Russian Black Sea Fleet is practically neutered.

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2022 May 9, 11:06am   31,286 views  259 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

After the dramatic sinking of the missile-cruiser Moskva by a Ukrainian missile battery on April 14, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is down to just three major surface combatants. The best and most important of them might be the new missile-frigate Admiral Makarov.

On Thursday and Friday there were reports the Ukrainians had landed a blow with a Neptune and the frigate was on fire. There was no immediate hard evidence to back up the rumors, although one blurry video that circulated online does seem to depict a warship in flames.

Commissioned in 2017, Admiral Makarov is the third, last and most modern vessel in her class. All three of the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates belong to the Black Sea Fleet. Armed with 24 Buk medium-range surface-to-air missiles and eight Kalibr cruise missiles, all in vertical cells, the frigates can escort other vessels and also attack targets on land.

Admiral Makarov and her sisters are not big ships. Displacing just 4,000 tons of water and accommodating 200 crew, they’re less than half the size of the U.S. Navy’s main surface combatants, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

But the frigates are about as big as Russia can make a non-nuclear surface combatant these days, for reasons that—ironically—have everything to do with the current war. Throughout the Soviet era and for years after the USSR’s collapse, Russia acquired its big marine engines from Ukraine.

After Russia in 2014 invaded and annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula—including the port of Sevastopol where Admiral Makarov now is based—Kyiv barred certain exports to Russia, including the marine engines Russia requires for any fast, conventional vessel displacing more than 5,000 tons or so.

Which is to say, after 2014 the Russian navy struggled to build big warships. That made it impossible to replace, like for like, the biggest Soviet-vintage ships such as Moskva, which displaced 12,000 tons.


Moskva’s sinking, along with the earlier destruction of the Black Sea Fleet landing ship Saratov following an apparent hit by a Ukrainian ballistic missile, spooked fleet commanders. They pulled back the surviving surface ships.

Many, including one Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate—it’s not clear which—were moored in Sevastopol as recently as Thursday. When the warships do sail from Crimea, they tend to stay 100 miles or so from the Ukrainian coast, potentially keeping them beyond the range of Kyiv’s Neptunes.

Keeping at a safe distance meant the frigates apparently were in no position to help when the Ukrainian navy last week mounted a furious drone assault on the Russian garrison on Snake Island. The tiny hunk of rock, 25 miles off the coast of southwestern Ukraine, helped Kyiv assert some control over the western Black Sea—until the Russians captured it on the first full day of the current war on Feb. 24.

Ukrainian TB-2 drones knocked out Russian air-defenses on the island then went hunting deeper at sea. On Monday, a TB-2 struck two Russian Raptor-class patrol boats with laser-guided missiles, heavily damaging if not destroying both of the 55-foot boats as they motored toward Snake Island.

Without the protection of a frigate, the Raptors were sitting ducks. In that sense, sinking Moskva—and scaring off the rest of the Black Sea Fleet’s major combatants—was as good as sinking the frigates, too. It doesn’t matter that Russia still has three powerful warships in the Black Sea if those ships can’t, or won’t, risk approaching the Ukrainian coast.


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54   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Aug 13, 12:58pm  

richwicks says

Is the US done in Syria? How about Afghanistan? Libya? Yemen? Somalia?

Yeah, those were all 'won" in 30 days too

I'm talking about the combined arms operation like Russia is doing in Ukraine, not some insurgency. Like we had in first 22 days in Iraq and first 2 weeks in Afghanistan and never had in Lybia, Yemen or Somalia. If you don't understand the difference why are you even talking about military shit? Go read some books, beef up your understanding on military matters and then we'll talk. Otherwise it's boring and meaningless - your girly incoherent screams get old very fast.
55   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 1:10pm  

Onvacation says

Why are we even in Ukraine?

