Putin is the NATO salesman of the year.

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2022 Mar 23, 3:14pm   17,049 views  122 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

New polls suggest more support for Finland joining Nato

A Helsingin Sanomat poll showed 54 percent support for Nato membership while three-quarters of Chambers of Commerce members said yes to joining the military alliance.

Yle News
23.3. 07:08

Updated 23.3. 07:48

Helsingin Sanomat's (HS) most recent (siirryt toiseen palveluun) poll about Finland's possible Nato membership suggests that a slight majority of people in the country are in favour of joining the military alliance, with about 54 percent of respondents saying they would back such a move.

The proportion of a similar poll the paper carried out in early March (siirryt toiseen palveluun) was 48 percent in favour of joining.

About one-in-five of the poll's 1,062 respondents said they were against joining while one in four said they were unable to express an opinion on the matter.

The paper's poll further showed that men were more likely to support the move with 64 percent being in favour of membership compared to 45 percent of women.

Age group-wise, it was those aged between 60 and 69 that were most eager for Finland to join the military alliance. In contrast, just under half of respondents aged between 31 and 39 supported membership.
Three in four business managers say yes to membership

Nearly 75 percent of businesses belonging to Finland's Chamber of Commerce answered the burning membership question with a "yes."

Meanwhile out of the nearly 2,000 member companies just seven percent were against Nato membership and nearly 20 percent opted for 'cannot say.'


Swedish Top Politicians at Cold Response: Important Signal about Defense Cooperation

On 14 March, the Norwegian-led military exercise Cold Response 2022 started. It goes on in Norway, with main emphasis in the North, and takes place every other year, having participation from allied and partner countries.

This year, some 30,000 soldiers from a total of 27 countries are participating. These are NATO countries along with Sweden and Finland. This is the largest Norwegian-led exercise in Norway since the Cold War.

The exercise is to last until 1 April, according to the Joint Operations Headquarters, and has in recent days taken place in Nordland and Troms counties. The program also includes a series of visits from political and military leaders from the participating countries, such as the Swedish top politicians, as well as NATO leaders.

The Swedish forces’ brigade headquarters near Bjerkvik just outside Narvik were the destination of Swedish PM Magdalena Andersson (Social democrats) and opposition leader Ulf Kristersson (Moderates). The Swedish forces are localized together with Finnish forces in Skoglund Camp.

“This visit was very important. This exercise has been planned for a long time. It is important that we, based on the current security situation, send an important signal about there being interaction, cooperation and preparedness to defend our territories, the PM said at a joint press conference, according to Swedish daily Aftonbladet.

Sweden has some 1,600 soldiers involved, both land forces and fighter plane forces, according to the Swedish Armed Forces. These come a.o from the North Bothnia regiment, the country’s northernmost county. The Finnish battle group of 680 soldiers operates as a part of a Swedish brigade, according to the Finnish Armed Forces.
The NATO question

The PM and opposition leader’s joint visit to the military exercise took place at the behest of the former. Such an invitation across political borders was well received by the Moderates’ leader.

“When there is a war in Europe, we do all we can to cooperate”, Kristersson said during the visit, according to Aftonbladet.

Last Friday, he stated that if the Moderate Party wins the upcoming fall elections, Sweden will apply for NATO membership. Kristersson argues that he would prefer for the Swedish application to be submitted as early as this spring, along with a Finnish application, referring to both Swedish and Finnish debate about the NATO issue in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Center Party, the Liberals and the Christian Democrats are also positive to Swedish membership in the Alliance. The Swedish Democrats do not rule out quick support of this line if the security situation so requires, according to Swedish radio.


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75   RWSGFY   2022 Jun 29, 10:24am  

Bd6r says


U.S. would step up its military presence in eastern Europe.


