Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,501 views  4,148 comments

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3131   socal2   2023 Dec 12, 1:54pm  

HeadSet says

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

Do you have an estimate of Russian casualties? All this talk about Russia "winning" is worthless if we don't know their true cost.

I have personally seen thousands of Russian casualties just on the drone Youtube and Telegram videos.

If Russian casualties are even a quarter of what most Western estimates are - it is still an appalling loss of life that will set Russian demographics back decades.
3132   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 3:31pm  

socal2 says

Do you have an estimate of Russian casualties? All this talk about Russia "winning" is worthless if we don't know their true cost.

Sorry, but there you are wrong. Just gaslighting narrative. Russia isn't losing this war. Ukraine is...and suffering a far greater attrition cost than Russia has.

> Russian victory is impossible
> Russian victory unlikely
> Russia cannot be allowed to win
> Russia is winning but at what cost? (socal2 stuck here)
> Damn Israel! (Zelensky is here)
> Russian victory was inevitable (Narrative is now here)
> Ukraine was a corrupt hellhole anyway (you were always here.)
3133   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 3:37pm  

socal2 says

I have personally seen thousands of Russian casualties just on the drone Youtube and Telegram videos.

Hahahaha. What a load of shit.

PHYSICALLY impossible shit at that.

socal2 says

If Russian casualties are even a quarter of what most Western estimates are - it is still an appalling loss of life that will set Russian demographics back decades

See above. Ukraine is far more fucked and has nothing to show for it should it end up under Russian occupation.

And Russian soldiers are infamous in their baby making abilities with females under their tender occupation care, too. They go door to door to perform gang-rapes every day. That's when they aren't raping them right on the street for all to see.
3134   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 4:44pm  


— The New York Times ran an all too telling headline yesterday confirming what we have long known: the government has no idea what it’s doing in Ukraine. It still wants another $100 billion dollars to do it, whatever it is, of course. Just pour money on the problem and and hope for the best:

3135   HeadSet   2023 Dec 12, 6:05pm  

Patrick says

It still wants another $100 billion dollars to do it, whatever it is, of course

3136   socal2   2023 Dec 12, 6:17pm  

PumpingRedheads says

And Russian soldiers are infamous in their baby making abilities with females under their tender occupation care, too. They go door to door to perform gang-rapes every day. That's when they aren't raping them right on the street for all to see.

Listen to you.

I bet you jerk off to the Hamas jihadi snuff films of them raping and killing Jews too.
3137   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 8:41pm  

socal2 says

Listen to you.

I bet you jerk off to the Hamas jihadi snuff films of them raping and killing Jews too.

Seems you are ignorant of historical fact. Or are, but can't respond other than with ad hominems.

Then again you saw on the internet THOUSANDS of Russian troops get killed.
3138   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 12, 8:42pm  

You see? It's like I've always said: "You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word."
- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

3139   Ceffer   2023 Dec 12, 10:24pm  

socal2 says

HeadSet says

US intelligence also said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The so called Intel report on Russian losses is bogus on its face and is likely intended to assuage the beguiled and fooled propaganda addicts cheering for the Ukraine Nazis that all that money and assets spent on Ukraine somehow weren't wasted. The propaganda addicts were fooled about all aspects of the war and Ukraine's winning, but now that it is clearly lost, it was SO worth it to damage Russia.

It's a nice Satanic inversion, as you would expect from the Intels, because it was Putin grinding down all of the NATO and US military assets, not vice versa. NATO is virtually unprotected now, the 'investments' were all for nought, but the propaganda masters hope to keep the propaganda consumers agog and entranced.
3140   Patrick   2023 Dec 13, 11:53am  

Not entirely analogous though, since the first three were Muslim and Zelensky is Jewish.
3142   HeadSet   2023 Dec 13, 12:19pm  

Patrick says

Actually, a peace deal may involve losing the Black Sea coast up to Odessa anyway, as the Russians do not want to take the chance of the Black Sea becoming a NATO lake.
3146   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 14, 7:00am  

Ceffer says

Ukraine fooked again.



Maybe this was the video socal2 thought were THOUSANDS of Russians dying, instead?
3147   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 14, 8:37am  

Ukraine was never going to win – US senator

Tommy Tuberville has also dismissed the notion that Russia could invade EU states as just a “selling point”

Ukraine always faced the prospect of losing the conflict with Russia in the event that Washington cut off its aid, US Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has said.

