If The Nukes Start To Pop In Ukraine..

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2022 Sep 19, 10:48am   9,549 views  75 comments

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(Even if it is a tiny 5kt warhead used on a British training camp in Ukraine)

Ppl will fucking PANIC like it is May (or was it March?) 18th 2020 again.

The fools (majority) will swarm COSTCO to buy up all the water and toilet paper.

The (few) smart ppl will get straight into their cars and floor it out of Dodge, period. The freeways will still jam up because of all the accidents caused by these peeps tho.

The Survivalists will throw out all the wife's crap that has accumulated in their bunker and button up tight.

But if Russia uses chemical weapons, ppl won't care.

Such is the Power of Nukes of any size.

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41   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:19pm  

Russian authorities have denied mobilization 15 times

Officials, including the president, have denied mobilization plans 15 times since the start of the war with Ukraine, according to The Moscow Times.

There were three denials a week before.

March 8, President Vladimir Putin: "There will be no additional call-up of reservists from the reserve."

March 25, Andrey Klishas, head of the constitutional committee of the Federation Council: “Mobilization is not envisaged. A complete travel ban for all Russians or groups of the population is also not.”

May 4, press secretary of President Peskov: "This is not true, this is nonsense."

May 5, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin: “No. No. I will tell you on the air and without the air” (to the question about mobilization).

May 5, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense Yuri Shvytkin: "Rumors appear with reference to foreign sources in order to sow some confusion, panic among the population."

May 6, Ministry of Culture: “This is a fake” (about armor from mobilization for cultural workers).

May 20, Andrey Gurulev, a member of the Duma Defense Committee: “The bill on lifting the age limit for contract servicemen cannot be considered any form of mobilization.”

June 14, the head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense Viktor Bondarev: "An additional conscription into the Russian army in the light of the special operation will not be required."

June 16, Peskov: "These are false informational stuffing"

June 21, Peskov: "These are pure fakes"

July 26, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: "A number of foreign media disseminate unreliable information about allegedly some kind of mobilization activities."

September 12, Senator Andrei Klimov: “There is no need to introduce mobilization. The enemy would very much like mobilization to begin in Russia, then the people would begin to seethe and they would get the main thing.

September 11, State Duma deputy Andrey Gurulev: "Today there is no such need."

September 13, the head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky: "There is no need to be afraid of stuffing about mobilization."

September 13, Peskov: "At the moment, no, this is out of the question."
--- Moscow Times
42   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 21, 8:51pm  


Russian authorities have denied mobilization 15 times

Suck England’s cock somewhere else.

If it bothers you that Putler lies about what they are going to do, why don’t you go to Moscow and tell him how you really feel?

Russia is asshoe for what they are doing to Ukraine, but let’s be honest, the west is ALSO asshoe for what they have done and are continuing to do to Ukraine. This war would not be happening without the west pulling the strings. Russia is just playing their part. The new world order is pulling the strings.
43   AD   2022 Sep 21, 9:20pm  

It is about saving face for Putin and declaring victory, which I suspect Putin will once Russia secures eastern Ukraine areas like Dombas, Kershon,and Maripol.

I think that is why they are mobilizing +300,000 reservists in order to occupy these areas (i.e., "boots on the ground" and waving the Russian flag).

Putin has to declare victory to the Russian people to ensure his political future and protect his legacy. That is why Putin is making threats like use of nuclear weapons because it has escalated that much in his psychotic mind.

I am not sure what else they can do other than steal whatever has not been looted or stolen from those areas like refrigerators, LCD TV's, and any industrial equipment remaining like CNC routers, etc.

44   AD   2022 Sep 21, 9:30pm  

Ceffer says


Notice they don't include Kharkiv. Still a significant amount of Ukraine that borders Russia would not be a Russian puppet or satellite state. But like a virus, I suspect Russia will try to move its control further west into Ukraine.

45   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 22, 5:33am  

And then Ukraine's shelling of the breakaway regions will then be shelling Russia.
46   socal2   2022 Sep 22, 7:08am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

And then Ukraine's shelling of the breakaway regions will then be shelling Russia.

