School me on this one.

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2022 Apr 26, 8:30am   8,121 views  72 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Now that Russia clearly stated the intent to attack Moldova I need expert's input on why this would be justified:

- There are Nazis there!
- There are bioWEAPONS labs there.
- There are Nazi-operated bioWEAPONS labs there.
- Russia needs a buffer safety zone between their border and NATO.
- Moldova is hosting NATO weapons.
- It's necessary to protect Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Black Sea.
- US has overturned Moldova in 2014.
- US bombed Dresden in 1944.
- Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq.

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1   zzyzzx   2022 Apr 26, 8:35am  

It's justification for Moldova to round up all their Russians and march them to the Russian border, under guard.
2   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 26, 8:36am  

Russia, rightly or wrongly, justifies such actions as defending ethnic Russians, or even Slavs in general. Moldovans, and the related Romanians, are descendants of the ancient Romans as well as defeated Dacians and other former tribes/nations that became Romanized. Therefore ethnic Moldovans and Romanians speak a Romance language, which includes former Latin languages French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. They are not Slavs.

And so when minorty ethnic Russians are marginalized in former Soviet countries, or even brutally attacked, Russia uses this as a rationale to intervene, rightly or wrongly.
3   HeadSet   2022 Apr 26, 10:32am  

US bombed Dresden in 1944.

That famous Dresden bombing was done by the British.
4   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 26, 10:43am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Russia, rightly or wrongly, justifies such actions as defending ethnic Russians

Defending from what, exactly? What happened to "Russians" in Moldova recently?
5   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 26, 10:44am  

Is It Too Soon to Go On Vacation Together with Moldovan Women for Marriage?

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6   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 26, 10:44am  

HeadSet says
US bombed Dresden in 1944.

That famous Dresden bombing was done by the British.

Dang, you're right: "Bomber" Harris did it.
7   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 26, 10:46am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Is It Too Soon to Go On Vacation Together with Moldovan Women for Marriage?

Au contraire, my friend: it might be too late. But you can host them as refugees in your basement.
8   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 26, 10:47am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
when minorty ethnic Russians are ... brutally attacked

Did this happen in Moldova recently?
9   Ceffer   2022 Apr 26, 10:51am  

I hate it when Moldovan honey traps beat you to death with your own empty vodka bottle after you pass out.
11   indc   2022 Apr 26, 11:15am  

NYT says that there is a part of Moldova which is under russian control. So if they take control of this land and connect to odessa it will be very good win for russia as it can take complete control of blacksea and UKraine cutoff from sea will become a land locked country and then become a third world country. I dont see anything wrong in russia's strategy here.

I dont think russia will attack Moldova because most of Russia's objectives failed in UKraine.
12   HeadSet   2022 Apr 26, 11:16am  

Bitcoin says
Dang, I'd take this one!

Yep, you and every swinging dick between here and Bucharest.
13   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 26, 11:17am  

indc says
NYT says that there is a part of Moldova which is under russian control. So if they take control of this land and connect to odessa it will be very good win for russia as it can take complete control of blacksea and UKraine cutoff from sea will become a land locked country and then become a third world country. I dont see anything wrong in russia's strategy here.

I dont think russia will attack Moldova because most of Russia's objectives failed in UKraine.

Their dreams is one thing, but this thread is about justification for fullfilling these dreams.
14   zzyzzx   2022 Apr 26, 11:18am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
And so when minorty ethnic Russians are marginalized in former Soviet countries, or even brutally attacked, Russia uses this as a rationale to intervene, rightly or wrongly.

Which is exactly why they need to be deported. War is an excellent opportunity to do this. Make Russia evacuate East Prussia as well.
15   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 26, 11:22am  

Eric Holder says
Did this happen in Moldova recently?
Who knows what is happening there?

Here is a history of the Russian breakaway region, Transnistria, and the 1992 war fought there.

The Transnistria War (Romanian: Războiul din Transnistria; Russian: Война в Приднестровье) was an armed conflict that broke out on 2 November 1990 in Dubăsari (Russian: Дубосса́ры, Dubossary) between pro-Transnistria (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR)) forces, including the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and neo-Cossack units (which were supported by elements of the Russian 14th Army), and pro-Moldovan forces, including Moldovan troops and police.

