I Have Some Bad News About the Economy

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2022 Oct 15, 5:36am   13,144 views  283 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Accounts are widely out of balance

How bad, you might be asking yourself, will the economy get? We’re about to find out.

The orange line is US wealth. The blue line is US GDP. The gap is the amount of wealth American households and non-profits must surrender. You see, these two lines must move in lockstep. They do over time. When they get out of sync, something will put them back into sync.

The gap is debt.

Accounts must be settled. It’s called “a reckoning.” And the reckoning is here knocking on the door.

To put this gap into historical perspective, here’s an extended view of the same data with Dr. Hunt’s markups.

From 1951 to about 1997—the year the Monica Lewinsky story broke and Howe and Strauss published The Fourth Turning—the two lines moved in lockstep. Then Alan Greenspan decided to tinker, to grow wealth without growing GDP and without kicking off inflation. ...

What that gap represents is one of two things:

Money stolen from other people (other economies).

Money stolen from future generations of Americans.

How We Borrow from the Future
A few years ago, in the 1990s, we heard a lot of stories parents going to jail for identify theft perpetrated against their own children. About 1990, the government required babies to have a Social Security Number before they left the hospital. (I remember because it happened between our second and third children.)

Some shiftless parents soon realized they could apply for credit using their kids’ SSNs. They could default, and the creditor could do nothing. You can’t collect from a six-week-old infant.

This, of course, constituted credit fraud, so the parents who did this (and there were many) went to jail. (Not sure what happened to their kids who were left with no parents and lousy FICO score, but that’s not the point.)

The point is, all of us have been doing what those parents do only legally. The government allows us to run up our kids’ and grand kids’ debt as long as we do it with the government’s approved identity-theft programs.

So we did.

If you look at that chart, about 1/3 of our household and non-profit wealth is stolen from other generations or other countries. And we have to pay it back. Now. Or soon. ...

How We Borrow from the World
Some months ago, I wrote a series of posts about the US dollar (USD) as the world’s reserve currency and the petrodollar. (Here and here.) To summarize, almost all international debt is settled with USD regardless of the two local currencies involved. Britain settles its debts with Costa Rica in USD, etc. This includes the oil markets. Saudi Arabia, in turn, buys US treasuries (national debt) as a store of value for its copious oil profits. This allows the US run up massive debt knowing there’s always a market for our bonds.

Until there’s not.

Have you notice that Saudi Arbia is drifting out of the US orbit?

I wrote it about in those earlier posts, but the most certain sign of the Kingdom’s pending divorce with from Uncle Sam happened this week. Saudi Arabia disclosed that Joe Biden tried to strong-arm the Saudis into delaying OPEC+ oil production cuts until after the November elections. In diplomatic worlds, this was a slap in the face insult to the US and, particularly, to the Biden regime.

Rumors say Biden threatened to cut military sales to the Saudis if the OPEC+ cuts were announced before the elections. Not only did OPEC+ announce the cuts on its timetable, the Kingdom told the world about Biden’s threat (without disclosing the exact terms or names). Among “partners,” such public humiliation is a sign of pending breakup.

In return, the State Department and Joe Biden announced they would reevaluate the US’s strategic arrangements with Saudi Arabia after the election. That should be interesting.

What it means is that the US might not have as eager a buyer for debt as we’ve grown accustomed to. And that means the price of US treasuries will decline. Less demand means lower prices. When the price of bond goes down, the interest goes up. ...

I’m not saying the Saudis are about to stop taking our checks—I’m saying the for the first time since the Nixon administration, they’re acting like they might. Which means the are going to demand a bigger discount—the difference between the face value of the bond and sale price. That discount is the interest, and the bigger the discount, the less cash we have to spend tomorrow.

That’s one way to close that gap. You reduce the amount of cash you get in return for a future promise to pay. The amount you owe stays the same, but the amount you get now gets smaller.

How Our Kids Get Their Money Back
Remember the two ways we built that gap between wealth and GDP? That’s the first way. The holder of US treasuries want to cash their bonds, and they don’t want to buy new ones.

The gap begins to shrink, and that shrinking is mostly in household wealth.

The second way is intergenerational theft. So how do our kids and grandkids force their accounts settled?

Have you heard about the labor participation rate? Have you heard about the labor shortage?

An odd thing about the jobs numbers in recent months. While the number of “new jobs,” also known as “new hires,” has been strong, the number of people working has been going down, down, down. Why is that? ...

The kids aren’t taking our post-dated checks, either. They’re simply not participating in the US economy—at least, not in the official US economy. They siphoning of that excess household wealth NOW, in the present. They are not working in ways that grows the blue line (GDP). They’re shrinking the gap by lowering the orange line (wealth).

Wonder where inflation is coming from? We’re spending the excess household wealth without increasing the products and services available to buy with it. Inflation is how future generations close that gap. They spend your excess wealth without producing. And it’s happening right before our eyes. ...

In truth, we will only lose our ill-gotten gains.

While, we didn’t personally rob from the kids and foreigners, we were participants in a rigged game—a game that’s getting unrigged in a hurry. We enjoyed the spoils of the petrodollar and zero interest rates.

This account-settling process is called a reckoning, which sound harsh because it is.