Let's have some vodka to celebrate this great win:

77   tomtomtom   2022 Jun 29, 10:22pm  

Some people think that Putin is deeply shaken from Sweden and Finland joining NATO. He does not care. Why is that? Ukraine is not the same as Sweden + Finland together military-wise. The population of Ukraine (44M) is much larger than of Sweden (10.3M) and Finland (5.5M) together. On top of that, the collective west is much more willing to sacrifice Ukrainians than Swedes and Finns to weaken Russia. The West understands that the military conflict with Russia is not going be a safari like the wars in Iraq, Libya, etc.

Financially-wise, Finland and Sweden are weakening their economic growth by spending resources on NATO even if the US to carry a large share of the burden.

Are Finland and Sweden better protected from Russia as NATO members? Not much. NATO and the collective West would help them anyway (without NATO membership) in case of a military conflict with Russia. They are loosing money and the result is the same. The only country who may be benefiting from this development is the UK.

The mainstream media pictures the latest expansion of NATO as a great success when it reality it is marginal at best. Anyway, they say that about anything than Brandon's overlords do.

Argentina and Iran are joining BRICS and that is more significant than the NATO expansion. They can tell who is forming the new world order (not Brandon's overlords) and they are just joining the winning side.
78   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 1:45am  

tomtomtom says

Argentina and Iran are joining BRICS and that is more significant than the NATO expansion.

79   richwicks   2022 Jun 30, 1:57am  

Bd6r says

tomtomtom says

Argentina and Iran are joining BRICS and that is more significant than the NATO expansion.


More likely a commodity standard will.

This ensures a balance of trade and doesn't allow one entity to just create an infinite amount of "money" to purchase goods and services for free. Like the United States does.

US dollars are FINE - as long as you spend them quickly. They needed to be collected in reserves so long as energy could only be purchased in the US dollar, that's ending.
80   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 2:03am  

richwicks says

US dollars are FINE - as long as you spend them quickly.

USD is the best looking horse in glue factory, figuratively speaking.
81   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 2:04am  

richwicks says

energy could only be purchased in the US dollar, that's ending.

I dont think that is necessarily true. (In sense you can use also other currencies to buy oil)
82   richwicks   2022 Jun 30, 2:05am  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

US dollars are FINE - as long as you spend them quickly.

USD is the best looking horse in glue factory, figuratively speaking.

Not anymore, the Ruble is the strongest currency in the world at this point. It has placed a floor on it's value in terms of gold. Not all nations are barred from it, just the "coalition of the willing" which is the US, Canada, most of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. That's about 2 billion people in a world of 8.
83   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 2:10am  

richwicks says

Ruble is the strongest currency in the world at this point. It has placed a floor on it's value in terms of gold.

Sounds like Soviet times when ruble was the "strongest" currency.
84   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 2:13am  

And how many USD could you buy in Moscow by using rubles today, and how many USD can you withdraw from your Russian bank dollar account?

If ruble is so valuable why do they introduce limitations with purchase and withdrawals?
85   richwicks   2022 Jun 30, 2:31am  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

Ruble is the strongest currency in the world at this point. It has placed a floor on it's value in terms of gold.

Sounds like Soviet times when ruble was the "strongest" currency.

No. During the Soviet Era the government would constantly lie, but when you actually went to exchange your currency, you'd get the official rate for your dollar, or Franc, or Lira or whatever, but LEAVING the Soviet Union, you'd get the market rate. You could bring foreign currency to a black market though. You wouldn't get market rate, but you'd get better than the official rate.

I wouldn't be surprised if the United States enacts the same sort of confiscation scheme here.

I lived through the Cold War. What I can't fucking understand is how people can't see the US is the new USSR. Our propaganda is even worse and more laughable. We have political prisoners right now - at least 800 of them for protesting a stolen election on trumped up bullshit charges, evidence isn't being made available. Our balloting system is a fucking joke, completely unverifiable - there's no exit polling anymore. Politicians and their family flagrantly violate the law. Our government lies to us CONSTANTLY about its success - EVERYTHING is a success! We left Afghanistan because "mission objectives were met" - officially. We have censorship, people with contrary political viewpoints are persecuted, fired from jobs and cut off from payment systems. Julian Assange is being slowly murdered. Our NSA is the Stasi/KGB collecting information on everybody. We are in continual war, and every war we enter, is accompanied by an avalanche of ridiculous lies and propaganda. Even religion was openly attacked, people were prevented from going to church, but going to Walmart and liquor stores was fine.

