control codes, nor did the US for that matter until the late 60's/early 70's. The only controls were men who were charged with ending the world if necessary, and the burden of that decision. That's the way it's always been, absent the "WOPR."
3983   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 14, 3:47pm  

stereotomy says

Control codes? The Soviets didn't have any control code

Yes they did.
3984   Patrick   2024 Jun 15, 8:11pm  


Yesterday the corporate media platforms widely ran a story that was remarkable for the fact it was covered at all. The BBC’s article was headlined, “Vladimir Putin lays out terms for Ukraine ceasefire.” That headline, omitting Putin’s presidential title, was the least dismissive of the crop of one-sided reporting on the Russian President’s remarks.

To get the full picture, we must first consider the competing narrative. Also yesterday, the Guardian UK headlined, “World leaders to gather in Swiss resort in attempt to forge Ukraine peace plan.” Sounds promising, right? Everyone is on the same peace page, and so forth.

Sadly, no. It’s 2024. What do you expect?

Russia was not invited to the Swiss peace conference (why invite Russia?). China and India were no-shows. And just wait till you see the top talent attending for America. And I hate to bring this up, it being such a sore subject, but Zelensky isn’t even a proper president anymore, not since his term expired last month amidst cancelled elections.

But nevermind all those problems. Ukraine is holding the taxpayer-funded, critically important “peace conference” at the most expensive, five-star place they could find, of course, since these days bureaucrats and public servants must be feted like billionaires to get any work out of them...

Here’s the Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne website. It looks very nice. Rooms start at around $2,000 a night and skyrocket from there.


... The conference’s goal is … a joint communique! A ‘communique’ is much better, much fancier, and much more expensive than some silly press release.

Communiques can only be developed in five-star resorts on Swiss mountaintops, after spa treatments, stuffed game hens, and high-tech pagan potlach rituals.

While they’re at it, they should let Kamala dictate the communique. It would be even more effective in her … unique voice.

Either way. Swathes of lucky bureaucrats will enjoy a free Swiss vacation on your nickel today. And then, some staffer will type up a copy-pasted letter arguing, once again, that Russia is bad and NATO will keep fighting to the last Ukrainian! (In other words, according to the warbloggers, not for very much longer.)

Next, the Guardian openly admitted that the peace conference’s intended work product “is not seen as advancing peace in itself.” So, it’s a peace conference that is also a non-peace conference. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Warmongering meeting is peace conference.

They’re not even hoping to get closer to peace. That’s not even on the agenda. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what top international government dollar buys you these days. I blame shrinkflation.

Finally, the Guardian frankly conceded that the whole thing is just a political stunt: “it will be seen as a success for Volodymyr Zelensky.” Seen. Seen as a success. In other words, not any actual success. Just optics.

And, haha, the Guardian’s article never called him president Zelensky. He’s just Zelensky now.

This brings us back to the top, the BBC article about Putin’s proposed peace plan. Yesterday, the Russian President — who was re-elected before his term expired — got out in front of the Swiss non-peace conference by outlining achievable, practical, realistic terms for a long-term cease-fire.

Unlike the non-peace peace conference, Putin actually described a path to de-escalation.

Putin’s proposal was simple and had only two conditions: First, Ukraine would withdraw all its troops from the four disputed regions Russia already controls. President Putin did not say those areas would become Russian. Second, Ukraine must agree to stop trying to join NATO. That’s it.

If Ukraine agrees to those two conditions, Russia will suspend all military activity indefinitely, and will begin diplomatically negotiating a permanent peace.

While Putin did describe Russia’s demands for the permanent peace deal, he also said they were prepared to negotiate, which in diplomatic-speak means there is some flexibility. In other words, you can’t expect Putin to make Russia’s best offer before negotiations begin.

The bottom line is Ukrainians could stop dying right now. Putin’s demand for Ukraine to withdraw from the contested territories has precedent: in 2022, Ukraine, guided by the Americans, insisted Russia withdraw from Kiev before negotiating a cease fire, which Russia did (Ukraine just used the time to reinforce its military and break the deal).

For a counterpoint to Western reports about Putin’s comments, here is the Russian TASS story about the proposal, filed yesterday under the headline, “Russia makes another real peace proposal to Kiev — Putin.”


... What’s obvious is that neither Ukraine nor its Western allies want peace. Besides luxuriously treating themselves to fine wines and scenic getaways with our money, their singular goal remains: to badly beat Russia, leading to regime change.

