Demographics Thread

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2022 Jul 22, 11:53am   18,653 views  176 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Number of children by political affiliation.

Leftism is self-exterminating, but it will take a while, and they will continuously try to convert the children of conservatives to replenish their numbers.

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38   Shaman   2023 Mar 6, 2:30pm  

Patrick says

There should be a formula for how to live a life of independence from the grid. How much land and water do you need? What plants and animals work best at a certain latitude?

I suppose farmers know all this already, especially the Amish.

Growing up in Alaska, with parents who likes to farm, i can tell you that potatoes do exceptionally well in a boreal environment, as do cabbages, beans, peas, and leafy vegetables. The constant light in the summer (it’s never dark) means they can grow to tremendous size!
Just forget about corn, but barley might do ok.
You’ll need a greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers.
39   HeadSet   2023 Mar 6, 3:50pm  

Patrick says

There should be a formula for how to live a life of independence from the grid. How much land and water do you need? What plants and animals work best at a certain latitude?

I suppose farmers know all this already, especially the Amish.

Yea, if you want to forgo a 1st World lifestyle. 5 acres in central Virginia with some woods and you can grow enough food and have a cow and chickens. Dig a well for water and use water very sparingly - no showers. Use an outhouse. No electricity. Wood stove for cooking and heat. This is how my dad's parents lived.
41   Booger   2023 Mar 12, 2:56pm  

Patrick says

I suppose farmers know all this already, especially the Amish.

44   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 10:46am  


The fertility crisis in mRNA countries is deepening

Why will no one investigate the plunge in births since 2021?

The global baby bust is worsening - and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA Covid shots.

Most notably, several nations that had stable birth levels before the mRNAs were introduced in 2021 have seen sharp drops since. Sweden had about 115,000 births annually from 2012 to 2021. Last year, births plunged to 105,000. In 2023, they are tracking below 100,000. Germany has a similar trend.

Meanwhile, Eastern European nations like Bulgaria - which had much lower mRNA jab rates - have seen in some cases increases in births in the last year.
46   rocketjoe79   2023 Jul 2, 1:55pm  

AmericanKulak says

Most wealth in any country is in the land and property.

Western birthrates have been declining for decades.

Smart people read charts.

Thus you have mass immigration.

It doesn't matter if an employed citizen or government/NGO on behalf of a refugee is paying, as long as you get your landlord rent.

Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, and Mormons will survive and continue to populate. Big cities will die off from corruption, internal rot, fire, and disease.
47   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 6:43pm  

rocketjoe79 says

as long as you get your landlord rent

Georgism would fix this problem.
49   Patrick   2023 Jul 6, 2:25pm  


The global baby bust is worsening - and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA Covid shots.

Most notably, several nations that had stable birth levels before the mRNAs were introduced in 2021 have seen sharp drops since. Sweden had about 115,000 births annually from 2012 to 2021. Last year, births plunged to 105,000. In 2023, they are tracking below 100,000. Germany has a similar trend.

Meanwhile, Eastern European nations like Bulgaria - which had much lower mRNA jab rates - have seen in some cases increases in births in the last year.
50   Patrick   2023 Jul 6, 5:02pm  


Today's news is a sudden and unexpected plunge in birth rates in Australia.

Australia’s News.Com.Au has an article about it, and they blame… climate change!
51   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 6, 5:08pm  

Patrick says

Australia’s News.Com.Au has an article about it, and they blame… climate change!

Paranoia Politics

The paranoid approach to politics requires demands for the impossible to be achieved thus creating failure which sustains the sense of powerlessness among the movement’s adherents.
52   Patrick   2023 Jul 8, 4:27pm  


Australia’s Fertility Rates Plummet to Lowest Level on Record

... According to the report from Australia’s 7 News:

“It’s currently at around 1.7, below the 2.1 rate needed for a stable population.

“During the first three months of this year, the number of births in public maternity wards in New South Wales was the lowest since records began 13 years ago.”
53   Patrick   2023 Jul 26, 7:45am  


All this is to say, the “elites” are really-really serious about killing people and reducing the global population. No crime is to vile for them - they will stop at nothing, and they never have.

In conclusion, it is important to realize that there is no scientific or humanitarian basis in “public health policies” as they exists today in the United States and globally. That machinery exists to drive the population control policy. There is no scientific or humanitarian basis mandating vaccinations with now close to 100 different poisons. Vaccines do not create health. Yet, this is squarely among the UN’s “sustainable goals”.

