Gasoline price thread

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2022 Mar 8, 11:35am   100,129 views  599 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


AAA Lists Most Expensive States for Gas: 9 of Top 10 Are Run by Democrats
David Hawkins March 8, 2022

According to AAA here are the most expensive states for gas as of Monday:

The American Automobile Association (AAA) has listed the top-ten most expensive states to buy gas, nine of which are run by Democrats.

According to AAA, the national average for a gallon of gas is $4.06 and rising.

The average is now 45 cents more than a week ago, 62 cents more than a month ago, and $1.30 more than a year ago.

And it promises to get worse as the West debates banning Russian oil.

AAA has released a list of the ten states with the most expensive gas prices and most are blue states.

The only red state in the top ten is Alaska, which surprisingly comes in at number 6.

Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, said:

“There are few words to describe the unprecedented rise in gasoline prices over the last week, with massive spikes coast to coast in both gasoline and diesel prices, as oil prices jump to their highest since 2008. ...

California: $5.34
Hawaii: $4.69
Nevada: $4.59
Oregon: $4.51
Washington: $4.44
Alaska: $4.39
Illinois: $4.30
Connecticut: $4.28
New York: $4.26
Pennsylvania: $4.23

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1   Patrick   2022 Mar 8, 11:43am  


“The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a new record high of $4.104 on Monday,” reports Fox News, “surpassing the previous record of $4.103 set in 2008 according to data from GasBuddy.”

Using a different measure, The Wall Street Journal adds: “The national average price for regular gasoline hit $4.173 a gallon, surpassing the previous record of $4.114 reached in July 2008, AAA said early Tuesday. The price was 15% higher than a week earlier and 21% higher than a month earlier, the automobile association’s figures showed.”

Let’s add a bit of analysis to that news: Joe Biden’s battle against fossil fuels on behalf of his party’s ecofascist agenda drove gas prices higher than they’ve been since Biden was Barack Obama’s sidekick in the same fight.
2   Patrick   2022 Mar 8, 11:44am  


Perhaps you’ve noticed: Joe Biden is president, the world is a mess, inflation is through the roof, and gasoline prices are at record highs. But never fear: Pete Buttigieg has the solution.

“Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well,” said the pay-to-play former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. “Last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”

That’s right. Rural, suburban, urban — it doesn’t matter. Everyone can benefit by simply purchasing an electric vehicle. Whether you’re a family farmer with an old F-150, a suburban mom with a used minivan, or a poor college kid getting to and from campus in a beat-up Accord, all you need is one of Mayor Pete’s coal-charged, battery-powered beauties. Oh, and around $56,437.
6   Patrick   2022 Mar 8, 2:03pm  


Welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy, or as our ruling class alludes to it, the “energy transition.”

Since the beginning of the Biden presidency, there have been competing forces in the White House going back and forth over the energy future for America. On one side, you had somewhat rational minds that recognized the necessity of continuing to produce reliable energy in America. On the other side, there are the forces for the regression of human civilization, arguing that fossil fuels were destroying Gaia and therefore humans need to be made to sacrifice for the supposed health of the planet. ...

Well, for the past several years, the ruling elites have been getting together in Davos, Paris, and elsewhere, and deciding, without your consent, that removing reliable energy from our lives is absolutely necessary to combat the “climate crisis.” They claim this “crisis” — which just so happens to result in the massive accumulation of centralized power — is the most important issue facing the world today. Virtually every powerful western government has embraced the need for “accelerating” away from reliable energy and into unreliable “clean” resources, such as solar and wind farms.

Joe Biden and his handlers don’t want to restore energy independence to America and alleviate the suffering that is being experienced by millions of Americans. They can’t do that, because it would jeopardize their “energy transition.” Simply put, the people in charge right now are participating in a controlled demolition of America’s reliable energy resources. And the wellbeing of the American people is being sacrificed for this agenda.

Policies and mottos like “Build Back Better,” the “Green New Deal” and the “energy transition” all allude to the eco radicalism that the “free world” seeks to impose upon its citizens. Most of these slogans and ideas are disbursed by the World Economic Forum, which serves as the narrative shop and think tank for these leaders.

