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It’s not the central bank making money.
It’s congress allowing the US Treasury to sell trillions of dollars of IOUs called bonds.
It’s not the central bank making money.
It’s congress allowing the US Treasury to sell trillions of dollars of IOUs called bonds.
Lately the Federal Reserve has been buying a lot of them but they are planning on selling them off.
Abolish income taxes at the federal level and substitute import duties.
New Hampshire has a clever solution to no state income tax.
Instead of an income tax, all liquor (spirit alcohol) is sold in state owned liquor stores.
Liquor/ spirits profits supply significant income for New Hampshire, like the old days.
They get customers from Massachusetts and tourists driving to and from Maine, a huge store is right off 95 in Portsmouth.
Instead of an income tax, all liquor (spirit alcohol) is sold in state owned liquor stores.
clambo says
Instead of an income tax, all liquor (spirit alcohol) is sold in state owned liquor stores.
Or just build dozens of casinos. Vice taxes generally never bring in the estimated amount they tell you. Casinos, booze, smokes, weed, etc.
In legal states like IL, it's cheaper for me to get weed from an individual by a long shot. Growing weed is like brewing beer now. People are growing (some legal, medical, some not) some insanely good shit and selling it for 30/60. When I was in HS and College is was 60/120. Technically illegal to buy it that way, but the market has been saturated with the legal stuff and it's expensive because of taxes.
I'm a fan of just a flat tax. Everyone has skin in the game then besides kids below the working age. Get rid of all exemptions and loopholes. 10% on income, goods, etc. It would hurt the poor initially, but I think it w...
WookieMan says
clambo says
Instead of an income tax, all liquor (spirit alcohol) is sold in state owned liquor stores.
Or just build dozens of casinos. Vice taxes generally never bring in the estimated amount they tell you. Casinos, booze, smokes, weed, etc.
In legal states like IL, it's cheaper for me to get weed from an individual by a long shot. Growing weed is like brewing beer now. People are growing (some legal, medical, some not) some insanely good shit and selling it for 30/60. When I was in HS and College is was 60/120. Technically illegal to buy it that way, but the market has been saturated with the legal stuff and it's expensive because of taxes.
I'm a fan of just a flat tax. Everyone has skin in the game then besides kids below the working age. Get rid of all exemptions...
New Hampshire has a clever solution to no state income tax.
Instead of an income tax, all liquor (spirit alcohol) is sold in state owned liquor stores.
I think losers should not vote.
Voting in person and the database shows who's paying taxes and who's on food stamps, HUD sec 8, etc.
No vote for the food stamp people, Sec 8, and people who pay no income tax.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Many adults are functional regards
Did you mean "functional retards?
I paid 100K in income taxes this year. For a bunch of wars and social programs I never agreed to. I’m not rich. It’s criminal.
One advantage of preparing your taxes with software is you learn the tax code as you go along.
pudil says
I paid 100K in income taxes this year. For a bunch of wars and social programs I never agreed to. I’m not rich. It’s criminal.
Totally agree
Disagree completely. That's $800k+ of W-2 income minimum. Low tax long term capital gains or stock sales that's $1.5M easy.
I fucking hate taxes, but paying $100k in federal and crying poor is ridiculous. Or you're not doing your taxes right. I know my numbers. $100k is $800k of W-2 income roughly.
Where I agree is the use of said tax money. We don't need wars. The lefty in me kind of agrees with "some" social programs. There's a lot out there people don't know about. Our society would devolve without them. If you're not rich with that income you're doing something 1,000% completely wrong. Not trying to be a dick. 50% of people are paying nothing. I do and you do pudil. Most others here do as well.
My point is you are very rich if you're paying $100k in taxes federally. Or you're doing your taxes wrong.
It's probably state and federal taxes which go to the same corrupt bs. You are close to paying 100k in taxes (federal + state) in CA on 250K yearly salary. Sure other states have less income tax, but doesn't make you rich. It's upper middle class, maybe just entry level upper class. Not wealthy by any means, you will need to keep working, but def comfortable living. Also depends on if you have a family to feed or not. It's still theft.
Ah, found a decent federal graph of brackets:
So yes, he could get hit with 30% tax on his whole income, even just from federal income tax. Then there's CA.
Ah, found a decent federal graph of brackets:
So yes, he could get hit with 30% tax on his whole income, even just from federal income tax. Then there's CA.
I believe unless you are 1. blind 2. crippled 3. mentally incapable you deserve nothing from other people.
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Until the 16th ammendment was passed in the early 1900's, we got by without fedetal income taxes. Tariffs did the trick. Of course, we were not yet the superpower we became, huge millitary and all, and there were not nearly the federally funded social programs we have today.
Frankly, I don't think your average American realizes how heavily they are taxed. Federal. State (with some excaptions) Property. School. Gas. Sales. Etc.
For most in the middle and upper middle class, federal income tax is the biggest share of taxes paid on a percentage basis.
In a modern captalist economy, it makes more sense to me to tax consumption rather than income.
So why not abolish the federal income tax, and instead have a federal tax on goods and services rendered. Better yet, couple it with a balanced budget amment so that the government can't spend money they don't have.
Taxing goods should be straightforward to implement. Buy a bag of rice, clothes, a house, a car, stock, etc. tax it at a nominal rate to raise sufficent revenue to keep the government running. Tax should apply to individuals and corporations alike. I have no idea what the rate would need to be to replace the lost income income revenue, but there must be a way for the been counters to figure that out.
Same holds for services. From your lawyer to your plumber to your accountant.. services rendered should also be taxed... possibly at a different rate than physical goods, since we are a "service based economy".
Just thinking out loud here.. In the 21st century there MUST be a better way to raise revenue than income tax and the various loopholes used to reduce or even avoid ones tax burden.