The public health system must be dismantled, because it is a camouflaged warfare program actively engaged in controlling and killing civilians under emergency pretexts and lies.

There are no genuine, self-sustaining, global pandemic and epidemic threats. There are only localized, self-limiting CBRN attacks conducted (in the US) by the DoD-HHS-DHS-NSC-DOJ-et al, and conducted by DoD and other national militaries in other countries, under the direction of the World Health Organization and the BIS to reinforce the illusion of pandemics, to drive the camouflaged warfare programs forward, to control and kill more civilians.
54   Patrick   2023 Jul 30, 3:16pm  


A Conversation with Chat GPT re Population Control
and the lies an AI will tell to protect US Government policy

JUL 30, 2023

Last week I posted Gavin De Becker’s essay on the Kissinger report and National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200, as well as links to those reports. In writing that report, Gavin used Chat GPT to try to find some answers to questions he had about the report and US government policy on population reduction.

Below is the text from the “discussion” that Gavin had with Chat GPT about population control and the Kissinger report. For brevity, I have only included last pages of the discussion, from where Gavin moves away from “fictional non-existent government” to the real USG. Here is the full link that the conversation. If you haven’t had an opportunity to use Chat GPT and wish to get some ideas on how to use it, this is a useful document to read.

I know that reading the pages below is a lot to get through - but if you can, at least speed read through the text. The bottom line is that Chat GPT seem to lie consistently and with ease, in an apparent attempt to cover up US government policy that somehow Chat GPT considers too controversial.

If this example doesn’t scare you straight about the dangers of AI – for even the most basic of everyday uses, I don’t know what will - RWM

(Gavin’s comments are in light brown) ...
59   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 12:50pm  


Why are so many adults in rich countries refusing to have kids?
60   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 26, 5:05pm  

Patrick says

Why are so many adults in rich countries refusing to have kids?

Peter Zeihan has covered this a lot. His main answer: mass urbanization.

The more and faster it is, the sharper the drop off in having kids starts to be noticeable about two generations later.

US and Europe had slower urbanization, so this happened slower. Europe then had WW2 and rapid urbanization. So they pretty much stopped having enough babies since the mid 1970s.

US also had the suburbs, which helped delay this with Boomers and their kids. Then the Millennials went to live in the cities...

Asian nations, much more rapid because their industrialization was. Vietnam is demographicaly now where China was 30 ys ago. So by the 2040s, Vietnam will be in demographic free fall like China is now.

Only Japan has handled this in any remote way well.

France has too by having an extensive, pro-family support mechanism that costs a lot. Eastern Europeans like the Poles and Hungaruans have tried to emulate the French but with less results.

The Kiwis and Swedes haven't done bad either. Oz, not so much.
So ironically, America's shitty cities turning into even shittier hellholes is a good thing. People are fleeing them for exurbs and smaller towns. Our demographic problems will start to correct themselves after a generation or two.
61   AD   2023 Oct 26, 8:22pm  

As Professor Larry Sabato says "Demographics is destiny"

Sweden is learning that firsthand.

62   HeadSet   2023 Oct 27, 11:20am  

PumpingRedheads says

Our demographic problems will start to correct themselves after a generation or two.

We do not have a demographic problem, other than a flood of illiterates crossing the southern border.
63   yawaraf   2023 Oct 27, 11:36am  

It seems intuitive that population cannot increase forever. If so, it is necessary that for some time population will either be stable or will decrease. When conditions change the rate of change in population will also change.

I am also of the opinion that the problem is uncontrolled immigration. Setting a quota for quantity might be arbitrary, however we must reject nationalities/cultures/religions that have been shown to integrate poorly in American society.
64   AD   2023 Oct 28, 10:50am  

yawaraf says

I am also of the opinion that the problem is uncontrolled immigration. Setting a quota for quantity might be arbitrary, however we must reject nationalities/cultures/religions that have been shown to integrate poorly in American society.

Tucker Carlson is warning about this. He says the reason 3rd world immigrants come to America is that it is a free society with economic opportunity. When America becomes a 3rd world country, then Tucker states it will get a lot worse here as far as those immigrants.


67   AmericanKulak   2023 Nov 24, 6:15pm  

yawaraf says

It seems intuitive that population cannot increase forever. If so, it is necessary that for some time population will either be stable or will decrease. When conditions change the rate of change in population will also change.

