Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   432,266 views  4,178 comments

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2268   richwicks   2023 May 10, 4:39am  

WookieMan says

Modern systems are intuitive so they're easy to learn. If a teenager can fly planes with no training it doesn't take a whole lot.

You think they stand a chance against an experienced pilot?

WookieMan says

Firing a gun is trivial.

Clear a jam.

WookieMan says

We've had legit retarded people mow down kids and high schoolers at Columbine.

Ever heard of McNamara’s Morons?

WookieMan says

Again, I don't condone the war, but it's better than sending our men over there regardless.

Ever consider the possibility that there's a 5th column that's kept us in 20 years of war to ensure our government collapses? Who the fuck started this conflict? The Neocons did, the "ex" Marxists. Leo Strauss began it.
2269   The_Deplorable   2023 May 10, 9:30am  

WookieMan says
"Russia has already lost."

If Russia lost, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!

Russia is losing by advancing into Ukraine?

For your information: In war, the victor gains territory and the defeated side loses territory.
2270   socal2   2023 May 10, 9:37am  

The_Deplorable says

If Russia lost, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!

If Russia won, then how come they lost all the land they conquered earlier in their invasion?

If Russia won, how come NATO has now expanded right on their border?

If Russia won, how come their military is now shown to the World to be an international laughing stock of incompetency, corruption and brutality?

2271   WookieMan   2023 May 10, 9:43am  

The_Deplorable says

If Russia lost, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!

You don't understand the term loss. It's not about territory. It's about politics. Russia didn't want NATO. Well they got it. They wanted a land bridge to Crimea, still don't have it, at least not secured. Sanctions out the ass, yup. Can't sell gas to one of their biggest customers, check... nope. Mercenaries defecting against a non-existent Ukrainian military. In what way is Russia winning??

I'm not biased. I frankly don't give a shit about either side. It's a stupid war and I don't care what happened in 2014. Russia was planning this all along. NATO has and never has had offensive positions about territory. Russia was never in harms way from the west. Ever. I'll be blunt, you're a fucking idiot if you thought that. Russia has NOW made that more of a probability that they will get attacked.
2272   The_Deplorable   2023 May 10, 9:54am  

socal2 says
"If Russia won, then how come they lost all the land they conquered earlier in their invasion?"

Tactical defensive moves are not loss of land. Again, If Russia is losing, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!

socal2 says
"If Russia won, how come NATO has now expanded right on their border?"

The US and NATO are suffering a massive humiliating defeat in Ukraine.

socal2 says
"If Russia won, how come their military is now shown to the World to be an international laughing stock of incompetency, corruption and brutality?"

socal2, follow the evidence, not the propaganda.
2273   richwicks   2023 May 10, 10:11am  

The_Deplorable says

socal2 says

"If Russia won, then how come they lost all the land they conquered earlier in their invasion?"

Tactical defensive moves are not loss of land. Again, If Russia is losing, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!

socal2 says

"If Russia won, how come NATO has now expanded right on their border?"

The US and NATO are suffering a massive humiliating defeat in Ukraine.

socal2 says

"If Russia won, how come their military is now shown to the World to be an international laughing stock of incompetency, corruption and brutality?"

socal2, follow the evidence, not the propaganda.

Why argue about this bullshit?

At the end, the US will claim victory, and Russia will also claim victory, absolutely regardless of the outcome.

But wait for the outcome.

I predict the war will go on for years, that the Ukrainian army will be destroyed, that it will cost over 1/2 trillion dollars of US "aid", that Ukraine will end up a land locked nation (what's left of it), and even that NATO might break up.

But... we'll see.

