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2   apex   2022 Sep 25, 10:35pm  

> Meloni's Right-Wing Alliance Wins Clear Majority In Italian Elections

I won't celebrate until Meloni's government is formed AND it refuses to go along with the EU/NATO's Ukraine policy. Frankly, I am not holding my breath for that to happen because...

1. Meloni has made statements that suggest she is an Atlanticist
2. The EU has usurped most foreign policy decisions from its member states
3. The EU recently introduced a measure to remove veto power over Russia-policy from its members. Most people thought it was targeting Hungary, but I believe it was to prevent Italy from blocking EU's agenda
4. Italian governments have a half-life of less than a year, and the deep-state will have plenty of options to keep Meloni off her balance during her term
3   Onvacation   2022 Sep 26, 5:44am  

The US will have to invade to restore democracy!
4   Patrick   2022 Sep 26, 11:23am  


original link

Again, I would not fall into the trap of calling her "right wing".

She is a centrist, someone whose views were simply common sense before the violent globalist far left took over most governments.

Saying 2 + 2 = 4 should never be considered "right wing".
5   stereotomy   2022 Sep 26, 11:31am  

Men have allowed themselves to be dealt out of the discussion table. Only now are the women realizing that without men, real men, they can't stand against what's coming - the WEF/FAG/Tranny apocalypse.

Let the women beg, beg as their daughters are taken from them and have their budding tits cut off,

Let them beg, as their children report them to the school boards when they object to cocksucking lessons taught to their children.

Beg, beg, and beg, but only when it's too late. That is the nature of women - they are waiting for the men to lead, when they have dealt men out already. Who remains now? Stand up you groveling bitches, if not for your men, then for your children.
6   EBGuy   2022 Sep 26, 2:45pm  

For context, here's the full Chesterton quote (I've highlighted the parts Meloni used in her speech).
Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”

― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics
7   Patrick   2022 Sep 26, 6:21pm  


Meloni has promised that she has moderated her views and has said she supports NATO and Ukraine.

She needs to find the balls to tell NATO to fuck off.
8   gabbar   2022 Oct 1, 3:45pm  

Patrick says

Again, I would not fall into the trap of calling her "right wing".

She is a centrist, someone whose views were simply common sense before the violent globalist far left took over most governments.

Saying 2 + 2 = 4 should never be considered "right wing".

Left wing is the true right wing
9   Erasmus   2022 Oct 1, 4:03pm  

I am all for the values being preached but I want to see results otherwise it s just business as usual … how many time did we hear beautiful words of reason then once the ascension is complete nothing but smoke and mirrors is left … the same applies to all the MAGA movement and yes of course I will vote for the change but I won’t call it a victory until I see real changes … and don’t call me a skeptic I am just a realist (just think about the tea party where is it now?)
10   gabbar   2022 Oct 1, 4:09pm  

Here's the link to the entire speech of centrist Giorgia Meloni
11   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 20, 7:03pm  

Patrick says


original link

Again, I would not fall into the trap of calling her "right wing".

She is a centrist, someone whose views were simply common sense before the violent globalist far left took over most governments.

Saying 2 + 2 = 4 should never be considered "right wing".

Georgia Meloni explains how France is forcing Africans to move to Europe. About one minute long:

12   mell   2022 Nov 20, 7:39pm  

Yeah, she's already working on shutting down all the Italian ports to ngos and getting other countries to do the same, so that those leftoids traffickers can go pound sand
13   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 21, 12:00pm  

mell says
she's already working on shutting down all the Italian ports to ngos and getting other countries to do the same, so that those leftoids traffickers can go pound sand

The latest news is that Italy refused to accept a so-called humanitarian rescue ship, the Ocean Viking with migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Africa. So the ship was forced to take the migrants to France and Macron retaliated by calling Italy "disgusting and irresponsible" and closed the French/Italian border for new migrants.

Unfortunately for Macron, the Italians do not see the Ocean Viking as a humanitarian rescue ship. It is a Globalist ship that is actually smuggling Asian and African migrants into Europe to frankly eradicate Western civilization and Christianity.

This is the response from Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - about 2 minutes long.

