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210   Patrick   2022 Aug 14, 5:40pm  


Look at that. Literally every group except registered Democrats has a majority that believes the Mar-a-Lago raid is what you see in failed states filled with corrupt autocrats.
211   Patrick   2022 Aug 14, 8:48pm  


Again, why? I think it’s because, while Trump’s core MAGA agenda is decidedly not outside the historic bipartisan mainstream, it is well outside the present regime’s core interests. Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three. The old America—the one in which Republicans cared about the heartland and weren’t solely valets to corporate power, Democrats were pro-worker and anti-war, and Bill Clinton and The New York Times could advocate border security—is in the process of being replaced, if it hasn’t already been, by one in which there is only one acceptable opinion on not just these, but all other issues.
212   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 11:17am  


It should be pretty obvious that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was an attempt to seize evidence likely to be used in former President Donald Trump’s civil lawsuit in the Southern Florida Federal District Court against Hillary Clinton and associated defendants in and out of government for the defamation and racketeering operation known as RussiaGate — AND in any future criminal proceedings that might grow out of congressional investigations-to-come against officials past and present in the DOJ and FBI. The idea is to tie up all those documents in a legal dispute about declassification so they can’t be entered in any proceeding.

Over the weekend, independent journalist Paul Sperry reported that many of the same FBI officers involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid happen to be subjects of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of RussiaGate. Have some of them already been hauled into grand juries? We don’t know. But, with the Mar-a-Lago caper, it looks like the law enforcement apparatus of the federal government is seeking to suppress evidence of its own long-running criminal enterprise. ...

The choice of going to federal magistrate Bruce Reinhart for the Mar-a-Lago warrant sure looks crude and desperate. Only weeks ago, he was presiding over the Trump v Clinton lawsuit. How did that even happen, given Mr. Reinhart’s role defending Jeffrey Epstein’s associates — many of them Clinton-connected — in the 2007 sex-trafficking case? And only after the spectacularly weird act of switching sides from the federal prosecution team to Epstein’s defense team. Not to mention Mr. Reinhart’s record of public statements denouncing Mr. Trump. There are twenty-five other magistrates who rotate their duties in the Southern District of Florida, why pick him?

It all shapes up as a systematic effort to obstruct justice by the US Department of Justice. ...

215   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 12:04pm  


The lead investigator in the House of Representatives committee on the Trump Russia hoax says he knows why the FBI raided former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and it didn’t have anything to do with scary-sounding “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” as the DOJ got The Washington Post to spread on its behalf. ...

The former federal national security prosecutor and Trump Administration Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense believes the FBI raided Trump’s resort to seek and destroy any documents related to the Trump-Russia hoax — Russiagate — that Trump had previously declassified back in 2020 and 2021.
219   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 10:51pm  


Garland, Wray Must Be Impeached for Unconscionable Trump Raid

This is rather based for a corporate media outlet.
220   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 16, 3:08am  

Absolutely all of them need to be impeached as does Joe Biden. This was absolutely filthy.
221   richwicks   2022 Aug 16, 3:11am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Absolutely all of them need to be impeached as does Joe Biden. This was absolutely filthy.

George W. Bush should have been impeached, AND executed for lying this nation into a war.
Obama, he should have been impeached for lying us into Syria and Libya, and giving weapons to drug cartels, executed as well.

The problem is when they are on "your side", your silent. They are never on your side. They are just criminals.
222   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 6:51am  


Another week, another silver bullet misses Donald Trump. Once more we suffered through the same endless roll of waves of crimes, accusations, near-indictments and just bad words to which we’d become accustomed during the Trump presidency.

We went from “Trump has classified material under lock and key at Mar-a-Lago” to a group of people paying $1,800 to fly a banner reading “ha ha ha ha” over the resort to mock a Trump staying 3,000 miles away in New York. On cue, the regulars on MSNBC and CNN brought out their running-dog former CIA and FBI officers to tell us tick-tock, the walls are closing in, this time it will stick, Trump is going down, he’ll be in jail before he runs again for office. If we can’t stop him with the electoral system, we’ll use the judicial system. This. Is. The. One.

