Mike Johnson

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2022 May 31, 5:00pm   7,018 views  114 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Mike Johnson, U.S. House Louisiana District 4, Republican


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75   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 22, 6:00pm  

WookieMan says

Let's say they could cite a verse and chapter in the Bible. You would believe it's real???

Yep. Imagine you had to find an exact three or four sentences in all the books to explain to somebody that Sam and Frodo's friendship is a key part of Lord of the Rings. And when you did they'd be like "Well, that's just an employer-employee relationship! That's A fuedal relationship! That just means Sam made a promise."

Anyway, Quick explanation:

Return to Zion in the OT is a common theme in it. Anybody who claims otherwise doesn't have the most casual understanding of the OT, never so much as skimmed the Cliff's Notes or was only half asleep a few times in Sunday school.

It's like the theme of Luke trying to train in the way of the Jedi in the first 3 Star Wars Movies. The plot keeps coming to it with Obi Wan, Finding Yoda, Leaving Yoda, Coming back later, etc. ANYBODY who has seen the first three Star Wars Movies, would find somebody claiming it has a "Luke Jedi Training Plotline" utterly uncontroversial.

Hell, top songs have been chart busters on this theme since WW2. Off the top of my head:

Boney M- "Rivers of Babylon"

Mahalla Jackson - "The Battle of Jericho" (Joshua 6)

Anybody saying "Hebrew desire to return to Israel (Zionism) isn't a major theme in the Bible" is saying "Luke's Jedi Training isn't a major plot line in Star Wars"

That's how you know this "Zionism isn't part of Judaism" argument didn't emerge in the West, but from a place where the Bible (OT/NT) isn't a part of that society. Somebody who came up with it lived in a postreligious society, call it like 1960-1970, and had no encounter with Bible Stories, not even the comic book versions at the Pediatrician's office, or isn't from the West at all.
76   richwicks   2024 Apr 22, 6:25pm  

WookieMan says

Let's say they could cite a verse and chapter in the Bible. You would believe it's real???

Yeah, I would immediately look it up in several translations and verify it's correct. I look up everything, it's so easy to do, never been easier to be informed and educated, why doesn't everybody do this? I make mistakes, I'm not perfect, but I make a far greater effort to be correct than most people do. It's unappreciated. Propagandists particularly hate this trait of mine, but I regard it as a moral duty.

WookieMan says

Rich, you're the propaganda king on this site.

I don't know how to take that, so I'll just ignore it.

WookieMan says

The Bible and religion as a whole is the biggest scam that's ever existed in human history. It was a fictional book created when only a select percentage of the population could even write or read. They could make up anything they wanted and no one would know.

Yep, but people believe in it.

Is morality a "scam"? Without it, a society cannot exist. The US, as a nation, has been abandoning basic morality for decades now - do you think that just pretending this hasn't happened, there will be no consequences?

AmericanKulak says Zionism is in the Bible - I'm just pointing out he's wrong about that. I don't know if he's wrong because he's made an error and didn't care, and never bothered to check (that's a lot of people frustratingly), or he knows he's lying and he's claiming it's in the Bible to get Christians to support an ongoing atrocity without question or resistance.

One is lazy and shouldn't be done, the later is fucking evil.
77   richwicks   2024 Apr 22, 6:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

Return to Zion in the OT is a common theme in it. Anybody who claims otherwise doesn't have the most casual understanding of the OT, never so much as skimmed the Cliff's Notes or was only half asleep a few times in Sunday school.

Look, I grew up Catholic - guess what Catholics NEVER do? They never read the Bible. Most Christians don't, they just claim to.

I don't care about "interpretations". "Interpretations" are equivalent to lies. There's plenty of people that will misinterpret purposely. If you don't know where it's in the Bible, it's not a source, stop making a false claim.
84   Patrick   2024 Apr 23, 8:53pm  


Disturbing details on why turncoat Speaker Mike Johnson, a sellout, still went ahead with the FISA no warrant, and still funded Ukraine in the foreign aid bill; I have been informed by someone in the KNOW, that the reason Mike Johnson made sure that Ukraine was included in the foreign aid bill was that 5 RINO GOP members threatened to resign from the House and allow the Democrats to then appoint their own speaker if he did not include Ukraine. This information comes from a reliable source congress linked, on anonymity.

He should have let them resign if that were true.
87   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 24, 6:49pm  

Mike is a good Christian and he saw through all the bullshit being thrown around that the issue at heart is simply a Christian nation and a solid ally (who stood with us in Iraq and Afgh wars, btw) being attacked by Chyna-allied, Stalin-worshipping Mongoloid hordes.

It takes balls to tune out all the reeeeeeing from stupid cunts like Moscow Marge and do the right thing, both strategically and morally.

