Corruption Thread

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2022 Jul 6, 2:09pm   51,989 views  361 comments

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Hawaii Senate Dem Majority Leader Gets 3 Years in Prison for Bribery

Former Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English, 55, pleaded guilty to honest services wire fraud in February, admitting he accepted bribes from a Hawaii business owner in exchange for shaping legislation that would benefit a company involved in publicly financed cesspool conversion projects...

English “peddled the power and influence of his position as a Hawaii State Senator and Majority Leader to enrich himself and betray the trust bestowed upon him by those he was elected to serve,” U.S. prosecutors said in a sentencing memo urging the judge to send him to prison for three-and-a-half years.

The sentence, a little more than three years, must send a “stern and lasting message” that corruption of elected officials will be punished, the memo said. ...

Choy is a prolific donor, as are his immediate family members and business associates. Choy, his family members, and his employees from various companies have donated more than $356,000 to political campaigns since 2014, according to campaign finance data. Of that, Choy has contributed more than $160,000 to the elections and reelections of numerous Democrats.

Choy himself has donated to 55 campaigns — including 29 sitting lawmakers — since 2014. Money has gone to former Gov. Neil Abercrombie and current Gov. David Ige. He has most recently contributed to former Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s campaign for governor, and to Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s campaign.

"Stern and lasting message" my ass. Only life in prison will do. Singapore is a much better country than the US in this way.

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310   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 9:29am  


Hossenfelder sees quite clearly the structural problems in academic science. She describes how most of the scientific enterprise has devolved into an elaborate and cynical combination of parlour game and financial scam. Principal Investigators get grants, in order for the bloated university administrations to rake off their overhead surcharges. In order to get grants, papers must be published. Since the PIs spend much of their time either writing grant proposals or schmoozing with the other PIs who may well end up on the committees that decide whether or not their proposals are approved, the PIs need postdocs and doctoral students to write the papers. It doesn’t matter if the papers are true, or interesting, or useful. It doesn’t matter if they advance human understanding. It doesn’t matter if they represent significant advances with profound real-world applications. All that matters is that they pass peer review, get a few citations, and can be added to the PI’s publication list. ...

All in service of the sordid imperative that the mediocrities in admin be kept floating in the unearned luxury of their warm ocean of overhead cash.
311   Ceffer   2024 Apr 16, 10:15pm  

Patrick says

This is true. The high end art world is a laundering scam, with the insurance companies complicit. "Assessed" "Insured", then either borrowed against or donated for the tax dodge. They also transport adrenochrome and drugs in the frames.
312   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 16, 10:48pm  

Patrick says

My mom (a wise woman) once remarked to me that ever since the GI Bill after WW2, and the spread of Liberal Arts - back when it was full of Western Culture appreciation - to many people, the ritzy schnitzies (her words) got angry that the common clay was going to "their" museums and galleries, and starting pimping all this Jackson Pollack and toilets in the middle of the room type shit.
316   HeadSet   2024 Apr 25, 6:22am  

The_Deplorable says

Be real, "lust" should not be on that list. The other items are choices one makes, lust is not. If a cute neighbor lady in shorts comes outside and walks over to you, you will notice those legs. Same with the bikini girls at the water park. You might as well say that when you smell a steak grilling and your mouth waters, you are guilty of gluttony.
318   Patrick   2024 May 27, 6:12pm  


A.J. DePriest Exposes Fraud Involving Federal Money and Schools
May 15, 2022

A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. Yeah and that was one of the things that we discovered when we started researching the CARES Act and the CRRSA Act, is that this money wasn't just coming to Tennessee, it was going to all the states for all the schools. And um, yeah, there's the CARES Act, and that was a nice little chunk of change there, about 259 million dollars to Tennessee, but then in the CRRSA Act and SR-2 money it was 1.1 billion. So it was a little bit more. And again we didn't really find anything, anything really bad or negative about the CRSSA money.