Except it isn’t. The offense itself — some variant of mishandling of official materials — is muddled from the get-go by the former president’s former ability to declassify anything, a power he claimed he already used before he left the White House to magically spay the documents. An Espionage Act prosecution is a non-starter, requiring as it does the showing of intent to harm the United States.
224   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 7:06am  

Seizing Trump’s passport is a big deal because it shows the warrant (we haven’t seen the affidavit and DOJ is fighting to keep it hidden) was over broad and unlawful. FBI outright stole whatever it wanted, like Nazi goons. Will be curious if recording devices were planted.
Aug 16, 2022 · 12:45 AM UTC
226   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 10:22am  


Politically speaking, when it comes to winning the GOP nomination in 2024, nothing could have been better for Trump than being targeted by politicians using the FBI for their own agenda.
227   HeadSet   2022 Aug 16, 12:17pm  

Patrick says

This is rather based for a corporate media outlet.

Notice they left the comments open for plenty of rebuttals.
229   Patrick   2022 Aug 17, 9:39am  

And it was Epstein's lawyer who was the judge.
230   Patrick   2022 Aug 17, 10:59am  


I think this supports the idea that the FBI was looking to steal documents which prove FBI collusion in the Russiagate hoax.
231   richwicks   2022 Aug 17, 12:26pm  

Patrick says


I think this supports the idea that the FBI was looking to steal documents which prove FBI collusion in the Russiagate hoax.

We're in the age of photocopiers, even photocopiers that simply digitize the document.

Unless Trump is stupid, and I'm QUITE certain he's not, any papers he had before, he has copies of now.
233   Patrick   2022 Aug 19, 6:39am  


Old Case Over What Bill Clinton Hid in His Sock Drawer Could Unravel FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid

A new report connects a case involving tapes made by former President Bill Clinton with the FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

“Judge’s ruling over audio tapes hidden in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer could significantly impact Donald Trump’s effort to contest FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago,” journalist John Solomon tweeted Thursday.

The ruling involved audio tapes Clinton stashed in a sock drawer that he used for his autobiography and that were also mined by writer Taylor Branch in Branch’s book, “Wrestling History: The Bill Clinton Tapes,” about Clinton, according to CBS.

The tapes became controversial when the watchdog group Judicial Watch went to court to demand the tapes be given to the National Archives and Records Administration, so the American people could hear them.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson rejected the suit in March 2012.

In a report for Just the News, Solomon pointed to a few paragraphs of the 27-page ruling as significant because they indicated a president had wide latitude concerning documents under the Presidential Records Act.

“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion,” Jackson wrote.

“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,” the judge wrote.

The ruling also indicated seizing such records was not appropriate.
234   Patrick   2022 Aug 20, 4:33pm  


Trump Filing Unlawful Search and Seizure Motion over FBI’s ‘Illegal’ Raid on His Home

President Donald Trump is preparing to file an unlawful search and seizure motion under the Fourth Amendment over the FBI’s “illegal” raid on his Mar-a-Lago home last week.

Trump announced the move in a post made on TRUTH Social.

“A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections,” Trump posted.

The 45th president said the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago violated his rights, “together with the rights of all Americans.”

He warned that the raid is part of a continued witch hunt against him.

Trump added:

My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country.

Remember, they even spied on my campaign.

The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers.

It should not be allowed to continue!

Trump’s upcoming Fourth Amendment motion is the latest development in the public feud between him and the FBI after the Mar-a-Lago raid earlier this month.

President Trump also revealed the FBI “stole” his passports while conducting the raid.

Although Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) disputed Trump’s accusations, they later confirmed FBI agents “seized three passports belonging to President Trump,” according to an email sent by a senior DOJ official released by Trump’s former communications director.

As Slay News reported, the DOJ later returned the passports, confirming that they were taken.

As a result of the raid, More Americans than ever believe Biden is using the FBI as his “personal Gestapo.”
236   Onvacation   2022 Aug 21, 10:05am  

When are we going to see the affidavit showing the crime(s) Trump is being investigated for?

My reading of the constitution says, "no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

What crime(s) has Trump committed? Bad taste doesn't count.
237   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 21, 10:18am  

Left, 2022: If you don't unquestioningly support the FBI, you're an Extremist and should be on a Watchlist!

BTW, we need to stop saying Liberal, there are hardly any liberals anymore. The Dem Base is Radical Left, not Liberal. They have more in common with the Weathermen than with Dershowitz.
238   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 10:31am  

Patrick says

In a report for Just the News, Solomon pointed to a few paragraphs of the 27-page ruling as significant because they indicated a president had wide latitude concerning documents under the Presidential Records Act.

Precedents don't matter.

Murder is legal for Antifa and BLM. Protests by Trump supporters are illegal and will be severely punished.

There is no law.
239   SoTex   2022 Aug 21, 11:07am  

AmericanKulak says

BTW, we need to stop saying Liberal, there are hardly any liberals anymore. The Dem Base is Radical Left, not Liberal

I tried to explain to a former pal in SF: communism, socialism, fascism (all traits of the current left) are illiberal not liberal.

