Thread For Exposing Blatant Propaganda

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2022 Mar 11, 9:40am   20,443 views  217 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Ukraine and the war for your mind
The conflict on the ground isn’t the only one — there’s plenty of propaganda afoot too

March 11, 2022

Deterrence works. Russia’s nukes are the only thing keeping the US from full-out war in Ukraine just six months after retreating from Afghanistan. The unprecedented propaganda effort by Ukraine and its helpers in the American mass media to drag the US and NATO directly into the fight has failed — so far. But the struggle — the one for your mind space — is not over.

To understand what follows, you have to wipe away a lot of bull being slung your way. Insanity is not the only explanation for Putin’s actions of the past few weeks. From a Russian standpoint, he is carrying out a rational political-military strategy in Ukraine, seizing Russian-speaking territory such as Donbas, demilitarizing eastern Ukraine by force, and most of all creating a physical buffer zone between his country’s southern border and NATO. That zone may end at the Dnieper River with a loop around Odessa, or it may end at the Polish border, depending on how smoothly things go on the ground and on what level of “back away” message Putin wishes to send NATO.

It’s unlikely that Putin is making the first moves toward some greater conquest. All the bad takes saying “if we don’t stop Putin now, he’ll invade Moldova/Estonia/Poland/all Europe just like Hitler” ignores that the German military in World War Two had some 18 million men under arms. The Russian army today has 1.3 million, the best of which are going to be in Ukraine for a while.

Every war has its “is the juice worth the squeeze” question. Is what you can realistically hope to achieve worth the cost of getting it? For Putin, that means solving his border problem at the cost of maybe a few thousand men and another dollop of weak sanctions. He understood the needs of Europe meant sanctions would never harm sales of the fossil fuels which make up most Russian exports. But nyet to Paypal for you tovarishch! Putin could also look to history and see how decades of sanctions have not changed much in Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

Putin most importantly also knew NATO would not fight him on the ground for fear of starting a nuclear war. That is exactly what nukes are for — and is the history of the Cold War in a sentence. Having nukes allows a country to do certain things any way it wants because its actions stay below the threshold of risking atomic war. This is why the US could destroy Gaddafi and Saddam (no nukes) and why the US will never attack North Korea (nukes). Under US pressure, Ukraine in 1994 relinquished the nukes it inherited from the former Soviet Union, enabling the invasion here in 2022.

Being a nuclear superpower makes things easier; the US can fight all over Central America and the Middle East, and Russia in the ’Stans, Crimea and now Ukraine, and none of that is important enough for the other side to consider using nukes to stop it. It is not like America does not know how to step away from a fight which isn’t ours: Crimea, Chechnya, Rwanda, Hungary ’56, Czechoslovakia ’68, initially Afghanistan ’79, even to a certain extent in Syria 2016. Putin knows that. Biden knows that. NATO knows that. Ukraine, however, still thinks it can change the game.

Ukraine knew on Day One it didn’t have enough men or weapons to defeat the Russians. Its only hope to remain a unified nation (it is easy to imagine a divided Ukraine, Western Zone and Russian Eastern Zone) is outside help. A no-fly zone, some airstrikes to blunt Russian advances. Maybe some of those Polish/NATO pilots planning to ferry F-16s to Ukraine stay to fly them in combat? Something, anything.

That’s why America is being blitzed with Ukrainian propaganda, and your brother-in-law is ready to head to Europe with his never-cleaned hunting rifle. The goal is to change public opinion such that a weak guy like Joe Biden starts to doubt himself. The goal is get Biden to take that Pentagon meeting laying out options for some limited bombing, or to listen to those analysts saying the US could set up a small no-fly zone on Ukraine’s western edge to facilitate humanitarian aid. Drop in some Special Forces. Something, anything.

The purpose of the propaganda is to get Biden to sign off on something hopefully small enough that it falls below the threshold of provoking a nuclear response. A risky and delicate tasking. The bad news is Ukrainian propaganda is working. A non-partisan 74 percent of Americans say NATO should impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine. And that’s even as we are just getting started.

A quick propaganda recap. We’ve had the hero phase with the non-existent Ghost of Kyiv and the supermodels with guns. We’ve had the Russians-are-going-to-kill-us-all phase, with the faux threat of invasion to the West and the faux scare the Russians were going to create a Chernobyl-like nuclear accident by shelling a power plant. We are currently moving through the “not verifiable atrocities” phase. Alongside this is beefcake talk about Zelensky, the likes of which we haven’t seen since before the cancellations of Andrew Cuomo and Michael Avenatti. The fact-checking mania of the Covid era is in the dustbin of history as American media removes all the filters on pro-Ukrainian content.

