Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   83,009 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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206   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Dec 24, 10:27am  

US CBDCs roll out with the 'promise', to "never get ride of cash".
207   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 24, 11:28am  

richwicks says

Israel will take over the West bank in time, then probably Gaza then expand into Syria. That's been the 70 year course. Who cares about what is morally right or wrong? The US and Israel nor the world at large don't, not in the slightest. They might PRETEND to, but they don't. It's all virtue signalling nonsense.

Right, Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza a decade ago and the total lack of free elections there is a sign Israel is planning to take over.

BTW, the Egyptians have a three-layer security wall with Gaza. When Gazans complain that the Israelis have shut down their border, they conveniently ignore that their Arab brethen don't want their Hamas Mafia and ISIS-affiliate gun smuggling campaign either.

Despite billions in aid ($200+M this year from US Taxpayers alone) the Palestinians never improve or fix infrastructure. Why should Hamas repair the fresh water treatment plant, when they can sell expensive bottled water whose profits enrich the leadership?

It's all grift. The PA and Hamas is a mafia, they don't want a solution, they maximize profits and get to wave the victim flag endlessly. If normalcy is being made, they blackmail some law students or hype some orphan males into a bombing or stabbing.

There's a reason why the Paleban Mafia doesn't want Israel making peace with Arab States, since it greatly effects their grift program. In the next decade, Israel will have normalized relations with almost every Arab state except perhaps the private fiefdom of the House of Assad
208   richwicks   2022 Dec 24, 11:39am  

AmericanKulak says

Right, Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza a decade ago and the total lack of free elections there is a sign Israel is planning to take over.

Israel withdrew from Gaza temporarily, and then once they did, continued to build settlements in the West Bank. Every settler in Gaza was given a new home in the West Bank, purchased with US "aid". It was simply an empty PR move.

AmericanKulak says

BTW, the Egyptians have a three-layer security wall with Gaza. When Gazans complain that the Israelis have shut down their border, they conveniently ignore that their Arab brethen don't want their Hamas Mafia and ISIS-affiliate gun smuggling campaign either.

So what? Do you think I am not aware that part of the conflict is that Israel is driving Palestinians into Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon?

AmericanKulak says

Despite billions in aid ($200+M this year from US Taxpayers alone) the Palestinians never improve or fix infrastructure.

There is no such thing as aid. It's just bribes. It is used to either keep oligarchs in power of the government, or the government in power directly. Aid never reaches the population. Do you think Ukrainians are getting aid?

AmericanKulak says

It's all grift. The PA and Hamas is a mafia, they don't want a solution

Yeah, that's absolutely correct. They don't want a solution, if there's a solution, that removes an excuse for "aid", it also threatens the current power structure, and it's not just true for Hamas and the Palestinian authority, it's true for Likud as well.

Every government is a criminal syndicate, including ours.AmericanKulak says

There's a reason why the Paleban Mafia doesn't want Israel making peace with Arab States, since it greatly effects their grift program.

We're in total agreement.
209   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 27, 9:31am  

Here's a juicy set of predictions for 2023:

DECEMBER 27, 2022 / 10:29 AM

(Reuters) - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, an arch loyalist of Vladimir Putin given a new job this week, predicted war between Germany and France next year and a civil war in the United States that would lead to Elon Musk becoming president.
Medvedev, deputy head of Putin’s advisory security council, served as president during a four-year spell when Putin held the office of prime minister. He appears to have seen his fortune rise in the Kremlin, which said on Monday he would now serve as Putin’s deputy on a body overseeing the military industry.
In his list of predictions for 2023, published on his personal Telegram and Twitter accounts, he also foresaw Britain rejoining the EU, which would in turn collapse.
210   Ceffer   2022 Dec 27, 9:37am  

Civil war in USA might be a campaign to extirpate the tainted fruits of stolen elections in the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC. The Republic won't go to war against itself.
211   richwicks   2022 Dec 27, 9:47am  


Here's a juicy set of predictions for 2023:

DECEMBER 27, 2022 / 10:29 AM

(Reuters) - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, an arch loyalist of Vladimir Putin given a new job this week, predicted war between Germany and France next year and a civil war in the United States that would lead to Elon Musk becoming president.
Medvedev, deputy head of Putin’s advisory security council, served as president during a four-year spell when Putin held the office of prime minister. He appears to have seen his fortune rise in the Kremlin, which said on Monday he would now serve as Putin’s deputy on a body overseeing the military industry.
In his list of predictions for 2023, published on his personal Telegram and Twitter accounts, he also foresaw Britain rejoining the EU, which would in turn collapse.