It was in March of 2021 that the ARP Act was signed and that's the American Rescue Plan Act. That was signed by Biden. And the timeline is really important here. That was signed on March 11th. And Tennessee got 2 point, almost 2.5 billion dollars. So you see the progression from SR-1 was a nice pile of money, SR-2 was even more, and SR-3 was even more than that. It was almost twice what SR-2 money was. And um—

DAN MEREDITH: Now what is this money, is supposed to be all related to covid in some way?

A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. Covid Relief money. Covid, federal covid relief money. It's the same pot of money that went to businesses to impose shot mandates for their employees, it's the same pot of money that went to hospitals, to enact certain protocols within hospitals, to encourage hospitals to get all of their employees shots, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So it's the same pot of money from the same three acts that were passed where all that money was appropriated.

But the ARP Act was the one that we focused on the most because we discovered that the CDC in December of 2020 said that every school in America could open for 25 billion dollars. Every school in America. And they wanted kids back in school because in 2020 when kids were at home learning, their parents were seeing what they were learning. And the federal government figured out—

DAN MEREDITH: They don't like that.

A.J. DEPRIEST: — pretty quickly, no, they want— So every district of every school in the United States had to complete a district plan called the Safe Return to In-Person Learning. They wanted kids back in the classroom. So the graph that we have that shows the spending, the CARES Act money was 13.2 billion, CRRSA was 54.3 billion, the ARP was 122 billion. Now the CDC remember said that every school could open for 25 billion, but so far in SR money it's climbing close to 200 billion. And that's the most that the federal government has ever given to any state for school in the history of federal giving. So that's really important to note.

But the state plan, every state had to submit a state SR Plan. And it's a template that the federal government provided to every state and the second or third page of every state plan there is a signature box where their commissioner of education, ours is Penny Schwinn, signed and dated when they submitted that plan.

Our state plan was submitted July 2nd of 2021 and there's a really important clause there and it says, by signing this document I agree to each of the assurances listed in Appendix C.

So, what's in Appendix C?

The second bullet is probably the most important one, and that lays out that the
the requirement that the SEA, which is the State Education Agency, will comply with all ARP Act and all other ARP ESSER requirements. Now this is where things get dicey because if you go to look at the interim final requirements for the ARP Act it states very clearly that every state and district plan will show how they're going to universally mask, contact trace, social distance, isolate, quarantine, test, covid test, set up vaccination clinics to try get the entire school population vaccinated. These are all in the interim final requirements of the ARP Act.


A.J. DEPRIEST: And long after our state of emergency ended, they're still masking kids and its because of this SR-3 money. It's so much.

But I think probably the most important thing people need to understand is the timeline of events. Because SR-1 money was given with no strings attached. SR-2 money, no strings attached. Two thirds of that giant pile of SR-3 money was given to the states to their schools and that was March 24th when the two-thirds of the SR-3 money was distributed. April 22nd was when the interim final requirements came out listing all of those CDC requirements. So they gave them a lot of money, more money, and even more money, and then they laid out the requirements. That is, that's simply fraud.


A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. You can't give schools all that money and then say, oh by the way, here's what you have to do to keep that money.


A.J. DEPRIEST: Hmm mm.

DAN MEREDITH: You think the government planned that?

A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah, I think they did. Yeah.

DAN MEREDITH: We're from the government and we're here to help you.[1]

A.J. DEPRIEST: Exactly![laughs] Exactly.

DAN MEREDITH: Well I'm glad you are doing this and your group of people are doing this because this is the kind of thing that most normal everyday people, they've never heard of this kind of thing.

A.J. DEPRIEST: Hmm mm.

DAN MEREDITH: None of us knew that. I mean, I didn't know that. Most of our listeners didn't have any idea this kind of thing was going on.

