How can people think like this?

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2022 May 22, 4:23am   2,850 views  49 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I have a close friend, smart guy, multi millionaire, fortune made in finance

He is boosted, was on the front lines to get his two young kids vaccinated. He says, “There’s no downside to being vaccinated”

His family is going through a second round of Covid now where the whole house is sick. Their first round was just 80days ago where the whole house was sick with Covid.

He says to me, “thank goodness we all have our shots” and he can’t wait for the next booster.

These people are sick in the head. I was listening thinking that he’s like a zombie and nothing I can say or do to bring him back.

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22   Rin   2022 May 22, 3:36pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
They either lack the wherewithal, time, courage, or STAMINAH (h/t to Trump) to determine this themselves.

The problem is that a number of ppl w/ scientific background have also forgotten their education about biology and chemistry.
23   richwicks   2022 May 22, 3:59pm  

Rin says

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
They either lack the wherewithal, time, courage, or STAMINAH (h/t to Trump) to determine this themselves.

The problem is that a number of ppl w/ scientific background have also forgotten their education about biology and chemistry.

I don't think they've forgotten, I think they are pussies.

Regularly common citizens with no expertise in news will tell you the truth, but a journalist won't. I'm finding out that's true in engineering and scientific disciplines too. People are fucking pussies. I'm in Silly Con Valley, I have lost ALL RESPECT for all my former "smart colleagues". I don't think they are stupid, I think they are groveling cowards.

I can see precisely how the 3rd Reich, the Bolshevik revolution, and the Red Revolution of China happened now. You'd think highly educated people whose JOB it is to understand science and implement it would be the first to speak out. Nope - TRUCKERS did in Canada. I'm switching teams. Fuck our egghead twat nerds. I got into this field to start a revolution against propaganda and disinformation. The people I thought were working for the same thing are propagandists, and disinformationists. They can go fuck themselves.
24   richwicks   2022 May 22, 11:25pm  

DooDahMan says

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Pat.net is biased towards folks that look into diverse sources of information

It is.

You literally can't have an in-depth conversation anywhere else that I know of.
25   WookieMan   2022 May 23, 8:37am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Reminds me of a co-worker who was popping opioids. I warned him to be careful as they were addictive, to which he replied, "No, I take them all the time."

Never take any medicine unless it literally is life saving. Life saving is a fluid term, but I go by the rule of not taking anything. If the body is barking I need to figure out why and not mask what could be a legit issue. Hell masking the pain from a burst appendix could kill you if you have high level opioids on hand.

I also have a high threshold for pain, so maybe I'm a unicorn in that regard. I'm not some hippy homeopath type, but there are plenty of natural remedies as well. I've dealt with my own mental health issues (depression and anxiety). I will never take anything big pharma. Daily weed consumption, generally at night has been honestly amazing. Depends on career, kids and your comfort taking it, but I'd suggest it to anyone. I smoked it when I was younger, but infrequently, once a month max.

Since switching to daily edibles I'm a different person. My anger and anxiety are gone and my sleep is 1,000% better. Fun for intimacy too. BP is down. And hybrid mixes with high CBD have helped with the occasional pain/soreness. If Biden or Congress wants to get votes, they decriminalize or even make weed legal. A friend has a medical card here in IL and can grow. I'm going to start growing once we move. Might even do a grow room in the basement with pot and other veggies and spices for year round consumption. Buy a cow and pig once a year, grow veggies, grow pot and I'm set for the year for $1,500-2k roughly.
26   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 23, 8:48am  

Although I have been known to get off at rest stops, I view weed usage as an exit from the highway. Some folks prefer to remain at rest stops, never to get on the highway again. To each their own, but even the Great Prophet recommended periods of purification, including dietary.
27   WookieMan   2022 May 23, 9:13am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Although I have been known to get off at rest stops, I view weed usage as an exit from the highway. Some folks prefer to remain at rest stops, never to get on the highway again. To each their own, but even the Great Prophet recommended periods of purification, including dietary.