Multiple reasons. The overall reason for all the wars is that the United States is trying to make Europe dependent on US energy production, which is produced by US proxies in the Middle East. Cut Russia off from being able to export to Europe, and Europe is dependent on the Middle East for energy. I have a friend in Switzerland, they are told they will be experiencing energy blackouts during the winter.

There's more minor issues, like the usual money laundering and graft by the goal is to isolate Russia economically. The US, hypocritically, talks about press freedom and human rights, but they don't care about that when it comes to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Syria. The US is King Hypocrite of the world now.

Europe is intentionally being weakened with the refugees the US has been intentionally creating for the last 20 years. It appears that the strategy of the United States is that instead of building up this country, it's to destroy everybody else.

I don't think the US really has any conflict with China, instead the US is following China's lead. I doubt the US cares about Taiwan, Japan is already in demographic collapse apparently peaking in 2015. They have about as many births now as they did in 1890.

56   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Aug 13, 1:17pm  

richwicks says

The overall reason for all the wars is that the United States is trying to make Europe dependent on US energy production, which is produced by US proxies in the Middle East. Cut Russia off from being able to export to Europe, and Europe is dependent on the Middle East for energy.

I like it. Realpolitik at its best. I wish US was that devious and coherent in their foreign politics IRL.

But good thing you're finally off the shit like bioWEAPONSlabs, "gay corrupt nazi clowns" and such. This doesn't address the Putin's admission that he is after adding lands to the empire a-la Peter the Great though. Shall we just forget it and pretend that never happened?
57   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 1:20pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

I'm talking about the combined arms operation like Russia is doing in Ukraine, not some insurgency. Like we had in first 22 days in Iraq and first 2 weeks in Afghanistan and never had in Lybia, Yemen or Somalia. If you don't understand the difference why are you even talking about military shit?

Fuck stupid definitions which are just designed to make our disastrous foreign policy look good.

Hugh_Mongous says

Go read some books, beef up your understanding on military matters and then we'll talk. Otherwise it's boring and meaningless - your girly incoherent screams get old very fast.

Look, the United States is being destroyed by a 5th column, who precisely that is, I can guess, but I don't worry about it.

None of the past 20 years of US foreign policy has done anything to help this nation. COMPLETELY ignoring any moral bullshit about it, it's done nothing but damage the wealth and credibility of the United States.

The United States just sent the ENTIRE MILITARY BUDGET of Russia to Ukraine. They're still going to lose. I doubt less than 10% of the money even gets there. It won't be long before US forces and NATO is in that fucking mess. The second NATO goes in, Russian pipelines turn off, people will be freezing in Europe, and if goes on much longer, there's going to mass starvation in Eastern Europe but food is a fungible commodity so it might just lead to mass starvation. There will be unrest in Europe, in terms of crime because an entire dependent class (the "refugees") are going to be put into a desperate situation.

None of this bullshit is "war". If this was a war, nuclear weapons would have been used. This is just stupid fucking corrupt US foreign policy controlled by the insane, inept, Neocons who ONLY fall upward. None of these bastards no matter how much they fuck up, ever get replaced by competents. The people running US foreign policy don't care about the United States.

All this is doing is destroying Europe, Russia, and the United States. Good fucking plan.
58   mell   2022 Aug 13, 3:03pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

mell says

If everything is going so well we surely should stop funding this useless war and proceed to negotiations... oh wait...

Yeah, this is exactly what Russia is asking for - to stop providing weapons and proceed to negotiations:


But Ukrainians, for some weird reason, don't think Russia deserves a piece of their land. This is because of Hunter Biden for sure, no other reason.