We’ll see what kind of ‘peace formula’ the Burgenstock Resort conference produces. I’m not holding my breath.
3985   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 17, 8:27am  

The scam socal2 and Eman push on PatNet.
3986   Patrick   2024 Jun 17, 2:51pm  


You realize, don’t you, that everything going on around the Ukraine fiasco on the NATO side is completely insane? The folks running the US government — Barack Obama and his witches’ coven — started the whole thing over there in concert with a gang of corporate players (BlackRock, sundry oil-and-gas companies, Haliburton types, arms-makers, bunch of big banks), plus the dastardly WEF for “guidance” (ha!), looking to grab the mineral wealth of Ukraine and, ultimately, of Russia itself. Nice try. Didn’t work out. Tons of money pounded down a rat hole.

Now, the chatter is that we (NATO) “can’t afford to lose.” Yeah? But we’re losing. Russia will hold the eastern Ukraine provinces and what’s left in the rest of Ukraine will be a failed state drained of men under sixty able to work at anything, bankrupt, broken. It will take a century, if ever, for Ukraine to recover from all that and the West will have gained nothing. Anyway, that’s the true prospect. And so, the West’s “solution” to that humiliating quandary appears to be: start a bigger war, right up to and including nukes. ...

Why the European members of NATO wanted to go along with this nickel-plated clusterfuck is an abiding puzzle of history now, like who exactly bumped off JFK in 1963. Germany, the Euro club’s biggest economy, stood by listlessly while America blew up its supply of affordable natgas (the Nord Stream pipelines), which was an act of war by us against Germany. Apparently, Olaf Scholz went to our CIA station in Berlin for a haircut one day and came out with a lobotomy, staring blankly through the whole affair like a Hinterwälder steer on the killing floor. Meanwhile, goodbye industrial economy! Nice knowing you. Looks like it’s back to the fourteenth century, living on rough black bread, sleeping with the cattle under your house for heat in winter, fighting jihadis inside your town walls. . . .
3987   Ceffer   2024 Jun 17, 3:46pm  

It only appears to be insane because of the inhuman destructiveness, which most 'normal' people would believe should lead to restraint and wisdom of all these 'smart guys' playing five dimensional chess. As a programmed schedule of mass murder for account holder harvests and re-ordering of the survivors, it isn't insane at all, it is part of their plan.
3988   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 17, 4:47pm  

But..but..socal2 says....
3990   Patrick   2024 Jun 20, 8:51am  


Now that Russia has been sanctioned into the same pariah-state status as Cuba and North Korea, it has nothing at all to lose from partnering up with them. Not only that, but right after Joe Biden green-lighted Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to attack Russia’s cities two weeks ago, President Putin responded by warning that two could play at that game: Russia could arm U.S. enemies too.

Now he’s doing it. Why the neocons stubbornly ignore Putin’s warnings like a basket of deaf adders is a mystery for the ages.

In other words, decades of post-communist progress in knitting Russia into the Western international order was thrown overboard in two short years by the deranged Biden Administration. Sanctions had turned defiant Cuba and North Korea into third-world non-threats. Now the engine of U.S. opposition is running backwards. ...

Finally, trust in the U.S. seems generally to have drained down to low tide. In Taiwan-crisis news, this week China accused Biden of trying to provoke a war there. ...

One would find President Xi’s claim laughable, except, well, you know. Maybe it was that “hellscape” crack.

Scientists would need an electron microscope to detect any trace of success in Biden’s pugilistic foreign policy. In other words, outside the U.S., Biden is failing everywhere his neocon ambassadors have been dispatched.

At least President Xi seems to be acting rationally. The other non-Western world leaders also seem wise and temperate compared to the Former Vice-President, whose main form of slurred speech consists of wearing aviator sunglasses indoors and pounding the podium like a certain mustachioed 1930’s chancellor I won’t mention.

In two years, Biden’s neocon foreign policy, which was designed to abolish Russia, has instead created the Russian superstate the neocons have always feared. Increasingly, Russia, its allies, and its BRICS replacement system seem to the world to be a plausible, more sane alternative than the existing U.S. order with its dilapidated, dementia-addled leadership.

It is difficult to imagine a more spectacular failure.
3992   WookieMan   2024 Jun 20, 1:20pm  

The_Deplorable says


One of the dumbest things I've read. Biden is a dumpster fire, but there are higher up's that will make decisions. Putin cannot even win a neighboring land battle. Lobbing nukes literally will kill him and all his citizens. What good does that do? Veiled threats are a pussy backed into a corner. Just do it if you can. He won't.
3993   Ceffer   2024 Jun 20, 1:44pm  

Satan says "Perfect". This is the vision they have for USA: a bloody battle field of demon sacrifices, criminal enterprise, human vivisections for fun and profit, overseen by Satanic priesthood and prison camp guards. Why else would our pedovore politicians be supporting it?

3994   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 20, 8:20pm  

WookieMan says
"Biden is a dumpster fire, but there are higher up's that will make decisions."

Higher than the President of the United States? Such as who?
3997   socal2   2024 Jun 21, 11:29am  

How much land has Russia gained this year to justify their massive losses of life and material?