Ever wonder why we never have a clear mission statement for a war? I mean, Afghanistan was about getting binLaden, even after he was dead. Going to Iraq was about ending a weapons of mass destruction program, even when it was clear there wasn't one. Still, the wars went on WELL after mission accomplished. Why? In the history books, it will be recorded as wins by the United States - we don't know the real purpose of the wars.
2274   Patrick   2023 May 10, 2:35pm  


RFK explained:

That’s what Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in 2022, our objective is to exhaust and degrade Russian forces so they cannot fight anywhere else. President Biden acknowledged that one of his objectives in the war was regime change in Russia and removing Vladimir Putin. If those are the objectives, that is the opposite of a humanitarian mission. That is a mission to maximize casualties to prolong the war. It’s essentially a war of attrition, and that’s what we are seeing, and the brunt of this is being paid by the flower of Ukrainian youth.…
What we’re doing in Ukraine is not good for the Ukrainian people. We have killed 300,000 Ukrainian troops and 14,000 civilians in a neocon geopolitical machination - in our own plot to try to get rid of Putin and exhaust the Russian army - and we’re sacrificing the Ukrainian people in that vanity.
2275   The_Deplorable   2023 May 10, 4:58pm  

richwicks says
"At the end, the US will claim victory, and Russia will also claim victory, absolutely regardless of the outcome... I predict the war will go on for years..."

No, a US and NATO defeat in Ukraine has consequences that are already taking place. A US and NATO defeat means the collapse of NATO, the end of the unipolar world order, the emergence of a multipolar world order, the collapse of the dollar as an international currency with the ruble and yuan taking its place, the emergence of BRICS as a financial power etc. etc...

Most of the above are happening right now...

The fact that the Globalists are whistling in the dark and ignoring their defeat in Ukraine does not change the fact.

The era of bombing Serbia without rhyme or reason, invading Iraq based on a pack of lies, the murder of Gaddafi in Libya, the attempted regime change in Syria etc etc is over.
2276   richwicks   2023 May 11, 7:54am  

The_Deplorable says

The era of bombing Serbia without rhyme or reason, invading Iraq based on a pack of lies, the murder of Gaddafi in Libya, the attempted regime change in Syria etc etc is over.

Well, I hope so.

I oppose the last 20 years of war that the US has been in, simply because they are morally wrong, the US wasn't justified in doing them, and it didn't help those nations in any way.

But ignoring the morality of it, even if I completely ignore that, they didn't help this nation in any way, it hurt this nation. I'm fed up with these assholes in power, and I know FULL WELL that you can't seem to get people angry or upset that we've been lied into these wars, but you might be able to get them angry when they're hungry and can blame the dickheads who STARTED these wars.
2277   socal2   2023 May 11, 9:09am  

The_Deplorable says

No, a US and NATO defeat in Ukraine has consequences that are already taking place. A US and NATO defeat means the collapse of NATO, the end of the unipolar world order, the emergence of a multipolar world order, the collapse of the dollar as an international currency with the ruble and yuan taking its place, the emergence of BRICS as a financial power etc. etc...

So we are clear.

Are You rooting for that result?

Do Americans (assuming you are American) really want to go back to a multipolar world and all of the war, violence and genocide that went with that?

I personally have been a big fan of Pax Americana and the masssive worldwide peace and prosperity it has provided the globe.

Yes there is corruption and it is far from perfect, but it is a better system than all of the current competitors who are vying for greater influence on the rest of us.

2278   richwicks   2023 May 11, 9:22am  

socal2 says

I personally have been a big fan of Pax Americana and the masssive worldwide peace and prosperity it has provided the globe.

We've been in 20 fucking years of wars, every single one of them started by lies and now WWIII is being threatened because Victoria Nuland from the same group of STUPID CUNTS that started the Iraq War after the US intelligence agencies destroyed the WTC building in a false flag attack, overthrew Ukraine.

How can you be so delusional?

socal2 says

Yes there is corruption and it is far from perfect, but it is a better system than all of the current competitors who are vying for greater influence on the rest of us.

The ONLY influence the US has comes at the end of a gun, or in the form of a bribe.

If the US had any fucking diplomats at all we'd have stayed out of most of, if not all the wars of the last 20 years, Ukraine wouldn't be a war, and US dominance wouldn't be threatened.

Americans let a bunch of Neocon motherfuckers destroy this country, or nearly destroy it. Americans let the intelligence agencies control, if not directly select, our "presidents".
2279   RWSGFY   2023 May 11, 9:26am  

Oh, noes:

Ukraine's military said Wednesday it had routed a Russian infantry unit and forced it to retreat from crucial ground around the eastern city. The claims were supported by the furious account of the mercenary chief whose fighters have led Russia's push for a symbolic victory there, and who has blamed Moscow's defense chiefs for the setbacks.

