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CA seems to punish individual water users who like to water their lawn, or take a shower now and then, while farms use up the vast majority of the state's water,
But before anyone else says it, I'm aware CA seems to punish individual water users who like to water their lawn, or take a shower now and then
Hircus says
But before anyone else says it, I'm aware CA seems to punish individual water users who like to water their lawn, or take a shower now and then
There is no need: most of the population goes along with the "water conservation efforts" voluntarily. I mean, if you are allowed and even encouraged to be a slob and have a brown lawn in front of your house most of the people will gladly take the opportunity.
If you have a family with kids you can either choose to pay more or forego the pool and large lawn and use it for necessary things.
When things are 100% free, people do not exert any resource rationing.
There is no need: most of the population goes along with the "water conservation efforts" voluntarily. I mean, if you are allowed and even encouraged to be a slob and have a brown lawn in front of your house most of the people will gladly take the opportunity.
Central Valley reputedly has sunk 30 feet in some areas due to well tapping. It's all an ancient lake bed.
What about unelected socialist dictatorship don't you understand? They'll just become more arrogant and confiscatory.
This letter is only addressing property owners with wells in areas that are ground water basins not covered by GSA authorities.
Then, like entitled children, we blame each other for taking more than our share, "(big, corporate) agriculture versus modest SFH consumption, etc.".
...entitled children...
I've never seen price as a motivator for conservation. Usually the opposite.
People buy carbon credits so they can pollute more
And what reason is there to ration?
There is no water shortage.
Maybe supply and demand is an example for you to think about. People consume more of things as the price is lowered, and less as the price rises. And there's a sharp step when the price rises from free, up to any price at all.
Maybe you think property rights give you the right to pump all the ground water you want, even if that means all the wells on the surrounding properties run dry, but I think that's wrong.
Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know much about this topic, but I'd think water shortages do exist in some places. Just because there's some other places with excess water doesn't mean those shortages don't exist. Access matters. Anyway.
People should be let alone to gather water from their gutters and not fined or prosecuted for it. Who the fuck owns the rain?