Putin is going around North Korea, China and Vietnam with his tin cup this week and threatening nukes again, so probably not so well.

*Russian Losses in Ukraine on Course To Far Outstrip 2023 Total*

3998   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 21, 11:38am  

socal2 says

How much land has Russia gained this year to justify their massive losses of life and material?

Putin is going around North Korea, China and Vietnam with his tin cup this week and threatening nukes again, so probably not so well.

*Russian Losses in Ukraine on Course To Far Outstrip 2023 Total


Wrong thread. Should be in https://patrick.net/post/1344073/

Like 90% of your comments on this topic.
3999   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 21, 12:37pm  

socal2 says
"How much land has Russia gained this year to justify their massive losses of life and
material?... *Russian Losses in Ukraine on Course To Far Outstrip 2023 Total*

socal2, William Shakespeare called this "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Today we call it a Globalist wet dream.
4000   socal2   2024 Jun 21, 1:15pm  

The_Deplorable says

Today we call it a Globalist wet dream.

Global Homo Satanists preventing Russia's conquest of Ukraine!

Seriously, is Russia better off militarily or strategically today than they were at this time last year (let alone before the war)?
4001   The_Deplorable   2024 Jun 21, 1:56pm  

socal2 says
"Seriously, is Russia better off militarily or strategically today than they were
at this time last year (let alone before the war)?"

Yes. In fact, Russia defeated the Globalists in Ukraine and this wiped out the unipolar world order.

And please note: A military defeat has consequences. Pretending that you didn't lose will not change the fact.

Finally, look at the reality of the ground. Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia - along with Crimea - the
entire Ukranian military front has collapsed and the Ukranian army is now surrendering by the thousands.
4002   socal2   2024 Jun 21, 2:36pm  

The_Deplorable says

Finally, look at the reality of the ground. Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia - along with Crimea - the
entire Ukranian military front has collapsed and the Ukranian army is now surrendering by the thousands.

Russia already had Crimea before the war and what are you smoking to claim that Ukraine front line is collapsing?

Russia has thrown tens of thousands of bodies at Kharkiv in the past month and their offensive has stalled and Russia has already given up much of the little gains they made in the North.

Russia has half the population of the US and they have lost more troops in a week then the US lost in 20+ years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you really think they can continue to lose thousands of troops each week on this unnecessary war?

4003   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Jun 21, 2:59pm  

socal that’s nato propaganda. where we need to send more because ukraine is about to lose, and simultaneously russia is losing. you believe what you want to believe, however it is a facade.
4004   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 21, 3:11pm  

The_Deplorable says

Yes. In fact, Russia defeated the Globalists in Ukraine and this wiped out the unipolar world order.

And please note: A military defeat has consequences. Pretending that you didn't lose will not change the fact.

Finally, look at the reality of the ground. Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia - along with Crimea - the
entire Ukranian military front has collapsed and the Ukranian army is now surrendering by the thousands.

Reality has no place on socal2's world, it seems.
4005   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 21, 3:12pm  

socal2 says

what are you smoking to claim that Ukraine front line is collapsing?


You should smoke it sometime.
4008   Booger   2024 Jun 22, 6:18pm  

That agreement we had to not expand NATO was with the Soviet Union, not Russia. If that excuse is valid for the Soviets not paying their WW1 debts, then it works both ways.
4009   HeadSet   2024 Jun 22, 6:56pm  

Booger says

That agreement we had to not expand NATO was with the Soviet Union, not Russia. If that excuse is valid for the Soviets not paying their WW1 debts, then it works both ways.

Sorry, but that is lame logic. The early USSR did not assume the WW1 Russian Empire debts, but the Russian Federation did assume the obligations of the defunct USSR. And why was not NATO disbanded? After all, NATO was set up to counter the USSR, which ceased to exist.
4011   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 7:22pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"Biden is a dumpster fire, but there are higher up's that will make decisions."

Higher than the President of the United States? Such as who?

Larry Fink, for one.
4012   WookieMan   2024 Jun 22, 8:56pm  

Patrick says

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"Biden is a dumpster fire, but there are higher up's that will make decisions."

Higher than the President of the United States? Such as who?

Larry Fink, for one.

I assumed this was in jest/sarcasm on Deplorable's end. Anyone that thinks THIS POTUS, is in charge is not right in the head. Could probably name 20 background actors. Biden is basically dead.
4013   RayAmerica   2024 Jun 23, 12:57pm  

Seriously. Can you honestly blame them?

Over 100 draft dodgers try to flee Ukraine daily – official

Most of the fugitives are caught by on-duty officers, the head of a Border Service department has said

Over 100 Ukrainians attempt to flee the country every day by various routes in an effort to escape mobilization, a senior Border Service official has said, admitting that the real number could be even higher.

