Show Me The Incentive And I'll Show You The Outcome

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2022 May 2, 10:54am   288 views  10 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The title of this post is a famous quote by Charlie Munger.

There is a huge incentive for corruption, because it is profitable.

But what is the incentive to expose corruption?

Maybe we need massive, truly massive incentives to expose and eliminate corruption.

Could this work against Pfauci's corruption on behalf of Pfizer?

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1   Ceffer   2022 May 2, 11:56am  

Patrick says
Could this work against Pfauci's corruption on behalf of Pfizer?

Not really, because Fauci is on a one way street of chiseled corruption for decades. He is a Rockefeller pharma puppet, and he will always be such, and only takes directives. We just see him as the face of the directives. Pretending he has a conscience serves no purpose.
2   Patrick   2022 May 12, 4:53pm  

But maybe government officials should be massively personally rewarded financially with the money they recover from corruption.

On the other hand, then maybe the government would start prosecuting innocent people with bogus charges just to take their money.
3   AmericanKulak   2022 May 12, 4:55pm  

Patrick says
On the other hand, then maybe the government would start prosecuting innocent people with bogus charges just to take their money.

That's what would happen in practice. Some unheard of form wasn't being filled out, and they'd go after the bureaucrat/office that wasn't filling them out, and make it so they could go after people without proving $1 was embezeled or improperly spent. Meanwhile they'd continue to have government programs that paid $50k to contractors to provide $10k FOB anywhere list price devices/machines to select Countries.
4   rocketjoe79   2022 May 12, 5:23pm  

Money worked to inflate COVID death rates. Anytime a "perverse incentive" is employed, results are guaranteed. Hospitals were PAID to report covid deaths. Surely this couldn't have inflated the reported death rates??

Another example: Airlines were getting hammered for poor "on-time performance." Airlines complained, so the government changed the reporting time to begin at "pushback" from the gate. On-time performance is now excellent!! Why? The airlines padded EVERY FLIGHT by 30 extra minutes. The flight boards, pushes back at the gate and spends the extra time waiting to takeoff. How many folks have spent time with engines shutdown on the tarmac waiting for takeoff clearance because of early pushback?!? you can thank the government's perverse incentive.
5   Patrick   2022 May 12, 7:07pm  

OK, so what might work to reduce institutional corruption in America then?
6   stereotomy   2022 May 12, 7:26pm  

Patrick says

OK, so what might work to reduce institutional corruption in America then?

I'll take a gander - vet everyone to insure there are no skeletons in the closet (fraud, sex crimes, pedophilia).

The problem is that only the people who are compromised get elected. I wager that it is literally impossible for an honest man or woman to be elected to any government position today. If the psychopaths don't have dirt on you, you will not be a candidate (just like MS13 or la cosa nostra initiations).

Where does Trump fit into this? Yes, he's a sleaze but he's not a killer, unlike (immense hirsute lesbian) Hillary, or (fuck the POWS because they know I'm a traitor) McCain. "They" figured they could manufacture enough wrongdoing to torpedo him.

That's the lesson. If you are incorruptible and you get elected, "they" will suborn as many perjurors as are necessary to get you indicted on BS charges. Case in point, Kavanaugh and that loopy bitch.
7   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 12, 8:26pm  

the system does not reward whistle blowing. snowden still in Russia and Assange in jail.

Assange was first trying to make whistleblowing profitable, hes in jail.

prohject veritas doing same thing, suddenly fbi started harassing them into silence.

america is ran by fucking power hungry corrupt assholes, they are not going to give up power without a fight to death.
8   stfu   2022 May 13, 6:30am  

Dump the constitution for the original articles of confederation. Keep corruption where it belongs - in the State House. We should be 50 mini countries instead of one big one.
10   Patrick   2024 Dec 18, 12:54pm  


The poor are a gold mine for the bureaucracy. Every fentanyl fiend currently bobbing his head in waking death on the sidewalk necessitates an army of police, counsellors, lawyers, welfare clerks, therapists, accountants, each of whom comes with a whole team of paperwork-filers, not to mention the associated phenomenon of non-profit organizations paying out taxpayer-funded salaries to scores of people on the theory that people will work hard to solve a problem that will result in their no longer being paid if it is in fact solved.

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