A.J. DEPRIEST: Well I think the reason why we started digging into this is because something wasn't jiving in our minds. We were going to school board meetings and we were watching them online and the way school boards were behaving when crying parents, begging to have their kids unmasked and they were dropping just reams of studies about how masks were inefficient and even detrimental to health and they just didn't seem to have any emotion or response. And we wanted to know why. We also wanted to know why there were no OSHA HAZMAT bins anywhere in any school for the disposal of these toxic, deadly masks. And so we started looking at why these things were happening and what we discovered was that these requirements in the interim final requirements were behind it all.
319   Patrick   2024 Jun 13, 8:11pm  


How the elites closed ranks around Hunter Biden
The Democratic establishment went out of its way to shield the president’s wayward son from scrutiny.
320   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 20, 12:51pm  

Big Guy didn't get his cut.

322   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 24, 3:43pm  

Basically the Biden's take the loan, the bank sends them the money, and then a 3rd party(Biden supporter) pays back the bank for the loan.
The Biden's keep the money without paying any taxes on it.

323   HeadSet   2024 Jun 24, 7:00pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Basically the Biden's take the loan, the bank sends them the money, and then a 3rd party(Biden supporter) pays back the bank for the loan.
The Biden's keep the money without paying any taxes on it.

Wow, $4,2 million borrowed on a $350k home. Didn't Trump get charged with fraud for getting a loan for more than the property was worth?
324   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 24, 10:39pm  

HeadSet says

Wow, $4,2 million borrowed on a $350k home. Didn't Trump get charged with fraud for getting a loan for more than the property was worth?

Not the same. This is from multiple loans total.
325   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 2:40pm  


‘Sopranos’ Star Suggests Hollywood Celebrities Are Getting Paid to Support Biden

“The Sopranos” actress Drea de Matteo has suggested that Hollywood stars and other celebrities are being paid to publicly support President Joe Biden and the Democrats.

During a Monday interview on Fox News’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Matteo claimed that Hollywood is full of “quiet” Trump supporters.

She argues that actors throwing their weight behind Biden are being paid to do so. ...

“We’re talking about Fauci, we’re talking about De Niro.

“I am mortified right now by my people.

“I don’t know understand what we’re doing here.

“Anyhow, yes. There are a lot of quiet Trump supporters.

“There are a lot of Kennedy supporters.

“And wow, I wonder how much the actors got paid to endorse Biden at this point.

“I’m curious, because that seems — I wonder if De Niro got paid a locations fee because he had to travel to the courtroom to do that.” ...

“So I’m still an outcast, here I am.

“They’re going to take me out into the woods and shoot me for not endorsing Biden,” she joked.
326   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 26, 9:31am  

The Dark Truth Revealed: How Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao used deception and racism to manipulate her way into office…

1. It has been proven that Sheng filed paperwork to run for Mayor after the filing deadline.

2. The Oakland City Clerk reportedly back-dated the time stamps on Sheng Thao's filing paperwork to give it the appearance that it was filed on time.

3. The City reportedly illegally deleted all video evidence from inside and outside City Hall on the day that Sheng filed.

4. Prior to the November 2022 election date, the City of Oakland Ethics Commission received a complaint regarding the late filing, but reportedly failed to respond nor take any action.

5. One week prior to the election date, Andy Duong (now under FBI investigation along with Thao) attended a Sheng Thao campaign event and illegally conspired with Mario Juarez by paying Mario a total of $70,000 to create a racist negative campaign ad against her opponent, Loren Taylor, a Black man. The ad, which darkened Taylor's skin and made his eyes red, contributed to his loss by only 677 votes.

6. During the count of ballots, the County Registrar of Voters (ROV) disqualified over 3,000 Rank Choice Voter ballots that were received from predominately black neighborhoods in Oakland. The ROV refuses to indicate why those ballots were disqualified.

Sheng Thao is now under threat of recall, is being investigated by the FBI, IRS and USPS and has managed to bring the City of Oakland into the worst fiscal mismanagement in the City's history. And this is only what has come to light so far.

327   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 2:46pm  


An FBI raid has exposed a complex web of alleged illicit activities involving high-ranking government officials and a notorious local business in Oakland, California.

Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation. This establishment, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, the Mercury News reported.
328   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 4:56pm  


Black Radio Host Fired for Colluding with Biden Campaign on Interview Questions

The black Philadelphia radio host who recently interviewed Democrat President Joe Biden has been fired after it emerged that she colluding with his campaign on the questions.

The Biden campaign reportedly provided broadcaster Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the former host of “The Source” on Philadelphia’s WURD 96.1 FM, with all of the questions she asked the president during last week’s trainwreck interview.

On Sunday, WURD Radio announced that Lawful-Sanders had been fired over the collusion.

“The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners.
329   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jul 8, 5:24pm  

Patrick says

Black Radio Host Fired for Colluding with Biden Campaign on Interview Questions

She got fired for admitting to a reporter on air that she did it.

330   GNL   2024 Jul 8, 6:59pm  

Ceffer says

Patrick says

This is true. The high end art world is a laundering scam, with the insurance companies complicit. "Assessed" "Insured", then either borrowed against or donated for the tax dodge. They also transport adrenochrome and drugs in the frames.

Same with speaking fees and book deals.
331   Patrick   2024 Jul 30, 7:00pm  


Where is the BEAD money, Kamala? Where did $42.5 billion go? Where is the money Kamala? You were made the broad-band CZAR by Biden, where is the money? Is this how Kamala functioned as border CZAR?

The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program (BEAD), this is the 42.5 billion $ program (of the $1.2 trillion bill) & we can't find the money! Nothing to show for it & Kamala Harris ran it!


This government program is an outrageous waste of taxpayer money and is utterly failing to serve people in need

Jun 18
For $42 billion they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people

(US population is 333 million)
332   Patrick   2024 Aug 11, 5:11pm  


JUN 09, 2024

One of the biggest problems in our government is that people are promoted based on their loyalty (and sociopathy) rather than their competency (and integrity). In turn, the leadership of federal bureaucracy tends to be infested with individuals who habitually cover up the crimes of the government and those who are eager to sell out America to corporate interests—rather than the best minds our country has to offer who could genuinely move America forward.

Because of this, the employees of the federal government (e.g., our scientists) are often trapped in a position where they want to do the right thing but can’t because a president appointed a boss for them whose only qualification was lifelong loyalty to the corporation which funded the president’s election. RFK Jr. for example, has shared this was what he learned from repeatedly suing the Federal government, likewise numerous CDC employees signed a letter attesting to this, and more recently, when the GAO conducted an investigation, they found employees in the Federal agencies responsible for the pandemic response reported that they had seen political interference prevent scientifically correct policies from being enacted within their agency. ...

Despite being grossly incompetent, Fauci has amassed an unprecedented degree of power over the decades because of his unwavering commitment to the pharmaceutical industry and to covering up the (scientific) crimes of the American government. ...

Throughout his career, Fauci has done heinous things to the people of America, but by and large, he has completely escaped accountability for those actions. Yesterday however, this changed and Fauci was forced to testify in front of Congress, where he was formally accused by our leaders of his crimes against America.

Yes, Fauci is the worst genocidal criminal ever, but it's now August and I don't see him any closer to the noose he so richly deserves.
334   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 4:01pm  


U.S. government will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA bird flu pandemic vaccine
335   zzyzzx   2024 Aug 14, 6:23am  


Former Maryland dept. chair with $19 million in grants faked data in 13 papers, feds say

A former department chair engaged in research misconduct in work funded by 19 grants from the National Institutes of Health, according to the U.S. Office of Research Integrity.
338   Ceffer   2024 Aug 16, 7:28pm  

zzyzzx says

Former Maryland dept. chair with $19 million in grants faked data in 13 papers, feds say

Probably was doing what they wanted him to do, and is only being reported due to some malfeasance against them or whistleblowing tendencies. Seems to be a standard for today: the frauds stand pat as long as they are constructively pursued according to orders. Orders not followed, the crimes are reported to discredit the source.
339   Patrick   2024 Aug 23, 12:30pm  


Get this: there is one thing, one lurking terror, behind every fake and desperate move the Democratic Party has made this dire election cycle: the fear that hundreds of high officials might have to pay for their crimes of recent years if they lose on November 5. That’s why they lie about everything, and work so hard to construct false narratives, and struggle to obliterate the memory of Joe Biden’s ruinous term in power.

