Nancy Pelosi

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2022 May 29, 2:09pm   5,711 views  52 comments

by gabbar   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I had been thinking about starting a Pelosi post, today seems like a good day to do it.

California's 11th congressional district, San Francisco


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17   Patrick   2022 May 31, 10:30am  


Nancy Pelosi's drunk husband Paul was five miles from his Napa home when he blew a stop sign while crossing highway at 10:22pm and crashed his new Porsche into Jeep, arrest report reveals

18   WookieMan   2022 May 31, 10:58am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

How many children are killed each year in accidents caused by drunk drivers?

I don't condone it, but 90% I'd guess of friends and family have all driven after having a drink. I have likely over the legal limit. I don't think people should do it, but people are all different with their reaction to alcohol. A 100lbs chick is not going to feel the same as a 200lbs male or female hog. BAC is not the best judgment of the buzz or drunkness.

I've blown a 0.24 with one of those home BAC devices (didn't drive) and you wouldn't think I was drunk and I didn't feel drunk. Not bragging as I know it's liver damage. Bigger men can drink a lot and feel normal is all.

The problem I've known to be truth is it's the people that don't drink often and then binge. Those are the ones killing people and wrecking cars. Also, it's why you only drink beer in my mind. You get full generally before it gets out of hand if you're not some college student doing beer bongs. Shots, inconsistent mixed drinks and not knowing the alcohol quantity is where you get into trouble. It's why I refuse shots. High priced rum is the only thing I've dabbled in and stopped because some of it is too smooth and easy to drink.

If I have two beers out to dinner at 220lbs, even just a Caesar salad, I'm 1,000% fine. I'm more pissed about the empty calories, but I like beer. I drink enough water all day. I don't like sodas and the sugar. So I prefer the calories from beer over the alternative at a lunch out or dinner. And again, I don't think you should drink and drive, but I know my body and limitations. If I have to I'll drop $300-500 on a long uber ride or hotel once I hit my limits.

I'm not a partier either. We network with a lot of people. Booze is 99% guaranteed anywhere we go. You plan to stay safe by getting a hotel and ride or you designate one person to just have only a couple of drinks. Zero DUI's between the wife and I. As mentioned above, most DUI's are from people binging that don't drink often then go crazy one night. My sister was a former county prosecutor and this was 95% of the DUI's they prosecuted.

Texting and driving is technically more dangerous unless you're really trashed. That pisses me off more than an adult having 2-4 drinks with a meal and driving. My wife gets upset if I don't respond while driving. I rarely touch my phone in the car and it's only out on country roads with no traffic if I do.
20   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 May 31, 12:15pm  

Patrick says
Nancy Pelosi's drunk husband Paul was five miles from his Napa home when he blew a stop sign while crossing highway at 10:22pm and crashed his new Porsche into Jeep, arrest report reveals

Driven there many times.
21   RWSGFY   2022 May 31, 12:48pm  

Napa police doesn't actively hunt buzzed drivers. You need to do something real stupid to get charged with a DUI.
23   Ceffer   2022 May 31, 10:19pm  

You need to do something real stupid to get charged with a DUI.

24   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Jun 1, 11:35am  

Accidents happen. Fender benders, etc. Sober or otherwise. If your buzzed, you can get nabbed for a DUI. If you have connections you can make it quietly go away. If your poor you are generally screwed.

I had a guy tag my bumper Christmas eve one year, it was icy and he didn't stop in time. He wasn't hammered, but I suspect had had a couple of drinks or whatever. Would he have blown a 0.08? No idea. There was no real damage to either vehicle so we mutual agreed no harm, no foul, which each other a merry Christmas, and went on our way.

I have a simlar perspective to WookieMan. Do I condone it? No. But have I done it? Probably. It's not like I walk around with a breathalyzer in my pocket.

Frankly it would be eaiser to just set a 0.0 limit like they do in Europe. Alcohol impairs your judgment and its very easy to think your fine when, by the letter of the law, your not.