What will Russia do then? Call up more cannon fodder? Fire moar North Korean artillery rounds? Empty more prisons?

Are they really going to use tactical nukes on the border of their newly stolen land and enjoy hanging onto territory immediately downstream of a radioactive wasteland with all the rivers running through it?

Russia has already blown their wad and are embarrassing themselves more by the day.
47   richwicks   2022 Sep 22, 7:20am  

Ceffer says

I don't see a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, or toilet but there's parking for 9 cars.

Yeah, that looks like government level incompetence.
48   Ceffer   2022 Sep 22, 11:51am  

Hopium for our Russkie haters and Nazi denialistas.
49   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 12, 9:10pm  

Time to put the whole "NUKES!!!! NUKES!!!" bullshit to rest: we've just witnessed a newly-annexed and declared "Russian forever" Kherson taken back by Ukies and all Pukin could squeeze out of himself was "it's an orderly retreat to prepared positions". Shittested (again) and failed (again).

Chicken Littles should sleep well tonight - the sky is not falling on their tiny sculls hosting even tinier brains.
50   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 12, 9:28pm  

Shaman says

I think someone is bucking for the toaster…

Needs an update for "I'm leaving Twitter! Evil Billionaires (but not Soros or Gates)!"
51   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 7, 11:47am  

Stick a fork in it, folks:

Vladimir Putin has said the threat of a nuclear war was rising, but insisted Russia had not "gone mad" and would not use its nuclear weapons first.

....he asserted that Russia would "under no circumstances" use the weapons first, and would not threaten anyone with its nuclear arsenal.

"We have not gone mad, we are aware of what nuclear weapons are," he said, adding: "We aren't about to run around the world brandishing this weapon like a razor."

52   WookieMan   2022 Dec 7, 2:07pm  

cisTits says

He was referring to strategic nuclear weapons, not tactical.

He won't do it either way. He'd be dead in 24-48 hours if he launched a nuke of any kind. Not sure why this is even a conversation. What good does it do to be melted and shit on with radioactive shit? That's the outcome. I don't think that's called winning.
53   Misc   2022 Dec 8, 9:03pm  

If a nuke goes off, everyone outside of Western nations will assume it was a Western nation that detonated it.
54   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 24, 5:40am  

Will Pukin nuke Rostov now? How about Voronezh? Both?
55   Bd6r   2023 Jun 24, 6:09am  


Will Pukin nuke Rostov now? How about Voronezh? Both?

Both have been bombed already. But since this can not happen, must be CIA propaganda
56   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 27, 9:54am  

Sooo, what would be the red line crossing of which triggers "zee nukez"?

Bombing of the Kerch bridge? - crossed 3x

Bombing of various installations on Crimea territory? - crossed 100x

Kicking Red war criminals out of newly-annexed territories? - crossed

Incursions into the USSR proper across 1991 border? - crossed

Bombing of various strategic targets, including elements of the nuclear triade, deep inside USSR's 1991 borders? - crossed

Bombing of Kremlin dome? - crossed

Tricemation and beheading of the Red Fleet and turning it into a flotila? - crossed

How many more shittests will Pukin fail?
57   Onvacation   2023 Sep 27, 1:13pm  


How many more shittests will Pukin fail?

How far are you willing to push Russia?

One stated goal of our Ukraine war with Russia is to weaken their military. Another stated goal is to break up the Russian nation.

Do you really think it is worth the risk of thermonuclear war to prop up the illegitimate Zelensky regime?
58   socal2   2023 Sep 27, 1:54pm  

Onvacation says

One stated goal of our Ukraine war with Russia is to weaken their military. Another stated goal is to break up the Russian nation.

There is no formal US policy to break up Russia. You sound like the bonkers paranoid Russian apparatchiks on RT.

Once Russia stops illegally invading their sovereign neighbor the killing and threat of nuclear war goes away overnight.
59   richwicks   2023 Sep 27, 1:59pm  

socal2 says

There is no formal US policy to break up Russia.