Meanwhile, the Davos climate suicide pact is more than welcomed by adversarial governments in Russia and China, which are more than happy to monopolize reliable energy and improve their geopolitical standing on the world stage. In fact, perhaps the primary motive for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine comes via Moscow’s energy monopoly over Europe. Our newfound record energy prices should serve as a wake up call for what these energy transitionists have planned not only for Americans, but for the world as a whole.
7   clambo   2022 Mar 8, 3:49pm  

Higher gasoline prices are both Putin and Biden’s fault.

I wonder what my friends will do down in Baja, they are not able to cough up money that they don’t have.

Mexico gasoline prices are not significantly lower than in the USA since they import gasoline.

I wish instead of ridiculous battery powered cars the government had encouraged natural gas gars, it’s better than gasoline in several ways and we have a lot of it under the ground.

People in California are running their Teslas on electricity made by natural gas anyway.
8   socal2   2022 Mar 8, 4:06pm  

So glad I got a Tesla last month.

I've already saved nearly $300 in gas over the last 6 weeks driving 1,700 miles.
9   WookieMan   2022 Mar 8, 5:22pm  

socal2 says
So glad I got a Tesla last month.

I've already saved nearly $300 in gas over the last 6 weeks driving 1,700 miles.

Not a knock on getting a Tesla, everyone has their preference. But you're still paying the electric and it's a lot harder to track (accurately) than pumping fuel. Either way, $3,500 each year saved, subtract electric and it's closer to $1k, but you likely bought a $40k+ car versus say a ICE sedan that runs $25-30k. Takes 5 years to negate the savings using electric.

There are plenty of models out there that would cost less purchase price wise and compete MPG $$$ amount. I get they're fun to drive, but they're not cheaper or better for the environment. I like them, but EV's are still 5-10 years from "actually" being efficient. Technically they cause more environmental damage as they're not driving electric cranes and servicing power lines with 10 ton trucks with a cherry picker. The battery making process is insanely wasteful as well.

Honestly EV's are costing us more for household electric and polluting more. The car itself doesn't. The need to increase electric capacity to "fuel" EV's is for sure a larger carbon footprint if that was part of the decision to get one and not because of the performance. Performance, go ahead, Tesla has a great product. "Green" no. Every Tesla on the road is like a Ford F-250 rolling around when you factor in battery manufacturing and electric consumption to charge.

Legit happy you like the car. But it costs everyone else more because of it. Emissions and us ICE drivers. And it's not cleaner.
10   Ceffer   2022 Mar 8, 5:30pm  

You also have to factor a cost for the 'waiting' time for electric cars. The 'waiting penalty' for electric cars to charge is because 'time is money'. The government likes electric cars, too, because they are easier to shut down en masse, the next stunt of the Great Socialist Paradise.

They say people stopped buying Teslas in LA because the charging booths got too mobbed for waiting times. The performance of electric cars in cold weather drops off a lot.
11   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Mar 8, 5:42pm  

from this morning's (Tues March 8) Wall Street Journal, page A16:

headline: Insurance is Pricier for EVs.
By Rachel Wolfe

"The average cost to insure a conventional internal-combustion engine vehicle in the U.S. is $193 a month, according to insurance comparison website Insurify. It costs $230 a month on average to insure a hybrid vehicle and $317 for an all-electric vehicle, meaning EV owners can pay up to 64% more for coverage."
12   socal2   2022 Mar 8, 5:45pm  

WookieMan says
Not a knock on getting a Tesla, everyone has their preference. But you're still paying the electric and it's a lot harder to track (accurately) than pumping fuel.

It's actually super easy to track. That $300 in savings already factors in the $80 I've spent charging the car so far. I have an "EV Plan" with my electric company (SDGE) and only pay $.10/kwh when I charge in my garage at night during off peak. It costs about $8.00 to charge 330 miles. My Tesla app tracks every charging session by time and knows the rates and gives me a report every day.

