Effective Resistance Thread

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2022 Oct 1, 2:13pm   53,996 views  645 comments

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28   Patrick   2023 Feb 27, 7:38pm  


Vermont Girls’ Basketball Team Reaches Limit, Refuses to Play Game against Transgender Player

The Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS) girls’ basketball team has withdrawn from the state tournament after their opposing team includes a biologically male transgender player.

MVCS refused to play in the Vermont Division IV state tournament because the team doesn’t want to play against male student-athletes.
29   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 28, 8:47am  

Patrick says

This is a VERY effective tactic. The rules are such the Head Librarian has no recourse - can't kick the public out.

Puts them in an Alinsky Dilemma - if they cancel the drag queen reading, they lose. If the drag queen reads the story to adults, they lose by looking ridiculous.
30   Patrick   2023 Mar 2, 9:30pm  

Good. "Inclusivity" does not mean calling the ancient vice of sodomy a good thing. Gayness and pedophilia are two sides of the same coin. No gay man should be allowed anywhere near a boy.
32   Patrick   2023 Mar 17, 11:20am  


The Australian Catholic University has ordered Pride flags to be removed from libraries across its campuses.

The LGBTQ pride flags were put up in February during orientation week, as in new student orientation week rather than sexual orientation week.

But the university has instructed staff that the flags were not “appropriate”.

An email sent to staff read: “It is not considered to be appropriate at ACU. If you have any such material on display in your library could you please remove it from the public area.”

The move has sparked a backlash from gay staff and students who insist that the Catholic institution should be promoting and celebrating gay pride despite the fact Catholic teaching on sexuality and gender is at odds with the gay pride movement.
33   Patrick   2023 Mar 17, 1:58pm  


Former Axios journalist Ben Montgomery crossed the line and was given the boot by his employer for falsely accusing Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of spreading “propaganda.”

Axios parted ways with Montgomery after he referred to a roundtable event hosted by DeSantis as “propaganda.”

“This reporter is no longer with Axios,” Axios editor-in-chief Sara Kehaulani Goo said in a statement. ...

The press release was regarding a roundtable discussion on “divisive concepts such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and the impact that these concepts have had on Florida higher education institutions and the students that attend them.”

In a reply, Montgomery wrote back “this is propaganda, not a press release.”
34   Patrick   2023 Mar 28, 9:55pm  


Here is how you identify some of the criminals and their connections
you take screenshots of their emails and tweets

Peter Daszak is buddies with Rita Colwell. Who is she? How about the former head of the National Science Foundation? Someone who worked with the CIA on anthrax. Someone who had huge pots of money to dole out.

Marion Koopmans (on the WHO COVID origins investigations committee, and on Peter Daszak’s Lancet COVID investigations committee) was celebrating winning a 2.5 million grant for “preparedness” “research.” Who was she celebrating with?

Jeremy Farrar (007) then head of Wellcome

Andrew Rambaut, one of the authors of the Nature Medicine coverup and on Tony’s Feb 1 call

Peter Daszak

Ian Mackay (Australian buddy of the above)

Helen Branswell, medical science reporter for STAT

35   Patrick   2023 Mar 29, 7:55pm  


Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting informed consent in medical care for individuals and families by helping Americans protect their fundamental rights by engaging in the political process.

Our digital advocacy center, launched in August 2019, gives Americans direct contact to their elected officials and others in positions of influence with zero-barrier, automated access. Individuals can easily personalize communications or take advantage of the well-vetted research and information provided by our team.

SHF is building an infrastructure to educate citizens and for citizens to educate their lawmakers. The grassroots campaigns that SHF spearheads are scalable, customizable and can be directed toward any accountable governmental actor.

Featured Actions:

In December 2019, SHF launched multiple campaigns for New Jersey citizens who were in jeopardy of losing their religious exemption to vaccination. In just one week’s time, more than 80,000 emails were sent to New Jersey lawmakers through the SHF advocacy portal, which showed the immense opposition to the measure and ultimately helped stop it from becoming law.
In the spring of 2022, SHF featured a campaign to support a federal bill to defund the World Health Organization. 137,000 advocates emailed and called their local congressmen, which was followed by 46 lawmakers signing on to the bill inside of one month.
Our Vote for Health Freedom project vetted hundreds of candidates around the country for their dedication to informed consent and medical freedom, armed voters with information, and resulted in 642 endorsed candidates moving on to the general election in 2022.
SHF currently represents a half million Americans and has an estimated reach of one million advocates who stand for informed consent, privacy, parental rights, freedom of speech, and the U.S. Constitution. Together, we’re committed to taking down barriers Americans have when it comes to engaging in the political process and making it undeniable to citizens and lawmakers that America still stands for health freedom.

