Anti-hindu hate in USA and its irish connection.

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2022 Jun 23, 2:53pm   2,416 views  24 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


I have been wondering how does @Farmerswon come up with theories which were not logical. This video explains all the rants from him.

Anti-hindu hate spreading in USA is because of confluence of ideas of Pieter Friedrich who is a Christian Fundamentalist now working with Khalisthanis and islamists. Explained at 8min mark.

I think that was the reason @Farmerswon was talking about all there Irish links with @Patrick.

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1   Patrick   2022 Jun 23, 3:01pm  

I don't think most Americans have anything against Hindus. I sure don't.

It seems to me like a typical separatist problem, a cycle of violence kind of like the Irish independence movement.
2   Patrick   2022 Jun 23, 4:24pm  

The job thing applies to all immigrants.

Shitting outside is just about poverty I think.
3   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 8:17am  

indc says


I have been wondering how does @Farmerswon come up with theories which were not logical. This video explains all the rants from him.

Anti-hindu hate spreading in USA is because of confluence of ideas of Pieter Friedrich who is a Christian Fundamentalist now working with Khalisthanis and islamists. Explained at 8min mark.

I think that was the reason @Farmerswon was talking about all there Irish links with @Patrick.

Hindooo are kings of nonsensical fiction writings.
@indc Hindoo is from long chain of bluffers... some of them claimed:
1) Monkeys can fly
2) Their God eat the moon for breakfast.
3) Cow excreta is good for health and can protect from nuclear attack.

Sikhs will even make pact with "devil" to bring down Hindoo cult to avenge genocide.. Irish/Scottish are one of the nicest people... so hell yeah!

Hindooo cultists should immediately leave west as they have nothing common with west, They can go back to cow/dick worship land.(Why tolerate cow slaughter and inability to put intercourse in middle of road)
Once Sikhs are free from their occupation, we would also have nothing to do with them.
4   NDrLoR   2022 Jun 24, 8:23am  

HunterTits says

Nope. Cultural
In the mid 70's when our company had a big drilling program in Iran, a contingent of employees in the Drilling and Exploration Dept. were dispatched to live there for a year. Several said that was the most off-putting thing about living there. They lived in an Americanized area, but still you'd be going along and see someone just take a crap in the gutter like it was nothing more than dropping a letter in the mailbox. Hard to imagine how they must have felt once they got back and only four years later everything fell apart and Americans trapped there were in fear for their lives. I wasn't high enough to be considered for going, but even if I had been I wouldn't have done so even if I lost my job.
5   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 8:25am  

NDrLoR says

In the mid 70's when our company had a big drilling program in Iran, a contingent of employees in the Drilling and Exploration Dept. were dispatched to live there for a year. Several said that was the most off-putting thing about living there. They lived in an American area, but still you'd be going along and see someone just take a crap in the gutter like it was nothing more than dropping a letter in the mailbox.

Now to experience this they can just go to Liberal "begumpura" of San Francisco.
6   Shaman   2022 Jun 24, 8:37am  

I don’t think people hate Indians in America. Many of us just find them annoying for their relentless and shameless social climbing, endless boasting, and their tendency to suck up to those in power regardless of morality. Perhaps a thousand years of living in subjugation has produced an Indian culture that venerates power over principle, leading to a population of lickspittles.
7   indc   2022 Jun 24, 1:22pm  

HunterTits says

Patrick says

Shitting outside is just about poverty I think.

Nope. Cultural. I got into it with one on a site about it. Dude started screaming about how 'wholesome' it is. Reduces colon cancer rates, etc.

India has built and installed millions of public toilets for the poor to use but they don't. Meanwhile, Bangladesh - which is poorer than India -- reduced its outdoor defecation rates big time. Esp compared to India.

And look at that map. Only India has such a concentration.

I call people like Huntertits white racis* bast*** like how british used to call Indians brown basta**. There is a new movie on netflix #RRR shows how British used to refer Indians.

Problem with people like Huntertits is that they cry that immigrants coming to USA have a better life than them but did not go through the pain his ancestor went through.

I called him racis* because I explained to him why science shows that using asian toilet will reduce colon cancer. But he still rants about what the other guy said.

He keeps bringing up a statistic that is 10yrs old now. Even though I proved to him that is not the truth anymore. Just like @Farmerswon who keeps giving 10 yrs or older statistics.

On prime there is a series check out "Panchayat S2E3" to understand what is the govt doing. This shows what @Patrick is right its more to do with poverty not culture.
8   indc   2022 Jun 24, 1:29pm  

Shaman says

I don’t think people hate Indians in America. Many of us just find them annoying for their relentless and shameless social climbing, endless boasting, and their tendency to suck up to those in power regardless of morality. Perhaps a thousand years of living in subjugation has produced an Indian culture that venerates power over principle, leading to a population of lickspittles.

I agree with this comment. You are talking about people who left everything and came here for better life. But the people you interact with is only 0.0001% and the generalization just makes you look stupi*. Once India gets stronger you wont have to interact with such people because such people will have more options back home then.
9   Blue   2022 Jun 24, 1:51pm  

Generally people do not care (not that they should) or not aware of Indians much except in few metros as Indian immigrant population is relatively low in US.
On a related note this Jihadi congress woman who married her brother along with her fellow Jihadi congress woman (MI) has issues with India as soft target since the Indian-left always treat "minorities" with special rights instead of throwing them into Pakistan they wanted a special country for themself and force feed pork and keep them in a isolated "reeducation" camps like in China.
10   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 2:05pm  

indc says

I called him racis* because I explained to him why science shows that using asian toilet will reduce colon cancer. But he still rants about what the other guy said.