Most of the bad wrecks, the ones that take lives, the person behind the wheel was almoat always blackout drunk, not just a little tipsy. If you're getting that hammered, do it at home or have a ride in advance.
25   Ceffer   2022 Jun 1, 1:25pm  

Alcohol impairs the judgment you need to recognize that you are impaired. Ever try to take the keys away from a drunk?
27   Ceffer   2022 Jun 4, 5:24pm  

Notice how the whole drunk driving affair is being memory holed already. No press follow up so far outside of the initial reports. He'll be quietly dismissed, everybody will be paid off, or he'll get some trivial charge or probation that the plebs could never get, and be out driving drunk again in no time, since he is a chronic offender.
28   Patrick   2022 Jun 9, 10:55am  

Every time we say Nancy Pelosi, we should add the nickname "Magnetic Doors", so it's Nancy "Magnetic Doors" Pelosi. If we all start doing this, eventually the Internet and NPCverse is going to start asking why
posted 3 hours ago by ghost_of_aswartz +180 / -0
In my mind, those doors are [ RED HERRING ] to Jan 6th investigation

They could potentially charge Nancy Pelosi with seditious conspiracy if she is the one that ordered capitol police to unlock those doors on Jan 6th by disabling the mag locks

The cap police would not have done it on their own, because if they did of their own volition--rather than following orders by their boss (speaker of the house of contress)--they'd become an accessory to seditious conspiracy--a co-conspirator!

Because the magnetic doors being opened are the sine qua non of Jan 6th, the 'thing without which jan 6th could not have happened'.

Did Pelosi do it?


Start calling her Nancy MAGNETIC DOORS Pelosi
29   Ceffer   2022 Jun 9, 5:56pm  

DA Allison Haley got too much heat? Next strategy: slow walk while bribing and intimidating everybody in the chain of custody:
30   Hircus   2022 Jun 9, 6:45pm  

Ceffer says

DA Allison Haley got too much heat? Next strategy: slow walk while bribing and intimidating everybody in the chain of custody:

Good. The DA should also be fired for trying to let him off.

I wonder how the initial interaction went between paul and the first cop? I bet paul either knew the names of the local police chief and the DA by memory, or made a quick phone call to find out. Then he prob chatted with the cop, saying crap like:
- Do you happen to be friends w/ XYZ, the police chief? Just asking, because me and him are real good friends.
- How long will this take? I need to speak with my wife before her speech tonight, where she addresses congress and millions of americans live. Oh, you didn't know? She's speaker of the house. Ya... she's a real tiger I tell ya...and totally born to politic. She can make ANYTHING happen. And trust me... I fear her more than anyone because I know what she's capable of haha. She's a great mom too... and VERY protective of her family. Do you have a family, Bret?

I wait for the day when a video of the subtle threats and bribes of the CA political elite come to light.
31   RC2006   2022 Jun 10, 7:46am  

Hircus says

I wait for the day when a video of the subtle threats and bribes of the CA political elite come to light.

This is what I want to see.
32   Misc   2022 Jun 11, 1:30am  

Sorry. The police just ain't gonna release the video of that particular arrest

What kinda country do you think you are living in?
33   Patrick   2022 Jun 21, 9:04pm  


Nancy Pelosi spent almost $500K on private jets despite climate preaching
34   richwicks   2022 Jun 21, 9:18pm  

Hircus says

- Do you happen to be friends w/ XYZ, the police chief? Just asking, because me and him are real good friends.

Let me tell you a trick. Learn the name of the local police chief and commissioner in your area.

If you ever get pulled over, you can just say "it wouldn't help if I know X would it?"

And you'll find it will, 99% of the time.

I don't like corruption, but if there's going to be corruption, make it work to your advantage.
35   Ceffer   2022 Jun 21, 10:17pm  

Hircus says

I wait for the day when a video of the subtle threats and bribes of the CA political elite come to light.

