Corruption Thread

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2022 Jul 6, 2:09pm   47,175 views  327 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Hawaii Senate Dem Majority Leader Gets 3 Years in Prison for Bribery

Former Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English, 55, pleaded guilty to honest services wire fraud in February, admitting he accepted bribes from a Hawaii business owner in exchange for shaping legislation that would benefit a company involved in publicly financed cesspool conversion projects...

English “peddled the power and influence of his position as a Hawaii State Senator and Majority Leader to enrich himself and betray the trust bestowed upon him by those he was elected to serve,” U.S. prosecutors said in a sentencing memo urging the judge to send him to prison for three-and-a-half years.

The sentence, a little more than three years, must send a “stern and lasting message” that corruption of elected officials will be punished, the memo said. ...

Choy is a prolific donor, as are his immediate family members and business associates. Choy, his family members, and his employees from various companies have donated more than $356,000 to political campaigns since 2014, according to campaign finance data. Of that, Choy has contributed more than $160,000 to the elections and reelections of numerous Democrats.

Choy himself has donated to 55 campaigns — including 29 sitting lawmakers — since 2014. Money has gone to former Gov. Neil Abercrombie and current Gov. David Ige. He has most recently contributed to former Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s campaign for governor, and to Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s campaign.

"Stern and lasting message" my ass. Only life in prison will do. Singapore is a much better country than the US in this way.

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31   richwicks   2022 Aug 23, 3:43pm  

Patrick says


The same eight people have won the Maryland lottery 2,305 times (!!) in two years. Seriously.


No, it's controlled by a computer algorithm:


The mafia RUNS the lottery. The entire thing is fixed.
32   Patrick   2022 Aug 25, 7:59am  


Sociopathic Criminal Organizations': These Are the Companies That Brought Us the Opioid Epidemic and Vioxx

Merck pushed Vioxx, a headache medication that they knew would cause heart attacks and kill thousands of people. Because of their actions, up to 500,000 Americans needlessly died when they could have opted for a Tylenol instead.

RFK Jr: "And when they got caught, they settled for $7 billion, and they still made a profit, and they kept on moving."
36   Patrick   2022 Sep 6, 10:01am  

Thomas Massie
He “beat pharma” by giving them billions of dollars, mandating their unapproved shots, insulating them from liability, and directing federal agencies to market their products.

I think a lot of corporations would like to take that beating

From opensecrets.org I think. Found at https://nitter.pussthecat.org/RepThomasMassie/status/1566898331548356609#m
37   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 11:23am  


Reps accused of receiving $10m bribe from Bill Gates to pass Bill, Speaker kicks

The Coalition of United Political Parties has alleged that lawmakers in the House of Representatives were offered $10 million for the speedy passage of the Vaccination Bill by the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates.

CUPP in a statement issued late on Monday said it was in possession of intelligence report that the leadership of House is determined to pass the compulsory vaccine bill without subjecting it to the traditions of legislative proceedings. ...

CUPP said: “Opposition Coalition (CUPP) has intercepted very credible intelligence and hereby alerts Nigerians of plans by the leadership of the House of Representatives led by Femi Gbajabiamila to forcefully and without adherence to the rules of lawmaking to pass the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill 2020 otherwise known as the Compulsory Vaccination Bill which is proposing a compulsory vaccination of all Nigerians even when the vaccines have not been discovered.

They mean "approved", but the point holds. Looks like Bill Gates is literally bribing Nigerian lawmakers.
38   Patrick   2022 Sep 22, 11:00am  

Corruption becomes systemic because it is so profitable.
39   Ceffer   2022 Sep 22, 11:10am  

Can't watch a show without seeing ciggies lit up with insouciant nonchalance and everybody sloshing down a glass of wine or a drink as soon as they walk in the door.

The only thing you have to sell to alcoholics and addicts is the first shot/hit. After that, the addiction will sell all the cases of booze/cartons/baggies etc.you can manage to produce. They well know the vulnerabilities of the addicted brain to fake glamours of use.

Cannabis use is just so funny and amusing. Cannabis may have its medical and therapeutic uses, as I have seen, but really, most people just use it to get stoned.

Some black guys installed a new washer and dryer in our house, reeked of dope in the morning, they still managed to do the job. Blacks we have been gifted with through all the welfare air drops at the Safeway store often reek of weed just walking around the store. Maybe it calms them down, but do they really need the extra judgment impairment?
41   Patrick   2022 Sep 23, 5:46pm  


A Republican U.S. congressman has obtained bombshell documents that reportedly show that Democrat President Joe Biden and his son Hunter have been cutting a deal to sell America’s natural gas reserves and drilling assets to Communist China.

The smoking gun documents were acquired by Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who shared the information with renowned investigative reporter John Solomon.

According to Comer, he also has two whistleblowers who are willing to testify under oath before Congress to confirm that the allegations in the documents are legitimate.

Through the Bidens’ deal, the sale would allow China to take control of America’s natural gas industry.