Of course, they can’t talk about it. It’s like the darkest secret in a wrecked human soul that has lost itself in mental illness, some abscess of shame and guilt sealed off in the mind’s attempt to protect itself — like the memory of an incest or an unsolved family murder — which explains the rich show of various derangements actually highlighted at this year’s Democratic Convention, their Cluster-B personality disorder freak show. It is an anguished, guilt-ridden collective mind leaking clues to its own disordered debasement. ...

The conventions are over and the contest is on. Have you heard enough of their fake war-cry: “defending our democracy?” From a party that has tortured the law to jail and silence its critics and scrape its challengers off every ballot. The pretense is perfect. Their “democracy” is actually a colossal “spoils” system — to the victor goes the spoils! — a grotesque political machine funneling trillions of federal dollars to their client voter groups, and especially to the non-profit orgs and NGOs that form a sinister secondary bureaucracy accountable to nobody. And all done with direct connivance of the federal intel blob at war with everyone outside this matrix of turpitude. And, by the way, the money is gone. Trillions. And nothing to show for it. ...

This is what Mr. Trump opposes, and has been fighting against since 2016. No wonder it wants to stuff him in prison or kill him. It is a mighty enemy because it holds the levers of official power, especially the federal prosecutors and the state and county prosecutors put in place by the Democrats’ chief “influencer,” the George and Alex Soros NGO empire. And the big picture includes the monumental crime against our country — against all the countries of Western Civ, really — which was the Covid-19 operation that left millions disabled or dead from a phony, poisonous “vaccine.”
341   Patrick   2024 Aug 29, 11:12am  


Wait, what? How could this happen? The New York Times of all places ran a top-of-fold story this morning headlined, “How California Became a New Center of Political Corruption. Just wait, it gets much, much better. Or worse, depending on where you live.

The sordid story begins right where you would expect: the mandate-happy Los Angeles City Commission. Commissioner Jose Huizar, 55, who was born in Mexico, educated at Berkeley, Princeton, and UCLA law school, was nicknamed the “King Kong” of LA City Hall. (No, it’s not racist, since he’s Mexican-American.)

Jose controlled the vastly influential Planning and Land Use Management Committee, which approves or denies major real-estate developments across the mega-city. Go big, or go home! Huizar went big:

His spectacular fall • after F.B.I. agents caught him accepting $1.8
million worth of casino chips, luxury hotel stays, a liquor box full of
cash and prostitutes from Chinese developers was cast by
federal prosecutors as an epic Hollywood tale. They persuaded a
judge in January to sentence him to 13 years in prison on charges
of tax evasion and racketeering.

King Kong Huizar became the third LA City Councilman to be convicted of corruption charges in the last year. A fourth still faces charges. The Times said those four were only part of “a much larger circle of staff aides, fund-raisers, political consultants and real estate developers charged in an extraordinary recent wave of bribery and influence-peddling across California.”


Actually, not that extraordinary. It’s kind of ordinary. According to Justice Department reports, during the last 10 years, a whopping 576 public officials in California have been convicted on federal corruption charges, more than New York, New Jersey, and Illinois put together. This explains a lot.

Even more shocking, the Times blamed the corruption superspreader, in part, on —get this— the growing Democrat super-majority:

A heavy concentration of power at Los Angeles City Hall, the
receding presence of local news media, a population that often
tunes out local politics and a growing Democratic supermajority in
state government have all helped insulate officeholders from
damage, political analysts said.