What dumb assholes working at the propaganda division of the CIA falsified this prediction?

They need to be fired. Of course, the name isn't given, because it's fucking ludicrous and nobody would want to attach their name to it.

212   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 27, 10:12am  

Ceffer says

Civil war in USA might be a campaign to extirpate the tainted fruits of stolen elections in the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC. The Republic won't go to war against itself.

... or the raging midget is completely off his rocker.
213   Bd6r   2022 Dec 27, 10:13am  


.. or the raging midget is completely off his rocker

People say he is hitting bottle too hard.

You may want to post link to his telegram so persons here know these predictions came from him.
214   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 27, 11:43am  

richwicks says

Israel withdrew from Gaza temporarily, and then once they did, continued to build settlements in the West Bank. Every settler in Gaza was given a new home in the West Bank, purchased with US "aid". It was simply an empty PR move.

That's never happened, there's never been talk of that. Israel has practically begged Egypt to take Gaza back. Egypt doesn't want the drama of de-Hamazing Gaza. Then, to make Gaza a City State that is a terminus for an oil/gas pipeline from the Gulf. Hamas Mafia rejected it since it required free and fair elections under Global Administration.

richwicks says

So what? Do you think I am not aware that part of the conflict is that Israel is driving Palestinians into Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon?

They don't want the Paleban. Jordan got coup'd by the PLO, the PLO interfered in the Lebanese Civil War, Assad keeps them in Ghettos, and Egypt doesn't want them.

Note the settlements are Jews reclaiming Ottoman/British title deeds after being expelled by Jordan's illegal occupation of Samaria/Judah, aka "The West Bank" - IF you're looking from Amman. Palestinians never revolted, protested, or petitioned to be free of Jordanian control for 20 years, they're happy to be under Arab Muslims.

Ethnic Cleansing is a wonderful solution. It worked great in Germany, with all the pains in the asses being kicked out of Northern Poland, the Sudentenland, and parts of the Netherlands and Rhine-adjacent Belgium and France. All the Poles were shipped out of Ukraine back into Poland, etc. Only two places it wasn't practiced was Ulster and Yugoslavia, interestingly the two places with the most ethnic violence in the PostWar period Europe.

richwicks says

There is no such thing as aid. It's just bribes. It is used to either keep oligarchs in power of the government, or the government in power directly. Aid never reaches the population. Do you think Ukrainians are getting aid?

I think we're pretty much paying for Ukraine's entire government plus a huge premium for grift both there and here and Brussels too. On top of military aid.

richwicks says

Yeah, that's absolutely correct. They don't want a solution, if there's a solution, that removes an excuse for "aid", it also threatens the current power structure, and it's not just true for Hamas and the Palestinian authority, it's true for Likud as well.

It isn't, because US aid is about 3% of the Israeli Budget - Budget, NOT GDP. It's 1% of GDP tops. The false hope of anti-zionists is that the US aid props up the country, they forget Israel fought 3 major conflicts and survived without any US aid from 1947-1968.

Anti-zionists also are loathe to admit the reason Israel started getting US aid was because the USSR dumped 1000s of SA-2s, T-55s, MiG-21s, etc. plus 10k's of advisors into Egypt and Syria in the 1960s, so it was a Cold War balancing. Now Lockheed-Martin and General Dynamics are addicted to the extra revenue, since 90%+ ends up in US Defense Contractors.

richwicks says

We're in total agreement.

It's going to happen. And it will resolve the conflict. The Gulf states will get Arab Muslim fellahin workforce to boss around, and the Palies will complain about that instead of Israel. Most Palestinians would move for low 5 figures, or 6 figures for the home price, but PA/Hamas would never let it happen.
215   richwicks   2022 Dec 27, 11:55am  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

Israel withdrew from Gaza temporarily, and then once they did, continued to build settlements in the West Bank. Every settler in Gaza was given a new home in the West Bank, purchased with US "aid". It was simply an empty PR move.

That's never happened, there's never been talk of that.

I'm not going to waste my time discussing this with you, especially with you.

Every single one of the settlers, in Jewish only settlements in Gaza were given new homes in the West Bank.

Doesn't matter what Israel states or says, it's quite obvious what they are going to do. There will NEVER be a two state solution, and there's no plans for one. If Israel wanted a two state solution, they would UNILATERALLY declare their borders, and whatever was left would be "Palestine", they don't need ANY cooperation from the Palestinians to do this and they could have done this any time in the last 40 years.

