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Who elected that asshole Klaus?
Rich assholes think they're better at planning your life than you are.
So here we are as Davos 2023 winds down and it’s pretty obvious, watching the proceedings, that their entire edifice built on a crude admixture of psychopathy and hubris is tumbling down.
And it’s not only because more of us can see them for what they are, cheap communists in expensive suits, but because there are stark divisions forming within their own ranks.
The problem, however, for most of the committed Davosians is that they still live in the wine-and-cheese-filled amniotic sack of this Swiss Alps version of Oz. They don’t see the gathering storm barreling down the yellow brick road as anything more threatening than a single mosquito is to a cow.
As anyone who has lived in central Florida or studied its cattle industry knows, a few million mosquitos can exsanguinate a cow in a matter of days.
So, watching the proceedings at this year’s Davos was fascinating because, for the first time, the sheen was gone. Too many people were seeing the walls of the echo chamber for what they were; old, shabby, and drafty rather than having the veneer of wisdom that comes with age.
Davos had come out from behind the curtain willingly to declare themselves the saviors of humanity through their Fuhrer’s nutty ideas about transhumanism, 15-minute cities, eating bugs, and renting your life from a central authority.
And it was easy to build a counter-narrative to this insanity that permeated into the zeitgeist by just pointing your finger and laughing at them.
Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺
The World Economic Forum, organized as a sect of corporations, billionaires and bought politicians, is today one of the biggest threats to democracy and the rule of law in Europe and the world.
The Great Reset for Dummies
Where do we go from here?
Tessa Lena
Oct 27, 2020
... The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets. ...
In other words, it’s an “efficient” global feudalism that goes much farther than its medieval brother since the scanner is all-seeing: every person, every mineral, and every berry is digitally tagged and tracked. Under that framework, every peasant has a function that is derived not from the mystery of life, and not from their inner calling—but from AI, the master of efficiency and the servant of the king. Ideally, the peasants can be convinced that it’s good for them (or necessary to be safe, see “contact tracing”) and that this is what progress and happiness are like—but if not, there are other ways, from classic violence to virtual prisons to “morality pills.” ...
Notably, privacy is a huge thorn in the collective eye of our “great resetters”—and—as I am typing this, they are pushing their sweet talking points about how privacy is really an outdated concept—especially when it comes to people’s medical data, sheesh—and that we simply cannot move forward with the bright future if silly people keep clinging to their privacy. ...
So, who are the people leading this, and how coordinated is this effort?
From the looks of it, it seems to be the usual suspects: top capitalists of the world, historically wealthy dynasties from different parts of Earth, members of secular and religious royalty, billionaires, etc.—in other words, it’s the people who have enough money to feel like this world is theirs, the 0.0001%—and maybe also the people immediately under them who are seeking upward mobility. Some familiar faces, some faces we’ve never seen.
Obviously, they are not a monolithic mass, and I am sure that they don’t agree with each other on everything and probably compete over who gets to eat more peasants. There is certainly rivalry between the American and the Chinese elites, for example, or between the American and the Russian elites—as well as between different individual super sharks. But all in all, even as they compete, they have shared interests and shared messaging, and there is more strategic camaraderie and common ground between them than between any of them and any of the peasants. ...
Now, I don’t think that this exact vision will ever come true in full. It is likely to implode before it gets half-way there—and some of what I just described is no more than daydreaming of a very broken mind. But the powerful crazies are trying their best to make this nightmare reality. Thus, the danger is not in being overtaken by suddenly self-conscious AI but in the disruption of normal life and in the utter misery that the crazies may cause to our minds and bodies as they rush to slice and dice the world, using various convenient catch phrases such as “global health crisis” or “climate change.” ...
In everything that happens, there is always a combination of good intentions, greed, ambition, personal relationships, financial interests, delusions, and so on. Politicians talk to financiers, generals talk to politicians, somebody is somebody else’s uncle, and this is how things get done. Unfortunately, the less straightforward the top-down messaging, and the more abundant the propaganda, the less the value of good intentions, and the easier it is for villains to pull off utter absurdities. ...
And let me repeat again, absolutely everything in history is a result of subjective choices made by subjective people. The way everything in history happens is that people get together, decide what they want to do, and do it. When important people act, the impact is more visible. So, in a way, everything is a “conspiracy,” because everything comes through human agency. And often, the important people cover up their deeds, that shouldn’t be a radical idea.
And yes, by now, the top power holders in the West have figured out that it’s more cost-effective and less labor-consuming for them to just bribe the media “of record,” the scientists, the academics, the politicians, and even the “controlled opposition”—and have them convince the peasants—than to police everything and everyone by force. And by the way, while the pinnacle of this tower is a conspiracy in earnest, in a sense of it being a coordinated effort where the masterminds are acting in general alignment with each other, without disclosing their true long-term goals to the peasants—the rest of the tower is probably the usual human stuff, multiplied by the lack of the old-fashioned, moral sense of responsibility. The usual human stuff is a medley of ambition, hustling, greed, carelessness, arrogance, and even good intentions. The closer to the bottom, the more ignorance and the better the intentions—because most people do believe that they are doing good—but it doesn’t change the tragic trajectory of the “resetting” cavalcade. ...
It is true that massive consumerism and the use of disposables (brought to us by more or less the same parties who are now scolding people for consumerism) have created a lot of messes. It is true that our oceans and lungs are full of plastic, that the amount of chronic disease is skyrocketing, and that many species are dying off. It is true that our soil, our food, and our bodies are tainted with highly toxic glyphosate. It is true that usually, decades pass between the time manufacturers realize the toxicity of their product and the time when saying so in a conversation stops being a conspiracy theory. All true. However, it is also true that the people who are pointing fingers at social ills and telling us that we need a Great Reset are from same camps and lineages that have caused it in the first place. ... However rich, they are not even remotely morally qualified to fix anything in this world. ...
