The Terrible Consequences Of The Sanctions Against Putin

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2022 Jun 20, 4:17am   18,468 views  107 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

#consequencesofputinsanctions I am always on the lookout for unusual stories that most of the media misses. Russia used to export a massive amount of timber. With sanctions, it is difficult for Russia to continue with these exports. This causes big disruptions in the timber market worldwide. Germany is being forced to bring coal plants that generate power and heat back online to replace natural gas no longer coming from Russia. Then we have the Russian naval blockade of Ukraine's Black Sea ports that leave 20 million metric tons of wheat in silos and put up 100 million people in Africa and the Middle east in danger of potential starvation.
Putin is engaging in some cold-blooded calculus here. "Make things very uncomfortable for people in the west and they will cave in and let me do what I want to do." Long ago, Western democracies caved into Hitler in hopes of appeasing him and stopping a second world war. We know what happened afterward. We are going to have high gasoline and diesel prices. We are going to suffer high prices for food, timber, and natural gas for a long time to come. We are going to see large numbers of people face starvation. We cannot let Putin win this battle!!!! Decades ago, Stalin and Chairman Mao engineered famines that killed millions of people. Putin is the same kind of monster

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87   Patrick   2022 Sep 6, 3:35pm  

I thought they were already doing that.
88   richwicks   2022 Sep 6, 5:10pm  

ZipperTits says

So that oil supply is running on borrowed time. When winter comes and the oil backed up on the all the pipelines in Siberia freezes in place, the pipelines will be permanently damaged as well.

No. When oil freezes, and it can, it doesn't expand, it shrinks. Water is the one of the very few liquids that expands when it solidifies. My father used to sell heating oil in an area where it would get to -40F. Diesel becomes a slurry at 32F, and becomes a gel at 15 F. Heating oil is just diesel. When this happens, he would cut the diesel with kerosene which has a freezing point of -40.

Lines aren't damaged with petrochemicals freeze in them, but it won't flow.

ZipperTits says

And it took almost thirty years for the Russians to fix those the last time that happened (fall of the Soviet Union).

The USSR was run by a bunch of incompetent assholes that treated their (competent) underlings like shit - when the USSR collapsed, people went John Galt, and left their asshole Communist Stooge leader to try to fix the mess themselves, because they weren't being paid anyhow.

See any similarities to the United States today?

There's a TON of people underneath that asshole who were better and more competent at the job he ultimately took, but the democratic party needed a faithful stooge, not somebody that was competent. I guarantee that if that fucker has any idea what he's doing, he's just BARELY competent at doing it, and depends on his underlings entirely.

Look, we have SERIOUS problems here at home. The assholes that have stolen power in the United States are DESPERATE for distractions, that's really all Ukraine is for them, and money laundering. Currently, at this very moment, they are in the process of creating energy and food shortages, as a distraction. They create problems so that we never deal with them, you know, the problem.
89   Ceffer   2022 Sep 6, 5:31pm  

How about hanging the unelected, fraudulent, fecal impaction leaders from lamp posts and asking: "Is that enough for you Putin? Send back the gas and oil."
90   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 6, 5:57pm  

richwicks says

The USSR was run by a bunch of incompetent assholes that treated their (competent) underlings like shit

... and Ruscia is continuing that tradition.
91   richwicks   2022 Sep 7, 1:50am  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

The USSR was run by a bunch of incompetent assholes that treated their (competent) underlings like shit

... and Ruscia is continuing that tradition.

No. Russia isn't. They are fighting a war right now, long haul, with about a 20:1 ratio of deaths, and letting Europe freeze to death.

They aren't incompetent. They very well may cause a European revolution.

Stop pretending they are stupid, just because you WISH they are.

They falsely claimed the Nordstream I had to be closed because of maintenance, they sent the device to a foreign country for maintenance (why not bring them to Russia?) and it's just them egging on the establishment. Russia will close down energy exports, will send it to China and India, and THEY will be the exporters, and in the meantime, EU citizens will suffer and perhaps freeze.

And they will say "we're blameless, we'd LIKE to export energy to you, but your government won't allow it."

It's interesting to see a country engage in strategy, I've not seen in in such a long time, what with the stupid fucking asshole traitors of this nation. Moron fucktards that are only in their position because they fucked the right person, or are related to some pedophile that is under the intelligence agency's thumb. We are so fucking corrupt.

Europe is run by a bunch of CIA agents, quislings, traitorous scum. When people start freezing to death, it will get interesting. I hope all those traitors hang from lampposts, and I know full well they are the traitors my nation controls, but my nation is run by traitors as well. As they lose power, that gives us more.
92   WookieMan   2022 Sep 7, 5:11am  

Cannot remember if I commented on another thread about this conflict, but it's mostly out of the news in the midwest. Chicago has a large Ukrainian population too. So it's kind of weird. I think #3 in the US. We have a neighborhood call Ukrainian Village in Chicago.

