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71   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 1:12pm  

LOL! Hunter raided himself, but the selective wheels of non-justice didn't pursue it.
72   Patrick   2022 Aug 9, 1:22pm  


you cannot abash or shame such people. they are past that possibility. such words lack meaning in their paradigms. they can “feel” that they are right and nothing can move that. it justifies being beastly to others which is, after all, a delicious frisson they have long sought. it’s a feature, not a bug and they are reveling in it and the more they act the monster, the more they feel the need to outshine their peers in viciousness and unreason to validate outrages already enjoyed. ...

and this is how “justice” becomes tyranny and how the FBI becomes the FSB and if you think this is bad now, wait until we get 87,000 new IRS ideologues searching through the finances of all our enemies to deny them status and harry their every act or donation. wait until you see how many warrants we may obtain then and how complete and replete our enemies lists shall become.

it’s ideological war and there is no depth to which it will not stoop. it’s not about fair, it’s about willing and those willing to capture and monopolize the levers of power may act with impunity so long as they retain their grasp. ...

“we can get to him, we can get to you too. none of you are safe on his coattails. none of you are safe supporting him. he is enemy and we are strong. you’ll never pry us out of these spots. we own this town.”

it’s a classic flex for a losing team. as a regime’s legitimacy erodes, first it will threaten, then it will attack.

and they do not do it in a manner calculated to hide intent. they do it with triumphal fanfare flouted with rippling pride.

you don’t go pick some plausible pretext and neutral looking system. you pick the worst, most captured and flagrant judge you can find and trump up some real nonsense. this was not an accident, it was an expression of power.

just what is one trying to say by tagging in the former US attorney who went into private practice to get epstein and pals off of child trafficking changes with barely a wrist slap back in 2007 and were then later rewarded with a magistrate judgeship for his service?

we are corrupt, we are everywhere, and we are untouchable. ...

trump is like some sort of divide by zero error in the leftist amygdala and his mere mention seems to drive this group into frenzied need to tear everything and anything associated limb from limbic system. i don’t think i’ve ever seen anything like it. ...

3 or 4 years ago, if you said “disband the FBI” people would have looked at you like a madman manifesto maven. but it’s becoming common parlance. words to this effect are being spoken in congress and issue after issue from russian hoaxes to hunter laptops to entrapment into kidnapping...

a sitting US president with the lowest approval ratings in history allowing and enabling the departments of justice and enforcement to attack on flimsy pretext the likely frontrunner to unseat him in 2024 is just not a good look. ...

the president’s son can sell influence to ukrainian oil companies and chinese private equity firms and kick “10% up to the big guy” and justice is not only deaf and blind, but outright aids and abets in covering it up. now imagine where a trump child would be if that had been their “laptop from hell.”
73   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 1:50pm  

The 87,000 are probably there to imprison selected individuals under likely set up tax violations. IRS agents as armed gestapo, what else is new?

Patrick says

need to outshine their peers in viciousness and unreason to validate outrages already enjoyed. ...

Psychopaths get a sexual thrill from their depredations. It's a reinforcement that is seldom mentioned, but the eroticism of evil and murder are real. Their pussies get a massive thrill from executing the Satanist agendas.
75   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 2:48pm  

I'm sure if Trump were there, they would have caught him trying to flush sensitive documents down flimsy low end toilets instead of using hi tech shredders or document crematoriums.
76   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 3:08pm  

Reports of FBI Glo Boys contracting monkey pox while rutting each other in victory intercourse at Mar a Lago.
77   HeadSet   2022 Aug 9, 3:35pm  

HunterTits says

When you've even lost Cuomo:

Because Cuomo knows he is out of favor and could be next.
78   Patrick   2022 Aug 9, 3:56pm  


Ex-NYPD Commissioner Warns Democrats Will Kill Trump If FBI Raid Fails
79   Patrick   2022 Aug 9, 4:00pm  


Maybe Epstein's client list was in Trump's safe.

80   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 4:22pm  

Trump fooled them, and all they found were multiple copies of Hunter's laptops and cell phones with dictated transcripts.
81   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 4:23pm  

I would have preferred some MP4 outtakes from his Epstein vids.
82   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 4:26pm  

Was this the point of the distraction?
83   stereotomy   2022 Aug 9, 4:46pm  

The reason why the D's are even chiming in on the side of Trump is that this truly removes all limits from political persecution. We haven't seen anything like this since perhaps McCarthy but definitely with John Adams in 1802 and the passage of the Alien and Sedition laws, which effectively criminalized the nascent Democratic party (led by Thomas Jefferson).

Oh the ironing! The D's are using the same tactics against the emerging MAGA movement that the Whigs used against the nascent Democratic party over 200 years ago.