10 month storming that poor hamlet and now this? And to add insult to the injury Azov regiment is the one being credited for rhe routing of Red Army 72nd brigade. Should've put these Azov Nazis on trial when they had them!!!
2280   socal2   2023 May 11, 9:42am  

richwicks says

The ONLY influence the US has comes at the end of a gun, or in the form of a bribe.

Of course. That is pretty much how every nation state has peddled influence from the dawn of man. Despite America being involved in dozens of bushfire wars since WWII, it has managed to keep "The Rest of the World" much more peaceful and economically prosperous despite all the efforts of Marxists and Islamists trying to fuck everything up.

If America isn't pushing its influence, China, Russia and the Islamic nations are more than happy to fill in the gap.

America is far from perfect and has gotten a bit worse in recent years with all of the Woke B.S. we've been trying to push on everyone - but we are still light years ahead and better than the alternatives right now IMO.
2281   The_Deplorable   2023 May 11, 11:42am  

Earlier I wrote "A US and NATO defeat in Ukraine has consequences that are already taking place. A US and NATO defeat means the collapse of NATO, the end of the unipolar world order, the emergence of a multipolar world order, the collapse of the dollar as an international currency with the ruble and yuan taking its place, the emergence of BRICS as a financial power etc. etc..."

socal2 says

"So we are clear. Are You rooting for that result?"

You are changing the subject. I just gave you the consequences of a US and NATO defeat in Ukraine. I hope you are aware that words have meaning and actions have consequences. Pretending otherwise does not change the consequences.
2282   richwicks   2023 May 11, 11:59am  

socal2 says

Of course. That is pretty much how every nation state has peddled influence from the dawn of man.

No it's not.

In the 1950's the United States encouraged development, and made bilateral agreements that benefited both societies. Iran actually followed in our footsteps, nationalizing their own oil interests and negotiating with the British to pay for the fields they developed. Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh adopted our Constitution as their Constitution originally, and fought on the side of the allies during WWII. Liberia was created by the United States to repatriate slaves that wanted to go there, and it was all done through negotiation, not force.

socal2 says

Despite America being involved in dozens of bushfire wars since WWII, it has managed to keep "The Rest of the World" much more peaceful and economically prosperous despite all the efforts of Marxists and Islamists trying to fuck everything up.

No it hasn't. It stabbed Vietnam in the back, it overthrew Iran, then decided it was a GREAT idea to align themselves with every terrorist group in the Middle East to cause mayhem and chaos since the 1950's and to what end? How did the Vietnam war benefit the United States? Even the Korean war?

socal2 says

If America isn't pushing its influence, China, Russia and the Islamic nations are more than happy to fill in the gap.

China and Russia ARE pushing their influence through mutually beneficial trade agreements, like we used to do 80 years ago.

socal2 says

America is far from perfect and has gotten a bit worse in recent years with all of the Woke B.S. we've been trying to push on everyone - but we are still light years ahead and better than the alternatives right now IMO.

In what metric?

If the US kept it's fucking nose out of everybody's business, we'd be doing fine but Americans just talk about how great they are, and ignore corruption or just remain willfully ignorant and let it decay. This could have been stopped 20 years ago. The first thing we should have done once it was determined that the Bush administration lied about the weapons of mass destruction program, was impeach him, then hang the fucker. He's a high treasonous traitor.

We don't have to worry about "foreign enemies", that's the whole point of making a nuclear arsenal. We have to worry about domestic ones, which most Americans just pretend don't fucking exist. Well, they exist. Our current situation right now, is a result of 30 years of having these domestic enemies concentrate EXCLUSIVELY on foreign policy (and horrificaly bad foreign policy at that) while ignoring every and all domestic problems. These mother fuckers hooked up with China, a country that uses slave labor, to become our manufacturing base and now that we're dependent on it, the same SHITHEADS are talking about war with China. We are dependent on China, China is NOT dependent on us.

