Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   82,994 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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237   komputodo   2023 Jan 24, 8:19pm  

AmericanKulak says

Yeah, the performance of the Russian Army is downright embarassing. Even IF Western Mercs are being employed. And especially given the almost ideal nature of the terrain, short of desert, for mechanized forces that clearly outnumber the opponents.

Has anyone ever actually WON a war without the other side surrendering? And as long as the ukraines leader won't surrender, it will slowly be demolished bit by bit until it becomes an inhabitable wasteland. Which would be horrible for the common folk but not so much for the newly created multi billionaire leader of the ukraine. The usa couldn't beat the viet cong and they weren't supported by NATO and billions of dollars of support
238   tomtomtom   2023 Jan 25, 8:37pm  

They stopped draining the strategic oil reserve early January 2023: https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_ending_stocks_of_crude_oil_in_the_strategic_petroleum_reserve
The oil prices are high and the DOE is waiting for a lower price to replenish it. Meanwhile, the demand is growing.

tomtomtom says

Gas prices will jump about $1 after the upcoming elections (once they stop spending the strategic reserve).
239   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 25, 11:23pm  

tomtomtom says

DOE is waiting for a lower price to replenish it.

I heard Rockefeller got it classified as a fossil fuel, and replenishment isn't really a thing. More likely same reason as the shipping interruptions, lack of items at the store, and for business's that has been going on for two years now. Centralization is cratering in front of our eyes.
242   richwicks   2023 Jan 27, 9:00pm  

Eric Holder says

Um, and? What exactly are you pointing out or think you are pointing out?

Edit: Oh I see. You're marking it as a prediction. Hope I'm wrong. I hope this war ends as soon as possible.
243   Patrick   2023 Jan 27, 9:06pm  

Onvacation says

This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. It is a proxy war. If we are going to fight against Russia, Congress should declare war.

I vote no, but I don't have a vote.

@Onvacation Note that the German defense minister also recently said "We are fighting a war against Russia."

246   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 12, 11:26pm  

Bunch of predictions, some of them with timeframes like "in the next 3 months" and "by the end of this year" made by Peter Zeihan on April 7th, 2022

247   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 14, 8:12am  

Did he imply he is being paid to act like an idiot?
248   DhammaStep   2023 Feb 15, 9:47am  

DhammaStep says

Bold? Okay. Billions of people will die imminently or in 2023. Japan will be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The west coasts will be slammed by the largest tsunami ever witnessed in written history. Most SEA countries will face an extinction level event.

And no matter where you are, you'll know it's happening.

Hmmm... My prediction surely seems impossible, doesn't it?
249   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 15, 10:17am  

My 1st. prediction is that most of the predictions on this thread will be proven wrong.

My 2nd. prediction is that the Island of Guam will 'tip over' just like Rep. Hank Johnson warned us it would.
251   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 17, 2:40pm  

RayAmerica says

My 2nd. prediction is that the Island of Guam will 'tip over' just like Rep. Hank Johnson warned us it would.

But only if additional equipment and personnel deployed there!
252   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 7, 10:21am  

Tenpoundbass says

Within five years the current Car Battery platform will be outlawed by most Governments around the world.
Unless there's a new way to make car batteries, it will spell the end of Lithium battery arrays in cars. Not to say we wont see cars with many Marine batteries.

253   Bd6r   2023 Mar 7, 8:59pm  

Gen. TransMilley’s predictive abilities rival those of some Patnetters who predicted Europe freezing, Ukraine falling, or massive arrests of corrupt officials in DC

254   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 8, 11:34am  

Bd6r says

Gen. TransMilley’s predictive abilities rival those of some Patnetters who predicted Europe freezing, Ukraine falling, or massive arrests of corrupt officials in DC

I wonder what's his handle on this site...
256   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 13, 11:10am  

This may be the quickest turn around on a prediction as Signature was shuttered the very next day:
257   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 13, 12:36pm  

NuttBoxer says

This may be the quickest turn around on a prediction as Signature was shuttered the very next day:

That post predicts 100pt slash by December. Didn't happen yet.
258   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 13, 1:53pm  

The thread predicted SVB was only the first to go down. Signature didn't even last the weekend, and I see two more that may not last the week.

Are you intentionally attempt to misconstrue my comment above?

The one comment you latched on to, rather than look at the big picture of the thread(seems to be a habit with you, avoiding the big picture), was just made, so a hundred point rate reduction would be for this December, nine months away.