The documents show Hunter was working with Chinese Communist Party-linked operatives to get keys to an office in Washington D.C. for himself, Jim Biden, Joe Biden, and First Lady Jill Biden.

Comer says his two new whistleblowers worked with Hunter Biden and are ready to expose it all when the Republicans take control of Congress.

Why wait? That makes me suspect it isn't real.

I don't ever want to read or hear "news about forthcoming news" because that's invariably bullshit.
42   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 1:17pm  


VAERS Whistleblower Nurse Speaks Out on the growing number of Pediatric Myocarditis Cases
September 21st, 2022

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

"Pediatric Charge nurse of 13 years was fired for asking 'why aren't we reporting to VAERS?" Regarding the influx of children with myocarditis.
45   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 2:03pm  


Whistleblower: Joe Biden Was ‘Chairman’ of Family Business, Expected to ‘Make Billions’ in China

Hunter Biden’s former business partner has blown the whistle to reveal that Joe Biden was the “chairman” of his family business, despite previous denials from the Democrat president.

In a bombshell new interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, Tony Bobulinski reveals that Joe Biden and his family members expected to make billions of dollars through shady Chinese Communist Party-linked deals in China.

Bobulinski told Carlson that Joe Biden was the “chairman” and “figurehead” of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.
48   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 11:05am  


Yale epidemiologist calling for prosecution of top FDA and CDC whores for betraying the public interest.
49   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 5:59pm  


PR Firm Represents MODERNA and PFIZER, While Staffing the CDC Vaccine Office; Weber Shandwick Provides PR for Moderna and Pfizer, While Staffing the CDC’s Vaccine Office, $50 million contract, CROOKS

A potential $50 million contract allows PR firm to be “embedded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as part of the Division of Viral Diseases team.”
50   Patrick   2022 Oct 13, 10:30am  


Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺
Oct 12
The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine for 450 million EU 🇪🇺 residents is the biggest CORRUPTION SCANDAL in the history of mankind.

53   mell   2022 Oct 13, 11:40am  

Patrick says


Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺
Oct 12
The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine for 450 million EU 🇪🇺 residents is the biggest CORRUPTION SCANDAL in the history of mankind.

In any prior society this would necessitate lifetime in jail or public hanging, yet people are relatively asleep at the wheel. I would say this is the greatest scandal in 100 years and easily on par with Mengele.
54   Patrick   2022 Oct 13, 10:35pm  


Breaking: 2,600 officials at agencies from the Commerce Department to the Treasury Department, during both Republican & Democratic administrations own shares of companies whose fates were directly affected by their employers’ actions, a Wall Street Journal investigation found; do you now understand when we say the republicans and democrats are the same rats in the same swamp; we are played!

55   Patrick   2022 Oct 18, 10:41am  


Biden's family got 'interest-free,' 'forgivable' loan from China, new evidence reveals
2017 business email and new information released by Sen. Chuck Grassley expose Chinese effort to enrich first family.
57   Patrick   2022 Oct 20, 1:51pm  


Despite the claim that “CDC does not accept commercial support,” this agency does indeed have financial ties to industry organizations, through their government-charted foundation. Congress has created foundations for many government organizations, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to supplement the agencies’ funding for specific projects and encourage more public-private partnerships.

58   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 5:11pm  


Pfizer Classified Almost All Severe Adverse Events During COVID Vaccine Trials ‘Not Related to Shots’
The case reports included in Pfizer clinical trial documents, released June 1 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, reveal a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being “not related” to the vaccine.

I'm starting to think that the entire Pfizer board of directors must be tried and hanged, and not just Bourla.
59   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 3:12pm  


Josef Stalin’s top henchman famously said, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” What it meant was that Soviet justice was about politics, not the rule of law. First decide who, for political reasons, is to be punished, and then the state will provide the crimes for which he will be charged.

This dark era of politicized “justice” has returned with former Trump campaign advisor Steve Bannon’s recent sentence to four months in jail for “contempt of Congress” over his refusal to appear before the House January 6th Committee.

How is it politicized justice for Bannon to be punished for ignoring a subpoena from the US Congress? Because many before him have been charged with contempt of Congress - including Democratic Party luminaries such as Eric Holder, Janet Reno, and Lois Lerner – and were never sentenced to jail time.

Bannon’s sentence is meant to convey a political message to America: if you support Trump you are a criminal and you may find yourself in a cell next to Steve Bannon.

And you do not have to support Trump to understand the danger in this. Everyone should be afraid of political justice. It cuts both ways and there is no guarantee that Republicans if they capture Congress will not also follow this precedent.

Sending your political opponents to jail is what happens in a banana republic. It is un-American. But here we are.

The goal of the January 6th Committee is not to seek justice for the “crime” of trespassing and putting feet on Pelosi’s sacred desk, but to make sure that Donald Trump is never allowed to run for President again. That is the reason hundreds have been unjustly arrested and held in terrible conditions for non-crimes. As they say, if you want to make an omelet you have to break some eggs.