For Jose’s part, when asking the judge for leniency, Huizar admitted being a bribe-factory, but he was just a poor public servant twisted into a greedy pretzel by crooked bribers:

Now scheduled to surrender to prison by Aug. 31, Mr. Huizar made
a public apology at his sentencing hearing, saying he had long been
dedicated to his community. "Shiny things were dangled in front of
me, and I could not resist the temptation," he said in a letter to the
judge asking for leniency. "The money, the fancy dinners, luxury
flights. It was there for the taking, and I could not say no."

Apparently, neither Princeton or Berkeley, nor even UCLA law school, prepared King Kong to resist the shiny temptations dangled before him like whatshername, Fay Wray.

California suffers from a complicated corruption problem; coincidentally, it also suffers from a Democrat problem:

But political analysts say the Democrats' present lock on political
power leaves little opportunity for Republicans to effectively raise
the issue of corruption as a campaign issue.
"When a political party enjoys that much uncontested power,
there's no penalty for stepping over ethical or legal lines," said Dan
Schnur, a former head of the state Fair Political Practices
Commission and a former Republican who is now an independent.

It must be pretty bad when things are bad enough for the New York Times to report about bad Democrat behavior. Well, California voters? What are you going to do about it?
342   Patrick   2024 Aug 29, 11:14am  

More than anything, Los Angeles is also the hub of Harris’s current fundraising campaign. Of six trips including Los Angeles stops so far this year, every single one included a campaign event. I’m just saying that Los Angeles seems flush with cash for Democrat political campaigns.

The Journal noted that Kamala, as you might expect, regularly helps local L.A. officials with their own campaigns. Only the honest ones, probably.

Now don’t get carried away. I’m not connecting the New York Times corruption story to the Journal’s story about Kamala’s favorite city. I’m just noticing the peculiar confluence of information.
345   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 11:42am  


Our last story is heaped with hope for future generations. Yesterday, the San Diego Union Tribune ran a super encouraging citizen-journalist story headlined, “Two San Diego teens investigated their high school foundation’s finances. Then one got called in to the principal.” The sub-headline skeptically added, “The school principal and foundation blasted the report as untrue but didn't identify anything specifically wrong in the students' findings.”

Alert student Kevin Wang, 17, a Canyon Crest High School senior, became annoyed after twenty-five percent of his robotics club’s fund-raising was ‘taxed’ to the school’s foundation. Even worse, at the end of each school year, the foundation further taxed the club thirty-four percent of its total annual revenue.

So Kevin and his classmate Litong Tian, 17, decided to question authority. The duo dug through public records, including the foundation’s Forms 990 disclosures, combed its annual audited financial statements, reviewed its website and bylaws, as flyspecked robotics club’s financial spreadsheets. The pair interviewed Canyon Crest students and coaches, and compared everything to other schools in the school district.

“What I found was, like, really shocking, and it just kept building up,” Kevin concluded.

Last week, the two sleuthing students published their results in a 15-page report, on a website titled “Ravens for Transparency.” Among other things, they found that the so-called charitable foundation failed to disclose its executive director salaries —required by law— and buried substantial costs ($3.5 million over 12 years) in a murky “other expenses” category.

According to Kevin’s report, for some unknown reason, administrative expenses for his school’s foundation run over twice as high as all other schools in the district. And they also found a former foundation president who agreed with them:

CCAF's Former President
A former president of the CCA Foundation's board contacted us by email to express her support for
our original report. She criticized the principal's response to our criticisms, and also alleged that the
former Executive Director ignored concerns and campaigned to remove members of the Foundation
who disagreed with her.

In their rebuttal to the foundation’s hyperbolic objections, the students described a recent school board meeting, in which nearly all parent commenters supported their work and requested reforms—except for one deranged parent who called them ‘fascists.’

For the record, Kevin and Litong deny being fascists.

These so-called charitable tax-exempt organizations, like all the D.E.I. NGO’s and the ‘get out the vote’ groups, are where you find all the graft and corruption these days. I believe that government should be banned from giving grants to nonprofits. Let taxpayers donate to nonprofits voluntarily, if they like what the nonprofits are doing.

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