I am not driving this thing to be a tree hugger and am not pretending that it is pollution free. I am driving it because it is the fastest and most fun car I can afford. I know they are not affordable or practical for everyone yet. But for guys like me, they are perfect.
13   socal2   2022 Mar 8, 5:51pm  

Ceffer says
They say people stopped buying Teslas in LA because the charging booths got too mobbed for waiting times. The performance of electric cars in cold weather drops off a lot.

I wouldn't get an EV if I had to rely on public charging. You really need a place to charge at home for it to make sense.

I've only used the Tesla superchargers a couple times so far and never had to wait. The navigation in the Tesla will recommend a Supercharger on your route and will tell you how many stalls are empty. The car even starts to heat up the battery on the way to the charger to get the fastest charge possible. I was in and out in about 5 minutes to make it to my destination and added over 100 miles.

Cold weather really does impact the range though.
14   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 8, 5:56pm  

socal2 says
I wouldn't get an EV if I had to rely on public charging. You really need a place to charge at home for it to make sense.

Per a study published several month ago it's more expensive to run an EV if you have to solely rely on public charging.
15   latitude38   2022 Mar 8, 6:12pm  

Officials from Canada's largest oil-producing province Alberta said that Canada could replace American imports of Russian crude oil. All it would take is his approval for Keystone XL.

16   rocketjoe79   2022 Mar 8, 6:19pm  

WookieMan says
socal2 says
So glad I got a Tesla last month.

I've already saved nearly $300 in gas over the last 6 weeks driving 1,700 miles.

Not a knock on getting a Tesla, everyone has their preference. But you're still paying the electric and it's a lot harder to track (accurately) than pumping fuel. Either way, $3,500 each year saved, subtract electric and it's closer to $1k, but you likely bought a $40k+ car versus say a ICE sedan that runs $25-30k. Takes 5 years to negate the savings using electric.

There are plenty of models out there that would cost less purchase price wise and compete MPG $$$ amount. I get they're fun to drive, but they're not cheaper or better for the environment. I like them, but EV's are still 5-10 years from "actually" being efficient. Technically they cause more environmental damage as they're not driving electric cranes and servicing power lines with 10 ton truc...

Electric cars are better.The idea that electric cars were overall more costly was debunked several years ago. Efficiencies go up every year.

It really makes sense in California where I live: a 15 gallon fillup costs about $90 today and I can recharge 300+ miles for under $20.
17   Bitcoin   2022 Mar 8, 7:15pm  

rocketjoe79 says
socal2 says
So glad I got a Tesla last month.

I've already saved nearly $300 in gas over the last 6 weeks driving 1,700 miles.

Smart. I want one too.
18   Bitcoin   2022 Mar 8, 7:18pm  

socal2 says
I am driving it because it is the fastest and most fun car I can afford

Which model did you get?
19   socal2   2022 Mar 8, 7:28pm  

Save_Ukraine says
Which model did you get?

I got a Model Y dual motor. Ordered it back in August and it arrived in January. The thing is a spaceship! The speed, acceleration, torque, regenerative breaking (especially the regen breaking!), infotainment/audio system, autopilot (didn't get FSD). Can't imagine the acceleration in the Performance model let alone the Plaid, it is already crazy fast for a mid-range model.

All American car made by a company with a non-woke CEO like Musk.
21   richwicks   2022 Mar 8, 8:44pm  

rocketjoe79 says
It really makes sense in California where I live: a 15 gallon fillup costs about $90 today and I can recharge 300+ miles for under $20.

Register your home with the government for having a car charger there? You're being subsidized, and there's no taxes on your electricity usage.

I used to work in this area, until I became utterly disgusted with it. I just stopped showing up to work one day. There's so many scams in the "green energy sector" you wouldn't believe me. The STANDARD for DC fast charging has built into it, an artificial monopoly for a single company, that is incompetent. The architects for the standard don't understand the standard they designed around, they use EXI (Efficient XML) which is no better (or worse) than GZIP on standard XML, they pushed digital communications over powerlines (Homeplug GreenPhy) which exists ONLY because Europe has a lot of homes built like brick shithouses which don't allow wifi to work.

It's a total mess. So much corruption, companies that had NO BUSINESS being in the business were selected through corruption or graft or god knows what, architects were fucking idiots (the morons were actually saying that cars should power the general power grid, NO FUCKING SHIT), just...