Maybe there's no need to be on the highway? Maybe the highway is the problem?

Big Pharma is the toll booth on the highway. All it does is cost you. Rest stops are free to use.

My take on weed isn't for everyone either. I just think it's a safe and effective illegal drug for many uses. As with anything, used in excess it can fuck your life up. Most successful people I know (7 out of 10) all smoke or consume edibles. All the crazies I know have a weekly pill popper calendar. My analytical data is spot on though. Crazy people pop pills to take care of minor ailments and get addicted.
28   GNL   2022 May 23, 9:26am  

I've thought about smoking weed once I hit retirement age.
29   WookieMan   2022 May 23, 9:41am  

WineHorror1 says

I've thought about smoking weed once I hit retirement age.

Not gonna lie, don't wait. We've talked before privately and I believe you work in a field that doesn't require drug testing. Do it at night, after dinner. Don't drive. Start slow and don't do it in public. Don't mix with booze at first as that leads to a sloppy mess for most. Maybe a beer or glass of wine if you imbibe on that.

Weed consumption depends a lot on personality too. I'm up at 4:30-5am every morning. Stoned or not the night before. It helps you sleep, but if you're prone to sleeping in drunk or high you need to be careful as that could influence work. 90% of mornings I'm up by 5am regardless of what I consumed the night before. It's been at least a decade since I slept past 8-9 am.

I couldn't stand it at first, but my wife working out at 5am (waking up at 4:15-30am) has changed my life. If you're disciplined smoking or eating edibles is not a big deal outside of any work issues (testing).
30   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 23, 9:42am  

WineHorror1 says

I've thought about smoking weed once I hit retirement age.

Smoking anything is bad for you. Small particles clog up tiny structures in the lungs and associated circulatory system structures. As Wookie advises, edibles are a safer alternative. You can buy them, or make your own. Look up cannabis firecracker recipes, but ditch the crackers and just use peanut butter. And yes, decarboxylate the herb first. It may seem like double work, but it is worth it. OR SO I HAVE BEEN TOLD.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 10:09am  

BayArea says
How can people think like this?

It's the shift towards fragmenting the responsibility for our lives out to others. Especially with so many routine things offered as services, and people with more money generally being very busy, it's not uncommon for them to farm out a lot of their lives to a support staff. The only thing you can really do is share your experience so he has a contrast to his. Did you never get covid, or only get it once, while remaining un-jabbed? Bring that up. If someone isn't asking you specifically for health advise, that's really your only in, sharing your own health journey so they understand their approach is not the only one out there.
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 10:11am  

clambo says
His kids had no need of the vaccine probably

Let me correct that for you. Not probably, DEFINITELY.
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 10:16am  

Hircus says
I don't feel like his thinking is irrational. Not necessarily correct, but rational given the info they believe to be true.

Regardless of how you feel, it is irrational to cling to one narrative in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I know you probably meant think, not feel, but we have to stop talking like that. Feelings are transitory, and change from one moment to the next. Thinking is logical, based on following facts and evidence, and does not change with our mood.
34   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 10:22am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Smoking anything is bad for you. Small particles clog up tiny structures in the lungs and associated circulatory system structures. As Wookie advises, edibles are a safer alternative.

Not true if done correctly. Use a hemp wick, NEVER inhale butane, very bad for you. Further, your product should be organic. I'm referenced this before, read a Tommy Chong article a few years ago where the guy talks about smoking none THC cannabis. Smoking over edibles because your body absorbs it much better. To get the same amount of CBD in your body through edibles requires ingesting a dangerous amount, which can cause liver issues.

I smoke a few times a month before going to bed for headaches/back and neck tension that builds from car accidents when I was younger, and computer work I do today. Along with massage and chiropractor helps keep me pain free without harmful drugs, and I plan to keep it that way.
35   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 23, 10:43am  

NuttBoxer says
Not true if done correctly.
I am referring to smoking the vegetative matter, not oils or dabs. The dangerous microparticle composition of weed smoke seems to be well established science.