The US of the 1980's that's LONG dead.

How can you not understand this? How can you not see it?

We're are at the point where I post information from a peer reviewed scientific journal, THAT can get me deplatformed! How can you not see it?

What's worse, is you have been programmed, and I mean LITERALLY programmed, to robotically defend it. You think you'll escape it? That your CHILDREN will? Unless you can put your kids through college on a bullshit degree, where they get a government job making $600,000 a year when they get out because you're part of the "party faithful" (i.e. the mob) - you're not part of that class.

How fucking obvious does it have to get for you? When will you realize you're a useful idiot?
86   richwicks   2022 Jun 30, 2:42am  

Bd6r says

And how many USD could you buy in Moscow by using rubles today, and how many USD can you withdraw from your Russian bank dollar account?

You cannot buy or sell rubles today in terms of US currency.

The question is, is how much does a commodity buy in each currency? Russia isn't experiencing any inflation in food, electricity, gasoline, anything. The US is.

If we're eating bugs in 2023, Russia won't be.
87   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 3:12am  

richwicks says

Russia isn't experiencing any inflation in food, electricity, gasoline, anything. Th

Wrong, I dont know where you get this
The annual inflation rate in Russia fell to 17.1 percent in May of 2022, below market expectations of 17.3 percent, from 17.8 percent in the previous month, which was the highest since January of 2002. On a monthly basis, consumer prices went up 0.1 percent, after a 1.6 percent jump in April and also lower than forecasts for a 0.3 percent increase. Prices slowed for food (0.6 percent vs 2.9 percent in April) while the cost of non-food (-0.1 percent vs 0.5 percent) and services (-0.3 percent vs 1.1 percent)


Source is Russian statistics service
88   richwicks   2022 Jun 30, 3:20am  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

Russia isn't experiencing any inflation in food, electricity, gasoline, anything. Th

Wrong, I dont know where you get this


From institutions that actually are still able to trade the currency. They don't care about politics or propaganda, they care about $$$$, only.
89   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 3:33am  

richwicks says

From institutions that actually are still able to trade the currency. They don't care about politics or propaganda, they care about $$$$, only.

Now you are contradicting yourself. I gave you data about inflation originating from Russian sources, which show that a rouble buys less food etc, and you show me how much dollars can be bought with rouble, after saying that

richwicks says

Russia isn't experiencing any inflation in food, electricity, gasoline, anything. The US is.

richwicks says

When will you realize you're a useful idiot?

If I am a useful idiot, then I dont know who you are. You contradict yourself in space of 2 comments. That is not a show of high, or for that matter of any intelligence.
92   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 1, 6:17pm  

I'm all for NATO, as long as the US ain't in it.

It'll create an interesting situation for German and other European "No Nuke" states. Dependence on Britain and France, too. Might create a balance against Ger Money.
93   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 1, 6:20pm  

Trump was RIGHT.

94   richwicks   2022 Jul 1, 6:24pm  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

From institutions that actually are still able to trade the currency. They don't care about politics or propaganda, they care about $$$$, only.

Now you are contradicting yourself. I gave you data about inflation originating from Russian sources, which show that a rouble buys less food etc, and you show me how much dollars can be bought with rouble, after saying that

Well, I agree with Mises, that inflation is how much money exists. If Russia hasn't created more currency, it will drag down prices through competition. But yes, I was wrong about the common interpretation of inflation. The fact is though, the Ruble is extremely stable, for now - because Putin did something that hasn't been done in 5 decades, placed a floor on gold. He's tied the currency to a commodity - at least temporarily.