I don't do national/world news except for what I hear on local affiliates. The conflict has become unimportant here at least. It's kind of weird.
93   Patrick   2022 Sep 11, 11:23pm  


Egypt is preparing to adopt Russia’s Mir payment system and include the Russian ruble on the list of currencies used by Egyptian banks and tourism companies, according to an Egyptian Central Bank official who spoke with Al Monitor. ...

Cairo reportedly made the decision in anticipation of the winter tourism season, taking advantage of Europe’s ill-fated sanctions campaign against Russia.

Several countries across the world are seeking to start using the Mir payment system, chief among Iran, which has long been the target of punitive economic sanctions from the west.

The head of Iran’s banking and insurance department of the Iranian Finance Ministry, Qorban Eskandari, said on 16 August that Tehran is “just months away” from implementing the Russian payment system, which serves as an alternative to western systems like Visa and Mastercard.

Days later, Russian and Iranian companies started conducting trade in their national currencies for the first time.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said early in August that five of Turkey’s most prominent banks have already started using the Mir payment system.

Bahrain is also planning to introduce the Russian system “in the near future,” according to the kingdom’s ambassador to Russia Ahmed Abdulrahman al-Saati.

“In Bahrain, we will soon introduce the Russian Mir payment system into banking services, which will allow tourists from [Russia] to relax comfortably and safely with us,” Al-Saati said during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in July.

Sanctions imposed on Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine have backfired for the most part, pushing Moscow closer to its allies in the Global South, and leaving both the US and Europe scrambling to deal with the loss of Russian fuel.
94   Patrick   2022 Sep 12, 1:27pm  


Europe Commits Suicide-by-Sanctions

Sept. 12 - A Swiss billboard is making the rounds on social media depicting a young woman on the telephone. The caption reads, "Does the neighbor heat the apartment to over 19 degrees (66F)? Please inform us." While the Swiss government has dismissed the poster as a fake, the penalties Swiss citizens face for daring to warm their homes are very real. According to the Swiss newspaper Blick, those who violate the 66 degree heating limit could face as many as three years in prison!

Prison time for heating your home? In the “free” world? How is it possible in 2022, when Switzerland and the rest of the political west have achieved the greatest economic success in history, that the European continent faces a winter like something out of the dark ages?


While long promoted – often by those opposed to war – as a less destructive alternative to war, sanctions are in reality acts of war. And as we know with interventionism and war, the result is often unintended consequences and even blowback.

European sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine earlier this year will likely go down in history as a prime example of how sanctions can result in unintended consequences. While seeking to punish Russia by cutting off gas and oil imports, European Union politicians forgot that Europe is completely dependent on Russian energy supplies and that the only people to suffer if those imports are shut down are the Europeans themselves.

The Russians simply pivoted to the south and east and found plenty of new buyers in China, India, and elsewhere. In fact, Russia’s state-run Gazprom energy company has reported that its profits have increased by 100 percent in the first half of this year.

Russia is getting rich while Europeans are facing a freezing winter and economic collapse. All because of the false belief that sanctions are a cost-free way to force other countries to do what you want them to do.

What happens when the people see dumb government policies making energy bills skyrocket as the economy grounds to a halt? They become desperate and take to the streets in protest.

This weekend thousands of Austrians took to the streets in a “Freedom Rally” to demand an end to sanctions and the opening of Nord Stream II, the gas pipeline on the verge of opening earlier this year. Last week an estimated 100,000 Czechs took to the streets of Prague to protest NATO and EU policy. In France, the “Yellow Vests” are back in the streets protesting the destruction of their economy in the name of “defeating” Russia in Ukraine. In Germany, Serbia, and elsewhere, protests are gearing up.

Even the Washington Post was forced to admit that sanctions on Russia are not having the intended effect. In an article yesterday, the paper worries that sanctions are inflicting “collateral damage in Russia and beyond, potentially even hurting the very countries that impose them. Some even worried that the sanctions intended to deter and weaken Putin could end up emboldening and strengthening him.”

This is all predictable. Sanctions kill. Sometimes they kill innocents in the country targeted for destruction and sometimes they kill innocents in the country imposing them. The solution, as always, is non-intervention. No sanctions, no "color revolutions," no meddling. It's really that simple.
95   richwicks   2022 Sep 12, 1:44pm  

Patrick says

What happens when the people see dumb government policies making energy bills skyrocket as the economy grounds to a halt? They become desperate and take to the streets in protest.

Well, good.

They should have done this 20 years ago when the United States started to create rapefugees and their traitorous quisling "leaders" accepted them with open arms.