Fighting intensified on 1 March 1992 and, alternating with ad hoc ceasefires, lasted throughout the spring and early summer of 1992 until a ceasefire was declared on 21 July 1992, which has held. The conflict is sometimes known as the Moldo-Russian war (Romanian: Războiul moldo-rus) in Moldova and Romania.[28]

Political background[edit]
Under Soviet rule, the Moldavian SSR became subject of policy of Russification, including isolation from the Romanian cultural sphere and the imposition of the Cyrillic alphabet for the Romanian language.[29] During the last years of the 1980s, the political landscape of the Soviet Union was changing due to Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost, which allowed political pluralism at the regional (republican) level. In the Moldavian SSR, as in many other parts of the Soviet Union, national movements became the leading political force.[30] As these movements exhibited increasingly nationalist sentiments and expressed intent to leave the USSR in favor of uniting with Romania, they encountered growing opposition from among the primarily Russian-speaking ethnic minorities living in the republic.[31] This opposition to the new trends and potential future policies was manifested in a more visible way in Transnistria, where, unlike the rest of the MSSR, ethnic Moldovans (39.9%) were outnumbered by the combined figure of Russians and Ukrainians (53.8%) as per the 1989 Census in Transnistria, largely due to higher immigration during the Soviet era.

While some believe that the combination of a distinct history (especially 1918–1940) and a fear of discrimination by Moldovans, gave rise to separatist sentiments, others believe that ethnic tensions alone fail to account for the dynamics of the conflict. According to John Mackinlay and Peter Cross, who conducted a study based on casualty reports, significant numbers of both Transnistrians and Moldovans fought together on both sides of the conflict. They suggest that the conflict is more political in nature.[32]

On 31 August 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian SSR enacted two laws. One of them made Moldovan the official language, in lieu of Russian, the de facto official language of the Soviet Union. It also mentioned a linguistic Moldo-Romanian identity. The second law stipulated the return to the Latin Romanian alphabet. Moldovan language is the term used in the former Soviet Union for a virtually identical dialect of the Romanian language during 1940–1989. On 27 April 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian SSR adopted the traditional tricolour (blue, yellow and red) flag with the Moldavian coat of arms and later changed in 1991 the national anthem to Deșteaptă-te, române!, the national anthem of Romania since 1990. Later in 1990, the words Soviet and Socialist were dropped and the name of the country was changed to "Republic of Moldova".

These events, including the end of the Ceaușescu regime in neighboring Romania in December 1989 and the partial opening of the border between Romania and Moldova on 6 May 1990, led many in Transnistria and Moldova to believe that a union between Moldova and Romania was inevitable. This possibility caused fears among the Russian-speaking population that it would be excluded from most aspects of public life. From September 1989, there were strong scenes of protests in the region against the central government's ethnic policies. The protests developed into the formation of secessionist movements in Gagauzia and Transnistria, which initially sought autonomy within the Moldavian SSR, in order to retain Russian and Gagauz as official languages. As the nationalist-dominated Moldavian Supreme Soviet outlawed these initiatives, the Gagauz Republic and Transnistria declared independence from Moldova and announced their application to be reattached to the Soviet Union as independent federal republics.[31] - Wikid
16   clambo   2022 Apr 26, 12:38pm  

Putin has lost touch with reality.
He reminds me of some high school punks who talked tough but never backed it up.
Or he reminds me of frustrated females who don't get their way so they sic others on you; maybe they call the cops or a lawyer to fuck you over.
17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 26, 8:59pm  

Now that Russia clearly stated the intent to attack Moldova I need expert's input on why this would be justified:

Are you Russian, or did you live under Communism in Eastern Europe? Just asking since you have so much hatred for Russian government, way more than you've ever shown for American government, despite the fact that they drone civilians, prosecute whistleblowers, jail the press, censor free speech, mandate experimental shots, and rob us through inflation.

I understand Russian government is super corrupt, and Stalin contends for title of worst human in history, but at the end of the day, that's Russia's problem. My problem, and yours if you're an American, is Biden, the CIA, NSA, FBI, warmongers, stolen elections, D and R pedophiles, and everyone who thinks it's ok to subjugate others to their mask/shot/fear bullshit. You wanna rail against bullshit wars and aggression, where were you the last 20 fucking years while we devastated the Middle East?
18   Patrick   2022 Apr 26, 10:37pm  

NuttBoxer says
where were you the last 20 fucking years while we devastated the Middle East?

Right, it's astounding how much some people suddenly care about Ukraine when they did not care at all about far worse events happening to other countries.
19   Ceffer   2022 Apr 26, 10:45pm  

Patrick says
Right, it's astounding how much some people suddenly care about Ukraine when they did not care at all about far worse events happening to other countries.

Or the atrocious crap happening in our own country right under our noses with flagrant disregard.
20   richwicks   2022 Apr 26, 11:33pm  

clambo says
Putin has lost touch with reality.
He reminds me of some high school punks who talked tough but never backed it up.
Or he reminds me of frustrated females who don't get their way so they sic others on you; maybe they call the cops or a lawyer to fuck you over.

Remember those 1000 or so Ukrainian soldiers that entered into a tunnel system under a steel factory?

They were given the option to surrender, until April 20th and that's in the past now. What the Russian army was ordered to do was to seal the entire system up, and leave them to die. Do you know why April 20th was picked? That's Adolph Hitler's birthday.