Bd6r says

richwicks says

richwicks says

Russia isn't experiencing any inflation in food, electricity, gasoline, anything. The US is.

richwicks says

When will you realize you're a useful idiot?

If I am a useful idiot, then I dont know who you are. You contradict yourself in space of 2 comments. That is not a show of high, or ...

Look, when was the last time the US government has been honest about Russia or in any war, or about anything?

They lied about the Iraq War, they lied about the Libyan war, Syrian war, they don't even mention Yemen or Somalia, they lied about the Afghanistan war.

They lied about the pandemic, they lied about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and the danger of the disease itself, they lied about Russian Collusion, and Russian hacking.

What have they told the truth about in the last 2 decades?

Well, the Ukraine war apparently.

I make errors certainly, but I don't lie, and I recognize patterns. Why can't you do this?

Our intelligence agencies have been caught now, recently, setting up false flags, and engaging in entrapment. Russia isn't a threat to us, our threats are domestic. Why can't you see that?

Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine, if the United States wasn't in Ukraine. When has US involvement ANYWHERE been beneficial to either the country they were involved with, the United States itself, or the people of this nation? US involvement in Ukraine is just going to get a few million people killed, that's it.

Could be wrong about that. Russia will minimize the number of causalities just as the US does. We'll never get an accurate number of the slaughter. How does this advantage the United States? Well, a few psychopaths are probably jerking off thinking about the carnage they caused, and a lot of Offence Contractors are sure to make money.

Of course the US is lying about the Ukraine/Russian conflict, they ONLY lie. I'm tired of it.

This is your honest, trustworthy, government:

original link

It's just a criminal syndicate. All they do is lie to us, blatantly, why do YOU take it? They think you're stupid, I'm certain you're not. You're not, why do you defend these assholes? Why do you think they are telling you the truth about Ukraine? This mother fucker's crackhead slut son "worked" at Burisma to funnel bribery money. This war in Ukraine would have NEVER happened if these mother fuckers were in jail, or executed, as they ought to be.

Somewhere, there's some poor kid, whose mother is a stripper, whose father is a crackhead, and whose grandfather is the president of the United States. How low are we going to go?
96   tomtomtom   2022 Aug 28, 7:44pm  

Now they need to build a new nightclub to accommodate Sanna and roll a train of cocaine a day. This is not a good deal for Nato.
98   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 1:47pm  

Note that transfer of 90% of troops from NATO-encircled Koenigsberg to Ukraine shows that it is not NATO putler is afraid of

99   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 30, 1:55pm  

Bd6r says

Note that transfer of 90% of troops from NATO-encircled Koenigsberg to Ukraine shows that it is not NATO putler is afraid of

Not only Koenigsberg, other places on the border with NATO too:

Since Russia first launched its invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has been peeling military forces away from its bases in Northern Europe to plug gaps in its forces suffering high losses and battlefield setbacks against Ukrainian troops.

Of an original estimated 30,000 Russian troops that once faced the Baltic countries and southern Finland, as many as 80 percent of them have been diverted to Ukraine, according to three senior European defense officials in the region, leaving Russia with only a skeleton crew in what was once its densest concentration of military force facing NATO territory.

“The drawdown we’ve seen from this region in the past seven months is very significant,” said one senior Nordic defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters. “Russia had this ground force posture facing us for decades that is now effectively just gone.”

...Russia is moving other high-end military hardware, including antiaircraft systems and missiles, away from the region to Ukraine alongside its troops. Russia appeared to remove some S-300 antiaircraft systems from a protective ring around St. Petersburg, one of Russia’s largest cities that is near Finland’s border, according to satellite imagery obtained by Finnish media outlet Yle this month. One missile basing area in the region, manned by Russia’s 500th Antiaircraft Missile Regiment, appeared to be abandoned entirely, according to the satellite imagery.