Did not compute.
240   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 11:22am  


“Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump.”

Again, why? I think it’s because, while Trump’s core MAGA agenda is decidedly not outside the historic bipartisan mainstream, it is well outside the present regime’s core interests. Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three. ...

Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump. The regime can’t allow Trump to be president not because of who he is (although that grates), but because of who his followers are. That class—Angelo Codevilla’s “country class”—must not be allowed representation by candidates who might implement their preferences, which also, and above all, must not be allowed. The rubes have no legitimate standing to affect the outcome of any political process, because of who they are, but mostly because of what they want.

Complaints about the nature of Trump are just proxies for objections to the nature of his base. It doesn’t help stabilize our already twitchy situation that those who bleat the loudest about democracy are also audibly and visibly determined to deny a real choice to half the country. “No matter how you vote, you will not get X”—whether X is a candidate or a policy—is guaranteed to increase discontent with the present regime. ...

Plan E is to cheat. I know what you are thinking. But I’m not talking about Dominion voting machines. I mean the kind of “pre-cheating” that the regime boasts about as “election fortification”: change the rules in advance in ways that favor Democrats and hurt Republicans, especially in swing states. There is no question that they will do this. Why wouldn’t they? It worked last time, and the more overt cheating they can avoid, the better.

They are already using the federal government to thumb the scale in favor of Democrats. Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” requires “every federal agency to submit a plan to register voters and encourage voter participation. It also required agencies to form strategies to invite nongovernmental third parties to register voters.” That is to say, a federal takeover of state elections by the Biden administration. This is a replay, with federal power, of the $400 million in “Zuckerbucks”—money donated by the tech-oligarch founder of Facebook—that pre-rigged the last election, but this time with taxpayer dollars, a White House aide (Susan Rice) coordinating, and cabinet agencies like Housing and Urban Development implementing, in conjunction with leftwing NGOs. That combination will be hard to beat.

But suppose it is. There is always cheating-cheating. If you believed that Trump presents an unprecedented threat to the republic, would you really object to a few boxes of extra ballots falling off trucks near vote-counting headquarters in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta? When the Survival of Our Democracy Is on the Line?

One has to tip one’s hat to the rhetorical disadvantage they have imposed on us. All questioning of any election they win is denounced as paranoid, unpatriotic, “racist,” and a threat to the integrity of the process. (Never mind that they always do it when the right wins; see, for instance, 2000, 2004, and 2016.) The questionable practices such as late-night ballot dumps that lead to our questions are never explained, much less ended. They get to engage in shenanigans that make elections look fishy; we get blamed for saying they look fishy. When we point out that, hey, something looks off there, the response is invariably: How dare you sow doubt about the election! You are undermining confidence in Our Democracy™. Not their shenanigans, but our doubts undermine confidence. ...

Which leaves Plan F, which they have already sketched in broad outlines. I don’t know exactly what form it will take, but they have made clear that “under no circumstance” can Trump be allowed to take office again. Among the “circumstances” covered by the word “no” would seem to be an Electoral College majority, or a tie followed by a House vote in Trump’s favor.

What happens then? Well, in the words of the “Transition Integrity Project,” a Soros-network-linked collection of regime hacks who in 2020 gamed out their strategy for preventing a Trump second term, the contest would become “a street fight, not a legal battle.” Again, their words, not mine. But allow me to translate: The 2020 summer riots, but orders of magnitude larger, not to be called off until their people are secure in the White House. ...

Rest assured, if what I fear might happen, happens, we will be blamed for it. And the fire next time will make their reaction to Jan. 6 look like a marshmallow roast. I don’t know which possibility is scarier: that they haven’t thought any of this through, or that they have.
241   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 11:26am  


Donald Trump was instrumental in Liz Cheney’s crushing defeat in the Wyoming GOP primary earlier this week. Of course, Liz Cheney helped. Her obsession with Trump was her undoing. But the consensus that she and her father represent underscores the panic coruscating through the arteries of the Deep State. Like many others, they have reached for the rhetoric of revolution to oppose Trump. They have vowed to do “whatever it takes,” to employ “any means necessary,” to keep him from getting “anywhere near the Oval Office” again. This panicked extremism has not only been ratcheted up against Trump — and it’s not only rhetoric, as last week’s FBI Stasi-like raid against Trump’s residence in Palm Beach reminds us — it has also and increasingly been wielded against anyone who can be presented as being allied with the spirit of Trumpism.

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