Just finished the second part of this series, the third part comes out next Sunday. Despite all the lies I've heard about 9/11, I'd never heard most of what this documentary covers. The revelations are astounding to say the least. I know a lot of people point to the scamdemic as the largest psyop ever carried out, but the scale of cover-up and coordination needed for 9/11 is comparable.
Don't need to wait to fact-check, Corbett always links all his sources, so you can dive right in. Although with this project, expect to spend a LOT of time. The amount of supporting documents that went into to making this is staggering.
Finished watching part III. A bit of a let down given how good parts I and II were. I wasn't paying attention to shit before '08, so the first parts of this series were filled with a lot of new info for me. But I'm no longer new to the game, so the lies are all known by the time part III roles around.
* Blowback from the US allowing the Pakistani ISI to distribute Arms and Aid to whatever groups they wanted.
* Blowback from Saudi Arabia trying to get over the 1970's Mecca Takeover by paying their nuttiest theologians to go abroad and subsidizing them so they'd turn away from overthrowing the House of Saud.
* Blowback from Ted Kennedy's Immigration Reform of the 1960s.
* The Clinton-Bush Era Neoliberals non-enforcement of immigration and visa laws
* Neoliberals aggressively exporting the Western Social Mores and Sexual Revolution, rather than Liberty and a Republican form of government, for the benefit of Big Corps.
* CIA's focus on overthrowing regimes and color revolutions in places that resisted Globalization and becoming one with the Borg. Ignoring the multitude of evidence that Islamists were planning a second attack on the WTC captured from Islamist communications in the Philipennes and Bosnia and elsewhere.
* The obsession with race and origin allowing the hijackers to go all over the place and meet with Gov Officials, who didn't report lest they be accused of Ray's Cyst as to why Arab Guys wanted to learn how to fly, but not land planes.
Blowback didn't exist until after 9/11, as we weren't bombing and droning the shit out of the Middle East until then. The CIA were the ones green lighting these guys, but yes, definitely neo-cons are to blame. No one really gave a shit about pumping up discrimination and all things divisive until after Occupy.
And it takes months to place that many explosives in three buildings that size, not so simple.