He keeps bringing up a statistic that is 10yrs old now. Even though I proved to him that is not the truth anymore. Just like @Farmerswon who keeps giving 10 yrs or older statistics.

On prime there is a series check out "Panchayat S2E3" to understand what is the govt doing. This shows what @Patrick is right its more to do with poverty not culture.

Hindooo cult have toilets with water running as they are the looters.
Rest of Bhartis on $1 a day have no toilets. @indc Hindooo is racist as you can see above and think normal Bhartis are untouchable.
When will Bhartis put oppressive Hindooo Nazi heads on pikes?

Truth of toilets.. Not lies of Hindooo racist cult.... Hindooo cult took loans from west and then stolen that in names of building toilets and syphoned off to their globalist masters.
... Shitty back stabbing Hindooo cult.
Toilet Built Under 'Swachh Bharat' Becomes Kitchen While Family Continues To Defecate In Open But PM Modi Has Already Declared India Open Defecation Free
11   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jun 24, 2:53pm  

We have enough problems here.

We don't need the different factions and castes and whatever from the Indian Subcontinent bringing their clashes with one another here.
12   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 3:25pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

We have enough problems here.

We don't need the different factions and castes and whatever from the Indian Subcontinent bringing their clashes with one another here.

People running away from Hindooo land problems don't need your petty problems.
US has everything for its citizens, Don't create unnecessary problems.
13   indc   2022 Jun 24, 4:58pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

We have enough problems here.

We don't need the different factions and castes and whatever from the Indian Subcontinent bringing their clashes with one another here.

We hindus dont have any problem living in any part of the world. We dont bring any problems over. I shared the news showing that hindus are/will be oppressed. Where did you get this shi* that we are bringing the clashes over. It is the people like @Farmerswon and Chrsitian/Islamic extremists like Audrey Trushke, Illhan omar and even blackmen are targeting hindus.
My concern is we will be targeted like the jews in 1940's germany and europe.
14   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 5:10pm  

indc says

We hindus dont have any problem living in any part of the world. We dont bring any problems over. I shared the news showing that hindus are/will be oppressed. Where did you get this shi* that we are bringing the clashes over. It is the people like @Farmerswon and Chrsitian/Islamic extremists like Audrey Trushke, Illhan omar and even blackmen are targeting hindus.
My concern is we will be targeted like the jews in 1940's germany and europe.

Typical Hindooo cult thuggish behavior. Do All kinds of genocide and worship Hitler and cry victim.
Hindoo must be banned for world peace, prosperity and equality.

Hitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists

15   1337irr   2022 Jun 24, 5:37pm  

In regards to Hindu hate....

"I just want to say – you know – can we, can we all get along? Can we, can we get along? Can we stop making it horrible for the older people and the kids?"-Rodney King
16   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 24, 7:59pm  

HunterTits says

15% of the total population in India defecates in the open in India, according to WASH report 2021

You are completely wrong.
Hindu cult looters have toilets 100% and also they are far richer than Americans.
Untouchable and lower caste are not human as per Hindooo(They are just 2 legged animals) ... So open defecation for humans is 0%.

The only open defecation in Humans is for Hindooo cow mother , The four legged human.
17   KgK one   2022 Jun 24, 11:18pm  

That image is from 2012. India built 109 million toilets. Guiness record. Curious how much that # has gone down by now.

Underlying issue is poverty, British took significant amount of gold, diamonds, etc. They built railroads to ship commodities faster . Enslavement n robery makes people poor.
Easy to look down on unfortunate , good people should help .

Even rich countries like USA, people be shitting in philadelphia n LA skidrow. And they have toilets available.
18   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 25, 12:40am  

KgK one says

That image is from 2012. India built 109 million toilets. Guiness record. Curious how much that # has gone down by now.

Underlying issue is poverty, British took significant amount of gold, diamonds, etc. They built railroads to ship commodities faster . Enslavement n robery makes people poor.
Easy to look down on unfortunate , good people should help .

Even rich countries like USA, people be shitting in philadelphia n LA skidrow. And they have toilets available.

Globalists are issue for US and dirty Hindoooo for Bharat.
19   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jun 25, 7:37am  

The only people I see bitching about the Indians, are other Indians. No Irish going on rants about Hindus, just Skiers.
20   TechBrosWon   2022 Jun 25, 8:07am  

Tenpoundbass says

The only people I see bitching about the Indians, are other Indians. No Irish going on rants about Hindus, just Skiers.

ਬਸ ਕਰ ਯਾਰ ਕਿਓਂ ਝੂਠ ਬੋਲਿ ਜਾਨਾ
ਪੀਟਰ ਭਾਰਤੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
21   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jun 25, 11:09am  

HunterTits says

Yeah. I mean what would Hindus do (besides steal American IT jobs) to alienate people?

The Irish share the Hindu belief that defecating outside is 'wholesome'?

That map is obviously out of date, there should be a huge shit stain on the bottom of California.
22   gabbar   2022 Jun 25, 1:34pm  

HunterTits says

Yeah. I mean what would Hindus do (besides steal American IT jobs) to alienate people?

Don't blame the desire for profit of American IT companies on Hindus or any other people. Its business. America is a business starting from Democrats Inc and Republicans Inc. and their masters and down. Our democracy is for the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations.
23   gabbar   2022 Jun 25, 1:36pm  

Patrick says

I don't think most Americans have anything against Hindus. I sure don't.

Hindus are not perfect but in general they get along well with most Americans (with the except of Muslims)
24   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jun 25, 9:30pm  

HunterTits says

Did you ever get YOUR job fucking outsourced?



Me me me me me me!

Also, biotech changed so fucking much over the last 25 years. It started out libertarian when I got in. Now all of my co-workers are gay n' stuff.

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