Also, the biggest “demographic problem” in the West right now is the growing number of the old vs. the young. And even in the “developing world,” the trends seem to be different from what we are are taught to think. And furthermore, the planet has enough for all, and the reason we are facing scarcity is because that 0.0001% of people control a lot. Ironically, they are the same people who are worried that there is not enough, pushing the idea of overpopulation—often while breeding enthusiastically—and infecting young brains with the idea of overpopulation to the extent that now, some middle-class young people don’t want to have kids, “to save the planet.” How messed up is that? ...
Thus, my theory is that some powerful people of the world are truly evil and probably fiddling with eugenics—and some are probably just indifferent to the desires of the peasants—but on my end, I don’t really care which one it is. Evil or indifferent, I don’t want them to destroy my world. Is that too much to ask? ...
It feels like we are currently in the middle of a “color revolution,” a soft coup. Usually, American elites do it to other nations—but now it’s happening on the domestic soil. It feels like the Great Reset agenda, through its messengers and through its money, is shaping both the schizophrenic “COVID response” and the suddenly mainstream and well-funded, super corporate “social justice / climate” movement, which are all at this point intertwined in terms of messaging. ...
So it looks like the financial interests behind the Great Reset tried out to use the “climate movement” first but it didn’t generate the desired fear levels quickly enough. Not enough people cared. I have personally sat through a training session, and am familiar with “organizing” and the neurolinguistic programming tricks that are supposed to make the audiences very worried about the climate. The messaging is very well thought-through and gives away a generous financial backing, it’s not a hippie grassroots movement—even if a lot of individual people sincerely pour their souls into that. Just like rank-and-file Jehovah witnesses knocking on your door might be extremely sincere. ...
In any case, scaring the people with the official narrative of the climate emergency definitely created a ripple in people’s consciousness and a degree of environmental anxiety, especially in Gen Z—but it didn’t do enough to either paralyze or mobilize. But when the virus came along, as if by magic, things started falling into places quickly—things that had been unthinkable before. ...
A self-respecting social engineer plans ten steps ahead and creates situations in which targets beg for desired changes! I posit that currently, we are subjected to an involuntary S&M dance. We are in the middle of a ritual designed to create a sense of confusion, insecurity, and dependence—eventually to be resolved by our Masters, for which we will be very grateful because we will just want to the unbearable tension to be resolved. Already, many have developed the Stockholm Syndrome, siding with the abuser. The measures are entirely arbitrary—but it doesn’t matter, we are expected to comply and to accept that our suffering and deprivation are for our own good. ...
I, for one, don’t think that we should accept the darkness. I think that our best option is to insist on dignity and to find our hearts. Our hearts will tell us what to do next.
This is not about ESG, smart cities, climate change or even human rights. The WEF is about gaining governmental control via corporatism. The WEF is a trade-organization of the largest transnational organizations in the world. Never forget that fact as you read their endless stream of feel-good press releases from the various WEF outlets and acolytes.
Patrick says
"A not so little message to the Globalists, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum..."
Rich assholes think they're better at planning your life than you are.
Yeah, that bear on the right should be the size of a fucking chihuahua, lol.
Eric Holder says
Yeah, that bear on the right should be the size of a fucking chihuahua, lol.
They are about equal in terms of nuclear armaments.
if a guy with a hand grenade shows up and demands your wallet or he'll blow up you both you simply tell him to go fuck himself.
Who gives a fuck about nuclear armaments? If a guy with a gun shows up and demands your wallet and you don't have a gun - you give him your wallet. If a guy with a gun demands your wallet and you have a gun too - you shoot back. But if a guy with a hand grenade shows up and demands your wallet or he'll blow up you both you simply tell him to go fuck himself. Nuclear armaments in the existing MAD situation is exactly like a robbery with a hand grenade
If nukes are launched by Ukraine
Why do we need a Reset? Who asked these losers?
"Their belief is that all these resources are belong to them, and that the scum sucking plebs don't deserve them or deserve squandering them, and the peasants need to be exterminated mostly with the survivors returned to mud hut serfdom."
Many are already aware that the World Economic Forum client state formerly known as “Canada” (managed on behalf of the WEF and it’s corporate members by their “young leader” program graduates Justin Trudeau and Christina Freeland, who were placed by the WEF into this position to do its bidding), and specifically the Provence now generally known as the Peoples Republic of Ontario, is now requiring that Dr. Jordon Peterson atone for his thoughtcrimes by participating in a mandated and court-ordered reeducation program.
What few are aware of is that this thoughtcrime punishment is being visited on many other Ontario physicians who had the temerity to provide early treatment for COVID disease, particularly those administering the forbidden treatments of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and other inexpensive, off patent repurposed drugs or over-the-counter supplements.
Additional speech- thought- and medical practice crimes include failure to properly employ worthless cloth or paper dust masks to prevent coronaviral transmission, as well as granting medical and religious exemptions from receipt of toxic COVID “vaccines” which an abundance of data indicate are neither safe nor effective at preventing infection, replication, spread, hospitalization or death from disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 positive PCR tests. ...
Peterson responded to the ruling by saying, “Bring it on” in a social media post, telling his fellow citizens, “If you think you have a right to free speech in Canada, you’re delusional.”
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"Anyone who opposes the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” program will be sent to Chinese-style “reeducation camps,” according to a pledge by the WEF.
Those who oppose Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” should be imprisoned in communist China-style “reeducation camps” until they no longer embrace freedom, nationalism, and the right to bear arms, according to Wang Guan, a WEF young global leader."