His comments came after the US Senate last week blocked a bill by President Joe Biden that was intended to allocate a further $60 billion in funding to Kiev, on top of the $110 billion already spent. Republicans opposed to the package have demanded tougher immigration control on the US-Mexico border in exchange for approving the bill, rejected by the White House.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, Tuberville was asked whether cutting off funding to Kiev could result in Ukraine being defeated. The senator replied that he personally “never thought they can win to begin with,” especially with the way the US “eased into” the conflict.

Tuberville also dismissed claims by Kiev’s backers that Russia will advance elsewhere into western Europe once it defeats Ukraine’s forces. The Republican argued that Moscow “can’t beat Ukraine on the eastern side,” and questioned how it was expected to push further across Europe.

“I’ve never believed that scenario. I think it’s a good selling point to send more money,” Tuberville suggested.

3148   zzyzzx   2023 Dec 14, 10:08am  

RayAmerica says

Tuberville also dismissed claims by Kiev’s backers that Russia will advance elsewhere into western Europe once it defeats Ukraine’s forces. The Republican argued that Moscow “can’t beat Ukraine on the eastern side,” and questioned how it was expected to push further across Europe.

Senator is displaying an ignorance of Russian history.
3149   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 11:04am  

zzyzzx says

Senator is displaying an ignorance of Russian history.

Maybe more like political bullshit he thinks his voters will buy. One eye on the bullshit and the other eye gauging the consumers of the bullshit.

Nobody knows exactly what Russia is going to do, but it does seem that Odessa, Transnistria, and everything up the the Dnipro River are on the menu. Why go to all the trouble without taking those, too? Odessa would assure control of much of Ukraine's criminal utility to the West.
3150   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 4:52pm  

"Why Is U.S. Intelligence Lying About The War In Ukraine?"

"The Biden Administration declassified a U.S. intelligence assessment on the war in Ukraine and it was promptly shared with the media as part of a Biden Administration full court press to persuade Congress to cough up more bucks for Ukraine. The information reported by Politico and CNN is disturbing because it shows the U.S. is out of touch with reality and furiously spinning in order to give the politicians what they want to hear. These are classic examples of politics taking precedence over intelligence."

Why do the Satanic lizards lie about anything? Because it is their nature and their religious obligation. I think telling the truth causes them physical pain.


3152   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 14, 9:08pm  

is this war still on? when are we moving to next thing they want us to care about?
3154   Ceffer   2023 Dec 15, 9:39am  

Knock, Knock. "Who's there?" Puticakes wants Odessa for dessert.

3156   socal2   2023 Dec 15, 11:04am  

How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point? How many tanks, jets, BMP's, helicopters, naval ships have been lost?

What about Wagner? That was a major Putin asset until they turned on him. The Putin Patnet fanboys continue to dodge this vital question.

If Russia's losses are even 1/4 of Western estimates, it is an appalling loss of life and material.

This is the most embarrassing cockup of a war of any major power in modern time.

Face it - this war will drag on at least until after next year's US Presidential election. Russia has barely made any gains since they lost much of the initial territory in 2022. Ukraine just needs to hang on.
3157   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 11:08am  


The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.

Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.

The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.

The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
3158   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 11:45am  



Has video.

3159   socal2   2023 Dec 15, 11:52am  

Patrick says

The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.

Did I miss Ukraine invading Russian sovereign territory?

Ah - he means "doorstep" - Ukraine simply existing INDEPENDNTLY next door within its historical borders is a major threat to Putin and his gallant effort to save the world from global homos!

How dare USSR's former Commie slave colonies in Eastern Europe want to be more oriented to the West after half a century of economic and social repression from the Marxists and drunks next door!
3160   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 15, 11:58am  

socal2 says

How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point? How many tanks, jets, BMP's, helicopters, naval ships have been lost?

Doesn't matter? Why do you persist with this nonsense?

socal2 says

What about Wagner? That was a major Putin asset until they turned on him. The Putin Patnet fanboys continue to dodge this vital question.

Because that also doesn't matter.

socal2 says

If Russia's losses are even 1/4 of Western estimates, it is an appalling loss of life and material.

You mean like Pearl Harbor was?

socal2 says

This is the most embarrassing cockup of a war of any major power in modern

Except it is eclipsed by Ukraine's fuck up.

socal2 says

Face it - this war will drag on at least until after next year's US Presidential election

Good. I hope so. It will hurt Biden’s chances for being re-elected and Ukraine will still lose this war.

socal2 says

Ukraine just needs to hang on.

Hahaha. W/o a cease fire, it won't.
3161   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 15, 12:03pm  

socal2 says

Did I miss Ukraine invading Russian sovereign territory?

No, you didn't. But you seem to ignore that Rissia did and took a fourth of Ukraine's, which you claimed in the past Ukraine would recover.

socal2 says

How dare USSR's former Commie slave colonies in Eastern Europe want to be more oriented to the West after half a century of economic and social repression from the Marxists and drunks next door!