But it's clearly what the US is attempting to do.


socal2 says

Once Russia stops illegally invading their sovereign neighbor the killing and threat of nuclear war goes away overnight.

What's wrong with illegal invasions of sovereign nations? The US does it ALL THE TIME.
60   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 27, 7:42pm  

socal2 says

There is no formal US policy to break up Russia. You sound like the bonkers paranoid Russian apparatchiks on RT.

Do you even know how to use Google?

A U.S. government body held a Congressional briefing plotting ways to break up Russia as a country, in the name of supposed “decolonization.”

Titled “Decolonizing Russia: A Moral and Strategic Imperative,” the June 23 briefing was organized by the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), known more commonly as the Helsinki Commission.

This commission claims to be “independent,” but it is a U.S. government agency created and overseen by Congress.

This “Decolonizing Russia” briefing is one of a growing number of examples of the U.S. government co-opting left-wing rhetoric in order to advance its imperial interests.

61   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 28, 8:44pm  

iwog2 says

Ukey Bullshit Counter-offensive Paid By You And Me.

We were promised that they would be at the Sea of Azov MONTHS ago.

62   Onvacation   2023 Sep 28, 8:51pm  

socal2 says

There is no formal US policy to break up Russia.

Then why do they want to weaken Russia's military?

Is there an informal policy to break up Russia?

If so, the fight is here in the US. The fight is HERE in the US.

Fucking warmongers.
63   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 3, 12:30pm  

Aaaand they now calling for popping nukes inside their own Lebensraum:

Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan called for detonating a nuclear bomb over Siberia.

She said that if a thermonuclear explosion is carried out over Siberia, then supposedly “there will be no nuclear winter, and no one will die from cancer, but all radio electronics and all satellites will be disabled.”

According to the editor-in-chief of the propaganda publication RT, then “we will return to something like ’93 – with wired telephones.”

“We lived wonderfully, and she will even be happy, because then I won’t have to explain to the children why everyone has gadgets and they don’t,” she said.

According to her, this option remains, and it is “the most humane, the most herbivorous.”

The broad:

64   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 3, 12:31pm  

Onvacation says

Then why do they want to weaken Russia's military?

To stop it from attacking its neighbor thus fulfilling our (ant their, btw) obligations under Budapest Memorandum of 1994 which was signed by the US, the UK and the USSR in exchange for Ukraine giving up 2400 literal THERMONUCLEAR WARHEADS and delivery vehicles for them. Don't pretent you didn't know about that little detail - that's Cucker Tarlson shtick and you wouldn't want to take food out of his kids mouths, would you?
65   AD   2023 Oct 3, 12:36pm  

Eric Holder says

To stop it from attacking its neighbor thus fulfilling our (ant their, btw) obligations under Budapest Memorandum of 1994, duh.

A lot of it is about the Kremlin protecting its the Russian identity. Its about trying to get back as close as possible when Russia had a lot of influence over the Baltic states, and eastern Europe. Some of it is nationalistic and ethnic identity and the rest is financial interests.

Go back to when Yanukovych backed out of joining the EU and accepted Russia's trade deal and loan guarantees. That was set off his ousting as President of Ukraine.

66   Ceffer   2023 Oct 3, 3:49pm  

Well, on the bright side, after nuclear armageddon, Ukraine's puffed wheat harvest will be spectacular.
67   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 20, 8:25am  

Another shittest failed:

These still holding their breaths for "nukes" should probably stop by now.
68   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 20, 11:37am  

What happened? I thought loose talk about "nukes this and nukes that" was fun... Why the long face now?

Russian state run media is reporting Friday that the Kremlin is closely monitoring a high-explosive experiment that the U.S. carried out this week at a nuclear test site in Nevada.

Wednesday's test used chemicals and radioisotopes to "validate new predictive explosion models" that can help detect atomic blasts in other countries, Bloomberg reported, citing the Department of Energy.

The Interfax News Agency said Friday that Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters at a briefing that Russia is now closely monitoring the situation.