Most Ukrainians do not want to fight for their corrupt US puppet leader, they just want this war to end. Most would be happy with a diplomatic solution for donbass and crimea and neutrality. Fuck both putin and zelinsky. Surely the US should not spend a another dime on it but in fact return the money pedo xiden, crackhead hunter and the rest of the gang stole from the American citizens.
59   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 3:10pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

But good thing you're finally off the shit like bioWEAPONSlabs,

No, there are bioweapons labs. Do you know what the excuse for them are? Supposedly they are constructing deadly pathogens to try to find cures for them in case

1) an enemy makes the EXACT same pathogen
2) researchers just LUCKILY found the cure to that precise pathogen

It's ridiculous. They are bioweapons labs. If they stumble on something that effectively kills a population and they develop a vaccine or treatment for it, they'll just release it at the first opportunity. The sars-cov2-19 "pandemic" was probably a test of this. That came out of a "research" lab, a BSL5 lab. Would explain why it wasn't deadly, it would explain all the LUDICROUS restrictions, they're training us for biological warfare.

Generally anything done has MULTIPLE reasons to do it. It allowed us to bail out the banking sector, it destroyed small business and made a shitload of money for a few oligarchs in the know, it stripped us of civil rights..

Hugh_Mongous says

"gay corrupt nazi clowns" and such.

They are ALL corrupt. Jesus. I get tired of people feeling the need to ALWAYS boil it down to "duh good guys" versus "duh bad guys". They're all bad.

There are Nazis fighting on "our side". So what? Al-Qaeda fought on "our side" in Syria. Politics make strange bedfellows. The US will align with ANYBODY as long as there's a bigger enemy to go after. If Al-Qaeda gets wiped out in the process, well, bonus.

Why do you think ISIS ONLY fought with US weapons? The (again ridiculous) story was:

1) Isis would find an armory in Iraq.
2) They would overwhelm the base that has all those weapons and is staffed with professional military men.
3) They'd steal the weapons from the armory.

A real armory has a kill switch in it, an explosive, just for that possibility. It gets raided? KABOOM - better to blow it up than to have your enemies get it, but ISIS and Al-Qaeda, they weren't enemies of the United States for that period of time.

It's like Antifa and BLM - they are "officially" enemies of the establishment, but the establishment controls them. They are useful idiots.

Hugh_Mongous says

This doesn't address the Putin's admission that he is after adding lands to the empire a-la Peter the Great though. Shall we just forget it and pretend that never happened?

Who cares?

I'm just pointing out none of this shit would have happened if the fucking crazy cunt Victoria Nuland didn't overthrew Ukraine with CIA assistance.

Here's the consequences.

Sure the US will bitch and moan, it's good propaganda for them, anybody in a warzone doesn't give a shit which garbage government is fucking them, they just want the damned thing to end. What are THEY fighting for? I'm sure their population is as brainwashed as any other. Ever talk to a Bosnian or a Serbian 20 years after the war? They're like "yeah, that was fucking stupid".

The US never learned its lesson because the US never gets bombed. If the Neocon nutcases keep escalating this shit, that's going to change. Hell, they'll do a false flag if it's in their interests, they've done it before.

This shit would end if people stopped falling for this shit, but we don't have a news media, most people don't think they just talk, they never look into the history of how this shit gets started EVEN WHEN YOU LAY IT OUT ON A SILVER PLATTER. I understand the utter contempt our "leaders" must have for the dumb population. They still think we have a functioning media for god sakes. How goddamed retarded do they have to be after 4 years of "Russian Collusion" and 20 years after "we can't wait for the final proof to come in the form of a mushroom cloud".

I'm sick of this tiresome magic trick. It's fucking easy to see the slight of hand and it's lazy. It can scarcely get more obvious that this is a fraud. It's all a fraud.
60   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Aug 16, 10:11am  

The ships of the Russian Black Sea fleet continue to take an extremely defensive position. This was stated by the British Ministry of Defense in reference to the country’s intelligence.

According to them, the patrolling of the surface ships of the fleet is generally limited to the water area in sight of the Crimean coast.

“This contrasts with the increased activity of Russian naval forces in other seas, typical of this time of year,” British intelligence stressed.

As noted, the Russian Black Sea fleet continues to use long-range cruise missiles to support ground offensives, but is currently “experiences difficulties in exerting effective control over the sea.”