Honestly? I don't think in real life they are the least bit subtle about it.
36   HeadSet   2022 Jun 22, 6:04am  

Ceffer says

Hircus says

I wait for the day when a video of the subtle threats and bribes of the CA political elite come to light.

Honestly? I don't think in real life they are the least bit subtle about it.

Correct. remember what happened to that hairdresser that exposed Nancy's Covid Lockdown hypocrisy.
37   WookieMan   2022 Jun 22, 7:51am  

Ceffer says

Alcohol impairs the judgment you need to recognize that you are impaired. Ever try to take the keys away from a drunk?

You are correct Ceffer. The problem with most people that imbibe booze don't understand when it's a problem and they've had too much. I will get a hotel or Uber 1,000% of the time if I've had too much. If we have a night out on the town we always book a hotel. 20 hotel stays will be cheaper than a DUI. Call it an insurance policy.

Only time I mess around is my weekly pong group. I might have 4-5 beers over four hours and I'd hit a deer before a human/car before anything else on that drive. Or our volleyball league I might have more, but it's a 2 minute drive home on not busy streets, 30mph speed limit. I drive like a geezer too. Rural as fuck, so vehicle traffic is minimal.

I'll admit to having a handful of times I don't remember getting home and I drove. Was totally stupid. Those days are done and no DUI's. Not proud of it, but glad I didn't hurt anyone.

The worst thing with alcohol consumption is quantity. You have to work out more, but drink beer. Light beer. I know it's gross to most. But it generally is hard to get plastered before getting full of liquid. Mixed drinks and hard liquor are the devil in my opinion. Wine is fine as you generally cannot slam a mega pint, but it makes me angry. Champagne makes me fuzzy buzzed. Beer is just eh... have a buzz maybe.

As to the keys thing, I'm a passive drinker in that I wouldn't argue with anyone about taking make keys if they thought I couldn't drive. As a drinker I will take away your keys though through physical altercation if necessary if I know you're not able to drive. Our core group of friends is pretty good though about identifying when someone is going south and has to drive. Crash at the house or have another buddy drive you. We're at the age though where 5 drinks is a lot over a couple hours, unless camping or at a resort.
39   Patrick   2022 Jun 27, 10:07am  


I love this princess stood her ground, while Nancy showed her true colors.


When I first saw the video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appearing to shove the little daughter of Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) with her elbow during a photo-op for her swearing-in, I thought perhaps it was a manipulated video or maybe the angles weren’t clear. But then I saw a video taken from C-Span that seemed to show the same thing.

Ah, that was Mayra Flores's daughter.
40   Patrick   2022 Jun 30, 9:26am  


VATICAN CITY - Pelosi visited St. Peter's Basilica in Rome to receive communion this week, but left the entire city in an uproar after she drank all the wine and left no communion for anyone else.

Witnesses say Pelosi wrestled the chalice away from the priest who was offering it to her and emptied the whole thing before grabbing another chalice and guzzling that one too.

"I'm a bold protector of women's rights! I deserve this!" she yelled out, according to sources. "I'm a practicing Catholic! Good morning! Sunday morning!"

Sources confirmed that once Pelosi was finished, there was no communion wine left for the 1,200 people still waiting in line to receive it. Pelosi's husband stayed behind to ask for some communion in a to-go cup.

At publishing time, local authorities found Pelosi passed out in an alleyway. It was unclear whether it was because she had taken the cup in an unworthy manner and brought judgment onto herself, or because her blood alcohol was four times the legal limit.
41   Patrick   2022 Dec 22, 8:27pm  


House Republicans have released a report on their investigations into the riot on January 6, 2021, that determines the breach of the U.S. Capitol building was Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fault.

The 141-page investigative report was independently published on Wednesday by Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Troy Nehls (R-TX), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Kelly Armstrong (R-ND).

It outlines the failures of House Democratic Party leadership and Capitol authorities that left the complex vulnerable.

