The game plan is to hold us in a perpetual state of emergency until absolute power is obtained

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2022 Aug 8, 10:56am   24,672 views  144 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


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The rights of the people must never be abrogated in any way, not even for a moment, under any circumstances whatsoever. Any government which attempts abrogation is illegitimate.

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42   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 11:15am  

People keep asking me what I think of Uncle Joe’s comments last night.

What I think: the pandemic ended 29 months ago when the hospital ships sailed empty out of New York Harbor. That ended ANY risk SARS-Cov-2 could cause a serious crisis. Everything since has been theater…

Theater necessary to prolong the "emergency" so that drop-box and mail-in election fraud can continue, and so that Pfizer can expropriate billions from taxpayers with no liability for the utterly ineffective and very dangerous toxxine.
43   Patrick   2022 Sep 21, 11:07am  


I am told the upcoming elections, if Republicans do well, will not be fair, and that decades of civil rights work and legislation are meaningless now because the Senate still has the filibuster and Joe Manchin. It seems every story is reported with a flashlight held under the announcer’s chin.

I tried to figure out if I’d gone insane. The arguments are so stupid, it was like arguing a horse is not an orange. I left the room for five minutes and returned to see that the US was semi-at-war over another country’s problems. What, are there Kurds now in Ukraine we have to die for? I couldn’t find any debate, anybody asking why we were starting down the road to another war, only that I should get scared again of the Russian Bear taking over Europe.
44   Patrick   2022 Sep 23, 11:45am  

GreaterNYCDude says

Patrick says

Personally, I think the Democrats will nuke some American city in order to create the next emergency. Probably not DC though.

Patrick. Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds? You're a smart guy. As much as you hate the Democrats could you really see this happening? C'mon man!



Are We Headed Towards World War III? Who Lobs the First Nuke?

Michael Yon: "If anybody lobs the first Nuke, I really think it's more likely to be the United States than anybody else. We've got a completely insane 'government.' There's nothing they won't do. Zero."
45   Patrick   2022 Sep 23, 11:50am  


Historians of the future, grilling spatchcocked plovers over their campfires, will need not ponder for even a New York minute who started World War Three in the rockin’ 2020s. They will point straight to the waxy, furtive, larval figure known as “Joe Biden,” by then judged a moral weevil of such epic low degree that he became an embarrassment to all the other sewer-dwelling denizens of the dank DC underworld...
47   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 10:42am  


President Biden keeps the COVID ‘emergency’ going so he can act like a dictator
48   Ceffer   2022 Oct 15, 11:05am  

The 'state of emergency' from 9/11 has never been lifted. Even Trump kept signing it back in, but probably because of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC.
49   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 4:37pm  


Special report: America's perpetual state of emergency
Gregory KorteUSA TODAY
Oct. 22, 2014

WASHINGTON — The United States is in a perpetual state of national emergency.
Thirty separate emergencies, in fact.

An emergency declared by President Jimmy Carter on the 10th day of the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979 remains in effect almost 35 years later.

A post-9/11 state of national emergency declared by President George W. Bush — and renewed six times by President Obama — forms the legal basis for much of the war on terror.

I wonder where we can look up all the continuing "states of emergency".
51   AD   2022 Oct 16, 12:57pm  

Yes, Chicoms are doing that in China with the endless COVID lockdowns. They are only showing this can be done in a totalitarian environment.

But it allows the Chicoms to keep everyone at home while the economy is in a recession.

Consider if all those people were laid off and sent home because there was not enough work at the offices and factories. Those people would then lose faith in the Chicom's economy.

That is why I think the Chicom's are using COVID as a false excuse to keep people home.

52   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Oct 17, 6:30am  

I think there is a subtle but important distinction between a lack of action (not stepping in to prevent a possible attack for a range of reasons) vs. actually planning and executing an attack on Americans or American interests from "the inside"

Things are rarely as good or as bad as they seem in times of euphoria or crisis respectively. I don't think nukes will start flying.

Frankly I think we'll have a few years of economic hardship given the current crisises on multiple frontd, followed by a decade of strong domestic growth once things settle down. We're finally realizing we can't rely on outsourcing. Despite current policy we still have the means to be energy independent, whereas Eruope is not. High interest rates cut both ways. Look at what happened from 76 until about 82.... everyone was counting America out back then, and we came roaring back... Bigly.

Hard times make strong men, strong men make for good times...
53   Patrick   2022 Oct 22, 10:46pm  


OCTOBER 18, 2022
Biden Extends COVID Emergency Powers … Again
A month ago, Biden claimed the pandemic was over, but he is loath to give up the emergency powers justified by it.
54   Undoctored   2022 Oct 22, 11:37pm  

The extension of the emergency declaration last week was known in advance. There’s supposed to be a 60 day advance notice if the extension won’t happen and it wasn’t given. Pretty sure the emergency declaration is intertwined with the programs for EUA vaccine distribution.