Speaking of contempt of Congress, the real contempt is the existence of the January 6th Committee in the first place. It has been a partisan show trial from the beginning, where the only two “Republican” Members were not chosen by Republicans but by Nancy Pelosi. The purpose of the Committee has been to prop up the false narrative that somehow a few rowdy protesters who broke into the Capitol Building were the equivalent of the storming of the Bastille.

The US Administration is also involved in narrative control in other areas. The media reported last week that Tesla and Space-X chief Elon Musk has come under a “national security review” over, it seems, his on-again-off-again purchase of Twitter and perhaps even his proposing a peace plan for Russia and Ukraine that does not include a nuclear strike on Moscow.

Musk has also come under fire from the “cancel culture” Left over his repeated vows to return Twitter to a free speech platform once he is in charge. As we have seen in so many cases, including with former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson, Twitter has been working closely with the Biden Administration to silence and ban any users who dare challenge the “accepted wisdom” on Covid, Ukraine, and a number of other things.

When justice becomes tangled in politics, freedom and liberty go out the window. We are not so naïve to think this is something that just arrived with the Biden Administration, but there seems little doubt it is spreading like a cancer. We must reject political justice if the Republic is to survive.

We have active political persecution of dissenters in America by fascist Democrats.
63   Patrick   2022 Oct 28, 6:15pm  


An investigation by CBS News Colorado reveals how state attorneys general, including Colorado AG Phil Weiser, are attending lavish events funded, in part, by companies they're suing and investigating.

An organization called the Attorney General Alliance - made up of 48 attorneys general - is at the center of it all. Weiser is Chair the organization.

It's a private club that corporations and lobbyist organizations pay tens of thousands of dollars to belong to. Their membership buys them access to extravagant events where they can schmooze the top legal officers for state government, individuals who have sole discretion over whether to sue, settle, or investigate them.

CBS News Colorado received video of the group's 2021 annual conference in Maui from a Republican group. While its motives are political, the events in question include AGs from both parties.

The video shows Weiser and other AGs at the Grand Wailea Resort, a place billed as a "tropical oceanfront paradise" with "luxurious accommodations" that start at a thousand dollars a night, but AGs didn't have to pay a dime.

Their stay was compliments of taxpayers and sponsors, including corporations like Google, Facebook, Juul, and Pfizer - all of which AGs were suing at the time. The events have been happening quietly for years.
64   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 8:21pm  


Jon Stewart Admits Hunter Biden Being On Burisma Board ‘Is Corruption, Straight Up’

Stewart said, “Let’s say it was real and people just thought, well, the one thing in it maybe is 10% to the big guy, which is circumstantial at best. But as far as like, look, Hunter Biden being on the board of –”

“Burisma,” Gatehouse interjected.

“To me that’s corruption, straight up off the bat,” Stewart said.

But he should have said it two years ago.
66   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 1:46pm  


A patient may refuse treatment that the healthcare provider deems to be an act of beneficence out of the principle of autonomy. In the United States, the right to refuse treatment is protected by 42 CFR § 482.13.

And yet we were NOT allowed to refuse the "treatment" of toxxine injection, but instead were threatened with job loss, expulsion, and other penalties.

The government itself is criminal.
67   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 12, 6:46am  

From Denninger:

April 25, 2019: Biden announces his presidential campaign.

13 days later, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried ( Stanford Professor and co-founder of political fundraising organization "Mind-the-Gap), launches #FTX crypto exchange.

The exchange is magically an overnight success. SBF becomes biggest donor to Biden.

Election day, FTX implodes completely.

If you think this scandal is done, it goes even deeper.

Gabe Bankman-Fried, brother to Sam (also a former Jane Street trader), is founder of Guarding Against Pandemics

He was a Legislative Correspondent for the US House of Representatives and an advisor to large political donors in the Democrat party.

The family Aunt Linda Fried is a WEF member on the Global Agenda Council on Aging.

The father, Joseph Bankman is a Stanford professor who has lobbied on behalf of Hedge Fund managers before Congress before (film records exist).

FTX' Head of Ventures & Commercial at FTX Ventures Amy Wu, started with the Clinton Foundation years ago.

Nishad Singh FTX Director of Engineering has spent over 8 million for Dem candidates.

And finally Obama's Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner, Mark Wetjen was literally the head of FTX Policy & Regulation.

Reports were the organization wanted to spend over a billion dollars on the Democratic party for 2024.
69   REpro   2022 Nov 16, 9:02pm  

Biden is giving them $Billions, and then negotiate 10% discount on some medication to show off his success.
70   Patrick   2022 Nov 18, 10:36am  

Chuck Callesto
BREAKING REPORT: Democrat Maxine Waters Who BLEW FTX FOUNDER A KISS LAST YEAR following a committee hearing – Will Now Lead Investigation Into FTX’s Collapse

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