This is already happening. The US has been below replacement rate since the 60s/70s.

India is now AT replacement rate (pale green). Most of Europe, East Asia, Central and South Africa is below replacement. Most of the Middle East is way down to just above replacement.

It's just Africa that remains a problem, and the answer to that is to isolate Africa (no aid, little trade) and STOP IMMIGRATION to the West as a safety valve.

68   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Nov 24, 6:31pm  

AmericanKulak says

This is already happening. The US has been below replacement rate since the 60s/70s.

India is now AT replacement rate (pale green). Most of Europe, East Asia, Central and South Africa is below replacement. Most of the Middle East is way down to just above replacement.

In both cases, you are looking at the whole population.

Should look at the cities vs rural areas. In India, births are dropping like a rock in the affluent cities but still pumping future roadside defecators at 3-4 per woman.

In the US, the difference is not so stark between them but still is enough. SF has had far more pet dogs than children for 20 years now. But in Utah..outside of SLC...those Mormons are pumping them out at or above replacement levels.

So do immigrants.

Democrats -- comprised of the pro-unborn murdering, college 'educated' MAYBE one child couples -- are literally DYING OFF. Reps are losing population but at least will have a future population.

And that difference will have meaning in the near future, trust me.

Demographics: Might not be EVERYTHING but sure as fuck comes close as far as a nation's future is concerned.
69   HeadSet   2023 Nov 25, 12:52pm  

AmericanKulak says

The US has been below replacement rate since the 60s/70s.

Then how in the heck did the population grow from 200 million to over 320 million?
70   AmericanKulak   2023 Nov 25, 2:03pm  

HeadSet says

Then how in the heck did the population grow from 200 million to over 320 million?

Millions of legal and illegal migrants a year.

There are ~45M recorded official immigrants in the US. Unofficial is easily about 30-40 million. Finsally, the millions of Visa holders from Student to H1B to Tourist that never return. Add in the tens of millions of "dreamers" children of immigrants from Asia and Africa and South/Central America, legal or illegal, and there's your number.

The current percentage of US population born aboard is just shy of 15%, near the all-time high of 14.9% in the 1890s. Back when we the GDP was expanding by (near) double digits annually, unlike today. And the immigrant pop was overwhelmingly European in origin back then.

The US Birthrate went to replacement rate in the late 60s and began dipping below that in the 1980s.
71   stereotomy   2023 Nov 25, 2:12pm  

AmericanKulak says

HeadSet says

Then how in the heck did the population grow from 200 million to over 320 million?

Millions of legal and illegal migrants a year.

There are ~40M recorded official immigrants in the US. Unofficial is easily 30 million. Then there are the unregistered children of illegals. Finsally, the millions of Visa holders from Student to H1B to Tourist that never return.

The US Birthrate went to replacement rate in the late 60s and began dipping below that in the 1980s.

Yes, when the great inflation turned families from one earner into two earner. Women working a full day dries up the pussy, so no evening lovin', morning wood, or mid-day "hummer" to prop up the birth rate.

This was stage one in the globohomo depopulation program.
72   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Nov 25, 6:58pm  

stereotomy says

This was stage one in the globohomo depopulation program.

Stage One is an OOOLLLLDDDD story going back millennia.

This is just the current incarnation.

75   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 29, 9:45pm  

Patrick says


we probably shouldn’t artificially create more births or import migrants nonstop. billions of people worldwide, and somehow for globalists there’s never enough slaves.
76   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 30, 1:43am  

Entitlement is the reason.

India just passed a law that makes it "Harassment" for a mother-in-law to nag a married woman.
77   Patrick   2024 Jan 1, 1:42pm  


"If population growth didn't slow down, food shortages could be created in a hurry." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Globalist Agendas Would Unfold

Tape #2 Transcript is Astonishing in its Prescience. The disruption of the American Automotive Industry, Implantable IDs, TV surveillance. The use of war to control population is also explicit. ...

The following is an extended audiotaped account recollecting a 1969 talk given by an ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Richard Day.

Day was preparing his audience of physicians for what was to come. He asked them not to take notes or record his session.

Day’s prophecies are chilling in their accuracy. Much of this is straight up WEFFIE Great Reset.

The parts on medicine, health care, surveillance, science and technology are especially resonant.

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