I don't mind a unipolar world, IF the leading country doesn't act like assholes and isn't controlled by sociopaths, but that's where we are now. Americans threw it away. We could have been the shining beacon on the hill, and we were once. That's what's so tragic. We were, unquestionably, the best nation this world has probably ever seen in modern history. It's one thing to make mistakes in judgement, it's another thing to repeat them for 70 years. They aren't mistakes, they are malice and now our government OPENLY ignores the Constitution, it's not Russia that is shutting down free speech in the United States, in fact, vk.com and Telegram are providing this.

How fucking ironic is that? The US destabilized the USSR extensively through Radio Free America, by just telling Soviet Citizens the truth. RT does this to us now and they have communication services that are outside of the control of the US. They are doing to us, what we once did to them, and what we did to them was justified and moral, and what they are doing to us, is also. They have a lot of problems in their nation, but so do we. I want our nation to return to being the shining light. What a traitor I am!
2283   The_Deplorable   2023 May 11, 12:39pm  

socal2 says:
"Do Americans (assuming you are American) really want to go back to a multipolar world and all of the war, violence and genocide that went with that?"

Your question is not based on fact because before the unipolar world order we did not have wars, violence and genocides. On the contrary, it is the unipolar world order that brought wars, violence and genocides:

Question: Did you agree with Madeleine Albright that it was ok to kill 500,000 children in Iraq? Was it socal2?


Question: Did you agree with Obama and Hillary to create ISIS and to arm, fund, and train these people? Did you socal2?


Question: Did you agree with Obama and Hillary to bomb Libya and kill Qadafi? Did you socal2?


Question: Did you agree with Obama to overthrow the democratically elected government of the Ukraine in 2014 and to install the current Nazi government of the Ukraine?

Question: Did you agree with Bill Clinton to bomb Serbia without rhyme or reason? Did you socal2?
2284   zzyzzx   2023 May 11, 4:20pm  


Poland reverts to historic name for Russia's Kaliningrad

From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec, based on the recommendation of the government commission for geographic names abroad.
2285   Ceffer   2023 May 11, 4:33pm  

zzyzzx says

Poland reverts to historic name for Russia's Kaliningrad

From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec

Because the old name wasn't generating enough tongue cramps in Westerners attempting the pronunciation.
2286   Booger   2023 May 13, 2:19pm  


Hitler receives a phonecall from Prigozhin
2287   HeadSet   2023 May 13, 7:09pm  

zzyzzx says

From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec, based on the recommendation of the government commission for geographic names abroad.

What is wrong with "East Prussia?"
2289   Ceffer   2023 May 14, 1:32pm  

Globalists with their USA murder monkeys want to seed the Ukrainian soil with radiation instead of salt. Depleted uranium if they can't inflict the DNA specific bioweapons, and provocation of the Russians to turn the scene of their crimes to glowing, radioactive ash so the crime scene evidence is hidden. Yeah, we are so proud that these entities want to rule our planet.

2290   Bd6r   2023 May 14, 2:28pm  

HeadSet says

zzyzzx says

From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec, based on the recommendation of the government commission for geographic names abroad.

What is wrong with "East Prussia?"

Semba, Notanga, Varme - any other name is unacceptable.
2291   Onvacation   2023 May 14, 8:10pm  

HeadSet says

What is wrong with "East Prussia?"

Danzig is Gdansk.
2292   stereotomy   2023 May 15, 8:37am  

Ceffer says

Globalists with their USA murder monkeys want to seed the Ukrainian soil with radiation instead of salt. Depleted uranium if they can't inflict the DNA specific bioweapons, and provocation of the Russians to turn the scene of their crimes to glowing, radioactive ash so the crime scene evidence is hidden. Yeah, we are so proud that these entities want to rule our planet.

Depleted uranium is uranium that has been stripped of its U235 isotope, so it is almost totally U238, which has a half-life of 4 billion years. It is thousands of times less radioactive than a banana (which has potassium 40). If there are any health risks, they are from heavy metal poisoning, not radioactivity.
2293   richwicks   2023 May 15, 11:41am  

stereotomy says

Depleted uranium is uranium that has been stripped of its U235 isotope, so it is almost totally U238, which has a half-life of 4 billion years. It is thousands of times less radioactive than a banana (which has potassium 40). If there are any health risks, they are from heavy metal poisoning, not radioactivity.

Depleted uranium vaporized into dust when it collides with a target. That's the problem with it. What makes it great is it's density - it's nearly as dense as gold.

