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This is a violation of federal law.
COVID Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for under 70s confirmed at 0.1%.
If the very elderly had been protected and everyone else had carried on normally, COVID would have been defeated naturally within two months. Who knew?
Joel Smalley
1 hr ago
To 4 decimal places, the age-stratified risk of death IF infected in the first place:
0-19 years = ZERO
20-29 years = ZERO
30-39 years = 0.01%
40-49 years = 0.04%
50-59 years = 0.13%
60-69 years = 0.50%
These estimates are virtually unchanged from those made in early 2020. So, yeah, we all knew. But only a few did anything about it.
Covid Death Risk Near Zero for Most People, Study Confirms
Frank BergmanOctober 18, 2022
One of America’s leading medical scientists has confirmed in a new study that the risk of death from COVID-19 is near zero for the vast majority of people.
For the past two years, Stanford University medical scientist John Ioannidis has been arguing that lockdowns, school closures, and vaccine and mask mandates are unnecessary.
Along with the creators of the Great Barrington Declaration, Ioannidis has argued that data shows the risk of death is almost non-existent for most people.
The risk factor for most people is exponentially smaller than for the vulnerable.
Typically the elderly, who already are afflicted with multiple serious illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, are at the highest risk of death.
These people, he has insisted, could be cared for in nursing, assisted living, and private homes with early treatments while the healthy are allowed to go about their business.
Now, Ioannidis has published a pre-print study concluding that among people under 70 years old around the world, the infection fatality rates for COVID-19 range from 0% to 0.57%, or a little more than one-half of 1%.
New Study from Ioannidis: Covid’s IFR in 2020 Was Less Than 0.1% for Those Under 70, Even Lower Than Previously Believed
it is incredibly easy to overstate disease counts if you
use oversensitive PCR tests
and count nosocomial cases where dying people in hospitals (whose immune systems are functioning poorly and leave them wide open to opportunistic infection) test positive for trace exposure
test all deaths for covid
and use a lagging tail as many countries and states did where any death within 28 days of a positive covid test is called a covid death.
this last one led to all manner of oddities from “drug OD: that’s covid” to “eaten by a rogue lion while running a record pace in the boston marathon: yup, that’s covid” to the really nasty version of “died of vaccine complications: call it covid (long or otherwise)” ...
this counting has been used and abused to support narrative.
and it still is.
when leaders wanted “max fear” they pushed max counting.
when it was politically convenient for covid to go away, suddenly hospitals and agencies adopted “from/for, not with” as talking points. ...
And there we have it with today's Wonder data drop folks.
Undeniable smoking gun proof.
CDC is now (post 'system upgrade') unilaterally shifting Cancer UCoD deaths to Covid UCoD deaths (even trivial nosocomial cases of Covid). Thereby hiding the stark cancer increase from you. ...
are we really to believe that all of a sudden people are dying in droves from covid and just happen to have cancer but that covid was the primary killer?
And there we have it with today's Wonder data drop folks.
Undeniable smoking gun proof.
CDC is now (post 'system upgrade') unilaterally shifting Cancer UCoD deaths to Covid UCoD deaths (even trivial nosocomial cases of Covid). Thereby hiding the stark cancer increase from you.
So what did they find?
The median infection fatality rate for those aged 0-59 was 0.035%.
This represents 86% of the global population and the survival rate for those who were infected with COVID pre-vaccination was 99.965%.
For those aged 0-69, which covers 94% of the global population, the fatality rate was 0.095%, meaning the survival rate for nearly 7.3 billion people was 99.905%.
Those survival rates are obviously staggeringly high, which already creates frustration that restrictions were imposed on all age groups, when focused protection for those over 70 or at significantly elevated risk would have been a much more preferable course of action.
But it gets worse.
The researchers broke down the demographics into smaller buckets, showing the increase in risk amongst older populations, and conversely, how infinitesimal the risk was amongst younger age groups.
Ages 60-69, fatality rate 0.501%, survival rate 99.499%
Ages 50-59, fatality rate 0.129%, survival rate 99.871%
Ages 40-49, fatality rate 0.035% survival rate 99.965%
Ages 30-39, fatality rate 0.011%, survival rate 99.989%
Ages 20-29, fatality rate 0.003%, survival rate 99.997%
Ages 0-19, fatality rate 0.0003%, survival rate 99.9997%
our hospitals are generally good at treatments.
About 16 million people have Long Covid. About 2-4 million are out of the workforce because of it.
Covid has about the mortality rate as the measles, but yes in a lot of cases it would fuck a person up without killing them.
But here’s the thing…
According to the official death tally, there were only thirty six thousand COVID deaths in spring 2020 in England, making it (Piers Morgan cover your eyes now) a rather ordinary “flu” by recent standards.
About 16 million people have Long Covid. About 2-4 million are out of the workforce because of it.
Covid has about the mortality rate as the measles, but yes in a lot of cases it would fuck a person up without killing them.
