You cannot trust banks anymore

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2022 Aug 9, 11:41am   11,294 views  86 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Not to mention the Canadian banks who confiscated accounts from the peaceful truckers who did not want to be injected with the very dangerous and utterly ineffective mRNA gene-altering experiment.

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8   Ceffer   2022 Aug 9, 4:20pm  

There's that whole NESARA GESARA thing that perpetually dangles a carrot of revolutionary happenings about to take place on the world financial stage with the Zimbabwe and Iraqi Dinar Gold currencies. However, nothing ever happens and the carrot keeps dangling. It's always occurring just out of time and out of reach, but is more or less the same exact spiel month after month to catch the unwary or the addicted subscribers. I can tell you it never changes because it always talks about the same arcane trusts, tiers etc. about to be released but they never are.

Clif High calls it the white rabbit hole, and the perpetuators of NESARA/GESARA are furious with him because he says it is all a con to sell gold, silver and commodities i.e. a hoodwink. I won't mention names, because some of them have gotten rich from the schemes, and they are litigious. Some also host a few alternative media sites which are otherwise interesting because they do collect some alternative news, but always with a bent for promoting the scheme.
9   Onvacation   2022 Aug 9, 4:24pm  

Patrick says

GNLusedtobeWineHorr says

What/who is Woo?


I think it refers to conspiracy theory rumors.

any belief not founded on good evidence
10   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 9:29am  


Irish Lady films inside TSB bank and reports she and others can't get access to their CASH 💰 apparently banks are starting to freeze accounts all around the world. Let us know in the comments if you have experienced any problems like this….
11   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 11:57am  


Gunman who held up a bank in Beirut to withdraw $210,000 of his own money 'is given $30k and agrees to hand himself over' after seven-hour siege that saw locals cheer him on
The gunman took up to ten staff members hostage at Federal Bank in Beirut
He snapped when bank staff refused to allow him to withdraw his savings
The man said he needed his money to pay for his ailing father's hospital bills
But Lebanese authorities have placed restrictions on withdrawals due to the nation's dire economic situation
12   Patrick   2022 Sep 5, 11:33am  


The organizers of the “Freedom Convoy” protest have asked a court to unfreeze $450,000 in donations so that they can pay for legal fees in the upcoming case challenging the legality of the invocation of the Emergencies Act.

To end the protests against COVID-19 measures, Trudeau’s government invoked, for the first time in history, the Emergencies Act. It allowed the government to order the police to use force against protesters. It also gave the government the authority to order financial institutions and crowdfunding sites to freeze the accounts of protesters, without the need for a warrant.
13   clambo   2022 Sep 5, 12:58pm  

I hardly have any money in the bank at any given time.
Why lend them my capital for almost nothing?
14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 5, 10:06pm  

Same. My money has much better things to do than prop up a greedy, corrupt system.
16   KgK one   2022 Sep 29, 1:26pm  

Where would u put $ if not bank.?

Stocks, slowly getting to right value
Housing, way overpriced, may be in 3 yrs it will be normal

Money market or cds. Finally getting some return

Gold is going down as rates climb.

Under matteress might work. But can only keep small amount. Inflation is killing it
17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Sep 29, 6:12pm  

KgK one says

Where would u put $ if not bank.?

Talk to people who have lived in other countries. They're less gullible, and have practiced hiding assets from government for far longer.

Should have three months expenses on hand in currency of wherever you live. There are many ways to hide it, do some searches. Investments a personal business, home garden, land, gold and silver BKA real money. Anything you can maintain physical possession of that has value outside of fiat paper.

KgK one says

Gold is going down as rates climb.

Should be easy to purchase then right? If you can buy some today for that price, DON'T TELL ANYONE! My seller said it's three weeks delivery at this point, and no fucking way it's going for anything close to PAPER spot.
19   ForcedTQ   2022 Oct 12, 10:50pm  

Patrick says

Good for him, screw those fool ass globo commies.
20   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 10:52pm  

It's weird how the oligarchy thinks all their businesses are so powerful that they can afford to toss aside big customers who dare to think differently.
21   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 10:53pm  

BTW, not that my account means much, but I switched from Chase to two credit union accounts after Chase kicked out Covefe Coffee, and I'm very happy with the change. Never going back to corporate banks.

I have two credit union accounts for redundancy, in case one of them turns bad somehow.
22   mich   2022 Oct 13, 6:06am  

Hope you all have some gold outside the banking sector. Wealth insurance ;)
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Oct 14, 8:11pm  

Tennessee recently passed a state law recognizing gold and silver as real money. Meaning not taxable. It is coming back around.
27   Patrick   2022 Oct 14, 8:40pm  

I think he meant TN sales tax.