“It lost its flagship, the cruiser Moskva, a significant part of the naval aviation’s fighter jets and control of Snake Island,” the UK defense department said.

“The currently limited effectiveness of the Black Fleet undermines Russia’s overall invasion strategy, in part because the maritime threat to Odessa has now been largely neutralized*.

*) They mean neutered.
63   Michael Cooke   2022 Aug 20, 4:55pm  

America is in a proxy war with Russia. America is supplying weapons to Ukraine. That is the reason for these "victories". They are not the result of Ukrainians but of Americans.

At this point America is sitting back watching Russia exhaust itself in a quagmire. America has allot of experience in Quagmires ..

The question is what will Russia do? America has to be punished for this somehow. Putin cannot allow America to continue supplying Ukraine with advanced weapons. Russian soldiers are dying and it's prolonging the war. Because even with these advanced weapons - ultimately Ukraine cannot win.

The war needs to be stopped now before more lives are lost on both sides.
65   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 5, 9:36am  

Today is the anniversary of the end of the previous Schpecial Military Opereyshun (SCHMO) against opponent also considered racially inferiour and subhuman during which Ruscia also lost its flagship and had its fleet neutered:

66   Booger   2022 Sep 5, 9:41am  


It would be a pretty memorable vacation. Just like when there were shark attacks off the Jersey shore in 1916 that inspired the movie Jaws.
67   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 13, 11:11am  

Comments from the last maintenance report on the lost flagship prior to it being sent to the war zone and sunk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNEtlMSCiCI

(starts around 9:45)
68   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 19, 2:24pm  

“Where is The Russian Navy?”

69   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 20, 12:26pm  

Russia pulls subs from Crimea to be safe

Due to the threat of Ukrainian attacks, Russia has withdrawn its Kilo-class submarines from the annexed Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, according to a British intelligence report.
The ships of the Black Sea Fleet have been moved from their home port of Sevastopol to the southern Russian port city of Novorossiysk, the Ministry of Defense in London reported on Tuesday in its daily intelligence update on the Ukraine war.


Aaaaand Sebastopol is not a navy base anymore.
70   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 29, 2:15pm  

Time to pull the remains of the fleet from Sevastopol - as a naval base it's done.

Some fun CGI:


71   Booger   2022 Oct 29, 4:28pm  

Why the fuck did Russia ever want to use Sevastopol in the first place? It's almost as if Russia forgets that it already has a bunch of Black Sea coast.
73   Onvacation   2022 Oct 30, 8:21am  

Hugh_Mongous says

This is because of Hunter Biden for sure, no other reason.

I knew it!
74   Onvacation   2022 Oct 30, 11:22am  


The US has the second largest navy in the world. This war is US vs Russia. Poor Ukraine just got in the middle.

The US has the second largest navy in the world after China. We have more aircraft carriers than nine of the other top ten world's navies combined. The US has the largest air force in the world by far. Russia is number two followed by the US Navy and then China.
75   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 30, 11:46am  

Where's that Operation Uranus, the great pincer movement? This is pretty pathetic, Russia.
76   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 30, 12:18pm  

Onvacation says


The US has the second largest navy in the world. This war is US vs Russia. Poor Ukraine just got in the middle.

Bullshit: it is 100% Ukraine fighting with mostly old Soviet weapons and very light sprinkle of Western artillery and air defense. No Western aircraft, no Western tanks, no Western troops, no Western weapons capable of reaching further than 80 km.

If the US was fighting this war it would be air superiority on the 3rd day, the whole Black Sea Fleet lying on the bottom on the 4th and "highways of death" everywhere from the line of contact till 300 miles beyond the 1991 border in the days following.

It's pretty obvious that Ruscist military is not a peer to ours. They spent a lot of money on it but most of has been syphoned off. The only reason we hear this propaganda bullshit about "US fighting Ruscia" is because the thought of losing to Malorosy (literally "lesser Russians") as they call Ukies makes Ruscists VERY butthurt.