Then again, the Whigs didn't have the deep state at their back. Who knows? Is this an 1802 redux or a 1933 redux?
84   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 5:10pm  

It's disgraceful. FBI agents were seen emerging wearing Trump's and Melania's underwear on their heads.
88   Undoctored   2022 Aug 9, 6:49pm  

HunterTits says

They lost Dershowitz...

He does that. He also said in 2020 that there was evidence of election fraud that deserved its day in court.

90   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 7:21pm  

More sleight of hand? Wray handing martyrdom to Trump to accelerate the resistance? Woo knows.
92   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 9, 9:09pm  

The Haitan Lesbian denied all Biden knowledge of Garland's bullshit raid yesterday.

Independent, my ass - no Atty General would be allowed to conduct a raid on a former President without WH blessing, especially over some Archival bullshit.

Not one subpeona had been issued for Trump's alleged documents, compared to the several issued to Hillary. Yet the raid happened anyway.

Either Biden is completely powerless and Obama is running the show (likely), or he's lying (also likely).
93   Onvacation   2022 Aug 9, 9:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

Obama is running the show

Obama always seemed more like a puppet than the mastermind.
94   richwicks   2022 Aug 9, 9:31pm  

Ceffer says

More sleight of hand? Wray handing martyrdom to Trump to accelerate the resistance? Woo knows.


I'm sick of this shit. All that needs to be done is be honest with the American populace in a 1/2 hour "this is what is actually FUCKING going on", and all this crap ends. That's ALL that needs to be done. Not this complex bullshit.
95   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 9, 10:45pm  

Onvacation says

Obama always seemed more like a puppet than the mastermind.

He is managing everything through Garland and Jarrett and Klain.
96   Onvacation   2022 Aug 9, 10:51pm  

richwicks says

I'm sick of this shit. All that needs to be done is be honest with the American populace in a 1/2 hour "this is what is actually FUCKING gone on", and all this crap ends.

NPC's wouldn't listen or believe it if they did listen.
97   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 11:22pm  

There's that impartial judge again.
98   Ceffer   2022 Aug 10, 1:32am  

"White Hats set a trap, it was planned, to search an EX POTUS house and in their safe. In the safe contained evidence and important documents. Therefore, since the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, now other EX POTUS home can also be investigated and gone through their safes! Get it? The FBI just set a legal precedence to enter the home of a POTUS."
"The problem with Hillary was that everyone knew she had evidence hidden. Her servers, laptops, safes and phones all contained evidence of some of the worlds darkest criminal activities. However, the FBI could not gain access to her home. Therefore, the trap was laid and at the proper time Christopher Wray, FBI CEO, would “legally” invade a POTUS home."

I suppose all that would be very nice, but sounds like a bit of reverse logic hopium. However, if anybody could turn the table on them, it would be Trump. He let the FBI set up a precedent for invading former POTUS homes and safes? When he gets back in power, how is he going to exercise that convenient precedent established by the FBI, Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Clintons, Mr. Biden Actor et alia?
99   richwicks   2022 Aug 10, 2:25am  

Ceffer says

"White Hats set a trap, it was planned, to search an EX POTUS house and in their safe. In the safe contained evidence and important documents. Therefore, since the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, now other EX POTUS home can also be investigated and gone through their safes! Get it? The FBI just set a legal precedence to enter the home of a POTUS."
"The problem with Hillary was that everyone knew she had evidence hidden. Her servers, laptops, safes and phones all contained evidence of some of the worlds darkest criminal activities. However, the FBI could not gain access to her home. Therefore, the trap was laid and at the proper time Christopher Wray, FBI CEO, would “legally” invade a POTUS home."

I suppose all that would be very nice, but sounds like a bit of reverse logic hopium. However,...

Yep! When Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence, that was enough to put her in prison.

All of our agencies are irredeemably corrupt. I'm in Silly Con Valley as you know, do you think I knew how corrupt these companies were 5 years ago? I worked for some of these fucking TRAITORS.
100   Patrick   2022 Aug 10, 7:08am  


FBI Agents Were Looking for Classified Records, Took Boxes of Documents From Trump Resort: Lawyer

“We had been very cooperative with them before. And it’s unclear to me why they went to such drastic measures to do this. But they did. And as far as the probable cause goes, they wouldn’t give that to us,” she added.

In mid-January, the National Archives and Records Administration arranged for the transport from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives 15 boxes that the archives said contained presidential records. Under the Presidential Records Act, the records should have been transferred in January 2021 as Trump left office, the institution said in a statement at the time. The administration did not return an inquiry on Tuesday.

Approximately two dozen FBI agents arrived around 9 a.m. on Monday morning and remained at Mar-a-Lago, which is in West Palm Beach, for about 10 hours.