In California, if you buy more than $1500 worth of gold, there is no sales tax:

State-wide, there is an exemption on all precious metal purchases above $1,500, which means that investors seeking to buy more than an ounce (in 2015 prices) will not need to pay any kind of tax. If the purchase is less than this amount, the sales tax does apply, but this differs from region to region.
30   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 10:03am  

Stephen Miller
Oct 30
Conspiracy theories are dangerous & those promoting them must be silenced. Anyone involved in spreading the lies that Iraq had WMDs, that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia, that covid came from nature, or that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake, must have their accounts locked.
31   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 9:27pm  


O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou o bloqueio das contas bancárias de 40 pessoas físicas e empresas de Mato Grosso, suspeitas de financiar os protestos contra a vitória de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) para presidente.

Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Court (STF), ordered the blocking of the bank accounts of 40 individuals and companies in Mato Grosso, suspected of financing the protests against the victory of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) for President.

Banks are being used to suppress legitimate political dissent.

Do NOT trust that your bank will give you your money.
33   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 7, 11:52am  

Patrick says

Iranians got out in droves and attempted a color revolution. This is how they forced their government to implement these new soft(er) rules. If "gatito" wants results they need to get off their kiester and attempt a color revolution themselves.

Wait, color revolutions are baaaaad. Nevermind. Carry on.
34   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Dec 7, 3:05pm  

Eric Holder says

Wait, color revolutions are baaaaad. Nevermind. Carry on.

Bad or fake?
35   Patrick   2022 Dec 7, 4:13pm  

Right, in my understanding, a color revolution is a fake revolution orchestrated by the CIA/NSA, Victoria Nuland, and similar types.
38   richwicks   2022 Dec 18, 2:10pm  

Eric Holder says

Wait, color revolutions are baaaaad. Nevermind. Carry on.

Name a color revolution that improved the nation. Give me every example you can think of.

Maybe the CIA doesn't have a 100% perfect record of fucking up whatever with their reverse Midas touch. I can accept that as a possibility, but I'd need to have examples.
40   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 29, 12:43pm  

richwicks says

Name a color revolution that improved the nation. Give me every example you can think of.

They are all bad. This one was the worst but thankfully our great non-Christian leader dealt with it properly:

41   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 29, 12:44pm  

Patrick says

Macron should fucking crash that fuckign color revolution with real tanks, not that wheeled bullshit they are giving to Zelensky.
42   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 29, 2:02pm  

Patrick says

French people are not all there. You don't fuck with a Frenchie, you'll have to kill him if you do, before he kills you.

If Macron declared emergency, and did all of that typical stuff. The French people would make those Jihad stabbings look like a "tag you're IT!" game.
45   Patrick   2023 Jul 1, 9:29am  


Nigel Farage wasn’t the only Brit getting de-banked this week. The UK Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “Yorkshire Building Society ‘Closed Vicar’s Account After Trans Protest’.”

The Yorkshire Building Society is a large, oddly-named British bank, having over three million customers. About two weeks ago, YBS emailed customers a monthly survey asking for feedback on the bank’s customer service and operations.

That’s where the trouble started.

Meet Anglican Vicar Richard Fothergill, 62, a satisfied YBS customer for over seventeen years. Well. He’s not satisfied anymore.

The good vicar, feeling a sense of loyalty and a desire only to be helpful, responded to the bank’s June 18th inquiry, politely offering among other more mundane feedback that the bank might consider dialing down all the rainbow-colored transgender ideology in its communications and on its website, suggesting instead that the bank “should concentrate their efforts on managing money, instead of promoting LGBT ideology.”

Seems fair.

But four days later, on June 22nd, Richard received a formal notice from his bank, responding to his feedback. It referenced his “views regarding LGBTQIA+,” and ominously advising the vicar that his feedback offended the bank’s “zero-tolerance approach to discrimination,” explaining his survey comments were “not tolerable.”

When asked by the Times for an explanation, YBS sort-of denied cancelling Vicar Fothergill, suggesting the pastor had been debunked for some reason other than his beliefs, but without exactly saying that, in a classic Orwellian statement:

We never close savings accounts based on different opinions regarding beliefs or feedback provided by our customers. We only ever make the difficult decision to close a savings account if a customer is rude, abusive, violent or discriminates in any way, based on the specific facts, comments and behaviour in each case.
“Discriminates in ANY WAY.” I wonder if in the bank’s view, Richard’s orthodox Christian beliefs are “discriminating in any way.”

Paradoxically, by de-banking Reverend Fothergill, YBS seems to have “discriminated in any way” against the vicar for his religious beliefs. Remember, ZERO tolerance. There’s only one way out of this paradox.

YBS should de-bank itself! It should refuse to do any business with itself any more.

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