"Earlier, the Federation Council [of the Federal Assembly of Russia] stated that the underground tests on October 18 in Nevada should be given an international legal assessment, since the United States is a signatory to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and is obliged to refrain from violating this agreement," Interfax also reported.

Corey Hinderstein, deputy administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation at the National Nuclear Security Administration, said in a statement, "These experiments advance our efforts to develop new technology in support of U.S. nuclear nonproliferation goals."

"They will help reduce global nuclear threats by improving the detection of underground nuclear explosive tests," he added.

The U.S. test is notable because of its timing. Russian lawmakers have announced their intention to revoke their ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

A bill will go to the Russian upper house, the Federation Council, which will consider it next week. Federation Council lawmakers have already said they will support the bill.

The treaty, adopted in 1996, bans all nuclear explosions anywhere in the world, although it has never fully entered into force. In addition to the U.S., it is yet to be ratified by China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, Iran and Egypt.

-- Fox
69   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 11, 6:56pm  

Well, well, well, lookie here:


Turns out, back in 1993 Mearsheimer still had some brains in his head. Or hasn't taken money from a certain organization yet...
70   Onvacation   2024 Jun 12, 6:17am  

Eric Holder says

Don't pretent you didn't know about that little detail - that's Cucker Tarlson shtick and you wouldn't want to take food out of his kids mouths, would you?

Hunter is not hungry.

Why do you suppose US politician's children get paid huge sums of money from Ukraine? What did Hunter actually do for Burisma? Why don't we investigate?

Not expecting cogent answers.
71   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 14, 8:27am  

Onvacation says

Eric Holder says

Don't pretent you didn't know about that little detail - that's Cucker Tarlson shtick and you wouldn't want to take food out of his kids mouths, would you?

Hunter is not hungry.

Why do you suppose US politician's children get paid huge sums of money from Ukraine? What did Hunter actually do for Burisma? Why don't we investigate?

Not expecting cogent answers.

From USSR, "akshually". Zlochevsky - Burisma owner- was a member of Yanukovich cabinet and fled after his patron fled. He was a head of what is their equivalent of DoE and was funneling lucrative government energy leases to his own company (Corruption? You wouldn't say!) Just like his boss he had long ties with the KGB and was part of the plot to absorb Ukraine back into the USSR. After fleeing Ukraine he hired Hunter as a poison pill to protect his assets from being investigated by the new powers and it worked to the point he felt safe to return (briefly). He's back under criminal investigation since 2019 (after Hunted left Burisma, lol) and fled again.

So here you are - cogent answers which were given many times and ignored.

And you didn't seriosly ask why Bidet doesn't investigate himself, did you?

TL;DR: Hunter took money from a KGB-affiliated enemy of Ukraine to
protect him from anti-corruption investigation. It resumed after Hunter left.
72   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 14, 8:32am  

Why One Does Not Negotiate with Nuclear Terrorists, ex-‪IISSorg‬ William Alberque:

74   RWSGFY   2024 Aug 13, 6:23am  

Soo, a week into Ukrainian Special Military Operation on Soviet soil proper, 480 sq.km. lost to advancing "Nazis" (not my number but Soviet MoD's admission), at least 80 thousand civilians displaced, 28 towns and villages lost (again, Soviet MoD number) and it's treated by the Soviets like basically nothingburger, "a provocation" (Pukin's words, not mine). And not even a peep about anything nukelar anymore. 🤡

All that nuclear posturing was aimed at gullible scaredy Western chicken littles and everybody who knows the Soviets fucking told them so, but nobody listened to them. The war could've been over for almost two years now if fucking Potato and his Obongo admin leftovers gave all necessary arms to the Ukies back in the fall of 2022 instead of making them halt Kharkiv offensive half-way, forcing them to let 40,000 of best Red Army troops escape Kherson cauldron and drip-feeding weapons and ammo at snail pace waiting for "reasonable Pukin" to come to his senses (and giving the Soviets time to regroup, mobilize new cannon fodder, fortify lines of defense and adapt to new weapons like HIMARS).

Fucking weak-ass pussies.
75   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 13, 8:25am  

I automatically dislike comments that misuse the word 'Soviet'.

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