The obvious consclusion from all this is the sooner Ukraine is accepted to NATO the sooner Ruscia will feel safe and willing to remove their war criminals from Ukrainian territory (and even borders).
100   Bd6r   2022 Sep 30, 1:59pm  

Eric Holder says


Kroliewiec, Karalauci, or Twangste after referendum for joining Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
101   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 5, 9:10am  

Bd6r says

Eric Holder says


Kroliewiec, Karalauci, or Twangste after referendum for joining Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth

102   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 5, 10:16am  


Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has revealed that Poland has entered into negotiations with the U.S. to enter the NATO nuclear sharing program.

American nukes are currently stored in Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands within the program.

This won't have happened if Pukin didn't launch his SCHMO.
105   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 22, 11:02am  

OCTOBER 22, 2022 2:50 PM

Hungary’s government supports the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland and has submitted the ratification documents to the National Assembly, Minister Gergely Gulyás told reporters at a briefing on Saturday.

Gulyás, chief of staff to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, said the expansion of NATO to include the two Nordic countries would be ratified by mid-December at the latest, according to media reports.

Asked by a reporter if NATO would be getting stronger with Finland and Sweden joining, Gulyás replied that he hoped so.
106   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 30, 4:52pm  

BRUSSELS — Turkey’s parliament has voted to approve Finland’s NATO membership bid, paving the way for the Nordic country to join the security alliance.
Thursday’s vote was the last hurdle in Finland’s quest to join the military organization. Its eventual accession would remake European security, doubling NATO’s land border with Russia and bringing the full force of the alliance to Europe’s far north.
Turkey was the last holdout among NATO member countries, who need to approve new members unanimously. Once it notifies the United States that it has approved Finland’s bid, Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the alliance, will formally invite Finland to accede to the Washington Treaty, according to NATO.
109   HeadSet   2023 Apr 4, 11:17am  

ad says

Anyone see this about food inflation in Germany? it is 22% from March 2022 to March 2023 ...

Yep, driven by increased energy costs. And the recent slight decline in energy costs may be reversed by Saudis now cutting back on oil production.
110   socal2   2023 Apr 4, 12:13pm  

ad says

Anyone see this about food inflation in Germany? it is 22% from March 2022 to March 2023 ...


I thought they were all supposed to freeze and/or starve to death this winter?
111   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 6:10am  

A 'slight' departure from Zelensky's promise that the liberation of Crimea is something that cannot be negotiated.

I guess this means things aren't going so well for Ukraine and the New World Order Globalists?

Ukraine 'Ready' To Give Up Crimea, Says Zelensky Advisor

There has been much talk and reporting of the coming Spring counteroffensive by Ukraine forces, but with the fight for Bakhmut not going so well for Kiev, there's also been talk of the need for compromise, at a moment Ukrainian casualties in the east are believed to be high.

Last week we reported on President Volodymyr Zelensky's voicing rare doubts concerning Bakhmut - as if preparing his people for news of a devastating defeat. And now, on Wednesday, the Financial Times is reporting the single most important development to come out of the conflict in a long time: Zelensky's office says he's ready to compromise on the future of the Crimean peninsula.

Naturally, the Ukrainians present themselves as speaking from a position of having the upper hand, which is the general tone of the remarks that Andriy Sybiha, who is deputy head of Zelensky’s office, gave to FT. Per the publication, "Kyiv is willing to discuss the future of Crimea with Moscow if its forces reach the border of the Russian-occupied peninsula" - which marks the "most explicit statement of Ukraine’s interest in negotiations since it cut off peace talks with the Kremlin last April."
112   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 23, 10:50am  

Sweden's NATO Accession Protocol was signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and sent to the Turkish Grand National Assembly.


Congrats to the Cretin of Kremlin!

113   socal2   2023 Oct 23, 10:54am  

New NATO members next door to Russia was Putin's plan all along!
114   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 23, 1:11pm  

The UN General Assembly has been called for an emergency meeting to approve renaming of Baltic Sea into more appropiate Lake NATO.

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