I nearly view this as a test - a test of "what will you idiots put up with? Can you stupid sheep not think regardless of stupid unending propaganda?"

I really think this is becoming a test. People should have been outraged 20 years ago, but they weren't, so, fuck 'em.
96   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 12, 2:02pm  

Patrick says


Europe Commits Suicide-by-Sanctions

Would be fun to revisit this dare prediction next Spring. Or next year. I offer mine: Europe will be a-ok, and nobody would die from any of "horrible consequences of sanctions on Putin". I'm offcially putting Ron Paul on the stupid cunt watch.

Meanwhile, 50,000 Russians are already dead in that war (confirmed by their own MOF, btw)...
97   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 12, 2:08pm  

you know Patrick sometimes i think they started war against Russia to fight Brics. brics is competitor and a powerful one.
98   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 2:22pm  


The CEO of the world’s largest steel manufacturer has issued a grim warning as plants continue to shut down amid the mounting energy crisis.

Reiner Blaschek, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, warns that the German wing of the company can no longer compete due to soaring energy costs.

The energy crisis in Germany is turning into a manufacturing crisis, Blaschek warns.

Germany fucked by the American Deep State.
100   richwicks   2023 Feb 1, 5:27pm  

Booger says


The return of Stalingrad: Russian region proposes renaming airport

It's fucking Reuters.

If it's from Reuters or Associated Press, it's from the CIA. How can you not know this at this point?

This is pure propaganda. Even if it's true, who gives a shit? Is this world fucking important news we all need to know? Always these stupid fucking trivialities to try to guide people's EMOTIONS. Never the brain!
101   richwicks   2023 Feb 1, 5:28pm  

Patrick says


The CEO of the world’s largest steel manufacturer has issued a grim warning as plants continue to shut down amid the mounting energy crisis.

Reiner Blaschek, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, warns that the German wing of the company can no longer compete due to soaring energy costs.

The energy crisis in Germany is turning into a manufacturing crisis, Blaschek warns.

Germany fucked by the American Deep State.

Pretty simple solution would be just to move the plants to Russia. Germany has to stop fucking around and being under the yoke of their guilt over WWII, MUCH of which is undeserved, but is partially deserved.
103   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 1, 7:57pm  

Patrick says


The CEO of the world’s largest steel manufacturer has issued a grim warning as plants continue to shut down amid the mounting energy crisis.

Reiner Blaschek, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, warns that the German wing of the company can no longer compete due to soaring energy costs.

The energy crisis in Germany is turning into a manufacturing crisis, Blaschek warns.

Germany fucked by the American Deep State.

Aaaaaand the energy costs are back were they were prior to 02/24/22.
104   Misc   2023 Feb 5, 12:30am  

If you cut enough usage prices will come down, but the price is still higher in Germany than a year ago.

105   komputodo   2023 Feb 5, 8:24am  

ohomen171 says

Putin is engaging in some cold-blooded calculus here. "Make things very uncomfortable for people in the west and they will cave in and let me do what I want to do."

Biden and his administration are engaging in some cold-blooded calculus here. "Try to make things very uncomfortable for Putin and Russia and hopefully they will cave in and let us do what we want to do.
106   komputodo   2023 Feb 5, 8:39am  

ohomen171 says

We cannot let Putin win this battle!!!!

Since you feel that strongly about it, then get your ass over there and help the ukrainians fight. Otherwise its just bullshit.
107   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 5, 10:08am  

U.S. government operations and domestic costs related to Ukraine, which covers the increased expenses to government agencies for operations like moving embassy personnel and prosecuting war criminals. It also includes $2 billion for support to energy companies, particularly the nuclear industry, to offset higher supplier costs. Some observers might exclude the energy subsidy as only tangentially related to the war in Ukraine. This tabulation includes the item since the administration categorized it as Ukraine related.

No nuclear in the US, subsidize Nuclear for Ukraine (and it seems, export of surplus to the EU which pretends it's done with nuclear)

By the way:

A1: Congress has passed three aid packages. The first in March ($13.6 billion) was tacked onto the massive $1.5 trillion omnibus appropriations for FY 2022. The package in May ($40 billion), which contained the major portion of the aid, was a standalone bill. The package in September ($13.7 billion) was attached to the continuing resolution. It was designed to provide aid through December, when Congress will consider full-year appropriation bills. As the chart below shows, the three packages total $68 billion.

On November 15, the administration submitted a new aid request of $37.7 billion which, if passed, would bring the total to $105.5 billion. This new aid package is designed to last through the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2023). However, at the current rate of spending ($6.8 billion per month), this would last until about May. At that point, unless the war has ended or settled into a stalemate, the administration would need to ask for additional money.

(Same Source)

This was last year, so in a little over a year, $105B for Ukraine.

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