Kissinger is a stupid cunt indeed.

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2022 Jul 7, 8:42am   1,884 views  17 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

...Kissinger’s bad advice almost cost Israel its existence.

In October 1973, when the combined armies of Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in what became known as the Yom Kippur War, Nixon’s senior advisers, led by Kissinger, urged him not to intervene and not re-supply Israel.

Kissinger told Nixon that if re-supplied Israel, he would risk a larger conflict with the Soviet Union, perhaps World War III.

Sound familiar?

Fortunately Nixon ignored Kissinger and ordered a massive airlift and military re-supply of Israel.

Ben Stein would write that Nixon "saved Israel when it was threatened with annihilation by its neighbors, sending a massive airlift of arms to Israel during the Yom Kippur War."

Nixon decision was bold and right. Kissinger was wrong again.

Israel not only won decisively the Yom Kippur War, but its victory laid the groundwork for Egypt’s leader Anwar Sadat to open a path to peace that led to the Camp David Accords.

Documents released in recent years show that during the Yom Kippur War Kissinger told the Soviets that "my nightmare is a victory for either side."

Kissinger’s unwillingness to confront real evil in favor of the status quo was apparent in policies he created for Nixon, and later, serving as secretary of state under President Ford.

Kissinger was the architect of détente, a policy that called for maintaining positive relations, engagement and co-existence with the Soviets.

Even if the Kremlin was expanding its power in the Third World, Kissinger held it was better never to directly confront the Soviets.

Détente turned out to be a disaster, allowing the Soviets to expand around the world almost unchecked. Détente also sparked the modern conservative movement.

In 1976 former Calif. Governor Ronald Reagan decided to challenge Gerald Ford for the presidency. Reagan’s main grievance?

Kissinger’s détente was a dangerous policy that was helping the Soviets win the global struggle against the West. Reagan lost that primary in 1976, and Ford went on to lose the election to Jimmy Carter.

But when Reagan won the presidency in 1980, he eschewed the Kissinger wing of the party. He discarded détente, taking a more confrontational stance toward the Soviets and their proxies around the globe.

Reagan’s policy of "peace through strength" worked. By the end of the 1980s when the "Evil Empire" collapsed, Kissinger’s policies had been, in fact, seen as a failure.

Today Kissinger is again advocating for a new détente, this time with Vladmir Putin’s Russia.



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3   Ceffer   2022 Jul 7, 10:05am  

Kissinger is behind Klaus the Schwab and the NWO Empire of Lies, so when he emerges making quasi-rational statements instead of the usual pack of lies, then it means he thinks Ukraine is going down and in order to save the shambling remnants of the criminal enterprise, they need to stop Russia by settling for concessions. Otherwise, Russia is going to take it all.
4   richwicks   2022 Jul 7, 10:11am  

Israel is just a parasite on the United States now. It's a pity the US didn't allow it to collapse 40 years ago.
5   Eric Holder   2022 Jul 7, 10:28am  

Ceffer says

Russia is going to take it all.

Yeah, at the neck-breaking speed of 100m per day.

PS. Russia was on the side of Arabs and even had troops fighting on the front lines and manning air defense in 1973, so Kissinger was doing their bidding then as he's doing it now. I think he was compromised and has been working for KGB/GRU since loooong time ago.
6   Eric Holder   2022 Jul 7, 10:29am  

richwicks says

Israel is just a parasite on the United States now. It's a pity the US didn't allow it to collapse 40 years ago.

The Left and their hate towards Israel...
7   Ceffer   2022 Jul 7, 10:41am  

Kissinger likes to present himself as the go-to guy for everybody as if he is some kind of universal diplomatic servant, and always disguising his true loyalties. He's demonic NWO all the way, and is propped up like Klaus by Hapsburgs. If he has anything to do with Russian intel, it would be as the usual double/triple/quadruple agent that's simply wiped clean and used by both sides. I don't think countries galvanizing into enmities like predictable polarized magnetic particles in these bush conflicts means all that much. The NWO idea is to start the bar fight, getting everybody in the bar to kill and destroy each other, while they rob the cash register and sneak out the back door.
8   richwicks   2022 Jul 7, 11:59am  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

Israel is just a parasite on the United States now. It's a pity the US didn't allow it to collapse 40 years ago.