I think at the end of this war is going to be a very great reveal but we'll see. It doesn't matter what I say but I think there's going to be a few people eating some serious crow at the end of this. I have some hope that our vicious, and constant propaganda system is gone by this time, next year. I have to refer to my constant unending pessimism, but hopefully I'm wrong about Musk. He could completely upset the system.

People don't understand just how much this is Clown World. When people realize what they have been tricked and brainwashed into supporting, it's going to be very disconcerting to them. This entire war could have been trivially avoided, all Zelenskyy had to do was not engage in the idea to join NATO and stop bombing the Donbass. He doesn't give a shit about the people being killed. Russia isn't a 3rd world country, the idea they will lose this war is unreasonable, but we will see.
21   mell   2022 Apr 27, 9:53am  

Patrick says
NuttBoxer says
where were you the last 20 fucking years while we devastated the Middle East?

Right, it's astounding how much some people suddenly care about Ukraine when they did not care at all about far worse events happening to other countries.

Agreed. There are people though who have made direct contact with Russian govt or lived there and either emigrated or fled, and for them it will always be the main evil due to the direct contact / consequences. So I can understand that (many Russian Jews fled the Soviet Union for example). Still the war in the Ukraine pales to what has been going on for the past 50 years, sponsored by US "intervention" aka meddling.
22   socal2   2022 Apr 27, 10:03am  

Ceffer says
Or the atrocious crap happening in our own country right under our noses with flagrant disregard.

We can't walk and chew gum at the same time? Many of our internal problems can be addressed with the upcoming midterm elections that will put the brakes on the Biden administration. We also have folks like Musk stepping up to break our corrupt Media stranglehold.

I totally get how some are skeptical and leery of getting involved in Ukraine. I think even the biggest US hawks are not suggesting we send US troops, rather we just provide the Ukrainian some arms to DEFEND themselves from being invaded by Russia.

What I don't get is the embarrassing and lavish praising and excuse making of Putin by many people on this board while they simultaneously ape Russian propaganda calling a Jew like Zalensky a Nazi and worse.

Its the same type of Chomsky/Commie/Islamist bullshit that blamed the US for 9/11 and all the world's ills since WWII.
23   mell   2022 Apr 27, 11:23am  

socal2 says
What I don't get is the embarrassing and lavish praising and excuse making of Putin by many people on this board while they simultaneously ape Russian propaganda calling a Jew like Zalensky a Nazi and worse.

He's a corrupt puppet installed by the US after they overthrew the previous government. No need to call him anything else, better or worse. Likely beats a violent thug/invader overall, but comes at a steep price with all the xiden corruption. Also providing weapons to send Ukrainians to die is not a humanitarian good deed, some serious diplomacy is. Now if you're confident that it's only a matter of short time until the glorious victory over putin, feel free to make that call.
24   socal2   2022 Apr 27, 11:36am  

mell says
He's a corrupt puppet installed by the US after they overthrew the previous government.

Uh - wasn't that Yuschenko......the guy Putin infamously tried to murder with poison causing him major disfigurement? Then we had Poroshenko in power for 5+ years and then the Jewish comedian "Nazi" Zelensky defeated Poroshenko in 2019.

Which "previous" Russian puppet government are you talking about?

25   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 11:43am  

socal2 says
Which "previous" Russian puppet government are you talking about?

He didn't. He simply pointed out that Zelenskyy is a puppet. Once the US overthrows a government the only way they ever become free again is a revolution.
26   socal2   2022 Apr 27, 11:54am  

richwicks says
He didn't. He simply pointed out that Zelenskyy is a puppet. Once the US overthrows a government the only way they ever become free again is a revolution.

So where are all these pro Russian revolutionaries in Ukraine? What better time for a "revolution" to free themselves when Russia is busy killing thousands and targeting the Zelensky government? Where is the mass sabotage and protests in Ukraine supporting Russia?

What is YOUR evidence that the 2019 election of Zelensky was corrupt and the majority of Ukrainians prefer to live as a Russian puppet? Zelensky won with over 70% of the vote beating Poroshenko.
27   mell   2022 Apr 27, 11:55am  

richwicks says
socal2 says
Which "previous" Russian puppet government are you talking about?

He didn't. He simply pointed out that Zelenskyy is a puppet. Once the US overthrows a government the only way they ever become free again is a revolution.

Agreed. Again, this doesn't mean that other govts don't try the same tactics, but the prior govt had been fairly elected per observers etc. Then the US color revolution and overthrow came, and let's not forget the forced firing of the prosecutor. Shady as fuck, speaking of fuck, victoria "fuck the eu" nuland. lol. Also, still trying to figure out what an "appropriate" number of Ukrainian deaths is before we start talks about independent/russian donbass and crimea and neutral Ukraine possibly put forth in a treaty. Of course we can just continue to send weapons and money we don't have and see what sticks.
28   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:02pm  

richwicks says
socal2 says
Which "previous" Russian puppet government are you talking about?