What the fuck man!?
259   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 13, 2:00pm  

NuttBoxer says

The thread predicted SVB was only the first to go down. Signature didn't even last the weekend, and I see two more that may not last the week.

Are you intentionally attempt to misconstrue my comment above?

Is that directed at me? All I did is I read the post and the article linked in it. In the article the only place where Signature is mentioned is to state the fact that it is "plunging". Here it is, in its entirety: "Meanwhile, shares of Wall Street banking giants are falling, and regional lenders like First Republic, Signature Bank and PacWest are also plunging." Does it qualify as a prediction? Not in my book.

And then the prediction comes:

"Within the next couple of months, as the contagion brews up this channel — up to high yield, leveraged loans, across the entire ecosystem — that's when the Feds gonna have to bring out the other firehose and cut rates, probably within six to nine months," McDonald said.

So it looks like one of us can't read. Could be me. But it's not intentional for sure. More like disability.
261   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 24, 9:41am  

@Eric%20Holder So the main prediction in the thread came true in 24 hours. Any comments not in the OP are not focus, seems like I shouldn't have to tell you that.

But, the comment you latched onto, and the article it references was just written, so the prediction is well within the time limit which would expire start of next winter. Meaning, you can't call it yet. I think you just need to read more carefully.
262   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 4:43pm  

My prediction ...

Banking crisis will get a LOT worse. Why? Because Biden Says "Banks In Pretty Good Shape" As Small Banks See Biggest Deposit Outflow On Record

The Fed just released its weekly commercial bank data dump showing deposit inflows/outflows.

Two things to note:

1) This is for the week up to 3/15/23 (which includes the SVB collapse but nothing more)

2) 'Large Banks' includes the top 25 banks (which means SVB was among that group, hence, we get no indication of SVB rotation flows)

The overall data shows that domestic commercial banks saw over $98 billion in deposit outflows (seasonally-adjusted) that week to just over $17.5 trillion (8th straight week of aggregate outflows).

263   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 30, 11:42am  

I'm seeing a rise in 6.0 mag earthquakes around the ring of fire from SEA to Chile. Maybe I'll get my prediction after all!
264   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:04pm  


"CCCP will collapse now! - No, CCCP strong, I'll collapse in 10!"


I "predict" the CCCP will collapse on December 26, 1991.

What prize do I get?

I'm tired of your willful dishonesty.
265   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:11pm  

Here, I will make a serious prediction, which I hope I'm wrong about.

The war between Ukraine and Russia will continue to AT LEAST the end of 2024. This war will not end until the next presidency, at minimum. I would not be surprised to see it last for 10 years, although I doubt it will last that long.

The entire Ukrainian male population of fighting age will be mostly wiped out, and Eastern Ukraine will be taken over by Russia, Western Ukraine may break up.

I also predict that, possibly (25% chance I give it) that NATO will break up at the end of this. It depends on how badly Europe is harmed by a lack of energy exports from Russia. This is an unknown, because Russia ships energy to China, and China then sells it to Europe. So much for environmentalism...

I also predict that Zelenskyy will retire from the world stage, and retire into obscurity. Where he goes, well, I doubt it will be Israel because it's too obvious.
266   stereotomy   2023 Mar 30, 12:13pm  

I predict that the 2024 election will be the most divisive of the last 100 years. This is literally the showdown between Nationalism and Golobohomo. There is much money to be made on side bets; namely, is Ukraine/WW3 still to be pushed, or is a "Fuck the rest of the world and Globohomo," and put America first going to be the agenda?
267   stereotomy   2023 Mar 30, 12:16pm  

richwicks says

Here, I will make a serious prediction, which I hope I'm wrong about.

The war between Ukraine and Russia will continue to AT LEAST the end of 2024. This war will not end until the next presidency, at minimum. I would not be surprised to see it last for 10 years, although I doubt it will last that long.

The entire Ukrainian male population of fighting age will be mostly wiped out, and Eastern Ukraine will be taken over by Russia, Western Ukraine may break up.

I also predict that, possibly (25% chance I give it) that NATO will break up at the end of this. It depends on how badly Europe is harmed by a lack of energy exports from Russia. This is an unknown, because Russia ships energy to China, and China then sells it to Europe. So much for environmentalism...

I also predict that Zelenskyy will retire from the world stage, and retire into obscurity. Where he goes, well, I doubt it will be Israel because it's too obvious.

Most Ukrainian chicks are relatively hot. If Ukraine is decimated, this is an opportunity to snag high quality Eastern European Ass to relive the severe M/F ratio.

