Effective Resistance Thread

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2022 Oct 1, 2:13pm   54,079 views  649 comments

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256   yawaraf   2023 Dec 30, 9:35pm  

HeadSet says

yawaraf says

I'm sure that for those interested it would be possible to sell produce grown in the garden.

For more than it cost? Most home growers cannot even give away the excess cucumbers.

If someone uses the land that is already available to him due to his living arrangements the cost can be close to zero, especially after the first year when he doesn't have to acquire seeds anymore.

His effective hourly wage might be very low, but it might be a better use of his time than watching TV.
257   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 30, 11:52pm  

Patrick says

Took the Romans centuries to pacify that part of Hispania.
258   Patrick   2023 Dec 31, 8:16pm  

Those northern areas were Celtic and Basque, people that are still rather hard to pacify.
259   Patrick   2023 Dec 31, 8:17pm  


The Fort Worth Star Telegram ran an encouraging story yesterday with this headline:

The restaurant has planned a gala, premium-priced New Year’s Eve party including a fire thrower, a magician, a palm reader, dinner, music, a DJ, and several drag performers offering “comedy and cabaret.” But, according to the story, after an “onslaught of complaints,” the restaurant changed up its New Year’s Eve programming, deleting the drag performers:

To be clear: neither I nor most people who complained about the show hate transsexual people. I’m not advocating to make drag illegal or banning it. But if most customers feel adding drag to the pricey New Year’s experience is offensive, either because it is immoral, disrespectful to women, or for whatever reason, then restaurants are right to adjust to customer preferences.

This demonstrates a hidden benefit to the shrinking economy. Without all the free government covid money, businesses are being forced to pay more attention to their customers which means less wokeness.
261   HeadSet   2024 Jan 1, 8:03am  

Patrick says

Those northern areas were Celtic and Basque, people that are still rather hard to pacify.

Celtics hard to pacify? Romans had no trouble subjecting them and the Germanics were able to kick them out of mainland Europe. Later on, the English easily dominated Scotland and Ireland, and that was after the Anglo-Saxons booted the Celts out of what became England. Even that was on the heels of the Danish ruling the Celts that lived in eastern Britain.
263   Patrick   2024 Jan 3, 11:03am  


Tennessee school district settles in court with young woman sent home for "Homosexuality is a Sin" shirt

Three years after being forced to return home for wearing a shirt professing part of her faith, a young Tennessee woman just won a nice little victory against school officials:

In a settlement agreement reached in November and shared with The Christian Post, the Overton County Board of Education in Tennessee agreed to pay $101 to Brielle Penkoski three years after she was sent home from the Livingston Academy public high school for wearing the shirt.

Okay, I just need to adjust my eyeglasses here a second and make sure I'm reading it right ...

Okay, so not exactly a bonanza. But it's a moral victory more than anything.
To be fair, the board is also shelling out for procedural fees:

The school board will also pay the plaintiff's attorney's fees and costs.

Penkoski, a minor when the lawsuit was first filed in 2020, "is the daughter of street preacher Rich Penkoski, who leads the online ministry Warriors for Christ."

Ask yourself if a shirt criticizing Christianity or promoting something directly opposed to its teachings would be allowed in schools. Of course it would. So if we truly live in a fair system, you'd also be allowed to wear shirts paraphrasing the Apostle Paul - you know, one of the bedrocks of Western civilization.

Here's First Corinthians 6:9-10:

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Rich Penkoski said the $100 payday was "way more than we thought she was going to get anyway out of this."

"The other part of this is all the teachers, at least from 2020, were told to start taking First Amendment courses," the preacher continued, adding that that requirement was "one of the things that I insisted on."

A good victory here, all told. Well done, everyone.
264   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 4, 10:13am  

GNL says

What is wrong with the catholic church? Religion doesn't change with society. It's supposed to be the guide of society. I would never be a catholic.

Keep in mind the local Diocese likely does not agree with Rome. I know the one we've attended here is Yuma definitely does not.
268   GNL   2024 Jan 4, 11:42am  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Yes, just like home printed money, one cannot but anything with home grown food. What is the point with this cartoon? Fruits and veggies are cheap, so growing at home is more for freshness and taste than making money. In fact, the costs including time of one's radish patch may be more expensive than just picking up a bag of radishes at the Safeway.

You're missing the point of FREEDOM and not being reliant.
282   Onvacation   2024 Jan 7, 3:23pm  

Patrick says

Make your car a rolling billboard

What would you write on your moving target vehicle?
288   Patrick   2024 Jan 10, 9:02am  


BOOM: National Park Service scraps plan to remove William Penn statue after public outcry ✊

Yeah, the Biden admin's park service was gonna "rehabilitate" Welcome Park in Philadelphia by removing the statue of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia.