Reagan smiles in Heaven.
88   Patrick   2024 Apr 24, 10:19pm  


It’s also looking more and more as though the Republican Party faces its own civil war, especially after Speaker Mike Johnson’s perplexing flipperooski on the Ukraine aid vote. You recall, just weeks ago he said no dice to such a deal without a stop to the invasion coming across our Mexican border. Then, the intel blob boys lured him into a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) where they showed him . . . something. . . ! Everyone’s dying to know what. A secret signed agreement making Ukraine our 51st State? Photographs of Mike engaged in unwholesome recreations with Gawd knows who or what? Or did they just have a little talk with him about how stuff is supposed to work? Whatever it was has made Mike Johnson untenable in his position. And he has explained nothing. He’s got to go.
89   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 25, 12:04am  

Patrick says

Then, the intel blob boys lured him into a SCIF

Not just him. Pretty much everyone who goes into the SCIF comes out like this.

I think MKULTRA mind control. They strap 'em into a chair, place a tin foily cap on 'em and then press FRY THE FUCKER'S BRAIN.
90   SoTex   2024 Apr 25, 8:55am  

So when is the vote to GTFO!?

I thought it only takes one congress critter and Massie is number 2, right?

Simply not holding all of the bills up until the border is fixed is enough in my book.
91   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 25, 1:00pm  

In reality, the GOP has never truly been a conservative party. Except for a few individuals here and there, the GOP is made up of members in good standing of the East Coast Establishment, aka, the Rockefeller Wing. The East Coast Establishment completely controls the GOP, and make no mistake about it, Mike Johnson would have NEVER have been named Speaker without their blessings.

Personally, instead of using RINO to describe these Rockefeller Republicans, I'd prefer CINO instead; Conservative in Name Only, because it is far more accurate. There is NOTHING that inherently conservative about the GOP.

Here's where the UniParty comes into play; the very same power structure that controls the GOP also controls the Democrats. As FDR wrote long ago in a private letter to Col. Mendall House (a very powerful kingmaker): "We both know that since the days of Andrew Jackson, the big money powers have completely controlled this country."
95   WookieMan   2024 Apr 25, 7:19pm  

richwicks says

Is morality a "scam"? Without it, a society cannot exist.

Yes actually. 1,000%. Religion is a scam and complete bull shit. Biggest tax right off. The most religious people I know are con artist in actual real life using religion as a veil to protect them. This is indisputable. They hold the most valuable real estate in the fucking world tax free. They fuck children. Kill gays. Start most if not all wars. Should I keep going?

I have no issue with the person that buys into religion being "moral" but it's not. No religion in me and I've got two speeding tickets under 18. 2 kids with a beautiful wife. Took my nephew in. I'm more moral than most Christians, Catholics, Muslims or Jews. Or Scientologist if you also believe that bull shit is real. There's no difference as it's literally made up. All of it.
96   Patrick   2024 Apr 26, 4:27pm  


'Extinct snake discovered in India is the largest ever recorded' & is matched in modern times ONLY by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson yet former AG Bill Barr is close second


Republican Speaker is now known officially (as the word is the Congress is making urgent name changes) so the record is reflective accurately: for your record, it is now 'Speaker Mike JohnsonLESS"
97   Patrick   2024 Apr 29, 5:36pm  


Speaker Mike Johnson Received a $95,000 Payment From Lobby Group Shortly After Passage of $14.5B Military Aid Package Late Last Year

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, has come under scrutiny following revelations that he received significant campaign contributions from a foreign lobby group, particularly known for its pro-foreign policy stance. According to analysis conducted by The Intercept based on Federal Election Commission records, this lobby group donated approximately $95,000 to Johnson’s campaign in November of last year.
99   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 29, 8:25pm  

Just wait until you see Senator McConnell
103   Patrick   2024 May 8, 1:33pm  


Pelosi Endorses Speaker Johnson as Removal Vote Looms

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has declared her support for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as he faces calls for his removal from within his own party.

Johnson is facing a possible removal vote this week, but has the Republican leader already been replaced?

With Democrats lining up to support Johnson, some say the minority party is effectively running the show.

Former Speaker Pelosi is now endorsing Johnson and backing her party’s efforts to keep him in his leadership position.

Pure evil is endorsing Johnson now.
104   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 9, 5:53pm  

Mike Johnson, Leader of the Free World

The House Speaker rejects U.S. decline and retreat from global leadership.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit this week will spawn many discussions about America’s role in the world, but the most important speech of the week may be Republican Mike Johnson’s on Monday at the Hudson Institute. The House Speaker laid down a marker for a GOP that rejects U.S. decline and retreat abroad.
“While democracy is not perfect, the burden of self-government is certainly far lighter than the yoke of tyranny,” Mr. Johnson said. “But right now, absent American leadership, we’re looking at a future that could be” defined by “communism and tyranny, rather than liberty and opportunity and security.”