It's a racist, ethnocentric state and Americans either don't know what it is, or don't care.

It's not worth my time arguing about the obvious here. If you can't see it your either blind or just know nothing about the situation.

AmericanKulak says

It isn't, because US aid is about 3% of the Israeli Budget - Budget, NOT GDP. It's 1% of GDP tops.

It's not about the money. Money is just digits entered in a computer at the Federal Reserve now. It's the problems this creates for the United States. The US should remain neutral and the biggest error this nation has made is unqualified and unconditional support of Israel. Israel isn't our problem.

AmericanKulak says

It's going to happen. And it will resolve the conflict. The Gulf states will get Arab Muslim fellahin workforce to boss around, and the Palies will complain about that instead of Israel. Most Palestinians would move for low 5 figures, or 6 figures for the home price, but PA/Hamas would never let it happen.

The situation that exists now is EXACTLY what both governments want. Both are thug governments that don't give a fuck about the people they pretend to represent.
216   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 27, 12:20pm  

Bd6r says


.. or the raging midget is completely off his rocker

People say he is hitting bottle too hard.

You may want to post link to his telegram so persons here know these predictions came from him.

Oh, the persons who would question the veracity of it are also the same persons who bragged profusely about their mad google-fu skills. There should be no problem for xem to find the Raging Alco Midget's Tele.

PS. Here it is in all drunken glory:


Before the new year, everyone likes to make predictions

Many exercise in futuristic hypotheses, competing in the proposal of the most unexpected and even absurd. We will also do our part.

What could happen in 2023:
1. Increasing oil prices to $150 per barrel and gas prices to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. m.
2. The return of the UK to the European Union.
3. The collapse of the European Union after the return of the UK and the abolition of the circulation of the euro as the currency of the former EU.
4. Capture by Poland and Hungary of the western regions of the former Ukraine.
5. Creation of the Fourth Reich on the basis of Germany and the satellites that joined it (Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the Kyiv Republic, and other outcasts).
6. War between France and the Fourth Reich. Partition of Europe, including a new partition of Poland.
7. Separation of Northern Ireland from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and accession to the Republic of Ireland.
8. The American Civil War, the separation of California and Texas into independent states. Creation of the union state of Texas and Mexico. The subsequent victory of Elon Musk during the US presidential election in some of the states assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.
9. Transfer of all major stock markets and financial activity from the US and Europe to Asia.
10. The collapse of the Bretton Woods financial system, including the collapse of the IMF and the World Bank. Rejection of the euro and the dollar as world reserve currencies. The return of the gold standard. Transition to the active use of digital fiat currencies.

Happy New Year to you, Anglo-Saxon friends and their happily grunting gilts!
217   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 27, 12:37pm  

richwicks says

I'm not going to waste my time discussing this with you, especially with you.

Every single one of the settlers, in Jewish only settlements in Gaza were given new homes in the West Bank.

Based on land claims from before the Jordanian illegal annexation and expulsion of the Jews. Israel brought off some of those claims and gave them to the settlers.

It also left behind in Gaza Hundreds of millions in infrastructure, including a vast greenhouse complex, which the Gazans smashed and looted.

richwicks says

Doesn't matter what Israel states or says, it's quite obvious what they are going to do. There will NEVER be a two state solution, and there's no plans for one. If Israel wanted a two state solution, they would UNILATERALLY declare their borders, and whatever was left would be "Palestine", they don't need ANY cooperation from the Palestinians to do this and they could have done this any time in the last 40 years.

Yep, there can never be a two state solution anymore. That plan is over since the Pallies never follow through. Israel can and has made concessions to both Jordan and Egypt, which were upheld. The Palestinians do not uphold their end of any bargains.

richwicks says

It's a racist, ethnocentric state and Americans either don't know what it is, or don't care.

Judea is home of the Jews. Otherwise, return ireland to Great Britain who had 5 centuries of occupancy.

Funny, nobody is annoyed about the Turkish invasion of North Cyprus, a completely illegal act, including the forcible expulsion of most of the Greeks.

richwicks says

It's not worth my time arguing about the obvious here. If you can't see it your either blind or just know nothing about the situation.

I know much about the situation, but I don't buy Arab Supremacist propaganda.

richwicks says

The situation that exists now is EXACTLY what both governments want. Both are thug governments that don't give a fuck about the people they pretend to represent.