Then everyone got angry at them and they decided they couldn't get away with this level of erasure... yet. ...

Y'all were gonna replace William Penn's statue with a Native American. A Native American who, if we're being honest, was likely treated 100% fairly by the Quaker Penn. See, unlike in your fantasies, Penn was actually quite friendly to the natives. Penn believed in religious tolerance and pacifism, signed a peace treaty with the natives, and paid them good money for their land. But either you ignored that because you wanted to tear down another statue of a white dude or you just plain didn't know history (and you wanted to tear down a statue of a white dude).
292   Patrick   2024 Jan 11, 5:29pm  


Before it was deleted a few years ago, a naughty website called “Tag The Sponsor” exposed many Instagram “influencers”. Posing as Middle Eastern sheik “sponsors”, TTS posted DM conversations in which they negotiated pay for play with the lovely Instagrammer “sponsorettes”. It answered a basic question: How are so many unemployed young women able to fly first class around the world, go on luxury shopping sprees, and lounge around yachts and luxury hotels all the time?

293   Patrick   2024 Jan 12, 9:32am  


The fear of many on the left is theocracy, they think conservatives want to install a repressive regime based on Christianity, putting everything “gay” back in the closet, teaching nothing in the schools but the bible, abortions for the daughters and concubines of the rich but not for the poors and professional class. That is fever dream stuff mostly, most conservatives would simply rather we teach reading, writing and arithmetic in schools, rather than what seems like the current goal of creating functionally illiterate, quasi-Marxist, social justice/gender zealots; they would like for every vote to be actually accounted for; they would like to reduce the scope of a federal government and really an every-government-level technocratic managerial State that has become like a colonizing occupier. ...

The Existential threat is a quasi-religious cult that is at once Marxist but also like the priesthood of late, in-decline jungle and fertile crescent empires of antiquity, sacrificing children to their god of Progress, eugenically genociding people with The Science of gender, race, climate and pharmaceutical superstition, using the law like a flame thrower, chaos manifest, destroyer of worlds, the insatiable goddess of death emergent, killing indiscriminately to save the world. ...

Liberal professional women are merely fulfilling the mission of neoliberalism without understanding, believing themselves to be at the leading edge of evolution but merely being functionaries in a system designed for total global domination. That system was never going to dominate the entire world, the only result could be the descent into some all-pervading authoritarian dystopia, hubris and doom.

Here is a little reminder of who these people are, the kind of message that reverberated throughout the “liberal” world, HR departments and the managerial technocracy. This was not about a virus. There has been ZERO accountability. And millions are dying even now, because they fell prey to this authoritarian coercion.


A good reminder to become stronger, because all of these people are still in power.

As the saying goes, you can’t fight fire with fire. You can, when it is appropriate, but most of the time it isn’t, as a constant unending fire-fight turns the whole world to ash, as it did to most of Westeros in The Game of Thrones. To extend the metaphor, the way to extinguish such a fire is with water, to deprive it of air, and to smother it with earth. ...

We can’t fight evil by becoming evil; we fight evil by convincing more and more people to embrace and support what is good, supporting all who do, strengthening the self with everything we do.

With enough of us violent revolution would not be necessary. One of the reasons the woke have overrun our institutions is so few were ready, willing and able to stand up against what is false. To stand up has been to receive little or no support and be easily overrun. Our Institutions public and private are now quasi-communist, the tyranny of DEI and Human Resources acting essentially like Stasi or KGB silencing dissent. That may be shifting, but it is deeply entrenched and in some cases such as Harvard and much of higher education, the institutions might not be worth saving. I’m with Helen Dale in that regard, go full Henry the VIII on the Universities, disband them like he did the monasteries and re-appropriate the endowments and property. I would argue the same for most and maybe all of the Federal agencies, and at the State level.

It is not merely the universities who have descended into the evil of authoritarianism and a total lack of accountability. Most of what passes for science these days amounts to propaganda, marketing, superstition and power. We decide the policy we want - men can have babies! - and then simply make up the science to “prove” we are right. Health Care increasingly acting like a cartel makes us chronically ill to keep us addicted to treatment - during Covid it actively killed for money, the government incentivizing murder. Every Federal institution generates the opposite of what it is supposed to do, the opposite of their mandate to improve the common good. The law schools are captured, the future of law in America is the total inversion of the law, the law will at some point in this trajectory declare the feelings of the pederast more important than the rights of your child. There is no bottom to this, the hole leads straight to “hell”.

Let them dig and bury them with water and earth. In doing so you will deprive them of air. To do that you have to keep your feet planted firmly on the earth. The more evil they become, the more good you embrace. ...