Whatever, they're going to use it anyhow. Can't stop the sociopaths. DU is a radioactive waste, useless for anything else.
2294   The_Deplorable   2023 May 15, 12:17pm  

The US has no money for our borders, no money for our infrastructure but plenty
of billion$ for Ukraine and our kleptocracy.

2295   Ceffer   2023 May 15, 12:28pm  

We are being plundered by the criminal enterprises of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC to support their now obsolete criminal structures in Ukraine. What they really want is for Ukraine to be burned down to hide the histories of their criminal engines.
2297   Patrick   2023 May 17, 8:46pm  


The chief justice of Ukraine’s Supreme Court has just been arrested on corruption charges after he was caught accepting a $2.7 million bribe.

The head of the nation’s highest court, Vsevolod Kniaziev, has been detained by Ukrainian prosecutors, according to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO).

Long before Russia invaded, Ukraine was considered the most corrupt nation in Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine

Nevertheless, President Joe Biden and the Democrats have continued to gift Ukrainian leadership with over $110 billion in U.S. tax dollars and weapons.

Despite the obvious concerns with funneling so much cash to the country, the money has not been audited.

2298   Patrick   2023 May 17, 9:00pm  


He is at the centre of a wide search yet has managed to elude them all: London lawyers, the FBI, Ukrainian banks, the Russian secret services are all trying to pinpoint Igor Kolomoisky, who slipped off the radar at the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

What if the whole war is a sham orchestrated by Kolomoisky to use his leverage over Hunter and Joe to get $200 billion from US taxpayers?
2299   tomtomtom   2023 May 17, 10:22pm  

Patrick says

Keep your hands off the young democracy!
2300   richwicks   2023 May 18, 1:48pm  

Patrick says

What if the whole war is a sham orchestrated by Kolomoisky to use his leverage over Hunter and Joe to get $200 billion from US taxpayers?

No, the US has been pushing to run into conflict with Russia ever since Putin started to crack down on oligarchs in the country.

I'm sure the war has MANY motivations. If it was just Kolomoisky, he'd be dead.
2301   The_Deplorable   2023 May 18, 4:55pm  

Zelensky Finally Returns to Kiev

He is finally back home!

Right before the assassination attempt against Putin - over two weeks ago - Zelensky left Ukraine and did not return because he knew the Russians had a missile with his name on it.

So, why did he return now?

I suspect the US got the ok from Russia not to launch that missile...

In France a TV station described Zelensky’s Europe tour as a "travelling circus" - the most accurate description ever - and now he is demanding an apology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3PwtwQvGXc 215,000 views in 15 hours!

According to one of the comments "You only get an apology when you deserve one, not because you want one." Besides "Respect is not demanded, it is earned..."
2302   Patrick   2023 May 20, 9:51am  


KYIV — Following a successful first term as Chief Executive of the United States of America, Volodymyr Zelensky has officially announced plans to run for a second term as U.S. President.

His toughest rival is predicted to be Vladimir Putin, who served as U.S. President from 2016-2020.

"Today I am formally announcing plans to 'finish the job' as leader of the United States," said President Zelensky from the balcony of his $130 million Ukrainian mansion. "Only in America can a poor immigrant comedian achieve his lifelong dream of asking for like three thousand missiles and getting them in a week. I love America!"

Zelensky then listed the top agenda items he would implement during his second term as President:

Add more blue and yellow to the American Flag.
Declare all Russians poopy heads
Also, nuke Russia
Edit the Pledge of Allegiance to contain more off-color jokes
Pocket another $300 million

At publishing time, Volodymyr Zelensky had announced the first female Asian-American Vice Presidential running mate, Xi Jinping in a blonde wig.
2303   RWSGFY   2023 May 20, 10:57am  

Let us hear some "Reeeeee" now.
2304   Ceffer   2023 May 20, 11:04am  

Can children and old men operate those spiffy planes?
2305   RWSGFY   2023 May 20, 11:17am  

Ceffer says

Can children and old men operate those spiffy planes?

Are they harder to
operate than the rest of overhyped and fragile Western weaponry?

PS. Or was it just a "Reeeee!" in a form
of rhetorical question?

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