The quality of the propaganda is not important (any scrap metal on snowy ground is breaking news of another Russian helo down, even if the metal has “Acme Junk Pile” written on it). The quantity is important, the attempt to overwhelm American mind space to the point where logic is shoved into the back corner. There is a growing cottage industry of “experts” explaining how to can go to war without going to THAT kind of war. Dissenting voices are few, and are often labeled as “Putin lovers,” with late night hosts hurling homophobic slurs at them like high school kids.

It all sounds silly when the effect of propaganda is to convince Americans higher gas prices are the cost of freedom, or booking an Airbnb they’ll never stay at will save Ukraine, or refusing Russian dressing on a salad. But it is deadly serious. There are two battles now playing out over Ukraine. The one on the ground — and the one on your social media seeking to drag America into the mud.

Only half a year after the sad ending in Afghanistan, it is stunning to watch America again contemplate going to war for some abstract purpose far removed from our own core interests. And this time it is the risk of a nuclear exchange to remind us of our mistake, not just an inglorious departure from Kabul.

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197   AD   2022 Oct 4, 11:28pm  

richwicks says

propaganda to demonize Russia.

Its the neo marxist globalists and woke that hate Russia and especially Putin. Its a global culture war. Russia is not pro-LGBTQ+XYZ+PI.

It is a white Christian nation that supposedly turned its back to socialism. That makes it even a more target by the Woke's and neo-marxist globalists.

Same left wing authoritarians admire the Chicoms.

198   Patrick   2022 Oct 11, 12:35pm  


el gato malo
2 hr ago
“your mask protects me!”

“you need to get vaccinated to stop the spread and make society safe!”

“stay home, save lives!”

these were the endless refrains of the moralizing mandates of coviddom.

this was grade A prime propaganda whose purpose was simple:

to invert the morality of personal health choices and induce people to to things that they did not believe to serve their best interest by framing it as the collective good and therefore an ethical duty.
199   richwicks   2023 Aug 8, 1:15am  

original link

This is from around 1994, maybe 1995 because OJ Simpson is briefly mentioned. I remember this, dimly. I must have seen it in college.

It was shown once. What you are seeing is an ancient archival of it. Isn't digital preservation great? If you record an audio file in lower bit rates in MP3, you'll lose information, if you record it in higher bit rates, you don't. There's a floor to digital reproduction. You can reduce it, but unless you decrease the bit rate, you don't lose information.

So a copy (even with a different encoder) of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy....

doesn't reduce quality, unless it's PURPOSELY reduced. Wasn't possible with analog and you have to purposely fuck up the copy. You have to try, really hard, to make it unviewable. AVI->h.264->h.265->XVID->AVI doesn't reduce quality, unless you force it. A transcription will not reduce quality, it might increase the file size, but that's it, and you have to use an old codec to do that, or an inferior one.

You have to get below Shannon's law, and that can only be done with a really lousy codec (which I don't think exists now), or by intentionally reducing the bit rate. We have permanent preservation, IF we have permanent storage. Permanent storage is the last thing to do.
201   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 19, 8:41am  

War propagandists have a long history of portraying the enemy's evil abuse of babies. In order to enrage Americans enough to want to go fight 'over there,' propagandists often used artist depictions of what they claimed was actually happening; German soldiers killing babies and children with their bayonets.

At the start of the Ukraine war, recall the mainstream media depicting dead children, all at the hands of the evil Russians.

The following is a classic in war propaganda. George H. W. Bush repeated this lie over and over again in an attempt to justify his, and the alliance's, illegal invasion of Iraq.

In this video, (fake) Nurse Nayirah describes the despotic Iraqi soldiers breaking Kuwaiti hospital incubators and throwing babies on the floor to die. The hearing was conducted by holocaust survivor Rep. Tom Lantos, a fervent proponent of of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. (Israel had a long standing policy to remove Saddam Hussein from power and diminish Iraq's position in the Middle East). It turned out that the 15 year old nurse Nayirah was not a nurse at all, but rather, the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States.

Here's the video of Nayirah's testimony. The little girl was quite the actress.

(Video appears in the article. Youtube will not provide a direct link to the video).