All signs are pointing to this extension being the last. It’s coming from official sources and it’s related to the CDC committee vote to put the COVID-19 vaccines on the permanent schedule (which makes them liability free in the absence of emergency use authorization).


The updated schedules and program guidance will be published in early 2023. CDC will continue to update and work with health departments, providers, and other partners over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition of the COVID-19 vaccination program from emergency response to a routine immunization program activity.

Also think about it. What powers does this particular declaration give the President anyway besides the ability to mass distribute FDA-unapproved masks, tests, and vaccines?
55   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 10:16am  


So, where was the law? I asked the question on Twitter and was given various answers. It could come through the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, an act of Parliament designed to grant sweeping powers in times of ‘emergency’, defined as an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare or to the environment of a place, or war or terrorism threatening serious damage to security of the United Kingdom. Perhaps the rules would be in the Coronavirus Bill, a vast collection of powers and rules which was being rushed through Parliament at breakneck speed even as the Prime Minister stood up to address the nation. Or maybe through an obscure public health statute which had provided the basis for the law which – at the stroke of a ministerial pen – closed non-essential businesses two days earlier. It was like a legal murder mystery. Which law would be used to remove our freedoms?
56   Undoctored   2022 Oct 23, 11:13am  

How do you make a state of emergency permanent while saying you’re ending it?


Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023, charting the path to phasing out one of the most effective and necessary tools that California has used to combat COVID-19.

[ . . . ]

California has the tools needed to continue fighting COVID-19 when the State of Emergency terminates at the end of February, including vaccines and boosters, testing, treatments and other mitigation measures like masking and indoor ventilation. As the State of Emergency is phased out, the SMARTER Plan continues to guide California’s strategy to best protect people from COVID-19.

[ . . . ]

“California’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has prepared us for whatever comes next. As we move into this next phase, the infrastructure and processes we’ve invested in and built up will provide us the tools to manage any ups and downs in the future,” said Secretary of the California Health & Human Services Agency, Dr. Mark Ghaly. “While the threat of this virus is still real, our preparedness and collective work have helped turn this once crisis emergency into a manageable situation.”
57   Ceffer   2022 Oct 23, 11:21am  

There are no forensic processes for establishing the credibility a 'state of emergency'. As we have seen, the decisions are entirely arbitrary from the administrative and executive, and almost always the product of engineered panics and false flags.

The government looks forward at all times for fake conditions that it can use to suspend the Constitution and basic rights. They do this at peril of rebellion and breach of their armed safety, which is why they need the strong doses of imposed, chronic fear. They are constantly plotting against the lives and welfare of the populace while lying and virtue signaling.
58   Misc   2022 Oct 24, 12:56am  

Well, it also gives him the authority to cancel Department of Education loans for millions of people.
59   Patrick   2022 Oct 26, 5:52pm  

RNC Research
Biden today: “This is a global health emergency.”

Biden in September: “The pandemic is over.”

Of course it's over, but emergency power requires that the government continue to lie if they want to keep that power. And POWER is all the government cares about. NOT YOU.
60   AD   2022 Oct 26, 7:26pm  

Patrick says

Of course it's over, but emergency power requires that the government continue to lie if they want to keep that power. And POWER is all the government cares about. NOT YOU.

Democrat Party theater has completely become Orwellian

61   Patrick   2022 Oct 27, 8:41pm  


From the standpoint of the vaccine manufacturers, EUA is a preferred pathway for marketing their products. A single purchaser (the US Government) provides complete liability indemnification, a guaranteed market with very little oversight, and manages both the distribution and marketing. In the case of all unlicensed products, the manufacturers are prohibited from marketing them, but under EUA the US Government has been doing this for them, and has been acting in coordination with corporate media, social media, and large technology firms to suppress any discussion of risks or limitations of the products. From the standpoint of the vaccine manufacturers, this is all profit and no risk; a perfect business model. Why would they ever want to consider taking up the burden of actually producing and marketing the licensed version of these products?
63   Misc   2022 Nov 11, 9:54pm  

Did anyone really think for an instant that after being given exceptional power, the Executive Branch would ever relinquish it?
64   Undoctored   2022 Nov 11, 11:51pm  

What specific power does the executive branch have now that it would lose without this specific state of emergency order? Beyond the power to easily distribute EUA vaccines and tests, anything?
65   pudil   2022 Nov 12, 3:15am  

Undoctored says

What specific power does the executive branch have now that it would lose without this specific state of emergency order? Beyond the power to easily distribute EUA vaccines and tests, anything?