It seems clear chaos is going to reign in 2024. The only thing to be done about that is to get one’s own house in order, to find one’s own center and maintain balance and equilibrium. There will be no shortage of things to throw us off kilter, the task is to be imperturbable.
294   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 12, 9:34am  

Patrick says

De Niro's an odd one. He's put big money and support into anti-pois.. err vax movement.
295   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 11:38am  


Stephen from Perth Curses the Lord Mayor
Unbekoming, October 7, 2023

This video embedded in Unbekoming's Substack of October 7, 2023 has live captions which are largely accurate but do not indicate the speaker and contain some minor errors. The handle ( at ) MaxFreedomMedia is stamped on it, and I did find a Twitter account for that, but I was unable to access it. Unfortunately the loud "scary music" soundtrack that's been added make it nigh impossible to make out the Lord Mayor's several responses to Stephen, but from his body language and tone, it seems that he is responding briefly, politely, and with exaggerated calm. Stephen stands on a side street; the Lord Mayor and others at higher elevation, behind a chainrope, on a broad green lawn in front of Perth's Council House. Near the end of the video we see the front of Stephen's T-shirt which says, "McGowan lied people died."

STEPHEN: [clapping] Don't worry, mate, don't worry, you're going to jail, OK? You and Cook and McGowan [1] and everybody that got people to inject their children with poison!

Everybody that's now suffering from myocarditis, right?

And you'll do this again! And you think this is just my imagination do you? You think this is my imagination that children are dead? That's why you're smirking?

WOMAN STANDING ON LAWN NEXT TO LORD MAYOR: [inaudible] Calm it down, mate. Calm it down. You don't need to do—

[from the building, a man who appears to be a security officer walks briskly towards them]

STEPHEN: Don't tell me what to do, lady. I don't work for you!

WOMAN: No you don't.


WOMAN: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: I have one weapon and you're listening to it! I don't have guns and tasers like all your other bullsh#t artists who work for you, OK?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS: [watching with hands in pockets]: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: One weapon! And you're going to listen to it!

[the woman up on the lawn turns her back to Stephen and, consulting with Lord Mayor, appears to text on her phone]

And you will understand eventually what you've done! The murders you've committed! And the children that you've fu#king maimed for the rest of their lives! Because of ignorant pricks like you! Right?

[woman walks away, Lord Mayor comes to ledge, facing Stephen, hands still in pockets]

STEPHEN [to Lord Mayor]: You thought you could get out and tell people what to have and what not to have! You thought you could get involved in peoples' health!

[security officer climbs over chain-rope fence towards Stephen]

Well, you got involved in fascism that's for sure! Haven't you?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS [speaking calmly, briefly]: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: [inaudible] in fascism now!

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS [speaking calmly, briefly]: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: What's the suit for, mate?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS [speaking calmly, briefly]: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: What's the suit for? Are you trying to be respectable after you've made sure that people got killed and injured? Is that what you're trying to do?

[camera pans to show a trio of men who appear to be security staff, now gathered in the street behind Stephen]

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS [speaking calmly, briefly]: [inaudible] responsible [inaudible]

STEPHEN: You're trying to be respectable?

LORD MAYOR [speaking calmly, briefly]: [inaudible]

STEPHEN: Are you trying to be respectable now? You're asking a stupid question!


STEPHEN: Listen, mate. It doesn't matter what you do now. You are going to jail. That is not going to stop} That can't be changed now. What you could do, is you could come out and say I made a mistake, whatever you do, don't take your children to get them injected anymore. That's what you could do! But you're not going to do it, are you? No! You're not! Because you're a fascist criminal on the payroll, aren't you, of the World Economic Forum. I know and all that bullsh#t. You'll do whatever they say! I'm not owned by the WHO and I'm not owned by you!

MALE VOICE: Police are on the way.

DIFFERENT MALE VOICE: That's OK, I'm just videoing it.


STEPHEN [pointing at Lord Mayor, addressing security officers on lawn]: All you people are going to see it, guys, all these jerks are going to jail! You stay, you watch, right?

And it's important that we do put them in jail for their own protection because we don't want anything to happen to them, so they can rot in jail for the rest of their lives! For what they've done to West Australians!

And look, he's standing there like he doesn't know what he's talking, I'm talking about! Oh, why don't you calm down, Stephen?

Children are dead! They're dead! And they're not coming back alive! And you're all pretending like it's just going to go on! Hey! You're just going to go back to life as normal?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS: I'm just listening to you because I know you want someone to listen to you.

STEPHEN: Ah, OK, you're not that someone, right?

MALE VOICE [possibly the person filming, voice is loud]: He's speaking the truth!

STEPHEN [to Lord Mayor]: You're not that someone because you're closed off, aren't you?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS: I'm listening to you.

STEPHEN: You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Vaccine injury.


STEPHEN: No one's been injured by the vaccine, have they? According to you! Put it in your little column.[2]


STEPHEN: Go inject the children with vaccines! So no one's been vaccine injured, have they? According to you?


