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183   Onvacation   2022 Aug 12, 3:31pm  

Ceffer says

Of course, as usual, nobody has answered the question of just what exactly this new distraction is designed to hide. The gales of ridicule look like they are good to juice for upwards of four days.

for one

July 6 — The U.S. military confirms it has pulled out of Bagram Airfield, its largest airfield in the Afghanistan, as the final withdrawal nears.

July 8 — Saying “speed is safety,” Biden moves up the timeline for full troop withdrawal to Aug. 31. Biden acknowledges the move comes as the Taliban “is at its strongest militarily since 2001.” Biden says if he went back on the agreement that Trump made, the Taliban “would have again begun to target our forces” and that “staying would have meant U.S. troops taking casualties. … Once that agreement with the Taliban had been made, staying with a bare minimum force was no longer possible.”

Biden assures Americans that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan “is not inevitable,” and denies that U.S. intelligence assessed that the Afghan government would likely collapse.

Asked if he sees any parallels between the withdrawals from Vietnam Afghanistan, Biden responds, “None whatsoever. Zero. … The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”

Biden adds that “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

Biden also promises to help accelerate the issuance of special visas for Afghan nationals who helped the U.S. during the war.

July 24 — At a rally in Phoenix, Trump again boasts, “I started the move out of Afghanistan,” adding “I think it was impossible for him [Biden] to stop it, but it was a much different deal.”

Trump says that when he was president, in a phone conversation with the leader of the Taliban, he warned that after U.S. troops leave if “you decide to do something terrible to our country … we are going to come back and we are going to hit you harder than any country has ever been hit.” Trump says he believes the two “had a real understanding” but that after Trump left office “now they’re going wild over there.”

Aug. 6 — The Taliban takes control of its first province — the capital of Nimroz province in Afghanistan — despite the agreement it signed with the U.S.

Aug. 15 — Taliban fighters enter the Afghanistan capital Kabul; the Afghan president flees the country; U.S. evacuates diplomats from its embassy by helicopter.

Aug. 16 — In a speech to the nation, Biden says, “I do not regret my decision to end America’s warfighting in Afghanistan,” and deflected blame for the government’s swift collapse.

“The truth is: This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated. So what’s happened? Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country. The Afghan military collapsed, sometimes without trying to fight,” the president said. “If anything, the developments of the past week reinforced that ending U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan now was the right decision.”

184   Onvacation   2022 Aug 12, 3:40pm  

I am Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers. I fought for our country in the military, and I'm still fighting for our freedoms in the State Senate.

I am appalled by the FBI's search of the Florida home of our 45th President of the United States.

Not only was the reason for the search unjust; it was unprecedented in never having been perpetrated upon any former US president (National Archives Records).

The search itself was outrageous and completely over the top. It set a horrible standard that someday will be turned around on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for truly egregious crimes against this nation.

I am looking forward to November 2022 and 2024 when we will have landslide victories against the Marxists who hijacked our government.

We need many arrests, tribunals and tough Constitutional punishment for the treason that has continued to take place.

When that day comes to rein in our government, we must drastically reduce the DOJ, FBI and IRS.

President Trump is going to win such a resounding victory with massive coattails when he runs again, that he will be able to accomplish these necessary reductions.

This good and righteous victory is what the evil is trying to stop, but the good will prevail.

It is now clear that states must assert their 10th Amendment rights against the partisan, barbaric tyranny of Biden and his Deep State buddies.

We in Arizona MUST assert our rights, to defend ourselves and our citizens against an overreaching Federal government.

I will protect Arizonans in the State Senate, but I need your help!

I am in a fight against a Soros-funded Democrat who hates Trump and approves of the FBI raid. Help me make an example of her at the ballot box!

The 'Sweet Grandma' is definitely going to fight for you and your fights. Will you stand with me?

Thank you again. America First!

Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
186   Patrick   2022 Aug 13, 9:57am  


Critics of the Mar-a-Lago raid argue it is only the latest example of FBI/DoJ malfeasance:

The FBI initially refused to take possession of Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop and leaked word it was “Russian disinformation” before Joe Biden faced the voters in 2020. They knew it wasn’t
The FBI’s leaks (reinforced by former CIA officials) likely influenced social media giants’ decision to kill the New York Post’s accurate story about Hunter’s computer. We still don’t know if the FBI spoke to anyone at the social media companies
The FBI appears to have concocted the “kidnap attempt” on Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. The DoJ lost its first two criminal cases, an extreme rarity
Attorney General Merrick Garland sicced FBI agents on parents protesting school curricula but refused to enforce clear statutes prohibiting intimidation of federal judges
The FBI violated countless rules and procedures in interviewing Hillary Clinton about her home-brew server with its classified documents. FBI director James Comey actually wrote the memo clearing Hillary before the interview
In direct violation of the FBI’s own rules and basic notions of fairness, Comey held a press conference before the 2016 election outlining Hillary Clinton’s misdeeds without bringing criminal charges. Comey reworded his statement to scratch out phrases in the original document that were also used in criminal statutes. This illicit press conference may well have cost Clinton the close election
Comey himself made the decision not to charge Hillary Clinton, a responsibility that belongs solely to the Department of Justice
The Bureau ignored multiple, credible allegations of sexual abuse against Larry Nassar, a doctor for Michigan State athletes, allowing him to continue his abuse against many more women for many more years. No agents were fired or even punished
And, of course, the FBI played a central role in perpetuating the Russia hoax, falsely linking Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign to Kremlin operatives ...

What will happen next?
When the Republicans retake the House, they will investigate the FBI and probably the DoJ using their newfound subpoena power. That will publicize the problems but nothing more. Congressional investigations are notoriously inept, and the Biden Department of Justice will refuse to act on any criminal referrals.

If the Republicans retake the White House in 2024, they will try to clean house at the FBI, and inevitably face Democrats’ accusations that they are politicizing the agency. Cleaning the Augean Stables will be nearly impossible. The president can appoint a few top officials, but big bureaucracies like the FBI and DoJ have enormous powers of self-protection — and the capacity to strike back. Just look what they’ve already gotten away with.

Two places to start fixing things
The problems are endemic and they can’t all be fixed at once. But we have to start somewhere. ...

His "solusions" are weak sauce.

The FBI must be utterly eliminated as it is an enormous threat to justice.
188   Patrick   2022 Aug 13, 3:53pm  

Booger says

Florida judge that OK'ed this is Jewish..

Trump's daughter and grandchildren are also Jewish. It's completely irrelevant.
192   SoTex   2022 Aug 13, 4:17pm  

Joseph Biden has the same first name. Coincidence? I think not!
194   Booger   2022 Aug 13, 4:48pm  

Hitler just found out about this..
195   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 5:03pm  

Patrick says

Booger says

Florida judge that OK'ed this is Jewish..

Trump's daughter and grandchildren are also Jewish. It's completely irrelevant.

You know how the KKK was mostly white anglo saxon protestants but they were still a racist organization that wielded a great deal of power? That's not to say all white anglo saxon protestants were KKK. In fact the KKK had some people who weren't protestants, but they almost always were.

What do you think a Zionist is?

I've known Jewish people that oppose Zionism, but I've never seen one in government. You'd never see a democrat in government in 1930 that wasn't a member of the KKK, either. Government is about alliances, not about ethics or ideals. Cynthia McKinney was a LITTLE outspoken against Zionism. She's the ONLY person that voted against the Afghanistan war. She didn't last long.
196   Ceffer   2022 Aug 13, 5:44pm  

The Illuminati hornbooks are generic. If you ask the Catholic Church or Christian historians who is responsible, they will say the Jews and demonic Muslim sects, and elect any non-Jew to Jew status if it fits the blame plexus. If you ask the Muslims, they will blame the West and the Christian World and the Jews. If you ask the Jews, they will blame the Jesuits, Euro persecutions/pogroms, Royals and the baleful Inquisition. If you ask the Mormons, they will blame all of the above and say it is a justification for God's cataclysm that will destroy everybody but them as they emerge from their survivalist caves in the Rockies.