Mr. Johnson said Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to expand “his communist footholds.” Vladimir Putin imagines a Russian empire that includes the Baltics, and Iran aspires to wipe Israel off the map. The Biden Administration is “appeasing and apologizing and accommodating.Joe Biden doesn’t treat China like an enemy. He’s stopped supporting Israel, and has cozied up to Iran to revive the failed nuclear deal,” he said.
The Speaker defended Donald Trump’s record and called on European allies to live up to their defense spending commitments. He noted the security risks of an uncontrolled southern border and the rising national debt, which will require hard spending adjustments.
But most notable was the larger picture Mr. Johnson painted. He didn’t indulge a false choice between meeting problems at home and threats abroad. He is pushing his party in the direction of Ronald Reagan, which is correct for the world moment and politically popular.
America is threatened “by Chinese Communists, by Russian oligarchs, and Islamic terrorists. We can choose to ignore them, we can try to appease them,” the Speaker said. “Or we can choose another course. . . . We can rearm, rebuild, reinvigorate, restore, and reinstate fear in our enemies.” Decline “is always a choice. That is not a choice that Republicans will be making anytime soon.”

Mr. Trump could hardly do better than repeat Mr. Johnson’s message word for word at next week’s GOP convention.
105   Patrick   2024 Jul 23, 3:31pm  

At this unprecedented juncture in American history, we must be clear
about what just happened. The Democrat Party forced the Democrat
nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election.
Having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who
selected Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee for president, the self-
proclaimed 'party of democracy' has proven exactly the opposite.
The party's prospects are no better now with Vice President Kamala
Harris, who co-owns the disastrous policy failures of the Biden
Administration. As second in command and a completely inept border
czar, Harris has been a gleeful accomplice not only in the destruction
of American sovereignty, security, and prosperity, but also in the largest
political coverup in U.S. history. She has known for as long as anyone of
his incapacity to serve.

Regardless of the chaos in the current White House, our adversaries
around the globe should be reminded that the U.S. Congress, the U.S.
military, and the American people are fully prepared and committed to
defend our interests both at home and abroad.

If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to is serve as
President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot
arrive soon enough.

1:34 PM • Jul 21, 2024 • 56.1K Views
106   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 23, 3:33pm  

Johnson and Jeffries just announced a committee to look into J13.

I'm sure that will bear fruit.
108   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 7:55pm  


Speaker Mike Johnson brought the bill linking temporary funding for the federal government with a mandate that states require proof of citizenship when people register to vote; LOST 220-202 (14 Repubs & all but 3 democrats voted AGAINST it, can you imagine that? 14 fucking Republicans voted against a bill requiring proof of citizenship?)

‘The vote was 220-202, with 14 Republicans and all but three Democrats opposing the bill. Johnson, who said after the vote he was “disappointed,” will likely pursue a Plan B to avoid a partial shutdown, though he was not yet ready to share details.

“We’ll draw up another play and we’ll come up with a solution,” Johnson said. “I’m already talking to colleague about their many ideas. We have time to fix the situation and we’ll get right to it.”’

This is the issue peoples, we have Republicans subverting us, are voting with democrats, destroying USA…we need to vote these bitches out, all of them…I give testicle-LESS Mike props for bringing it but this smells fishy too, almost all designed to play with us…to fail…

I definitely do not trust Johnson at all anymore.
109   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 18, 8:58pm  

Go Mike!
111   Patrick   2024 Sep 24, 8:00pm  


He wants more election fraud. He's part of the problem. A big part.
112   1337irr   2024 Sep 24, 8:10pm  

Patrick says


He wants more election fraud. He's part of the problem. A big part.

What are your thoughts on the voter ID laws on the books already?
113   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 12:07am  

The real horrorshow is that the CR will very deliberately expire just around Christmas

Then the Omnibus will be rushed through.
, BEFORE the Republicans seat a bigger majority in the House and possibly get one in the Senate. And maybe Trump as President

Again, rammed through just BEFORE the Republicans seat a bigger majority in the House and possibly in the senate and a Trump WH.

The Christmas season will help hide the last minute Omnibus and allow time to dissipate any anger before the new Congress sits. With the democrats and many Republicans voting for it, it doesn't matter what Gaetz or Rosendale want.

You see, with a stronger Republican majority in the House, RINOs have fewer excuses not to cut spending especially for hated things. The Donald will have input as well and be able to shame his own party by vetoing the massive outrageous borrow-and-spend budget they want.

If Kamul-lah takes office, the RINO excuse will be they had to leave all the Democrat goodies and insane deficit spending for contractors and 100k's of "temporary refugee status" and NGOs bringing in illegals and 1M H-1Bs or Kamala would veto it.

"Nothing is accidental in politics" - FDR?
114   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 12:21am  


The House Speaker rejects U.S. decline and retreat from global leadership.

Is the more wealthy and populous EU helping to pay this bill? How many carrier groups will the EU send to Yemen or to patrol the South China Sea? How come the whole of Germany has less ships and a much smaller army than they did when it was just FRG?

Oh, it's on the US taxpayers and their children, plus borrowed interest. $37 Trillion now?

Also, it's very interesting how the FedGov and the Media plays DOWN anything with Taiwan and South China Sea as the Master Chief of a US Ship was just caught installing civilian Starlink so she could watch Telenovelas and lied 3x to the CO about it. All she got was a demotion one rank and a discharge, when she should have been put in prison.

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