Interested in our advocacy efforts? Join the movement and come STAND with us and follow us @standforhealthfreedom on Instagram and Facebook. Contact the SHF advocacy team at advocates@standforhealthfreedom.com .
36   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 1, 7:29pm  

We need:

* More Humor
* Alt-y Wood, we need to make more old style action hero movies that "are Cool and don't Suck"
* Make them live up to their alleged principles/create Alinsky Dilemmas.
38   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 1:15pm  


Texas Rangers Refuse to Celebrate ‘Pride Month’
The Texas Rangers is the only Major League Baseball team refusing to give into pressure and publicly schedule a “Pride night.”

June 9, 2023

As corporations and organizations continue to promote the LGBT agenda through June under the “Pride Month” celebration, the Texas Rangers remain the only Major League Baseball team refusing to celebrate and promote LGBT “pride.”

In 2003, the Rangers attempted to host an “informal gay night,” where, without officially marketing the event, they invited several LGBT groups to the stadium. However, the event was met with heavy protest.

Since then, the Rangers have held fast to their decision not to host another “Pride” celebration, though they have avoided making an official statement.

In 2020, Rangers COO Neil Leibman told The Dallas Morning News, “With respect to Pride Night, we reached out to the Resource Center and said what can we do internally. We immediately adopted some changes they suggested to be more inclusive in hiring practices. I think that’s more meaningful than just saying, ‘OK, we had a Pride Night.’”

Better than giving in completely, but hardly a strong stance against the homo-globo Nazis who demand that everyone be "proud" of sodomy and pedophilia.
39   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 12, 1:23pm  

US Navy removed the gay flag from their Twitter profile
40   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 12, 1:24pm  

Ripped off from another thread:

42   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:55pm  


Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to school to celebrate Pride on June 2

However, a student-led protest broke out, where they destroyed Pride decorations, threw stickers on the ground and chanted 'my pronouns are USA'
43   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 4:01pm  


CNN's Evan Perez has is forced to cut his liveshot short outside Trump's arraignment in Miami by a protester who wouldn't stop shouting, "F* CNN!"
45   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 4:10pm  

Patrick says

Better than giving in completely, but hardly a strong stance against the homo-globo Nazis who demand that everyone be "proud" of sodomy and pedophilia.

OK, I'm going to tell you a true story.

My cousin is gay, he lived in Washington DC as a patent attorney. In the early 1990's, a friend of his was murdered, but because he was gay the police just ignored it.

"Pride" was just about "fuck you, we exist", 30 year ago. Yeah, they exist. You can be against it, disgusted by it, but discrimination shouldn't be allowed.

We ARE NOW in a Nazi-style demand we accept (not tolerate) it now, but there was tremendous discrimination before. I think this has gone too far myself. Pride Month, Pride Month is an inch too far. There's a reason to push back against the government, but when the government is pushing it - that's when you need to take a second look.

"Gay Pride" was just defiance, it wasn't ORIGINALLY about demanding acceptance. It's not what it was 30 years ago.
46   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 8:32am  

richwicks says

My cousin is gay

I have a gay cousin as well. He had a long-term boyfriend later husband (now divorced) since the 1990s and did not experience any real problems. About a year ago, he came to visit and brought his current boyfriend along who worked gigs as a drag queen. The boyfriend talked about this gig, and told my wife and I that drag queens that are real pros will stop the show if they see any underage people present. He said that only the wannabe hacks will perform in front of children.
47   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 14, 9:22am  

richwicks says

My cousin is gay, he lived in Washington DC as a patent attorney. In the early 1990's, a friend of his was murdered, but because he was gay the police just ignored it.

"Pride" was just about "fuck you, we exist", 30 year ago. Yeah, they exist. You can be against it, disgusted by it, but discrimination shouldn't be allowed.

