Russian Black Sea Fleet is practically neutered.

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2022 May 9, 11:06am   31,301 views  259 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

After the dramatic sinking of the missile-cruiser Moskva by a Ukrainian missile battery on April 14, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is down to just three major surface combatants. The best and most important of them might be the new missile-frigate Admiral Makarov.

On Thursday and Friday there were reports the Ukrainians had landed a blow with a Neptune and the frigate was on fire. There was no immediate hard evidence to back up the rumors, although one blurry video that circulated online does seem to depict a warship in flames.

Commissioned in 2017, Admiral Makarov is the third, last and most modern vessel in her class. All three of the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates belong to the Black Sea Fleet. Armed with 24 Buk medium-range surface-to-air missiles and eight Kalibr cruise missiles, all in vertical cells, the frigates can escort other vessels and also attack targets on land.

Admiral Makarov and her sisters are not big ships. Displacing just 4,000 tons of water and accommodating 200 crew, they’re less than half the size of the U.S. Navy’s main surface combatants, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

But the frigates are about as big as Russia can make a non-nuclear surface combatant these days, for reasons that—ironically—have everything to do with the current war. Throughout the Soviet era and for years after the USSR’s collapse, Russia acquired its big marine engines from Ukraine.

After Russia in 2014 invaded and annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula—including the port of Sevastopol where Admiral Makarov now is based—Kyiv barred certain exports to Russia, including the marine engines Russia requires for any fast, conventional vessel displacing more than 5,000 tons or so.

Which is to say, after 2014 the Russian navy struggled to build big warships. That made it impossible to replace, like for like, the biggest Soviet-vintage ships such as Moskva, which displaced 12,000 tons.


Moskva’s sinking, along with the earlier destruction of the Black Sea Fleet landing ship Saratov following an apparent hit by a Ukrainian ballistic missile, spooked fleet commanders. They pulled back the surviving surface ships.

Many, including one Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate—it’s not clear which—were moored in Sevastopol as recently as Thursday. When the warships do sail from Crimea, they tend to stay 100 miles or so from the Ukrainian coast, potentially keeping them beyond the range of Kyiv’s Neptunes.

Keeping at a safe distance meant the frigates apparently were in no position to help when the Ukrainian navy last week mounted a furious drone assault on the Russian garrison on Snake Island. The tiny hunk of rock, 25 miles off the coast of southwestern Ukraine, helped Kyiv assert some control over the western Black Sea—until the Russians captured it on the first full day of the current war on Feb. 24.

Ukrainian TB-2 drones knocked out Russian air-defenses on the island then went hunting deeper at sea. On Monday, a TB-2 struck two Russian Raptor-class patrol boats with laser-guided missiles, heavily damaging if not destroying both of the 55-foot boats as they motored toward Snake Island.

Without the protection of a frigate, the Raptors were sitting ducks. In that sense, sinking Moskva—and scaring off the rest of the Black Sea Fleet’s major combatants—was as good as sinking the frigates, too. It doesn’t matter that Russia still has three powerful warships in the Black Sea if those ships can’t, or won’t, risk approaching the Ukrainian coast.


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94   richwicks   2023 Apr 14, 12:40pm  


Ruscia started this shit. Nobody invaded them.

Stop lying. I've pointed out relentlessly that the United States overthrew Ukraine in 2014. I'll do it again:

This is Victoria Nuland's intercepted communication picking out the next leader of Ukraine:


Here's the video leak:


That was posted on February 4, 2014. In that conversation, she's PICKING the next "leader" of Ukraine: This was 2 weeks and 4 days before the supposed "revolution" in Ukraine in which Yanukovych. You still lie, you must have seen this by now, it's been almost a decade, you continue to lie. Fuck you.

Nuland: [Breaks in] I think Yats is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience. He's the... what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in... he's going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it's just not going to work.

You cannot not know at this point. You're lying. Stop fucking lying. The US overthrew Ukraine, and this led to this fucking stupid war. It began in 2014, the US caused it by the coup.

original link

Stop supporting murder, asshole. Stop being a bad person. It's not hard to do, but there are consequences for not being human garbage. We're controlled by human garbage, if you'd just stand up, we could be free of them. I'm tired of you cowards.