To drive the death count as high as possible, directly harmful medical protocols were put in place including ventilators, which were known early on to have a death rate in Covid positive patients in the 90th percentile. My theory is not that Covid is necessarily even more lethal and deadly to the elderly so much is that those institutionalized, when removed from the watchful eye of family advocates, could have anything done to them with no pushback whatsoever. Midsalom? Starvation and thirst due to care workers abandoning their post? Remdesiver? Putting Covid positive back in care homes? Depression and loss of will to live due to isolation? It’s all a Covid death!
Recent data shows that early estimates of fatality in the covid pandemic over-predicted deaths by as much as tenfold in younger people
Massive Pandemic Data Fraud Exposed: 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fabricated
If all indications are correct, Election Day will see a massive red wave, sweeping Republicans into power in the House, Senate, governorships, and statehouses across the country. The mood will be grim for Democrats — the night is dark and the knives are long — but there is hope right around the corner in the form of a tool they have long had at the ready: the return of Covid.
Understand, there will be no actual return of Covid in anything resembling its initial offering. It is unlikely to kill more people than it has in recent months. But what will change is Democratic acceptance of the idea that Covid is over, or that it can no longer be used as justification for emergency steps and massive spending packages.
Joe Biden announced earlier this year that he considered the pandemic over, creating a potentially disastrous problem for Democrats. But this is easily dismissed. There is still a daily death toll, and CNN could begin tracking it again any minute now. The stakes remain high. Teachers must be protected. Distancing must be the norm. Biden’s own CDC director has gotten Covid approximately 400 times. And who’s to say there won’t be some new variant or mutation to highlight that ensures Anthony Fauci and his replacement a perpetual spot in the media cycle? ...
The point is not to actually save anyone, of course. It’s to keep Americans on a paranoid defensive emergency posture, where the elite powers that be know best. The voters are about to reject that very idea — it turns out they care more about the price of gas, milk, and turkeys than the umpteenth January 6 hearing — so they must be reminded of their place.
Australian Media: "Majestic Princess cruise with 800 COVID-19 patients set to dock in Sydney"
Three years later and the press is still reporting cruise ship outbreaks like they matter. I just want everything to stop being so stupid.
According to press reports, some of these 800 people feel mildly unwell, while others feel totally healthy. Nobody is dying or seriously ill in any way. Regardless of anybody’s actual medical condition, all 800 have been confined to quarters, while the rest of the passengers have been required to don masks, and – I swear this is real – “crew members have been advised to wear full PPE.”
Did Any Women Die in 2020 Because Of Covid in Vermont?
Shockingly, the answer might actually be no.
Three years later and the press is still reporting cruise ship outbreaks like they matter. I just want everything to stop being so stupid.
From the data above, Median infection fatality rate (IFR) during the PRE-VACCINATION ERA was:
0.0003% at 0–19 years
0.002% at 20–29 years
0.011% at 30–39 years
0.035% at 40–49 years
0.123% at 50–59 years
0.506% at 60–69 years
0.034% for people aged 0–59 years people
.095% for those aged 0–69 years.
These IFR estimates in the non-elderly population are much lower than previous calculations and models had suggested. ...
Yet, here we are. An important new paper (discussed above) documenting that the pre-vaccination case fatality rate was extremely low in the non-elderly population. That means more evidence the Ferguson’s models were wrong (again) and what do we hear from the state-sponsored media?
A colleague of mine who is in the U.S. Senate reported back to me recently that Republican senators were high-fiving each other about the success of Warp-speed based on Fergusons modeling data in a recently paper. You can’t make this stuff up.
The virologist defended the measures taken to contain the virus: “It was never about stopping the pandemic, it was clear from the beginning that that was not possible. But if we had done nothing at all, we would’ve had a million deaths or more in Germany in the successive waves through Delta. So we had to reduce contacts.”
There are more than 83 million people in Germany, which makes it hard to imagine how a virus with (at worst) a 0.5% infection fatality rate ever could’ve managed a million deaths. Even harder to imagine, is that Drosten is mistaken and not lying about this. He and the other Corona astrologers will go to their graves exaggerating the risk of the virus to justify their actions, but with every passing moment fewer and fewer will believe them. All that matters, is that not even Drosten can deny it now. The Corona era has drawn to a close.
For nearly 3 years - not just "since Omicron" - Covid-19 deaths have been severely overcounted.
I can show this in many ways, but in this thread, I'll highlight some things from Cook County (Chicago) & make connections to other people's previous & recent work. ...
IMO, the jurisdiction ended because swabbing every body with a PCR test was no longer as beneficial to The Narrative as it once was.
Among other things, Covid-attributed deaths were becoming increasingly detrimental to the vax campaign & to mid-term elections. ...
1 in 45,000
That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Aren't you glad we shut down the world!
We have known almost since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic that young people face much lower risks from Covid than the elderly.
But Dutch researchers now have offered what should be the last word on the issue, using data from a national registry to show that even people in their thirties and forties have a risk from Covid almost too low to measure.
Hard raw data: There never was a Covid Pandemic in Australia in 2020
But the injections caused an iatrogenic pandemic in 2021/2022
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