Wood smoke is also similarly hazardous. https://www.epa.gov/burnwise/wood-smoke-and-your-health
36   theoakman   2022 May 23, 10:56am  


this is what I tell people. When you get food poisoning from chicken, your body natural has an inclination to avoid chicken. This happened to me with Shrimp and I didn't want it for 5 years. The shot, I have the same inner mechanism. It made me so sick, 2 weeks of fever, lethargy, and pain, with another 2 of trailing effects. My body literally won't even let me consider it.
37   theoakman   2022 May 23, 10:58am  

the whole mRNA is a game changer mantra is ridiculous. By any measure, these vaccines are a total failure in terms of preventing spread. You can argue whether or not they prevent death, but I think we'll need a lot more data before we can draw a definitive conclusion on that.
38   Eric Holder   2022 May 23, 11:26am  

I know several people in finance and they all are rabidly pro-vaxx. Their companies still don't allow unvaxxed in the office and do require daily testing for everybody entering the office. Which, in practice, means that they are only testing their vaxxed employees. =))
39   GNL   2022 May 23, 12:39pm  

theoakman says
You can argue whether or not they prevent death, but I think we'll need a lot more data before we can draw a definitive conclusion on that.

Or an argument about them CAUSING death.
40   GreaterNYCDude   2022 May 23, 12:52pm  

The one thing i keep comming back to is that the mrna was originally developed as therapeutics for cancer. Now I haven't done a deep dive on the data, but I'm willing to bet that any long term impact if the mrna would be partially masked by the fact that the cohort has a finite life expectancy. Everyone has a different risk profile depending on age, health history, generics, etc.

For the young and the healthy who really knows the medium and long term risks of an mrna shot? No one does. Of course no one knows the exact long term effects of covid, but being a coronavirus there are at least other similar virus one can point to for guidance. For mrna? Not as much. It's too new to have long term data.
41   GreaterNYCDude   2022 May 23, 12:54pm  

Might I remind you science doesn't always get it right


So what's worse? The symptoms or the "cure". Depends on the person. It would be one thing if these shots reduce transmission substantially but the data is inconclusive. I'll agree they reduce (or worse yet mask) symptoms, making the spread more probable not less.

For as bad as this has been it was never as bad as initial projections believed it could have been
42   WookieMan   2022 May 23, 1:14pm  

NuttBoxer says
Smoking over edibles because your body absorbs it much better. To get the same amount of CBD in your body through edibles requires ingesting a dangerous amount, which can cause liver issues.

Liver can recover. Lungs can't for the most part if we're talking specific organs. I'll eat it 10 out of 10 times and not smoke it. You can do it the way you want to, but smoking is categorically worse for you. This is coming from a former cig smoker. Outside of a cigar, I'm done smoking anything. It's awful for you.
43   mell   2022 May 23, 1:51pm  

WookieMan says

NuttBoxer says
Smoking over edibles because your body absorbs it much better. To get the same amount of CBD in your body through edibles requires ingesting a dangerous amount, which can cause liver issues.

Liver can recover. Lungs can't for the most part if we're talking specific organs. I'll eat it 10 out of 10 times and not smoke it. You can do it the way you want to, but smoking is categorically worse for you. This is coming from a former cig smoker. Outside of a cigar, I'm done smoking anything. It's awful for you.

I'd agree though I'd say it is possible to inhale extremely cleanly with good preparation and the right devices. In general lungs were never designed to inhale, smoke, or nebulize vapor/smoke of any sort, so the lung function reduces slightly over time even if you are extremely careful. However smoking 2-3 cigarettes/cigars , joints or whatever per week is such a small amount that simply living in an air-polluted area may equal to the same amount. I wouldn't worry either way but I would definitely not inhale anything other than air into the lungs on a daily basis. Whatever floats your boat
44   Rin   2022 May 23, 3:02pm  

WookieMan says
Lungs can't for the most part if we're talking specific organs.