You KNOW what is going on, and you still actively deceive people. Ignorance is one thing, dishonesty is another. Your collusion is getting people murdered. Stop doing this.

You are a bad person. You're shameless. You support murder, you oppose truth. Who is the the prince of lies? That's who you serve. I am not religious, but I agree largely with western thought and morality, you don't.

I don't hate you, or envy you, I'm just disgusted by you. You really are a bad person. Our nation created this war, and you a moral reprobate in supporting this slaughter. You are morally corrupt. Do not support this evil, this evil falls upon all of us. Stop this insanity.
95   RWSGFY   2023 May 1, 10:29am  

By-bye BS fleet fuel supply :

(not that they needed any for sitting in the sealed harbor anyway)
96   Eric Holder   2023 May 25, 6:09pm  

Not safe even hiding near Turkiye coast:


99   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 25, 6:40pm  


By-bye BS fleet fuel supply :

(not that they needed any for sitting in the sealed harbor anyway)

That picture was first reported as Russian Fleet fuel. The internet was skeptical because ships run on diesel and doesn't burn in a mushroom cloud. Also had it been a more volitile fuel, then the fireball would have been as big as the cap on that mushroom cloud. Also either fuel would burn just one color, not three like in that picture. .A few days later the EU reported it as depleted Uranium shells, they sent Ukraine and Russia bombed it.
100   RWSGFY   2023 May 26, 12:39pm  

Tenpoundbass says


By-bye BS fleet fuel supply :

(not that they needed any for sitting in the sealed harbor anyway)

That picture was first reported as Russian Fleet fuel. The internet was skeptical because ships run on diesel and doesn't burn in a mushroom cloud. Also had it been a more volitile fuel, then the fireball would have been as big as the cap on that mushroom cloud. Also either fuel would burn just one color, not three like in that picture. .A few days later the EU reported it as depleted Uranium shells, they sent Ukraine and Russia bombed it.


PS. Ships run mostly on HFO a.k.a bunker oil, not diesel. But facilities like this isually store many types of fuel, so diesel, jet fuel snd even gasoline could be there too. All gone now, waaaaaaa!
101   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 26, 3:14pm  

I think all of that volatile fuel would make a huge fireball, there's no fireball there. Refinery and Depo fires make a huge plume not a mushroom cloud.
Also if the story is true, the pictures I'm seeing on Google for the Russia fuel depot, look more like the Texas refinery explosion, and they all look different.

I guess this original photo wasn't credible enough.
102   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 8, 10:40am  

Black Sea Fleet is so neutered that Zelensky feels safe to visit Snake Island. And dance there. In heels. While playing on piano with his dick. Bwahahahahaha.
103   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 10:52am  


Black Sea Fleet is so neutered that Zelensky feels safe to visit Snake Island. And dance there. In heels. While playing on piano with his dick. Bwahahahahaha.

Have you ever seen what Snake Island looks like or where it is?


I'm surprised it's not just a prison.
104   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jul 8, 1:04pm  


Black Sea Fleet is so neutered that Zelensky feels safe to visit Snake Island. And dance there. In heels. While playing on piano with his dick. Bwahahahahaha.

so he can play piano?
105   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 8, 4:44pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says


Black Sea Fleet is so neutered that Zelensky feels safe to visit Snake Island. And dance there. In heels. While playing on piano with his dick. Bwahahahahaha.

so he can play piano?

With his dick. On the Snake Island. And there is nothing brave Red Navy can do about it.
106   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 4, 8:32am  

Can't hide in their other base - Novorossiysk - anymore:

110   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 18, 10:04am  

Neutering continues in the Red Navy home base:

112   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 11, 3:22pm  

Trollhole says

Is that a prediction? Please post in a correct thread - this one is tracking the ever-increasing distance between the Black Sea Red Fleet and it's now-detached balls.
113   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 11, 3:24pm  

Back on topic.