But declaring that "the whole NATO is fighting us" gives Pukin an exit, so it's a good sign. "Yes, comrades, we had to retreat, BUT WE WERE UP AGAINST WHOLE NATO AND WE BRUISED THEM GOOD!"
77   Onvacation   2022 Oct 30, 12:22pm  


Bullshit: it is 100% Ukraine fighting with mostly old Soviet weapons and very light sprinkle of Western artillery and air defense. No Western aircraft, no Western tanks, no Western troops, no Western weapons capable of reaching further than 80 km.

Then what are they doing with the billions of dollars we are sending them?

This is the war against Russia that was delayed until they could get Trump out of office.
78   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 30, 12:27pm  

Onvacation says


Bullshit: it is 100% Ukraine fighting with mostly old Soviet weapons and very light sprinkle of Western artillery and air defense. No Western aircraft, no Western tanks, no Western troops, no Western weapons capable of reaching further than 80 km.

Then what are they doing with the billions of dollars we are sending them?

This is the war against Russia that was delayed until they could get Trump out of office.

This is what $13 billions sent so far buys. Plus Potato being scared to send real game-changing stuff. Even parity-achieving stuff really.

Ruscia started this shit. Nobody invaded them. They were the ones who chose the time and place.
79   Onvacation   2022 Oct 30, 12:45pm  


Ruscia started this shit. Nobody invaded them. They were the ones who chose the time and place.

Can we agree that the Russian, Ukrainian, and United States Governments are all corrupt as fuck?

Can we further agree that the Biden family along with others in the highest ranks of our corrupt political class have had shady dealings with Ukraine for a long time before the Russians invaded?
80   Misc   2022 Oct 30, 4:13pm  

Can anyone name a Western leader with a popularity score higher than Putin's?

Zekensky is only alive because our CIA keeps offing the rebels that want him gone. He is not a popular person in his own country.

Sooner or later the protesters in European countries are gonna start putting their leaders' heads onto pikes.

We will have to see the election outcome in the US. If the Trumpian, Republicans score the wins I'm expecting; the Democrats are just gonna lose their shit and pass all kinds of pure crap in the lame duck session that takes place before the new Congress is sworn in in January. Think the Republic will put up with that shit?
81   Misc   2022 Oct 30, 10:13pm  

Looks like if the Ukrainians wanna attack Russian ships in a Russian port, the Russians wanna attack Ukrainian ships in a Ukrainian port.

The Russians have even gone so far as to give a heads up to the upcoming attacks by formally letting everyone know they have backed out of the UN sponsored deal allowing transport of grains from the Ukrainian ports. This allows non-combatant foreign vessels time to flee the area.

I'm gonna guess the Russians may just attack the port facilities as well.

82   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 30, 10:43pm  

Misc says

We will have to see the election outcome in the US. If the Trumpian, Republicans score the wins I'm expecting; the Democrats are just gonna lose their shit and pass all kinds of pure crap in the lame duck session that takes place before the new Congress is sworn in in January. Think the Republic will put up with that shit?

Guaranteed $$$ for pension bailouts for IL, NYS, and CA at a minimum.
83   zzyzzx   2022 Oct 31, 6:27am  

Onvacation says

Then what are they doing with the billions of dollars we are sending them?

Buying ammunition, paying for tank repair, etc.
84   zzyzzx   2022 Oct 31, 6:38am  

Misc says

The Russians have even gone so far as to give a heads up to the upcoming attacks by formally letting everyone know they have backed out of the UN sponsored deal allowing transport of grains from the Ukrainian ports. This allows non-combatant foreign vessels time to flee the area.

Are those ships with grain in them Ukrainian flagged? I doubt it and if they attack someone else's ship (not sure whose ships) I can see someone else taking it as an act of war.
85   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Oct 31, 8:04am  

zzyzzx says

Onvacation says

Then what are they doing with the billions of dollars we are sending them?

