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USA Today ran a ubiquitous story yesterday afternoon headlined “Mitch McConnell to consult doctor after freezing, struggling to speak for second time this summer.”
It was ugly.
Before I show you the video, which is bad enough, what was even worse was how Establishment Media broadcast the story on all channels within minutes of McConnell’s mini-stroke, or whatever it was. Compare this coverage to all the coverage of, say, Fetterman struggling to speak, or Biden wandering aimlessly off stages, enthusiastically shaking hands with invisible friends, or suddenly tumbling off stationary bicycles onto prepubescent girls.
Sorry. I mean, compare it to the non-coverage of Fetterman, Biden, or even Diane Feinstein, for that matter.
Here are just the first of dozens of stories that all popped up within the two hours after McConnell’s brief illness...
It’s nice the democrat party has an Establishment Media. The Republicans should think about getting one, too.
It’s de rigueur to roundly criticize McConnell these days, but I feel compelled to point out three important facts. First, without Mitch McConnell, Merrick Garland would be sitting fat and happy on the Supreme Court, and we would not have any of the great decisions that have come down in the last two years. As bad as Garland is at DOJ, a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court would have been infinitely worse, a prospect literally 1,000 times more horrifying than Gremlins multiplied by Sharknado.
Second, McConnell approved a record number of Trump appointments to federal judgeships, and Trump appointees made nearly all the decisions that eeked us out of the pandemic with our Constitutional skins mostly intact.
Finally, while lots of regular Republicans complain, with good reason, about McConnell’s lack of effective legislative action, and his somehow becoming fantastically wealthy on a Senator’s salary, democrats are grotesquely celebrating what — without some kind of miracle — will probably be the end of the Senate Minority Leader’s career.
In other words, democrats don’t see McConnell as ineffective.
Anyway, here’s the clip, if you haven’t seen it. Ironically, the humiliating and painful-to-watch freeze-up happened right after McConnell was asked about his running for re-election. ...
McConnell does not look well. More than anything, even more than what it evidences about an obvious jab injury (thanks Pfizer!), this public medical catastrophe highlights America’s geriatric, brain-damaged leadership. It is a particularly bad time in world history to have a weak, ailing minority leader.
Despite appearances, he still sounds compos mentis. Earlier in the day, a frail-looking McConnell spoke fluently about a possible government shutdown and a possible short-term spending deal. USA Today reported the Senate minority leader will be “consulting a physician prior to his next event,” according to an anonymous McConnell aide.
We pray that Mitch will receive effective medical treatment and be relieved of the stress of his current office.
At publishing time, it was revealed Mitch McConnell had not actually retired. He just wanted to send even more money to Ukraine.
At publishing time, it was revealed Mitch McConnell had not actually retired. He just wanted to send even more money to Ukraine.
Mitch McConnell Persuaded FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried to Donate Millions to Anti-Trump Republicans
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reportedly held secretive meetings with Sam Bankman-Fried and persuaded the disgraced former FTX CEO to donate millions of dollars to anti-Trump Republicans.
McConnell gave the Democrat megadonor a list of Republican candidates who were running against President Donald Trump’s endorsements in the 2022 elections.
The meeting was revealed by Michael Lewis, the author of The Big Short, during an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday. ...
Lewis told “60 Minutes” that the former finance SBF met with McConnell ahead of the 2022 election to discuss donations.
During the meeting, McConnell persuaded SBF to donate millions to his list of anti-Trump candidates.
Lewis said that Bankman-Fried agreed and donated “tens of millions of dollars” to support McConnell’s anti-Trump GOP senate candidates.
McConnell Working to Add $61.4 Bil. to American Taxpayers' Bill in Aid to Ukraine
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has called on Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to resign from his position as Senator Republican leader.
Sen. Mitch McConnell will step down as Republican leader in November
... McConnell also confessed that he no longer had the capacity to serve as the Republican Party leader, and so would continue doing so until after an incredibly consequential election. "You have to know when to hang it up," said McConnell. "After several episodes of losing all mental functions including the ability to speak, I had to look in the mirror and recognize that my time was up. So, I'm going to keep doing the exact same job until right after an enormously important election, after which time I'll turn it over to someone who can still consistently speak in sentences."
At publishing time, President Biden had called McConnell to ask him why on earth he had decided to retire so young.
He rebooted again after being asked if he is running again.
CNN ran a surprisingly important story yesterday headlined, “Mitch McConnell sprains wrist and cuts his face after fall in the Capitol.” Like Humpety Dumpety, the GOP’s Senate Majority Leader, 82, fell down again. This time it was while he walked back from lunch to the Senate floor. Fortunately, his injuries were non-fatal. He bashed his face and was later seen wearing a cast or brace on his left wrist.
McConnell’s current Senate term runs through 2027, if he can make it that long, although in January, John Thune takes over as Senate Majority Leader.
Nearly every article about McConnell’s latest tumble, including CNN’s, reminded readers about how last year McConnell fell down a staircase at the Waldorf Astoria and got a concussion and a rib fracture. And they all remembered how, at different times, the aging politician had two very public and extremely awkward mini-strokes while speaking to reporters.
Unconfirmed rumors say Mitch refuses to retire or use a walker. So.
The social media conversation is revolving around whether and when McConnell might retire and make room for a younger Republican, who hopefully won’t be an annoying Never Trumper like the Kentucky Senator. You have to hand it to him; McConnell knows how to win his district. But McConnell’s latest tumble reminded me of another unanticipated and extremely positive pandemic effect.
The pandemic broke the Boomers’ Political Hegemony.
Boomers have held their icy grip of death on the country for nearly 20 years now, politically, socially, culturally, and in all our institutions. But the pandemic shattered that total control. Mostly that is on account of flagging Boomer health, which suffered greatly, partly due to the virus and partly from the solution to the virus.
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