14   EBGuy   2022 Nov 21, 2:53pm  

The_Deplorable says

This is the response from Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - about 2 minutes long.

That is footage from 2018.
In recently unearthed footage, Meloni can be seen speaking at the Atreju convention in September 2018, an annual event typically attended by Italy’s right-wing politicians, in which she accuses the French president of impoverishing African states and recklessly causing the migration crisis in North Africa that Italy has had to combat for the last decade.
“Emmanuel Marcron described us as disgusting, cynics, and irresponsible,” she told the conference.
“The irresponsible, Emmanuel Macron, are those who bombed Libya because they were concerned that Italy would obtain important energy concessions with [former Libyan leader] Gaddafi, and left us facing the chaos of illegal immigration we are facing now,” she said to much applause.
15   Ceffer   2022 Nov 21, 2:59pm  

Macron Satanist Puppet. It's wonderful to virtue signal while being a Globalist imperialist defender of genocide, exploitation and enslavement.
16   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 21, 3:29pm  

> That is footage from 2018

Thank you for the correction.. Originally I saw the reference in Zero Hedge in an article that was posted earlier today titled: "Italy 2 - 0 France: Meloni Crushes Macron Amid Migrant Crisis." https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/italy-2-0-france-meloni-crushes-macron-amid-migrant-crisis.

17   EBGuy   2022 Nov 21, 4:00pm  

Another video of Meloni that is circulating is from 2019 . The zerohedge article posted by The_Deplorable has a screen grab from it.
Meloni: This is called the CFA franc. It is the colonial currency that France prints for 14 African nations, to which it applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations...
18   richwicks   2022 Nov 21, 4:08pm  

EBGuy says

Another video of Meloni that is circulating is from 2019 . The zerohedge article posted by The_Deplorable has a screen grab from it.
Meloni: This is called the CFA franc. It is the colonial currency that France prints for 14 African nations, to which it applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations...

Here's a copy of the video:

original link

Now something we ought to be careful with is - is she telling the truth? She IS a politician after all, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she's telling the absolute truth.
19   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 22, 11:39am  

> Now something we ought to be careful with is - is she telling the truth?

Yes. Just look at the US borders that do not exist.

And this is Donald Trump on the same issue six years ago: A campaign ad with over 7.2 million views despite being censored for a while.

20   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 24, 11:21am  

Italy is now an enemy of France!

The French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin called Italy an "enemy" of France and said that Italy is "attacking France." And this, in response to a question by a member of the French Parliament:

"In fact, madam, you are not patriotic if you ally yourself with the enemies who are attacking France at the moment," Darmanin said in response to a question by Paris. "You are siding with Madam (Giorgia) Meloni and her government who did not respect international law, instead you are attacking French policemen," he added.

See https://www.zerohedge.com/political/french-interior-minister-labels-italy-enemy-france-after-migration-row

Actually it is Gerald Darmanin who is an enemy of France for failing to defend France, French borders, French culture and civilization and Christianity.

21   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 11, 11:00pm  

A private clinic opened in Lucca, Italy devoted to patients who have been injured by the untested and experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

"The clinic was opened by a group of doctors and health workers who were recently reinstated to their positions after newly-elected Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government removed discriminatory legislation that barred vaccine-free Italians from working in healthcare..." https://www.globalresearch.ca/medical-clinic-treating-people-injured-covid-shot-opens-italy/5801056

Prior to Meloni all Italians were required to be vaccinated or provide proof that they recovered from COVID in order to work. In addition all those over 50 had to be vaccinated or pay a fine every month.

And hopefully the Italians now have access to HCQ and Ivermectin - medications that cure Covid within hours.

22   richwicks   2022 Dec 12, 2:14am  

The_Deplorable says

And hopefully the Italians now have access to HCQ and Ivermectin - medications that cure Covid within hours.

To the best of my knowledge, Ivermectin prevents viral replication. It doesn't cure it.