Masonic chapters and outposts are containers for Illuminati compartmentalization, symbology, and hierarchy

The methods and means of psychopathic subversion, mass murder, centralization of authority, monopolization of resources in an increasingly narrow group of dynastic hands, are largely generic at this point and Communism/ Nazi-ism were their last best efforts. These generic, subversive methods are the lingua franca of the intelligence agencies, and countries and groups bent on conquest. Add in a little Art of War and The Prince for spice.

An interesting point is the convergence of the higher levels of any of these 'elite' groups toward the adoption of organized religions of psychopathy i.e. various forms of devil worship and Satanism and symbolism. The Satanism is what makes them tick and what they believe is the secret sauce of their successes. Lower echelons may believe in charity and compassion, not even suspecting the bent loyalties of the higher pyramid echelon. The absolute devotion to elaborate deception, even when the truth might serve better, seems symptomatic of the sclerotic Satanist.

I think that monopoly on financial systems, whoever hold such, are the ultimate corrupter. These people become ever more detached, evil, insane in their obsessions, vapidly destructive, and absolutely contemptuous of the general population, and a lot of the dynastic types are inbred.
197   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 5:53pm  

Patrick says

8) Bottom line: FBI better have found smoking gun evidence of crime. If not, this raid should not have been approved & will backfire into a boost for Trump and a further erosion of trust in vital governmental organizations. My Q to Director Wray and AG Garland: Was it worth it?

They'll fabricate something.

I wouldn't be surprised if they find a document entitled:

How I Plan to Hand Over Ukraine to Putin and to Become a Fascist Dictator
By: Donald J. Trump
198   Ceffer   2022 Aug 13, 10:47pm  

richwicks says

How I Plan to Hand Over Ukraine to Putin and to Become a Fascist Dictator
By: Donald J. Trump

Is this available from Amazon?
201   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 10:54pm  

Ceffer says

richwicks says

How I Plan to Hand Over Ukraine to Putin and to Become a Fascist Dictator
By: Donald J. Trump

Is this available from Amazon?

You know it will be if the FBI fabricates it.

Our justice system is finally exposed for the joke it is. I'm happy to see this.

Telling the truth is easy, telling lies, well, that quickly becomes a very complex plot with a lot of odd explanations. Our government has been full on lying for decades, and frankly, the people doing it, suck at their job. If they wanted to raid Trump, the dipshits would have connected him to Epstein first, or the death of his ex-wife or something - something believable.

Either they are purposely fucking themselves over, or they are really this incompetent. I've said it before, I think Trump could be false opposition. It's hard to believe that they are this fucking stupid.
203   richwicks   2022 Aug 13, 11:19pm  

WRT what Ceffer said

Are you unhappy that our MOST CORRUPT federal investigation unit is being discredited through its blatant corruption?

Oh noes!

Soon they will be arresting parents for complaining their 8 year old is being taught about homosexual oral sex at a school board meeting. The FIB is unsalvageable. People need to see it.

To fix a problem, you have to see the problem. Well - SEE it.
204   SoTex   2022 Aug 14, 7:18am  

Ceffer says

I think that monopoly on financial systems, whoever hold such, are the ultimate corrupter. These people become ever more detached, evil, insane in their obsessions, vapidly destructive, and absolutely contemptuous of the general population, and a lot of the dynastic types are inbred.

I can tell you're gonna luv luv LUV CBDC when it's forced on us next year.
205   GNL   2022 Aug 14, 7:30am  

Ceffer says

The Illuminati hornbooks are generic. If you ask the Catholic Church or Christian historians who is responsible, they will say the Jews and demonic Muslim sects, and elect any non-Jew to Jew status if it fits the blame plexus. If you ask the Muslims, they will blame the West and the Christian World and the Jews. If you ask the Jews, they will blame the Jesuits, Euro persecutions/pogroms, Royals and the baleful Inquisition. If you ask the Mormons, they will blame all of the above and say it is a justification for God's cataclysm that will destroy everybody but them as they emerge from their survivalist caves in the Rockies.