Do you know Russian history? About the regional geography? You just spew all this inconsequential crap and think you know 'stuff'.
3162   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 15, 12:26pm  

Patrick says

Has video.


Waiting on socal2 to say something like, "oh, that is just a Ukranian fireworks accident... But what about the video of the drunk Russian soldier falling under the moving train car!", in response.

3163   socal2   2023 Dec 15, 2:14pm  

PumpingRedheads says

How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point? How many tanks, jets, BMP's, helicopters, naval ships have been lost?

Doesn't matter? Why do you persist with this nonsense?

In bizarro world - Russian casualties apparently don't matter?

The fact you refuse to even entertain the massive cost Russia has paid so far says quite a bit IMO.

What does it mean for a country like Russia that has half the population of the United States to have at least 4X the casualties the US lost in Vietnam in less than 2 years? Is that sustainable?
3164   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 15, 2:44pm  

socal2 says

Face it - this war will drag on at least until after next year's US Presidential election. Russia has barely made any gains since they lost much of the initial territory in 2022. Ukraine just needs to hang on.

Had Putin really wanted to conquer all of Ukraine, he could have easily accomplished that within about a month. The reason? Superior Russian air power which could have leveled Kiev in a matter of days.

Ukraine 'hanging on' means that they have to ramp up their kidnapping of unwilling Ukrainians off the streets in order to fight at the front. Not too long ago, Ukraine released the number of Ukrainian soldiers KIA at 400,000+, and then immediately removed that information. Military experts are claiming the death toll to be north of 500,000. How long can such blood shed continue? It can't, and Zelensky knows it, so do the Ukrainian people. Precisely why he has suspended Presidential elections.

The continuing expansion of NATO and the encirclement of Russia by the West is the cause of this war, and not Putin's desire to expand Russian territory.
3165   socal2   2023 Dec 15, 3:21pm  

RayAmerica says

The continuing expansion of NATO and the encirclement of Russia by the West is the cause of this war, and not Putin's desire to expand Russian territory.

By that definition, Putin's total fuck-up of a war failed as he gained 2 new NATO members right next door all the while losing major naval basing in Crimea.

Is all that worth the hundreds of thousands of casualties Russia has suffered over the last 1.5 years along with exposing to the whole world what a 2nd rate shit show military Russia has?

Again - how totally pathetic that Russia can't "win" by defeating their next door neighbor that is supposedly filled with pro-Russian citizens needing liberation? If Russia can't manage logistic supply lines right next door, they are no threat to anyone else on the planet.
3166   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 15, 5:38pm  

socal2 says
"How many Russians have been killed for Putin's "victory" at this point?"

Very few. In contrast, Ukraine's army was completely wiped out.

Bottom line: The US and NATO suffered a humiliating defeat in Ukraine. And as you know a military defeat has consequences. Pretending that Ukraine is winning will not change the fact.
3167   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 15, 5:48pm  

The_Deplorable says

Pretending that Ukraine is winning will not change the fact.

Based on his statements, he thinks all kind of non-issuea he keeps bringing up about the Russians are a valid deflection from the fact that Ukraine is fucked.

And some of the things he's said are totally not true, like he's witnessed thousands of Russians die on YouTube and that Ukraine has one of the largest/most capable militaries in the world, etc.
3168   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 15, 5:56pm  

socal2 says

Putin's total fuck-up of a war failed as he gained 2 new NATO members right next door all the while losing major naval basing in Crimea.

Those bass are still there, under Russian control. Why do you keep posting nonsense?

Oh, and Ukraine is still fucked.

socal2 says

Is all that worth the hundreds of thousands of casualties Russia has suffered over the last 1.5 years along with exposing to the whole world what a 2nd rate shit show military Russia has?

1) you keep quoting shit you can't prove and b) even if it was true, it's inconsequential: Ukraine is still fucked.

socal2 says

Again - how totally pathetic that Russia can't "win" by defeating their next door neighbor that is supposedly filled with pro-Russian citizens needing liberation? If Russia can't manage logistic supply lines right next door, they are no threat to anyone else on the planet.

They are managing them fine compared to the Ukeys - who are now rationing artillery teams to just two shells per day and totally failed in their summer offensive.

3169   HeadSet   2023 Dec 16, 8:17am  

socal2 says

If Russia can't manage logistic supply lines right next door, they are no threat to anyone else on the planet.

Absolutely true, Russia is not a threat. The warmongers need to stop claiming that a Russian victory in Ukraine means Eastern Europe is next.

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