EDIT: This could be the potentially the biggest bonanza for spergs since the collapse of the USSR. Brilliant and hot Ukes desperate for a 2-year sex slavery role to get a green card. Or don't they do this anymore?

EDIT2: I knew someone in the 90's who tried to do the mail-order Russian brides. My post was more in sarcasm than really acknowledging this as a legitimate option.
268   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:16pm  

stereotomy says

I predict that the 2024 election will be the most divisive of the last 100 years. This is literally the showdown between Nationalism and Golobohomo. There is much money to be made on side bets; namely, is Ukraine/WW3 still to be pushed, or is a "Fuck the rest of the world and Globohomo," and put America first going to be the agenda?

I hope you are correct, but I do not expect the RNC to allow anybody other than a Neocunt to run. The primary will be stolen by the RNC, just as Hillary Cliton stole it from Bernie Sanders in 2016.

I'm not a Sander's fan, but I know he won the primary, not Cliton.

It will be another orderly, boring election, in which another fucking Neocunt puppet will be installed.
269   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 30, 1:44pm  

stereotomy says

I predict that the 2024 election will be the most divisive of the last 100 years. This is literally the showdown between Nationalism and Golobohomo. There is much money to be made on side bets; namely, is Ukraine/WW3 still to be pushed, or is a "Fuck the rest of the world and Globohomo," and put America first going to be the agenda?

If we get that far(unlikely we won't have collapse first), the most important and fastest growing segment will eschew both for the independence of the individual. Fuck the NWO, and fuck the nationalists. States rights over both, and individual rights over all. Time to take back what we lost under our bloodiest dictator, Lincoln.
270   HeadSet   2023 Mar 30, 1:45pm  

richwicks says

It will be another orderly, boring election

Oh, it won't be boring. Blatant election fraud will take place in key districts.
271   Eric Holder   2023 May 8, 3:04pm  

richwicks says

The logistics are pretty clear. Ukraine is drastically outnumbered, and even if the kill ratio was 1:1, Russia would win.

If the EU gets involved, I think it will be nuclear war. NATO would have to have a draft, and start one yesterday to do it.

Quoted for posterity.
272   WookieMan   2023 May 8, 9:10pm  

stereotomy says

Most Ukrainian chicks are relatively hot. If Ukraine is decimated, this is an opportunity to snag high quality Eastern European Ass to relive the severe M/F ratio.

This is a legitimate problem for both countries. If the dudes are maimed or dead you can't make babies. Women like fucking as much as men. Their entire cultures are fucked as the women will move to fuck dudes that aren't dead. So not are you only losing working male demographics, you'll lose female demographics because there are no men.

This is a senseless war on both sides. If this drags on both will fail miserably. I think that's the plan of the west, but at some point the two need to come to the realization they're pawns in a game of chess.

Problem is, and I'm not joking, I think they're actively drunk fighting this war. None of this makes any sense even as a person that drinks. NATO was never going to attack Russia. 50 nukes could be lobbed on Russia in 60 minutes from multiple countries. Distance doesn't matter. Russia wants the land because 90% of theirs sucks. Land access to Crimea. This will go down as dumber than Iraq or Afghanistan.
273   richwicks   2023 May 9, 5:01am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

It will be another orderly, boring election

Oh, it won't be boring. Blatant election fraud will take place in key districts.

It will be done in the primary. Trump won't be allowed to run. Hope I'm wrong, but I bet I'm not. I was genuinely surprised that Trump was allowed to win the primary in 2016 - remember when there were calls to invalidate it? The Democrats were calling to invalidate it but the DNC also thought he would be easy to beat - but people are so goddamned sick of the status quo, he managed to win, and I think there was MASSIVE ballot fraud then too. Nobody but a Democrat would vote for Hillary Clinton, she's as despised by non Democrats as George W. Bush is with non Republicans.

Trump actually won over some fence sitters, and quite a few Democrats as well.
274   richwicks   2023 Jun 2, 9:49pm  

I predict that Jamie Foxx when he finally makes public appearances will seem completely fine, with absolutely no ill health effects.

I suspect he was never ill, and all of this was to discredit people claiming the vax is dangerous. He is an actor after all.
275   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 3, 12:08am  

stereotomy says

Most Ukrainian chicks are relatively hot. If Ukraine is decimated, this is an opportunity to snag high quality Eastern European Ass to relive the severe M/F ratio.

Divorce Raep of Spergs in 2-3 years after they arrive.
276   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 4:05pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The Ukraine thing will be finished before the 2024 election. Russia will occupy all of Ukraine and Zelenski will be either a Siberian prisoner or dead.

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