We ARE NOW in a Nazi-style demand we accept (not tolerate) it now, but there was tremendous discrimination before. I think this has gone too far myself. Pride Month, Pride Month is an inch too far. There's a reason to push back against the government, but when the government is pushing it - that's when you need to take a second look.

I believe it is a historical repeat of antient Rome and Greece, it probably became mandatory in social circles before it was out right rejected, and forbidden by Society worldwide throughout subsequent History. I believe they pushed people beyond their limit and the Gay culture was put to an abrupt violent halt.
Their own undoing, not because society was intrinsically bigots, but because societies will for self preservation.
48   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 15, 12:51pm  

richwicks, I liked your use of certain words and phrases such as "...discrimination shouldn't be allowed... We ARE NOW in a Nazi-style demand we accept (not tolerate)... Pride Month is an inch too far...
"Gay Pride" was just defiance, it wasn't ORIGINALLY about demanding acceptance..."
so... here is my $0.02...

richwicks says

"My cousin is gay, he lived in Washington DC as a patent attorney. In the early 1990's, a friend of his was murdered, but because he was gay the police just ignored it."

Murder is murder. It is not ignored just because the victim is gay. This shows police incompetence in Washington DC not the entire USA.

"Pride" was just about "fuck you, we exist", 30 year ago. Yeah, they exist. You can be against it, disgusted by it, but discrimination shouldn't be allowed."

Christianity and Western Civilization always tolerated gay people and discrimination was never an issue.

"Gay Pride" was just defiance, it wasn't ORIGINALLY about demanding acceptance."

Given that we have tolerance, defiance is unacceptable. This is a solution in search of a problem.
49   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 11:21pm  

The_Deplorable says

Murder is murder. It is not ignored just because the victim is gay. This shows police incompetence in Washington DC not the entire USA.

Well, I can't know for certain why they didn't investigate, but my cousin was pretty certain the police didn't care because the victim was a fag and therefore kind of had it coming. First, high risk behavior, and 2nd it's just another fag degenerate. This was early 1990's, I don't think protease inhibitors were out then, HIV was a death sentence. People were kind of pissed off with homosexuals at the time, male homosexuals are ridiculously promiscuous compared to heterosexuals and they are promiscuous compared to lesbians.

Cops DEFINITELY discriminate. You see it all the time. In the 1960's if a black man was murdered, they wouldn't do much work to investigate.

The_Deplorable says

Christianity and Western Civilization always tolerated gay people and discrimination was never an issue.

Nooo, that's not true. Alan Turing first broke Germany's Enigma encryption by building the first electronic computer, and when the war was over, was forced to go on drugs that effectively sterilized him and drastically changed his mental state. He committed suicide. You know what the Turing Test is, he is the one that conceived it.

The_Deplorable says

Given that we have tolerance, defiance is unacceptable. This is a solution in search of a problem.

I agree tolerance is the reasonable location to go to. Hate the sin not the sinner and all that BS..
50   HeadSet   2023 Jun 16, 8:35am  

richwicks says

Nooo, that's not true. Alan Turing first broke Germany's Enigma encryption by building the first electronic computer, and when the war was over, was forced to go on drugs that effectively sterilized him and drastically changed his mental state.

At the time, they thought homosexuality was a medical condition they could cure with hormone treatments. Not the case, of course, but really no different that thinking one could cure or inoculate against a cold like SARS virus using mRNA injections.
51   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 3:39pm  


"Zoomers are rejecting wokeness" ... Check out the scene at this Ontario school

Nice that kids are leading the way against the homo-globo sodomy and pedophilia agenda!
52   richwicks   2023 Jun 17, 6:10pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Nooo, that's not true. Alan Turing first broke Germany's Enigma encryption by building the first electronic computer, and when the war was over, was forced to go on drugs that effectively sterilized him and drastically changed his mental state.

At the time, they thought homosexuality was a medical condition they could cure with hormone treatments. Not the case, of course, but really no different that thinking one could cure or inoculate against a cold like SARS virus using mRNA injections.

I'll give you that, sort of.

The drugs Turing was put him just chemically castrated him.

I consider homosexuality a mental condition, and it's not one that necessarily needs treatment. I think one major misunderstanding in our society is that sexual lust is intentionally confused with emotional attraction. That could POSSIBLY true for women, but I know it's not true for men. There's plenty of men I greatly admire and respect, but I have zero desire to fuck them.
55   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 26, 2:04pm  

The young part should tell her she's on the losing side.
56   Karloff   2023 Jun 26, 2:50pm  

How would they know they got the service with a smile with that diaper strapped to her face?

