Russia Is Going To Break Apart After Military Operations In Ukraine Fail

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2023 Mar 24, 7:39am   806 views  8 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

#russiabreakup I am proud to have as one of our readers Denys Davydov. He is a Ukrainian airline pilot turned blogger. Long ago, a movie came out with Peter Sellers-"Our Man In Havana." Denys Davdov is "Our Man In Ukraine." Denys has evolved from a great aviation professional to a most-accomplished blogger and news reporter. He has over 605,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel "Update From Ukraine." His next job could be at CNN, Deutsche Welle, or some other international news outlet.
Denys has gone in-depth showing all the Russian military failures in their Ukraine campaign. He also scans the web and other sources that he does not disclose for information on what is actually happening inside Russia. Denys has an advantage that most of us do not have. He speaks Russian and the Ukrainian language fluently. He spent a lot of his aviation career flying all over Russia. He has all sorts of great contacts in obscure places.
Denys keeps repeating time and again his theory that Russia will fail in its Ukraine military operation. What will follow is a break-up of Russia into several independent countries. Swedish military intelligence published a report with these same conclusions some months ago. Their analysts predicted the use of nuclear weapons between warring factions inside Russia.
I have been alerting our readers to the specter of China taking over parts of Siberia that they covet. I also stumbled onto the obscure fact that Russia's space rocket launch center in Baikonur was seized by the government of Kazakhstan for non-payment of financial obligations by Russia's NASA, Roscosmos. This was not an oversight. It shows that Putin is so "strapped for cash" that he cannot pay his normal bills.
Please watch as things develop over the next few months. Do not fear any nuclear weapons flying in your direction! Do brace for some wild turbulence in financial markets. I shall close with a Chinese proverb from thousands of years ago that I love as follows:
"May you live in interesting times."

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1   richwicks   2023 Mar 24, 8:08am  

ohomen171 says

I am proud to have as one of our readers Denys Davydov. He is a Ukrainian airline pilot turned blogger. Long ago, a movie came out with Peter Sellers-"Our Man In Havana." Denys Davdov is "Our Man In Ukraine."

What's his name on this site?
2   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 24, 8:51am  

Two predictions in one thread. Juicy.
3   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 24, 9:14am  

Russia is broke in the same way we're broke because Biden can't pay off the Student Loans.
4   richwicks   2023 Mar 24, 12:34pm  

cisTits says

Russia will collapse because of demographics. But not for another 10 - 20 years.

I doubt it but time will tell. This war will go on for so long, that the US propaganda will stop mentioning it, Ukraine will be destroyed, Europe might suffer a bit unless the US can really delivery on Energy. It will end with Ukraine being divided up. Just another bullshit war.
5   stereotomy   2023 Mar 24, 12:56pm  

At least Jack can keep his caps in order, although paragraph formatting is remiss.
6   Shaman   2023 Mar 24, 2:52pm  

At this rate, there won’t be any Ukrainians left by the time the dollars run out and Zelenskyy scampers off to his chalet in Switzerland.
Russia will quietly absorb most of that territory and Biden administration will go down in flames as the worst foreign policy administration in several generations.

Maybe we will even care, but I doubt it because things aren’t going to be great in the USA then.
7   Ceffer   2023 Mar 24, 2:59pm  

These threads are the only place I get a hint of the pure, unadulterated propaganda straight from the tap. That people can continue to be so ludicrously deceived, well, that's another issue. Maybe those vaxxes do have zombie juice.
8   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 28, 8:12am  

cisTits says

Shaman says

Zelenskyy scampers off to his chalet in Switzerland.

What makes you think he hasn't been there the whole time?

What makes anyone think Zelensky even exists?

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