The whole battery powered car shit, is a big fucking scam.
22   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Mar 9, 5:57am  

socal2 says
I have an "EV Plan" with my electric company (SDGE) and only pay $.10/kwh when I charge in my garage at night during off peak

You are so lucky. After I read your comment I looked up the EV Plan at PG&E here in San Jose, to see about charging our plug-in hybrid.

The PG&E website offers 24 cents per kwhr for off peak charging IF we agree to pay 45 cents for "shoulder" and 56 cents for "peak" under their EV2A plan, or 24 cents offpeak and 36 cents / 60 cents on EV-B plan. There is no 10 cents per kwhr for off peak, and for the privilege of 24 cents per kwhr charging we must agree to pay higher for other electricity we use.

Presently under a "non-EV chargring" rate plan, PGE charges 28 cents for kwhr for low usage and 36 cents per kwhr above the low usage threshold. This averaged out to 34 cents per kwhr overall for last month's bill. So I think, as a PG&E customer in San Jose, charging at home is not such a great bargain.

I did the arithmetic. According to the specs, our plug-in is expected to get 2.85 miles per kwhr. At today's prices per kwhr this will pencil out to $7 per gallon. The car gets about 55 mpg without charging.

Good for you in San Diego. But in San Jose, this is why I am skeptical when Smugsters in my area boast about how little they pay to operate their EV. (I know, a pure electric will get more miles per kwhr than a hybrid. But still...)
23   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 9, 8:00am  

Patrick says

The middle pump is out

The Saudis and Emirates flat-out refused to even take Joe's call to discuss oil production increase. We should not forget that next time they run to us for weapons.
24   socal2   2022 Mar 9, 8:52am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
You are so lucky. After I read your comment I looked up the EV Plan at PG&E here in San Jose, to see about charging our plug-in hybrid.

The PG&E website offers 24 cents per kwhr for off peak charging IF we agree to pay 45 cents for "shoulder" and 56 cents for "peak" under their EV2A plan, or 24 cents offpeak and 36 cents / 60 cents on EV-B plan. There is no 10 cents per kwhr for off peak, and for the privilege of 24 cents per kwhr charging we must agree to pay higher for other electricity we use.

I do have to pay an additional $15/month flat rate to be on this plan and the other peak rates are $.37 and $.42/kwh throughout most of the day.

I get the $.10/kwh rate from midnight to 6 AM during the week and midnight to 2 PM on the weekends. So we make it a point to do our laundry on the weekends (electric dryer) and run our dishwasher on a timer after midnight.

I had a Chevy Bolt for 3 years before my Tesla and my electric consumption went up 25% a month but my electric bill went down about $10/month on this plan.
31   HeadSet   2022 Mar 9, 7:41pm  

The Saudis and Emirates flat-out refused to even take Joe's call to discuss oil production increase. We should not forget that next time they run to us for weapons.

The Saudis and Emirates do not want to talk to Biden because they see Biden as continuing Obama's policy of letting Iran get nukes.
32   Onvacation   2022 Mar 9, 7:58pm  

Just pulled over in Martinez for a fill-up.

33   Misc   2022 Mar 9, 9:19pm  

Looks like Biden's handlers panicked today.

Had the market manipulators out in force.
37   joshuatrio   2022 Mar 10, 12:32pm  

I saw this coming last year when Biden got elected. In July 2021, I sold my boat and new truck, both for significantly more than I paid for both. I ordered a Prius Prime and got it for under sticker.

Best of both worlds. 35 mile EV range which is 95% of my driving. When I switch over to gas, I get 55mpg.

A tank of gas will last me months if I don't do any long road tripping.

My current tank of gas I've driven 450 miles so far, averaging 400mpgs, and still have a full tank of gas. No pain at the pump here, but my wife's SUV is gonna suck!!
39   WookieMan   2022 Mar 11, 8:19am  

Onvacation says
Just pulled over in Martinez for a fill-up.

Holy shit! Get out of CA. Bring the sailboat to the Great lakes, FL or TX. That's nuts. We're high here, but that is crazy high prices.

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