"How dare they state their opinion on a topic! Only I may publicly state opinions."
58   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 28, 1:18pm  

Karloff says

How would they know they got the service with a smile with that diaper strapped to her face?

"How dare they state their opinion on a topic! Only I may publicly state opinions."

I believe she meant they smiled.
60   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 11:17am  


A University of Cincinnati women's gender studies professor has been ordered to complete free speech training after she failed a student for referring to non-trans female athletes as "biological women," according to a report.
62   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 2:26pm  


Ex-NBA Player Competes in Nationally Televised Game with ‘Trump Won’ Written on His Head

Former NBA star Royce White played a game in Ice Cube’s Big3 League with a special message for Democrat President Joe Biden.

As the nationally televised game went on, viewers noticed White appeared to have something written on the side of his head.

It didn’t take long before a camera zoomed in to see the message displayed: “Trump Won!”

Royce had a conversation with President Donald Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon earlier.

“Ever since Trump’s come onto the scene, you’re the second-worst news they’ve seen,” Bannon said.

“They’re going to freak out.”

“I can’t wait,” White replied.

“Me and him, we’re both coming roaring back.

“Me roaring back from 2013, him roaring back from the cheat in 2020.”

“Here you got a black guy, a basketball player, in Minneapolis, that actually talks about real issues,” Bannon said about Royce’s impact.

“That, I think, can resonate.” ...

On July 3, White wrote “Protect RFK Jr.” on his head.
63   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 2:32pm  


This next song, I'm a little concerned about doing on account of it's "gender specific." Hopefully there's nobody from Budweiser here!

The crowd absolutely LOVED that line.

Country music is done with Bud Light and now boomer Beach Boys fans are done with the brand as well.

Love went on to take a dig at the woke FBI as well:

Or the FBI!

Sorry, I apologize in advance for anything I might say or do.

What a champ.
64   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 2:34pm  


The Jolly Roger Telephone Company has been messing with telemarketers for years now.

Here's how it works:

A telemarketer or scammer places a call, the intended receiver doesn't recognize the number and sends the caller to the Jolly Roger. One of the Jolly Roger's bots answer and try to keep the caller talking for as long as possible.

The general idea is that if they're stuck talking to a bot, they're not bothering you and me. Plus, they have a nice "person" who seems genuinely interested in what they're peddling to talk to.

It's a win-win.

Until now, it's all been done with recordings and algorithms developed by the Jolly Roger's founder Roger Anderson. ...

But now, Anderson has incorporated ChatGPT into the recordings, and while they were funny before, the callers tended to figure out they weren't getting anywhere pretty quick.

With ChatGPT, the bots are pretty good at fooling them and keeping them talking. ...

That scammer didn't have a hope or a prayer.

Keep up the good fight, Jolly RogerGPT!
65   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 5:22pm  


Armed with nothing more than charisma, wit, and a social media presence, influencers build audiences that can reach into the millions. Their podcasts and livestreams get views that make anchors at major broadcast media weep bitter tears of envy. Their blog posts can reach more readers than any journalist at a major newspaper or magazine. They have reach. They can move the needle in ways the legacy media no longer can, and unlike corporate journalists they say whatever the hell they want.

The influencers don’t need credentials. Many of them possess credentials, of course. There’s a strong undercurrent of Turchinian resentment running through influencer political discourse. We’ve been overproducing doctorates for decades relative to the number of available sinecures, and not everyone finds a seat at the table in the great game of musical endowed research chairs at the universities. As competition for high-status positions has grown more fierce, the elite have increasingly relied on (im)moral signalling to regulate entry, which has only made the situation worse: it’s one thing to lose the game because others were better at it, but it’s another thing entirely when the game has shifted from professional competence to political acquiescence, and you see the positions filling up with unimpressive mediocrities. But then, isn’t that exactly what the losers would say? There’s a fascinating symmetry to the intellectual war raging between the credentialed and the influencers: the former accuse the latter of being merchants of misinformation, while the latter deride the former as a bunch of lying shits. Don’t listen to those guys, they’re full of it – the one message everyone can agree on.

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