He didn't. He simply pointed out that Zelenskyy

What the fuck does Zelensky has to do with Russia now wanting to invade Moldova?

Stay on topic, folks!
29   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:04pm  

NuttBoxer says
Are you

The thread is not about users of this board. It's about justifications for Russia to now invade Moldova in addition to already ongoing invasion of Ukraine. We have so many experts on justifications for that invasion that it makes P.net a natural place to ask about the justification for the new one.
30   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:06pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Eric Holder says
Did this happen in Moldova recently?
Who knows what is happening there?

With camera and microfone in every fucking toaster everybody knows what's happening everywhere.
31   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:08pm  

NuttBoxer says
the Middle East

What the fuck the Middle East have to do with Moldova? We can have a separate thread for justifications of Middle East wars, but this one is for declared Russian intent to attack Moldova and justifications for it. Last time I checked Moldova was NOT in the Middle East.

Jeezus, can anyone carry a converationg without immediately resorting to whataboutism anymore?
32   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:08pm  

socal2 says
So where are all these pro Russian revolutionaries in Ukraine?

Trying not to get killed by the Ukrainian government is my bet.

socal2 says
What better time for a "revolution" to free themselves when Russia is busy killing thousands and targeting the Zelensky government? Where is the mass sabotage and protests in Ukraine supporting Russia?

Not when if you don't pick the right side, they'll strip you nude, tie you to a street pole, and beat you half to death.

socal2 says
What is YOUR evidence that the 2019 election of Zelensky was corrupt and the majority of Ukrainians prefer to live as a Russian puppet?

Maybe the Ukrainians DO prefer a US puppet. Elections are just like ours are, the only fuckers that are allowed to run are controlled opposition. It's really Ihor Kolomoyskyi that is the nearest thing to a leader in Ukraine - he's appointed a bunch of "mayors" of various cities. That dumb fucker Mikheil Saakashvili was appointed mayor Odessa Oblast after he gave up being president CIA puppet twat of Georgia.

socal2 says
Zelensky won with over 70% of the vote beating Poroshenko.

Yep, and Biden is the most popular presidential candidate in all of US history, and Christopher Wray even said it was the most secure election ever.

I don't care what Ukraine does, I don't care what Russia does - but I'm fucking sick and tired of having my goddamned worthless piece of shit government involved in EVERYTHING except the United States. The "wall that was too expensive to build" between the US and Mexico - we just sent more fucking money to Ukraine.

Our enemies aren't in Russia, or Syria, or Iraq - they're right in fucking Washington DC. They are the largest threat to this nation and they ARTIFICIALLY create foreign enemies constantly because it's a good distraction from their own criminality, and I'm sick and tired of people falling for it.


How fucking corrupt, how blatantly criminal do they fucking have to be before you start worrying about them instead of some fucking conflict they engineered on the other side of ht e planet? Do you fucking civic duty and be informed about this country.
33   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:09pm  

Soo, nobody dares to take a stab at the multiple choice in the OP? =))

PS. My answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE.
34   mell   2022 Apr 27, 12:10pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
socal2 says
Which "previous" Russian puppet government are you talking about?

He didn't. He simply pointed out that Zelenskyy

What the fuck does Zelensky has to do with Russia now wanting to invade Moldova?

Stay on topic, folks!

You're correct - but the topic was shifted earlier somehow. I do not have enough info on Moldova as a whole, but we're likely talking about a specific "breakaway" region Transdniestria that has a Russian support within and backing, somewhat similar to donbass. I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova, it would be def as wrong as the current war in the Ukraine, but if a breakaway region wants independence we do have to listen, remember Yugoslavia/Serbia/Kosovo. It's our own "fuck the treaties" policy. Now we do not know how much of that separatist enclave is organic.
35   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:12pm  

mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.
36   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:14pm  

Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?
37   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:18pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?
38   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:21pm  

mell says

Kosovo is a somewhat special case because of the genocide which happened there, making it impossible for them to stay in the same contry as their killers.

BTW, neither Ukraine nor Moldova have recognized Kosovo independence, IIRC, so punishing Moldova for US recognition of Kosovo looks somewhat misplaced.
39   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:27pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?

I was asking a rhetorical question - it doesn't matter at all to the United States what Russia does to Maldova. It is ONLY being used to start up another Cold War which is all Ukraine is about. Stupid suckers are easy to control.
40   indc   2022 Apr 27, 12:31pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?

I dont want to take a stab at the stupid question from the OP. Duran guys says its UKraine which initiated the attack on tranista. And it started after US minister reached "kyiv". So he should be questioning why does US want to screw up whole world so that they can be sole superpower.

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