Some of 2014-15 Red Navy gains in the Black Sea are now reversed:

114   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 12, 8:24pm  

Red Navy base in Sebastopol last night:

115   Bd6r   2023 Sep 12, 10:18pm  


Red Navy base in Sebastopol last night:

CGI, clearly!
116   richwicks   2023 Sep 12, 10:58pm  

Bd6r says


Red Navy base in Sebastopol last night:

CGI, clearly!

Don't dismiss the possibility. After all, this is, supposedly, a Ukrainian fighter pilot, with a Swedish accent, and beard which an oxygen mask won't fit over:

original link

How many times do they have to lie to you, before you realize they lie to you? How blatant does it have to get? Do you really think that a multi milliondollar "news" agency doesn't have the resources to check sources? Anderson Cooper is part of Operation Mockingbird. When will you realize our "news" media is entirely infiltrated with psy-ops from our bullshit incompetent, stupid, intelligence agencies?

Propaganda isn't produced to convince intelligent people that a lie is true, it's just to give them the freedom not to think at all. After all, "everybody agrees", right? The example I gave is obviously bullshit - this should cause outrage that a major talking head asshole presented this as truth, but it doesn't. "Oh everybody is stupid", right? I'm not a predator. That's too easy, I prefer uplift.
117   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 13, 7:35am  

Bd6r says


Red Navy base in Sebastopol last night:

CGI, clearly!


The Reds have admitted that a sub and a large landing ship were hit. If they admit this, their real losses must be
118   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 13, 7:46am  

Clearly, Ukraine is winning this war.

Quick, Zelensky needs more $Billions to finish the job!
119   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 13, 11:48am  

Yep, Ukreinian people need more weapons to persuade the Soviet fucks to go back inside their already biggest in the world legal territory. They have enough land to live on, no need for more Lebensraum.
120   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 13, 11:53am  

RayAmerica says

Zelensky needs more $Billions to finish the job!

Nope, Zelensky doesn't need more $B because these have already been spent for weaponry produced for this exact purpose - beating back Soviet aggressors and quickly approaching its expiration date. All that needed is quick transfer of said weapons to these who need them now to repel this illegal aggression. Fucking Joe Biden is dragging his feet on this issue. I wonder if these $35M Hunter got from Baturina and $5 he got from Yanukovich's buddy - Zlochevsky - has something to do with it.
121   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 13, 11:54am  

I believe this is another first in the naval history: submarine destroyed by a cruise missile.
122   richwicks   2023 Sep 13, 12:28pm  

Eric Holder says

Yep, Ukreinian people need more weapons to persuade the Soviet fucks to go back inside their already biggest in the world legal territory. They have enough land to live on, no need for more Lebensraum.

The USSR ceased to exist in 1991, December 26th. When you refer to the USSR, you only expose your stupidity. Stop doing that.

The USSR is no more Russia than the United States is British in 1775. Russia underwent a revolution in 1991. They aren't the same as the previous government. You must know this. Why do you lie about it, why do you pretend they are the same?
123   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 14, 4:25pm  

Minsk's suprestructure collapsed into the hull:

It'll buff right out!
124   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 14, 4:27pm  

RWS Kotov attacked by an USV:

126   richwicks   2023 Sep 14, 5:44pm  

Navy is obsolete. Too easy to sink a ship today. In a real war, all the navy on the planet would be at the bottom of the ocean in a matter of weeks.

Russia will figure this out before the United States does.

The only possible use of the Navy is submarines, and they can be trivially detected. Even deep submersibles, leave a wake which is easily detectable.

The future of warfare is exclusively air. We shouldn't even bother with infantry. Why there is a person behind a gun, STILL, and not just controlling it remotely is, is beyond me.
128   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 16, 8:56pm  

Another RWS - Samoom - was fucked up by USVs and towed to the base:

129   stereotomy   2023 Sep 17, 8:41am  

WWIII IN 3 .. 2.. 1 ..
133   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 18, 11:09am  

stereotomy says

WWIII IN 3 .. 2.. 1 ..


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