Agents initially resisted showing Bobb the warrant but ultimately did. But the agents would not allow any representatives of the former president to oversee the search, Bobb said. The justification for the search also remains under seal. Trump’s legal team plans on asking the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to unseal the search warrant affidavit, which would outline why authorities asked for the warrant.

“We don’t know what the probable cause is. I don’t think there is a good cause to do such a drastic thing. But they did,” Bobb said. ...

Agents kept Mar-a-Lago neat while they were searching for documents, with one even picking up trash, according to Bobb. The agents “took a handful of boxes of documents,” she said.

“I don’t think that there was anything incriminating. I don’t think there was anything of substance. So I’m sure that they will say otherwise. But we’ll have to wait and see what they come up with, but it was all paper. I hear the conspiracy theories and the rumors that there were other artifacts or something taken—it was all paper,” she said.

Agents previously visited the resort in June, and were given access to a storage facility there, according to Bobb. “Nothing had been hidden and nothing had been kept secret from them, which makes this all more all the more ridiculous,” she said.

“Donald Trump didn’t commit a crime,” Bobb said, adding that prosecutors would not be able to show that Donald Trump knew about the boxes the FBI took.

“They would have to lay the foundation that Donald Trump actually packed up his own office, and Donald Trump was actually the custodian of these records, and that he actually moved them,” she said.

If the DOJ decides to press charges against Trump, then the effort would not get very far, she predicted.

“I just don’t see it making a bit of difference. I think President Trump is going to most likely run for reelection,” she said. “I can’t wait until he does. And he will be the next President of the United States.”
101   Patrick   2022 Aug 10, 7:42am  


They brought a search warrant signed by Judge Bruce E. Reinhardt, who is himself not without a Palm Beach connection. Prior to his judicial appointment, Reinhardt served as a defense attorney for criminally charged employees of Jeffrey Epstein, a former Palm Beach resident. Reinhardt’s contact information has been removed from the Southern District of Florida’s judicial website, but research by the Daily Wire reveals that he openly disparaged Trump during his presidency and contributed to Barack Obama and other Democrats.

Ostensibly looking for official documents that Trump failed to transfer to the National Archives at the end of his presidency, the FBI agents reportedly searched Melania Trump’s wardrobe, cracked Trump’s private safe, seized documents that were unrelated to their warrant, and refused to allow their nine-hour operation to be observed by Trump’s attorneys, who were not allowed to remain inside the house on a day when temperatures exceeded 90 degrees. ...

The raid on Mar-a-Lago is an outrageous abuse of power, making America look like what Trump’s putative 2024 rival Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called a “banana Republic” in response. But the former president can look forward to a discreet warm welcome when he returns later this year, likely with some encouraging news about his future plans.
102   Patrick   2022 Aug 10, 8:03am  


Welcome to the Third World
The FBI really better have something "pulverizing" on Trump, because otherwise we've just witnessed one of the dumbest moves in the history of politics
103   rocketjoe79   2022 Aug 10, 10:06am  

Ceffer says


Too Late for Biden's Laptop? I don't think so: Matt Gaetz had the contents written into the Congressional record. Just in case the FBI "loses" them.
104   Patrick   2022 Aug 10, 11:04am  


In the most incredible of ironies, it was Trump himself, now targeted for destruction by the bureaucrats he sought to control, who enabled this in the dreadful year of 2020. Realizing but never admitting his error, he flipped in the other direction late in the season, arguing for openness and normalcy. But it was too late. He already lost control, as Deborah Birx’s book makes clear. The deep state that he had loathed needed to prove its hegemony. This raid on his own home underscores the point.

This is a legitimate point. Trump approved the expansion of the power federal "health authorities" to negate the Constitution. And he kept recommending the dangerous and ineffective vaxx until recently.

Still, Trump is being unfairly persecuted for political reasons.
105   Misc   2022 Aug 10, 11:13am  

On the MSM today...just anti-Trump story after anti-Trump story.

107   Ceffer   2022 Aug 10, 11:41am  

You really do wonder what makes them do the 'dumber than dumb' arrogant shit. It does smack of some kind of idiotic Jacksonian March pre-programming. Maybe somebody snuck a computer virus into the AI in Switzerland.
108   Patrick   2022 Aug 10, 11:56am  

The judge who signed the warrant to search Trump's house was Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer.
109   HeadSet   2022 Aug 10, 12:31pm  

Ceffer says

You really do wonder what makes them do the 'dumber than dumb' arrogant shit.

If this is the first step to framing Trump and convicting Trump, they have met their goal of keeping him off the ballot in 2024. Then they can put a puppet back in.
110   Tenpoundbass   2022 Aug 10, 2:45pm  

They spent 9 hours in Melania's closet

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