I could be making this up but didn’t Biden use the state of emergency to justify the student loan forgiveness?
66   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 12, 7:41am  

pudil says

Undoctored says

What specific power does the executive branch have now that it would lose without this specific state of emergency order? Beyond the power to easily distribute EUA vaccines and tests, anything?

I could be making this up but didn’t Biden use the state of emergency to justify the student loan forgiveness?

... to be immediately slapped down in court.
67   HeadSet   2022 Nov 12, 8:08am  


I could be making this up but didn’t Biden use the state of emergency to justify the student loan forgiveness?

... to be immediately slapped down in court.

Yes, but only after the midterms. Biden's handlers knew student loan forgiveness would be struck down by courts, but it was a political pander to get student debtor votes. Just like what RINO and actual Dem operative Linsey Graham did by putting forth a bill to ban abortions nationwide - Graham also knew that was unconstitutional but it gave the Dems an issue to run on. Anything to prevent a red wave where Trump might get credit.
68   Undoctored   2022 Nov 12, 10:56am  


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States will keep in place the public health emergency status of the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing millions of Americans to still receive free tests, vaccines and treatments, two Biden administration officials said on Friday.

I still say the public health emergency only allows the Emergency Use Authorizations to continue, and the federal government to sponsor the distribution of the authorized products. It doesn’t grant the President any special power beyond that.

I mean yes it paves the way for all sorts of rights violations based on these products (vax or test requirements) but those violations are not made legal by this declaration.

Again the power granted to the federal government by the public health emergency is limited to the funding. authorization and distribution of medical materials.
69   Misc   2022 Nov 12, 9:44pm  

While the Emergency is in place all factors of the HERO Act stay.

70   Ceffer   2022 Nov 12, 10:20pm  

And, after the midterms, the Student Loan Forgiveness Act disappeared, just like that! poof.
71   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 13, 1:35pm  

HeadSet says


I could be making this up but didn’t Biden use the state of emergency to justify the student loan forgiveness?

... to be immediately slapped down in court.

Yes, but only after the midterms. Biden's handlers knew student loan forgiveness would be struck down by courts, but it was a political pander to get student debtor votes.

But did he really need any "coof emergency" to go ahead with it? I think he would've done it anyway, emergency or not.
72   Undoctored   2022 Nov 13, 8:44pm  

Eric Holder says

But did he really need any "coof emergency" to go ahead with it? I think he would've done it anyway, emergency or not.

No, I’m more sure than ever now. There was a “Public Health Emergency” originally declared in 2020 by the HHS director. Its scope is limited to relaxing regulations on medical products (see Emergency Use Authorization, which depends on this declaration being in effect) and allowing unchecked funding of their distribution (“free vaccines and tests for all”). That’s it. It doesn’t abrogate any of the people’s rights guaranteed by the constitution, and doesn’t let the President spend money on anything he wants.

Summary of what is enabled by a public health emergency:


Text of original declaration:

73   Undoctored   2022 Nov 15, 8:16am  

Misc says

While the Emergency is in place all factors of the HERO Act stay.


Yes a lot of programs cite the emergency as an excuse but these are more pork barrel than power grab. I don’t think there’s anything unconstitutional in there.

I really think the plan was to end the emergency sooner but the problem was the FDA wouldn’t approve the boosters, or any shots for children under 12. They’re still all under EUA only. So the planners can’t end the emergency until these doses are approved, because they can’t be mass-distributed without either an emergency (EUA) or FDA approval and license.
74   Misc   2022 Nov 15, 11:13pm  

The Title 42 deportations to Mexico were only allowed because of the "Emergency".

At least something worthwhile came from it.
75   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 12:58pm  


It was a shock, however, that the Senate decided to push back on the perpetual overreach by voting Tuesday to end the perpetual emergency.

I guess the Senate thought 975 days of "15 days to slow the spread" was enough.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Senate lawmakers voted on Tuesday to end the federal government's emergency declaration on the Covid-19 pandemic, a status that has given the Biden administration tools to combatthe coronavirus.

The Senate voted 62-36 to end the emergency declaration nearly three years after it was invoked. It's unclear if the House will take up the measure. ...


First off, the House probably won't take up this bipartisan effort while Pelosi is still in charge.

Joe Biden has also said he'll veto the effort because of course. ...

It's almost as if giving emergency powers like this is bad and there's a reason we need checks and balances in the system.

Once you give someone power they won't ever willingly give it up.

So, here we are.

Just be patient. Just another 1,000 days to slow the spread. Then they'll give the power right back!

"Emergency powers" are a treasonous subversion of the Constitution and must never be allowed under any circumstances whatsoever. The Constitution must remain the supreme law of the United States at all times.
77   Patrick   2022 Dec 23, 11:05pm  


End the National Emergency and Public Health Emergency Declarations
Stop the Abuses of Power, Corruption, and Fiscal Irresponsibility

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