Israel would shit itself to have a resolution. Just as they were happy to return the oil and chemcial rich Sinai for a Peace Treaty for which Sadat was executed.

The existence of Israel is God's Will and a freakin' miracle. He gave the entire rest of the Middle East to the Arabs, they'll be fine.
218   richwicks   2022 Dec 27, 1:06pm  

AmericanKulak says

Based on land claims from before the Jordanian illegal annexation and expulsion of the Jews. Israel brought off some of those claims and gave them to the settlers.

There is no law. Grow up.

If UN resolution 181 is valid, so is 194.

I'm not going to argue this shit. It's all BS anyhow. There's no "good guys" in this stupid conflict, just a group of asshole mafias pretending to be governments and you cite "law". Israel doesn't give a shit about laws, neither does the United States, or Russia, or Europe, or any government for that matter.
219   Bd6r   2022 Dec 27, 7:46pm  


PS. Here it is in all drunken glory:

220   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 27, 10:43pm  

richwicks says

There is no law. Grow up.

If UN resolution 181 is valid, so is 194.

I'm not going to argue this shit. It's all BS anyhow. There's no "good guys" in this stupid conflict, just a group of asshole mafias pretending to be governments and you cite "law". Israel doesn't give a shit about laws, neither does the United States, or Russia, or Europe, or any government for that matter.

Don't complain about Israeli settlements then.
221   richwicks   2022 Dec 27, 11:03pm  

AmericanKulak says

Don't complain about Israeli settlements then.

When the US taxpayer doesn't pay for them, I'll stop.

If you want to pay for them, it's your money, do what you want
222   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 28, 12:53am  

richwicks says

AmericanKulak says

Don't complain about Israeli settlements then.

When the US taxpayer doesn't pay for them, I'll stop.

If you want to pay for them, it's your money, do what you want

We don't pay for them. We give a gift certificate for mostly aerospace equipment. F-35s don't really play a role in reoccupying squatter's land.

The $4B is nothing compared to the budget, but it still gets a disproportionate amount of attention. Certainly these days with Ukraine, which is what, 3-4 decades of Lockheed-Martin gift certificates in one year - and much of it, unlike Israel gifts, is flat out loans and guarantees to keep the government and economy afloat
223   richwicks   2022 Dec 28, 1:05am  

AmericanKulak says

We don't pay for them. We give a gift certificate for mostly aerospace equipment. F-35s don't really play a role in reoccupying squatter's land.

We pay for them.

Money is a fungible commodity. If I give you 500 a month to pay for your utilities, gas, and food, that's no different than me paying your 500 a month to pay for your mortgage.

AmericanKulak says

The $4B is nothing compared to the budget, but it still gets a disproportionate amount of attention

If the US simply abandoned the Middle East 20 years ago and let them work out their own shit among one another, the US would have at least 10 trillion dollars of less debt.

That's the true cost of interference. Not just our nation's moral bankruptcy, but our actual bankruptcy. The national debt doubles every 8 years. It will be over 60 trillion dollars in just 8 years. I suspect it's already over 40 trillion and the Federal reserve is just lying about it.
224   Onvacation   2022 Dec 28, 5:42am  

Ceffer says

Civil war in USA

Is ongoing. The government has been attacking our sovereignty for a long time.
226   HeadSet   2023 Jan 8, 3:11pm  

Patrick says


Upton Sinclair quote (“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it”)

Damn, I thought Patrick coined that. Now I can't push the "1st Law of Patrickdynamics."
227   Patrick   2023 Jan 11, 7:46pm  


Top 10 Conspiracy Theories that Will Be Validated in 2023
In the spirit of New Year’s predictions, I will boldly assert that the same may be true of 2023’s future word of the year, “conspiracy theory.”

The role that the intel community and the Justice Department played in fomenting violence through psy-ops on Jan. 6, 2021, will be exposed.

The deadly impact of the COVID vaccines will become undeniable.

The scope of China’s control over the U.S. government will become clearer.

The true nature of David DePape’s relationship with Paul Pelosi will be revealed.

We will find out what Trump’s purloined Mar-a-Lago files really contained.

We will learn what the Democrats intend to do with Joe Biden and who will be tapped to replace him.

We will discover the truth about the U.S.–Ukrainian partnership to research and develop bioweapons.

The Left’s plans to normalize and mainstream pedophilia will come to fruition.