202   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 7:51pm  

Good explanation of what kind of bullshit the government does to derail conversation and how propaganda is done on the Internet.

original link

If you recognize the techniques, point them out. Once you see how propaganda is done, it's much easier to spot.
203   Karloff   2023 Oct 13, 9:34pm  

richwicks says

how propaganda is done on the Internet

Good stuff. I've always like Corbett. I've been able to recognize most of these tactics, but never thought about putting names to them. When I see them, I typically just ignore the poster from that point on, but I probably should point them out for others' benefit.
205   AmericanKulak   2024 May 2, 4:56pm  

RayAmerica says

War propagandists have a long history of portraying the enemy's evil abuse of babies. In order to enrage Americans enough to want to go fight 'over there,' propagandists often used artist depictions of what they claimed was actually happening; German soldiers killing babies and children with their bayonets.

Now think about 35,000 dead in urban combat claims.
206   Patrick   2024 May 10, 10:17am  


The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by cancelling your freedom of speech, pounding you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff.

Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.”

None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds. And so, the fear rises in the ones running the carnival.
207   richwicks   2024 May 10, 10:28am  

Patrick says

None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds. And so, the fear rises in the ones running the carnival.

See what James Howard Kunstler was writing 3 years ago.

I've not looked, but I bet you're going to find only the shit rises to the top, not the cream. Being right at the wrong time, you pay a cost for that, however, you pay a moral cost for being wrong at the right time as well. I will accept when I'm wrong, when I am, but I have a pretty good track record I think. If I'm wrong about that, I'd appreciate you pointing it out, so I can further improve. I've been doing this for 3 decades now.

What was Kunstler saying 5 years ago? 10? 15? Check track records. It's easy to get on the boar and jump off and swim to shore. I've seen so many motherfuckers that do this. You're going to see this too with the covid bullshit "Oh, I never believed it was a pandemic, but..."
208   Patrick   2024 May 14, 7:20pm  


What is truly mind boggling, however, is that even when ‘experts’ as Gates and Fauci admit that the vaccine didn’t stop the spreading of the virus, even when the experts of Imperial College admit the mortality rates of the virus were far lower than their models predicted, a major part of the population doesn’t really want to hear it. Never in history it is demonstrated so convincingly that indeed, the most fundamental passion of the human being is not love, not hate, but the passion for ignorance.

Upon a closer consideration, the problem of deception in society is far more complex than just a bunch of manipulative propagandists who mislead the guileless population. It seems that most people don’t care too much about being deceived. They even seem to admire those who deceive them. It makes me think about this quote of Hannah Arendt:

‘The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.' ...

From a psychological point of view, speaking from the soul means to give voice to those things that we truly feel or experience; those things that are usually hidden behind the ideal images. It means saying those things that are not in line with the matrix of social ideal images, dogma’s and norms. Such speech makes us vulnerable, it puts us at risk of excommunication and rejection, in particular when we practice it in the presence of people who use the world of appearances as their major stronghold.

Opposite of Ego speech, sincere speech makes us lose something in the world of appearances and it makes us win something in the real world. It is a kind of speech that emerges from within and literally penetrates through the outer ideal image we hide behind. It quite literally pierces holes in the Ego. And through these holes, a new resonating connection between our essence and that of the world around us can emerge. It is at this level that we can situate the phenomenon of Truth.

This might seem abstract, yet it isn’t. Just try it. Share something that makes you feel vulnerable, something you usually hide from the world, with some trustworthy people. You will immediately feel a deeper connection – from soul to soul. You can sense it almost physically. Practice the art of sincere speech day after day, week after week, month after month, try to make progress step by step, and your intuition will improve step by step. It is at this level that we can understand the connection between sincere speech and the intuition of the samurai – sincere speech makes you aware of the world around you beyond ordinary sensory perception.
209   Patrick   2024 Jun 13, 6:15pm  

The right counterpoint is the realization that if what you say is so unimportant, it would not be so ruthlessly censored on Facebook and Google.
210   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 20, 11:07am  


Russia forgot to pay its chatgpt bill so a bunch of angry Twitter accounts suddenly went haywire

212   Ceffer   2024 Jun 21, 9:58am  

There's literally too much shitstorm of disinformation not to transiently believe in some baloney at some point. That's generally the point of disinformation to begin with.

One also needs to remain somewhat suggestible to be open to information. So, again, what is a general asset can also be twisted into a liability. It's the price you pay for being studied and dissected like a Tavistock mental lab rat and MKUltra target by the demons.
215   RC2006   2024 Aug 30, 5:53am  

Had the news on for a bit this morning, think it was ABC. Mentioned Afghanistan pull-out and said the US left "seven billion in equipment to for the Afghanistan government ". Clown media trying to rewrite history.

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