Lol, that was no "failure". It was the plan all along, a setup in cooperation with the criminal scum at the FBI.
43   Patrick   2024 Apr 30, 12:50pm  


Pelosi went on to misleadingly credit Biden for job numbers.

The former House speaker claimed Biden “created 9 million jobs in his term in office.

“Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of any president, so we just have to make sure people know.”

Tur pushed back by giving context to the numbers, “That was a global pandemic.”

Pelosi paused for a moment and then snapped, “He had the worst record of any president.

“We’ve had other concerns in our country.

“If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine.”

Tur responded, “I don’t think that anybody can accuse me of that.”

Lol, Nancy just did.
45   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 11:27am  


Yup, Nancy definitely sounds drunk on the air there, trying to defend Biden's senility.

original link
50   Patrick   2024 Dec 18, 11:44am  


Speaking of things happening differently, something else happened a lot differently this week as Democrats settled into their House minority roles. Axios quietly reported the story, headlined “Pelosi takes a hands-off role in House Democrats' internal fights.” More like a hip-off role. Usually, Nancy Pelosi hand-picks all the House committee assignments and whips the Democrats into line. You could almost feel sorry for them. But this time, the aging, day-drinking former Speaker, 106, was sidelined in Germany for hip replacement surgery (“hüftgelenkersatzoperation,” and I am not making that up).

During the House’s critical committee elections this week, Pelosi was persona absentia. “Pelosi,” Axios reported, “is charting a new, more detached course for working her will on the Democratic caucus she once ruled with an iron fist.”

That’s one way of saying it. Something was detached, that’s for sure. The article quoted a “Senior House Democrat” —too chicken to give his name— who admitted that "of course, Nancy was not in much of a position to make calls the last week."

Officially, Nancy’s surgery last Friday was an absolute success, she’s ready to take on the world again, looking to get back to her stock portfolio, she’s never felt better — according to a spokesman. Nancy hasn’t said anything herself, because nobody outside her circle has seen or heard from the Speaker since she fell in Luxembourg.

But the surgery was definitely bad timing what with Democrat committee elections this week, and the result was chaotic. Without her withered hand guiding the tiller, Pelosi’s preferred picks plunged into obscurity. ...

Did Pelosi’s choice of four-inch heels create a saner Democrat party in the House? And people say stilettos aren’t good for anything. We should be thanking them.

As far as I know, patients recovering from hip replacement surgery these days can get back on the phone a few hours following surgery. Is she in hiding? Was she sidelined? The entire party is painfully aware that Pelosi just stage-managed the Democrats’ direst defeat in living memory. They just don’t want to make Nancy’s banishment into a public spectacle.

The overextended, superannuated Pelosi era is over.
51   Patrick   2025 Feb 6, 7:48pm  


Besides being known for her career in politics, Nancy Pelosi is has also made headlines with her investing moves—so much so that there is an X social media account dedicated to tracking her moves. ...

Pelosi, along with her husband, venture capitalist Paul Pelosi, has an estimated net worth of more than $240 million as of late July, based on price movement of stocks in her portfolio as calculated by alternative stock data platform Quiver Quantitative. ...

Pelosi has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1987. Over her decades in Congress, Pelosi helped pass legislation such as the Affordable Care Act, the American Rescue Plan, the Equality Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and more.

As Speaker of the House, Pelosi earned $223,500 annually. Now as a member of Congress, she earns $174,000 per year. Pelosi also will receive a pension and Social Security benefits once she retires. The pension value for members of Congress can be up to 80% of a member's final salary, coming out to about $139,200 a year currently.

Lol, she's the poster child for corruption in Congress. Insider trading for decades.
52   Ceffer   2025 Feb 6, 10:34pm  

The avatar is an actress and they even have a real time CGI and vocoder for her. Clearly, another CIA CAA production to keep the brand name going. How do you explain her going from a turkey necked, wrinkled old vodka hag to twenty years younger? The original Nancy had already spent down whatever plastic surgery could have done for her.

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