The Left and their hate towards Israel...

If you want to watch it:

original link

It's EXTREMELY dense, and entirely accurate. The right thinks Israel are friends in the same way the left thinks China is their friend. This nation would be better off if it just let Israel deal with it's own shit it creates, just like this nation would be better off if it never dealt with or traded with communist nations.
9   PeopleUnited   2022 Jul 7, 8:17pm  

HunterTits says

Bullshit analogy


Tenpoundbass says

If I had to go back in time to the early to mid 90's I would have just told Jews... "Well why don't you get the fuck out of Israel before you destroy the whole world over that shithole!?"

Perhaps if we all had, then today, we would not know what it's like to have TSA agent grope your shit, to fly one state over. We wouldn't know what it's like to have a Shenanynay from parks and recreation, barking out orders on how enter and exit the fucking courthouse.

Don’t blame Israel for your own fucked up government. Guess what, terrorism is 10 times the problem in Israel as it is in Akron. And the dipshits in Akron groping people has NOTHING to do with Israel. In Israel they have security lines too, but they don’t grope Everyone, they interrogate everyone. And it is much more effective too, because terrorists are terrible liars, can’t control their emotions and basically are easy for a trained observer to spot. America has a police state because that is what the powers that be wanted, a fearful, dehumanized and pathetic populace who is too fat, lazy and afraid to stand up to tyranny.
10   richwicks   2022 Jul 7, 8:25pm  

PeopleUnited says

Don’t blame Israel for your own fucked up government. Guess what, terrorism is 10 times the problem in Israel as it is in Akron.

The reason Israel has a terrorist problem is that Israel has an official policy of appropriating non Jewish homes and land.

When we hear about this shit, we always hear it starting form the middle "rockets from Gaza were fired". The full story is "After Israel shelled the fuck out of Gaza for a month, Gaza fired a few home made rockets that landed in an empty field".

Our media is fucking Zionist as shit. They NEVER give you the full story. You probably realize they lied about Donald Trump, and January 6th, they are equally as dishonest about the Palestinian Israeli conflict. US "news" media isn't wrong about a few things, they aren't wrong at all, they're fucking liars. They are pro conflict in ALL cases. Not just pro war, pro conflict. They create conflict between blacks and whites, they love conflict between Jews and Muslims, and Christians and Muslims. Where the motherfuckers can, they will misinform you and lie to you, and that creates conflict because when somebody that does know something about the situation in Israel (and I'm not expert, but I'm well beyond 99.9% of Americans) it results in a fight. Another stupid fucking fight.

Israel isn't not an innocent state just trying to get along in the area. They are the KKK for Jews, seriously, that's Zionism. If they wanted a 2 state solution, and they don't, they'd just say "hey asshole Palestinians we can EASILY defeat, these bits of land - that's Palestine now - if you don't like it, too fucking bad". They could have done this for 40 years but they won't.

Now I can go further and point out all the powerful people that control our media, but if I do this, you'll call me an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist - so I'll leave that task to you. Find out for yourself.
11   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 7, 8:29pm  

richwicks says

The reason Israel has a terrorist problem is that Israel has an official policy of appropriating non Jewish homes and land.

They are retaking Jewish land (with title proof from Brits/Ottomans, not even Israel itself) that were confiscated by Palestinian Jordan in 1947 around Jerusalem, and restoring the true owners who were illegally expelled. Palestinian Jordan was created from 2/3 of the British Mandate of Palestine, or what was Ottoman South Syria. The entire Levantine countries of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan were given to the Arabs who hadn't owned an independent country there - either part of the Caliphate or rarely an idependent city-state (Edessa, Aleppo) during the Byzantine Reconquista when the Caliphate fell apart around 900AD.

The vast majority of the Palestinian population arrived in the early 20th Century to work on Jewish drained swamp farms and factories purchased legally from Turkish or Arab absentee landlords. Most Arabs in Palestine were sharecroppers/serfs, without title. Most of the Bedouins voluntarily joined Israel because of their history of shit treatment by Fellahin Arab Farmers, in fact the 3rd Colonel of the IDF was a Bedouin Muslim/Pagan named "The Almond".