In an interview with the news agency Unian on Saturday, Igor Matviychuk, who heads the Border Service’s Control Department, said that this figure includes both those who try to leave Ukraine by illegally making their way through checkpoints and those who seek to cross through poorly guarded terrain in the wilderness.

Matviychuk also noted that the statistics include either those detained by Ukrainian patrols and officials, or those reported by foreign authorities. He stated that most draft dodgers are being caught, but that this offense is punishable only by a fine. However, Matviychuk added that those who mastermind schemes to help Ukrainian men illegally leave the country could face criminal charges.

The official’s comments come as Ukrainian journalist Vitaly Glagola reported that the Ukrainian authorities on Friday detained an organized group of as many as 47 men attempting to flee the country for Moldova in Odessa Region in what appears to be the largest single arrest of draft evaders since the start of the conflict.

Ukraine announced a general mobilization shortly after the hostilities with Russia began, barring most categories of men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country. However, this effort has been marred by widespread graft and draft-dodging. More recently, faced with mounting battlefield losses, Kiev passed a law that lowered the draft age from 27 to 25 and another that significantly tightened mobilization rules.

At the same time, attempts to escape mobilization have proven fatal in some cases. Ukraine’s Border Service said earlier this month that more than 45 Ukrainian men had died in rough terrain while fleeing the country, adding that a significant portion of them drowned in the Tisza River, which flows through southwestern Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Serbia.

The agency also admitted last week that its operatives had resorted to firing shots to stop draft dodgers from fleeing the country.
4017   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 4:17pm  


Pursuant to Biden’s new policy allowing Ukraine to fire U.S.-supplied weapons into Russian territory, on Sunday Ukraine fired U.S. ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol. The missiles were equipped with cluster bombs, which are designed only to kill unarmored personnel, meaning people, not tanks or planes or bases or anything.

Just about every country on Earth, except a very few like North Korea and the United States, believes using cluster bombs is a war crime.

Most of Ukraine’s missiles aimed at the Russian city were intercepted by Russia’s air defenses. But one exploded over a crowded beach, causing scores of deaths and hundreds of injuries, including dozens of children.

The pictures are awful.

Ukraine fanatics will argue whataboutism, or say it’s only fair since Russia attacked them first, or something similarly myopic. The main difference is Russia is a near-peer, first world, nuclear armed adversary. As much as Ukrainian die-hards would love to see the U.S. and Russia trade nukes, that will teach them!, the rest of us would prefer not to have to start building bunkers and stocking bugout bags.

Make no mistake. We will pay a price for this. According to the UK Daily Mail, Russia summoned the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow, Lynne Tracy, and warned her that the attack would “not go unpunished. Retaliatory measures will definitely follow.” Americans will likely die so that the Ukrainians can temporarily enjoy a little Schadenfreudey, Pyrrhic victory against unarmed non-combatants on a beach in Russia. ...

I keep asking, where is Congress? Those chickenhawks should either officially declare war, or else shut this down before things get any hotter. Whatever game Biden thinks he’s playing, maybe tic-tac-toe, it isn’t worth it.

Congress is owned by Raytheon and the Epstein pictures.
4018   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 4:27pm  


Are you willing to die, along with your entire family and everyone you’ve ever known, to restore the 1961 borders of Ukraine instead of reaching a compromise and a ceasefire in its war with Russia? How about to ensure that LGBT ideology advances in Catholic Poland? Do you support the German establishment’s efforts to outlaw its most popular, patriotic political party? Or the EU’s blackmail of Hungary, fining it millions of dollars a day as long as it refuses to cede control of its immigration policy to Brussels?

Because those are the de facto missions of NATO, and the European Union which it protects with billions of borrowed U.S. dollars. Rather than having those nations spend money on their own defense, they can spend ours to censor their media, persecute biblical preachers who object to trans ideology, prosecute homeschoolers, and seize land from farmers in the name of preventing “climate change.” ...

The anti-Christian oligarchs who rule Western Europe, increasingly despite the will of those countries’ peoples, rely on the NATO alliance to secure their independence with the threat that the United States will launch a suicidal nuclear war in defense of (you name the place: Turkey, Latvia, Finland, etc.). In theory, if Turkey went to war with Greece (not an absurd scenario at this point) we’d be committed to fight for each side against the other.

4019   socal2   2024 Jun 25, 4:30pm  

Patrick says

Just about every country on Earth, except a very few like North Korea and the United States, believes using cluster bombs is a war crime.

But it is OK to use them on their own soil (Crimea) to defend themselves from illegal invaders.

When Ukraine starts spamming Russian civilian centers with massive rocket attacks like Russia has been doing to Ukrainian cities for the past 3 years, then they will be even.

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