Though I don't have the link on hand, when non-specific adult stem cell therapy is being administered, meaning IV dripping one's own extracted stem cells (from either the bone marrow or fatty tissue), the first organ system which picks 'em up are the lungs. And that's because the lungs need the most rejuvenation over time, even as an anti-aging program over let's say the liver or kidneys.

Lungs are the weakest organ system, unless weak genetics determines that it's the heart or something else first.
45   Rin   2022 May 23, 3:05pm  

theoakman says
the whole mRNA is a game changer mantra is ridiculous.

mRNA is the scariest thing I've ever heard about, in terms of mainstream adoption w/ little oversight or critical review.

To quote myself ...


"The mRNA is a stealth bomber. It's the only thing I've ever heard of which can by-pass a person's restriction enzymes which are critical to prevent one's food from contaminating oneself."
46   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 4:06pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
I am referring to smoking the vegetative matter

So am I. It's the most natural form of cannabis. The first study you linked to uses cigarettes, what bongs and bubblers(I use a bubbler). It mentions the release of toxic gasses by the particles, but if those particles are organic, filtered through water, and absent butane, what is the source of the toxins?

Have you looked at absorption rates via ingestion vs smoking, and the dangers too much CBD can pose to the liver?
47   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 4:13pm  

WookieMan says
Liver can recover. Lungs can't for the most part if we're talking specific organs. I'll eat it 10 out of 10 times and not smoke it. You can do it the way you want to, but smoking is categorically worse for you. This is coming from a former cig smoker. Outside of a cigar, I'm done smoking anything. It's awful for you.

All organs have a limit of abuse, the liver is not an exception. You can always ingest safe quantities, you just won't get much of a benefit compared to if you smoked.

Look again at all the specifics of how I smoke, and see if there's still a vector for harm. I can understand your concern given your past, but cannabis use should be fundamentally different from cigarettes in so many ways, starting with you growing the plant yourself. Things may have changed, but last time I checked the people in my market only care about profits, organic and cannabis for medicine are the last thing on their minds.
48   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 23, 4:22pm  

Something else to keep in mind, cannabis is inhaled, and exhaled through the mouth, at least I don't exhale through my nose. The smoke sits at the entrance to the throat and lungs, not deep down. The point is to get it into the blood stream, not to coat your entire lung with it. Maybe this is a nitpick. But what's not is the lack of study of cannabis in general. How many studies have used the method of smoking I prescribe? How many are looking at cannabis alone, and throwing tobacco cigarettes completely to the side, as the comparison is not even close after you factor in all the chemicals that go into commercial cigarettes, starting with the filter.

It really seems like you guys aren't very far from pulling out the frying pan stories. Cannabis is NOT a drug, and it's NOT tobacco. Measure it on it's own merits, don't make alarmist comparisons bundling it with cigarettes.
49   mell   2022 May 23, 4:38pm  

NuttBoxer says

Something else to keep in mind, cannabis is inhaled, and exhaled through the mouth, at least I don't exhale through my nose. The smoke sits at the entrance to the throat and lungs, not deep down. The point is to get it into the blood stream, not to coat your entire lung with it. Maybe this is a nitpick. But what's not is the lack of study of cannabis in general. How many studies have used the method of smoking I prescribe? How many are looking at cannabis alone, and throwing tobacco cigarettes completely to the side, as the comparison is not even close after you factor in all the chemicals that go into commercial cigarettes, starting with the filter.

It really seems like you guys aren't very far from pulling out the frying pan stories. Cannabis is NOT a drug, and it's NOT tobacco. Measure it on it's own merits, don't make alarmist comparisons bundling it with cigarettes.

How you smoke it definitely affects the uptake into the lungs, cigar smokers usually use the same technique, not inhaling, keeping most of the action in the front of the mouth.

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