The famous terrorist Tamimi Clan was imported into Palestine from Bosnia around 1900 by the Ottoman Turks. That's why Shirely Temper has curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

Finally, Esau has all of Arabia + most of the Levant. Jacob gets Israel proper, a far smaller portion. Israel is well within Biblical Boundaries, which contrary to anti-Israel propaganda, does not extend to the Euphrates.

Israel did not get US support until after 1967 as a result of the USSR lavishing T-55s, MiG-21s, and SA-2s on Egypt and Syria.

Clinton is at fault for KGB Agent Aref ("Yassir Arafat", born in Egypt to absentee Arab Landholders who owned vast estates all over the Middle East) not being forced to take whatever at the end of the Cold War, especially after he betrayed Arabs by supporting Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

In any case, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and now Saudi Arabia are all making peace with Israel and excited about building pipelines to the Med.

There was also an interesting meeting in Riyadh between Greece, Israel, and the Sauds, the topic was probably Turkey, which Saudi Arabia sees now as a rival a few months back.
12   PeopleUnited   2022 Jul 7, 8:44pm  

richwicks says

Israel isn't not an innocent state just trying to get along in the area.

Nobody said they are. But continue arguing with yourself if you like. Has nothing to do with my points.

PeopleUnited says

Don’t blame Israel for your own fucked up government. Guess what, terrorism is 10 times the problem in Israel as it is in Akron. And the dipshits in Akron groping people has NOTHING to do with Israel. In Israel they have security lines too, but they don’t grope Everyone, they interrogate everyone. And it is much more effective too, because terrorists are terrible liars, can’t control their emotions and basically are easy for a trained observer to spot. America has a police state because that is what the powers that be wanted, a fearful, dehumanized and pathetic populace who is too fat, lazy and afraid to stand up to tyranny.
13   Blue   2022 Jul 8, 1:19am  

richwicks says

"rockets from Gaza were fired"

In all the history, this is how Muslims get their wealth not by their hard work.
14   richwicks   2022 Jul 8, 1:31am  

Blue says

richwicks says

"rockets from Gaza were fired"

In all the history, this is how Muslims get their wealth not by their hard work.

The Muslim world is controlled by a mafia that is selling critical resources to enrich themselves at the expense of their population. The ruling class in ALL of the Middle East, including "Palestine" are self serving, assholes, in my opinion. Their governments are the worst governments in the world. They are complete traitors, the most obvious traitors, to their people.
15   Ceffer   2022 Jul 8, 2:06am  

Israeli PM calling his best bud in Gaza, Abdul:

PM "Hi, Abdul, how's it going? How are your kids in Switzerland and Harvard?"

Abdul: "Very well, thank you. What brings you to call me today?"

PM "Well, we think we can extort another couple of billions for our defense, you know, the ole military budget is running a bit dry, and we would like to test our missile shields. Think you could lob a couple of missiles our way? Some fireworks would really help to get that money."

Abdul: "Sure thing. We'll let you know the incoming so you can prepare. By the way, you will have to blow up one of our skyscrapers to make the ruse seem like real aggression. We'll tell you which one, and make sure it's cleared out. Isn't it great these suckers fork over those billions like that? They fall for it every time. Don't forget my cut!"

PM: "Thanks, wouldn't think of it. Until next time."
16   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 8, 12:51pm  

Blue says

richwicks says

"rockets from Gaza were fired"

In all the history, this is how Muslims get their wealth not by their hard work.

Yep, ask the Byzantines about centuries of regular raiding into Anatolia by Muslims - explicitly for booty and slaves. It got to a point that they didn't even want to conquer Byzantium, just loot periodically.

"Jihad is just defensive!"
17   Patrick   2023 May 19, 8:51pm  


"Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević. While Henry continues to nibble nori rolls and remaki at A-list parties, Cambodia, the neutral nation he secretly and illegally bombed, invaded, undermined, and then threw to the dogs, is still trying to raise itself up on its one remaining leg.”

- Anthony Bourdain, 𝘈 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬'𝘴 𝘛𝘰𝘶𝘳: 𝘐𝘯 𝘚𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘭

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