I don't know much about hydroxychloroquine but I do know it's fairly easy to overdose on. Ivermectin is VERY HARD to OD on. I wouldn't take hydroxychloroquine without supervision, but I would take Ivermectin without it.
23   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 12, 2:25pm  

richwicks says
I don't know much about hydroxychloroquine but I do know it's fairly easy to overdose on.... I wouldn't take hydroxychloroquine without supervision,

This is not correct. HCQ is a major medication against Covid with a very high efficacy and HCQ is the most widely used medication on the planet. HCQ is an antimalarial drug and its usage exceeds that of Aspirin - and it is in fact safer than Aspirin.

Right now we have a database of 452 HCQ COVID-19 medical studies, 354 peer reviewed, 373 comparing treatment and control groups that prove massively and decisively that HCQ wipes out Covid within hours. See:


24   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 13, 11:02am  

Earlier I wrote: "HCQ is a major medication against Covid with a very high efficacy and HCQ is the most widely used medication on the planet. HCQ is an antimalarial drug and its usage exceeds that of Aspirin - and it is in fact safer than Aspirin." In addition:

1. In 2005, the CDC and Fauci knew that Chloroquine and it's milder derivative Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) kills all the viruses of the Corona family of viruses. Back then Fauci had nothing but praise for HCQ. This was the result of the 2003 Corona virus flu outbreak against the SARS-Cov virus.

2. In early 2020 - a year before the arrival of the untested and experimental vaccines - Dr. Didier Raoult of France - a Medical Doctor, a Ph.D Virologist, a Professor of Medicine, and one of the world's top experts on flu viruses - was using HCQ to fight Covid with Spectacular Results. HCQ kills Covid in less than a week with an efficacy around 99%.

3. Given that HCQ has an efficacy around 99% against Covid-19 then a placebo group is not needed to validate HCQ as a cure against Covid.
Dr. Raoult: "To those who say there has to be thirty multi-centered studies with a thousand patients, I reply that if we had to apply these existing methodological rules, we would have to re-do a study on the usefulness of the parachute. Take a hundred people, half with parachutes and half without and count the dead at the end to see which is the best method." https://thesaker.is/interview-with-professor-didier-raoult-in-the-parisien-newspaper-22-march-2020/

4. Dr. Raoult: "When you have a treatment that works versus zero other available treatments, this treatment should be the norm. And I am free to proscribe it as a doctor. It is not necessary to obey the orders of the state to treat patients. The recommendations of the Health Authority are advice, but not binding. Since Hippocrates, the doctor does what is best, to the best of his knowledge according to the state of scientific knowledge."

5. Remember, HCQ cures Covid for less than a dime.

6. It is against the law in the United States to employ an untested and experimental vaccine in the presence of medications that cure Covid.

25   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 15, 6:13pm  

richwicks says
To the best of my knowledge, Ivermectin prevents viral replication. It doesn't cure it.

Ivermectin cures Covid massively and decisively. Right now American doctors are prescribing Ivermectin with spectacular success.

See Summary here:

Details here: https://c19ivermectin.com/

"Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies. 189 studies, 139 peer reviewed, 93 with results comparing treatment and control groups..."

Finally this is Dr.Pierre Kory on Big Pharma attempts to suppress the use of Ivermectin:

" I am tired of presenting the efficacy data. The "debate" of the efficacy of ivermectin has long ceased to be a "data argument," despite the attempts to make it one by claiming the world over that it’s efficacy is "unproven..." never has a single generic drug posed as large a threat to industry profit nor have they ever committed such openly brazen and widespread criminalities using unprecedented levels of informational control."

26   Misc   2022 Dec 16, 11:58pm  

Back to Italy...

The new people in charge of the government have figured out that there is nothing "new" they can really do. The ECB has raised rates from a negative 1/2 a point to a positive 2%. Their debt to GDP ratio is about 150%. This new rate increase causes the spending to go up about 3% of GDP. It's deficit as a percent of GDP is about 5.6% for 2022. That will increase for 2023 unless the government cuts back spending (good luck with that when they are heading into a recession) or increases taxes (right leaning governments usually wanna reduce taxes not increase them).

With the massive debt/deficits and all around corruption, nobody is there to buy these newly issued Italian bonds to keep Italy operating except the ECB. The new government ain't gonna be able to explain to the people why they can't make things better.

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