STEPHEN: Hang on, I'll tell you if you answer that question, I'll tell you the stick question. Has anyone been injured according to you?

LORD MAYOR BASIL ZEMPILAS: Not in my family though.

STEPHEN: Not in your family! So that is alright! The dead kids and the dead people, they're in other people's families, aren't they? Not in Basil's family! That's why he's not on the mainstream media right now telling, warning people, do not inject your children with any more of this stuff! Don't get your family injected. Nothing! Are you going to put it in this week's paper? I had a talk with Stephen, and Stephen yelled at me, but he's got a point, if you look at the data around the world, OK? Around the world. Have you looked at the data, Bas?


STEPHEN: You're listening, OK. In Western Australia, right? The miscarriage rate is over 60%, higher than it was before the jabs. Have you seen that statistic, Bas? Is no one telling you these things? Huh! What about the unexplained excess deaths! Nearly 20% in this country! That's for all age groups! Are you listening? But if you come down in age ranges, that, that, that figure gets a lot higher. Children don't normally die in their sleep, OK? But nobody is doing anything about it! Nobody.

You could come out right now and save lives. But you won't, because you are corrupt! You're getting paid by the same people that paid McGowan. Where is McGowan now? Gone. Gone. Ah! Nobody knows where he is.

And you think you're all going back to normal.

Take this advice, people. [addressing security guards, as points to the Lord Mayor] Keep very close watch to people like this, right? And anyone else, like Cook, who's going to jail. MacGowan, Ellery,[3] they shipped all these children off to get injected. Sue Ellery the Education Minister put all these kids on buses to go get injected, in some cases without the knowledge of their parents. That's what's going on in this state. And you can't— and Chris Dawson,[4] your mate Chris Dawson? Good mates with him, eh? He made sure all the kids were injected before they could go to the leavers parties.[5] He threatened them with criminal records if they went, if those children went to leavers parties without being injected. Some of those kids are now dead, Bas!

Are you going to go talk to your mate? Huh? Go talk to him! No, because you're a shill. You're paid by people who are making a whole lot of money out of this, aren't you? You're all paid, right? To, to spread misinformation about the jab, right?

Go get your booster! Your booster! There's still— The Australian government is completely corrupt, it's not just you, bullsh#t artist, OK? The Health Department's still saying your six months are over, you should go get jabbed.

Really?! Has not one of them read, read the outcome to the trial from 2021? I've been saying don't take this injection since 2021. You know why? Because I read the Pfizer documents in 2021.[6] You've read it as well, haven't you?

You've read it, haven't you, Bas? In 2021, this guy and the West Australian government [two uniformed police officers coming into the screen, approaching Stephen] knew that the jabs were going to kill you.

POLICE OFFICER: [inaudible]

STEPHEN [to police officers]: Don't touch me. Sure, sure, don't surround me. Don't touch me. [inaudible] [to Lord Mayor] I just hope, you did, OK? [now walking away backwards, continuing to shout at the Lord Mayor] The West Australian government knew in 2021 the jabs killed children in the the trials, but they still mandated it for everyone in 2022! They are murderers! They are murderers! They knew! [now walking away on sidewalk, slowly, several police officers following; shouting at camera]: They knew in 2021! The Pfizer document was in 2021! And they mandated it in 2022!

[camera now shows police officers walking briskly behind Stephen as he continues walking on sidewalk]

And I will not let you forget it!

[camera, ahead of Stephen, now shows Stephen walking, and police officers walking behind him on sidewalk]

And the stain on the West Australian Police Force, making sure children were injected before they could go to their leavers, will never be washed off! The stain on these people will never come off!

# # #


[1] Robert Hugh Cook is premier of Western Australia. Previously he was Deputy Premier under Premier Mark McGowan. McGowan resigned in May 2023.

[2] I believe Stephen refers to Basil Zempilas' writing for The Western Australian,
see: https://thewest.com.au/opinion/basil-zempilas

[3] Sue Ellery was Minister of Education and Training for West Australia 2017-2022.

[4] Chris Dawson is currently serving as Governor of Western Australia. "He was appointed Commissioner of the Western Australia Police Force in August 2017, serving until July 2022. During the period of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Commissioner Dawson coordinated the State of Emergency and the Vaccine program." See https://govhouse.wa.gov.au/the-governor/his-excellency-the-honourable-chris-dawson-apm/

[5] Week-long holiday for high-school graduates following their exams.

[6] Pfizer documents. This refers to the set of documents that Pfizer wanted to withhold from the public for 75 years. A US judge ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. More information about this lawsuit, and the Pfizer documents themselves, are at:
Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021
See especially p. 7, table 1, the report of 1,223 deaths.
See also p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.

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