Buying ammunition, paying for tank repair, etc.

we aren’t sending dollars, we are just sending military equipment valued at x amount…
86   zzyzzx   2022 Oct 31, 8:12am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

we aren’t sending dollars, we are just sending military equipment valued at x amount…

True. But if Ukraine is buying ammunition from places like Bulgaria, they are paying for it somehow. It's not like we can supply anyone with artillery ammunition the right caliber for their Soviet Era stuff.
87   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 1, 2:14pm  

Russian president Vladimir Putin said that, in order for Russia to rejoin the "grain initiative", Ukraine must provide security guarantees for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

"We are not saying that we are stopping our participation in this operation (grain initiative). No, we are talking about the fact that we are suspending it," said Putin.

He stressed that as soon as such security guarantees are provided by Ukraine, Russia will return to the agreement.

Think about it: the all-powerful dictator of glorious Russia demands SECURITY GUARANTEES for it's mighty Black Sea Fleet from a COUNTRY WITH NO NAVY!!!

Stick a fork in it - it's done.

88   Onvacation   2022 Nov 1, 2:58pm  

Onvacation says

Can we agree that the Russian, Ukrainian, and United States Governments are all corrupt as fuck?

Can we further agree that the Biden family along with others in the highest ranks of our corrupt political class have had shady dealings with Ukraine for a long time before the Russians invaded?

Anyone want to rebut this?
89   rocketjoe79   2022 Nov 1, 3:47pm  

Misc says

Can anyone name a Western leader with a popularity score higher than Putin's?

Zekensky is only alive because our CIA keeps offing the rebels that want him gone. He is not a popular person in his own country.

Sooner or later the protesters in European countries are gonna start putting their leaders' heads onto pikes.

We will have to see the election outcome in the US. If the Trumpian, Republicans score the wins I'm expecting; the Democrats are just gonna lose their shit and pass all kinds of pure crap in the lame duck session that takes place before the new Congress is sworn in in January. Think the Republic will put up with that shit?

Western Leaders: Trump and DeSantis
90   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 4:01pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

zzyzzx says

Onvacation says

Then what are they doing with the billions of dollars we are sending them?

Buying ammunition, paying for tank repair, etc.

we aren’t sending dollars, we are just sending military equipment valued at x amount…

Right, the money goes to the US weapons makers who donated to Biden's campaign.

And of course 10% of the money goes to "the big guy" himself, assuming it's the same kind of crime as is well documented on Hunter's laptop.

But maybe some of it does also go to Zelensky personally, to keep his mouth shut about US activities in Ukraine, like Burisima and biolabs.
91   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 14, 11:57am  

Footage of the scalpel used to neuter the Soviet Black Sea Fleet flagship exactly one year ago:

92   richwicks   2023 Apr 14, 12:26pm  


Today is the anniversary of the end of the previous Schpecial Military Opereyshun (SCHMO) against opponent also considered racially inferiour and subhuman during which Ruscia also lost its flagship and had its fleet neutered:


Navy has been irrelevant since 1945. The only purpose of the navy is to carry planes to attack smaller and largely defenseless nations. Russia knows this, and the US doesn't.

The only actually useful part of the navy today, is as a launch platform for missiles - in a real war. It's easy to sink an aircraft carrier. In a real scrape up, the navy will be obliterated in 2 weeks, of every nation. They cannot be protected, they are sitting ducks. This is WWII technology. How can a battleship or an aircraft carrier prevent a bomb from falling on them today? It's not 1945 when you drop one and hope it hits, these are intelligent weapons that know their target and just have to reach it.

I'm tired of this shit. If I wanted to murder a person, I'd just use a servo controlled lawn dart and a $100 quadcopter, drop that right into their head. They wouldn't hear a thing, it's falling at terminal velocity, nobody would survive it. It's incredibly easy to murder people, and that's all war is - state sanctioned murder.
93   RedStar   2023 Apr 14, 12:37pm  

I'd like to see footage of where our tax payer billions are going. Probably not in my lifetime

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