The World Economic Forum will lead the way in trying to turn humans into glorified Matrix-style batteries.

As the relationship between Big Tech and the spy agencies becomes clearer, we will learn that our personal devices are tracking our every move.
228   HeadSet   2023 Jan 12, 8:22pm  

Patrick says

We will find out what Trump’s purloined Mar-a-Lago files really contained.

Those docs were not "purloined."
229   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 13, 9:40am  

Are elections over now? Where's the $1 gas price spike? I say we mark that particular prediction as false.
230   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 23, 8:07am  

Cucker Tarlson predicts Sleepy Joe will be removed from tge office either like Kennedy or like Nixon: https://patrick.net/post/1378362/2023-01-23-paul-craig-roberts-how-troublesome?start=1#comment-1918926
231   Onvacation   2023 Jan 23, 8:19am  


Cucker Tarlson predicts Sleepy Joe will be removed from tge office either like Kennedy or like Nixon:

Looks like it will be like Nixon.
233   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 24, 3:59pm  

Oldie, but goodie:

"If for some reason Russia was forced to conduct military operations, to repel the aggression of a country comparable in its potential to Ukraine, then I hope that everyone understands how many days this conflict would last: two, three, maximum four days" - - Speaker of the State Duma 🤡 Sergey Naryshkin, 06 APRIL 2016

234   Onvacation   2023 Jan 24, 5:54pm  


"If for some reason Russia was forced to conduct military operations, to repel the aggression of a country comparable in its potential to Ukraine, then I hope that everyone understands how many days this conflict would last: two, three, maximum four days"


This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. It is a proxy war. If we are going to fight against Russia, Congress should declare war.

I vote no, but I don't have a vote.
235   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 24, 7:11pm  

Ukraine sovereignty is about as real as joe Biden as POTUS. Both Ukraine and Biden are puppets. And the woke globalists shills and sheep are eating up the puppet show and cheering for a real war in defense of ongoing puppeteering. Disgusting.
236   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 24, 7:53pm  


Oldie, but goodie:

"If for some reason Russia was forced to conduct military operations, to repel the aggression of a country comparable in its potential to Ukraine, then I hope that everyone understands how many days this conflict would last: two, three, maximum four days" - - Speaker of the State Duma 🤡 Sergey Naryshkin, 06 APRIL 2016


Yeah, the performance of the Russian Army is downright embarassing. Even IF Western Mercs are being employed. And especially given the almost ideal nature of the terrain, short of desert, for mechanized forces that clearly outnumber the opponents.
237   komputodo   2023 Jan 24, 8:19pm  

AmericanKulak says

Yeah, the performance of the Russian Army is downright embarassing. Even IF Western Mercs are being employed. And especially given the almost ideal nature of the terrain, short of desert, for mechanized forces that clearly outnumber the opponents.

Has anyone ever actually WON a war without the other side surrendering? And as long as the ukraines leader won't surrender, it will slowly be demolished bit by bit until it becomes an inhabitable wasteland. Which would be horrible for the common folk but not so much for the newly created multi billionaire leader of the ukraine. The usa couldn't beat the viet cong and they weren't supported by NATO and billions of dollars of support
238   tomtomtom   2023 Jan 25, 8:37pm  

They stopped draining the strategic oil reserve early January 2023: https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_ending_stocks_of_crude_oil_in_the_strategic_petroleum_reserve
The oil prices are high and the DOE is waiting for a lower price to replenish it. Meanwhile, the demand is growing.

tomtomtom says

Gas prices will jump about $1 after the upcoming elections (once they stop spending the strategic reserve).
239   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 25, 11:23pm  

tomtomtom says

DOE is waiting for a lower price to replenish it.

I heard Rockefeller got it classified as a fossil fuel, and replenishment isn't really a thing. More likely same reason as the shipping interruptions, lack of items at the store, and for business's that has been going on for two years now. Centralization is cratering in front of our eyes.
242   richwicks   2023 Jan 27, 9:00pm  

Eric Holder says

Um, and? What exactly are you pointing out or think you are pointing out?

Edit: Oh I see. You're marking it as a prediction. Hope I'm wrong. I hope this war ends as soon as possible.
243   Patrick   2023 Jan 27, 9:06pm  

Onvacation says

This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. It is a proxy war. If we are going to fight against Russia, Congress should declare war.

I vote no, but I don't have a vote.

@Onvacation Note that the German defense minister also recently said "We are fighting a war against Russia."


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