Masonic chapters and outposts are containers for Illuminati compartmentalization, symbology, and hierarchy

The methods and means of psychopathic subversion, mass murder, centralization of authority, monopolization of resources in an increasingly narrow group of dynastic hands, are largely generic at this point and Communism/ Nazi-ism w...

Perfect examples of why diversity does not work. Give me a white Christian nation and then stand back, you will be amazed at the success it will have. IMO.
210   Patrick   2022 Aug 14, 5:40pm  


Look at that. Literally every group except registered Democrats has a majority that believes the Mar-a-Lago raid is what you see in failed states filled with corrupt autocrats.
211   Patrick   2022 Aug 14, 8:48pm  


Again, why? I think it’s because, while Trump’s core MAGA agenda is decidedly not outside the historic bipartisan mainstream, it is well outside the present regime’s core interests. Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three. The old America—the one in which Republicans cared about the heartland and weren’t solely valets to corporate power, Democrats were pro-worker and anti-war, and Bill Clinton and The New York Times could advocate border security—is in the process of being replaced, if it hasn’t already been, by one in which there is only one acceptable opinion on not just these, but all other issues.
212   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 11:17am  


It should be pretty obvious that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was an attempt to seize evidence likely to be used in former President Donald Trump’s civil lawsuit in the Southern Florida Federal District Court against Hillary Clinton and associated defendants in and out of government for the defamation and racketeering operation known as RussiaGate — AND in any future criminal proceedings that might grow out of congressional investigations-to-come against officials past and present in the DOJ and FBI. The idea is to tie up all those documents in a legal dispute about declassification so they can’t be entered in any proceeding.

Over the weekend, independent journalist Paul Sperry reported that many of the same FBI officers involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid happen to be subjects of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of RussiaGate. Have some of them already been hauled into grand juries? We don’t know. But, with the Mar-a-Lago caper, it looks like the law enforcement apparatus of the federal government is seeking to suppress evidence of its own long-running criminal enterprise. ...

The choice of going to federal magistrate Bruce Reinhart for the Mar-a-Lago warrant sure looks crude and desperate. Only weeks ago, he was presiding over the Trump v Clinton lawsuit. How did that even happen, given Mr. Reinhart’s role defending Jeffrey Epstein’s associates — many of them Clinton-connected — in the 2007 sex-trafficking case? And only after the spectacularly weird act of switching sides from the federal prosecution team to Epstein’s defense team. Not to mention Mr. Reinhart’s record of public statements denouncing Mr. Trump. There are twenty-five other magistrates who rotate their duties in the Southern District of Florida, why pick him?

It all shapes up as a systematic effort to obstruct justice by the US Department of Justice. ...

215   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 12:04pm  


The lead investigator in the House of Representatives committee on the Trump Russia hoax says he knows why the FBI raided former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and it didn’t have anything to do with scary-sounding “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” as the DOJ got The Washington Post to spread on its behalf. ...

The former federal national security prosecutor and Trump Administration Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense believes the FBI raided Trump’s resort to seek and destroy any documents related to the Trump-Russia hoax — Russiagate — that Trump had previously declassified back in 2020 and 2021.
219   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 10:51pm  


Garland, Wray Must Be Impeached for Unconscionable Trump Raid

This is rather based for a corporate media outlet.
220   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 16, 3:08am  

Absolutely all of them need to be impeached as does Joe Biden. This was absolutely filthy.
221   richwicks   2022 Aug 16, 3:11am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Absolutely all of them need to be impeached as does Joe Biden. This was absolutely filthy.

George W. Bush should have been impeached, AND executed for lying this nation into a war.
Obama, he should have been impeached for lying us into Syria and Libya, and giving weapons to drug cartels, executed as well.

The problem is when they are on "your side", your silent. They are never on your side. They are just criminals.

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