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213   Patrick   2024 Aug 21, 11:12am  


In related news, while DNC surprise speakers gaslit MSNBC anchors and unfortunate viewers with tall tales about the terrific Biden economy, yesterday the Daily Mail ran a terribly awkward story headlined, “US jobs growth in the last year could be revised down by ONE MILLION—refueling concerns the economy is headed for a downturn.” Uh oh.

It’s not unusual for the Bureau of Lying Statistics, I mean Labor Statistics, to “revise” previous employment figures. And nobody is ever surprised that the over-estimating and the inevitable revisions always go the same direction.

But the scale of this revision was very unusual. Bloomberg said that, depending on how it shakes out, this could be the biggest downward revision in employment in over 15 years and maybe the largest in history. Another 2024 record!

The financial articles all debate how big the reduction will be (guesses range anywhere from minus 500,000 to minus one million) and are already laboring to minimize its meaning and find a silver lining. But as usual, they all missed the more meaningful point: Why is it okay for the government to lie like this?

This deceptive shell game is a good tradeoff for an amoral Biden/Harris Administration. Instead of a year of persistent bad economic news, they get 11 months of good (but fake) figures, and only one month of sour news, when they reset the clock. Don’t worry though, they’ll be at it again next month, and will claim Harris fixed everything.

The news was, however, awkward timing, what with the election looming so near, and a Convention under way.
214   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 21, 1:30pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

They released it today:

The US economy employed 818,000 fewer people than originally reported as of March 2024, showing the labor market may have been cooling long before initially thought.

The revisions are a yearly practice from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; final revised numbers are expected to be released early next year.

The report, released Wednesday morning, showed the largest downward revisions to the professional and business services industry, where employment was revised down by 358,000 during the period. Leisure & hospitality saw the second-largest downward revision of 150,000.

The report moves down the monthly job additions seen in the US economy over the time period to 174,000 from 242,000.
215   WookieMan   2024 Aug 21, 1:56pm  

Eric Holder says

The US economy employed 818,000 fewer people than originally reported as of March 2024, showing the labor market may have been cooling long before initially thought.

Do they release this stuff by region? I'm sure they do, but I'm lazy. As I've said, I'm an anecdotal guy. I've been noticing my mail is thin/not much. Basically no advertising stuff. Seems weird. We have days with no mail which is weird.

And todays mail was beyond fucked up. My kids got Link cards...??? We make $300k/yr. My nephew is classified as homeless with the school district because his mom is a deadbeat, but I don't get this at all. Questioning if it's a scam, but it looks legit.

I also question if this is a play by Democrats to buy votes from people that appear of lesser means because of my nephews designation. I don't know what to do with it. I'd feel dirty using it. We don't need it. And it would make us look like trash if we used it, which we're not planning on as of now. The joys of taking in a kid. Ends up making you look like trash. Good news is we booked 2 vacations, so his suffering will continue (sarcasm).
216   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Aug 21, 2:41pm  

Dr. Erika McEntarfer became the 16th Commissioner of Labor Statistics on January 29, 2024. She was nominated by President Joseph R. Biden on July 12, 2023, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 11, 2024.

Dr. McEntarfer is a labor economist who has served over 20 years in federal government, with positions at the U.S. Census Bureau, the Executive Office of the President, and the Department of Treasury. At the U.S. Census Bureau, she was the head of research for the Longitudinal Employer–Household Dynamics program, using linked employer–employee data to develop new labor market statistics and improve Census surveys and operations. Prior to joining BLS, she was a senior economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisors, where she advised White House officials on the labor market recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
217   AD   2024 Aug 24, 8:28pm  

220   AD   2024 Aug 29, 8:05pm  


Disney CEO and Amazon CEO said that the consumer is cutting back quite a bit. Big Lots is on verge of going bankrupt.

Now Dollar General is down 32% for the day after it reported about cash strapped customers. Yet the narrative is still about the economy doing very well.

They are just hoping they can keep that narrative intact for enough voters by election day.


221   AD   2024 Aug 30, 6:44pm  



David Solomon is sharpening the axe again.

The Goldman Sachs CEO will slash more than 1,300 jobs as part of the bank’s ongoing review to cull poor performers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday

Goldman’s cuts will affect between 3% and 4% of Goldman’s 45,000-strong workforce, the Journal added, citing people familiar with the matter.

222   Misc   2024 Aug 31, 2:42am  

As long as a household holds assets, they are doing quite well.

Housing prices are at an all-time high and financial institutions are begging homeowners to tap that equity via HELOCs, but people just ain't biting. The stock market is right near all-time highs. Households also own trillions in CDs with another $6 trillion in money markets. Anyone who had a mortgage prior to 2020 was able to refinance at 3% or less, so their cash flow went up enough to offset the inflation.

GDP NOW has 3rd quarter GDP increasing at a 2.5% rate, with labor markets strong.

For those households without assets...times are bleak. Rents are at an all-time high (and increasing at about a .4% rate every month) and inflation in everything has zapped their buying power to such an extent that they are simply not making their car payments or even trying to pay their credit cards.

Unemployment is edging up particularly for Blacks. There's a few extra hundred thousand unemployed Blacks than there was at the beginning of the year. Since overall employment levels have increased, this means the Blacks are getting displaced by the illegals.

Really a two tiered society and there is a growing chasm between the two groups.
223   GNL   2024 Aug 31, 4:30am  

“ Really a two tiered society and there is a growing chasm between the two groups.”

Exactly what allows a strongman and/or socialism/communism to take hold. The population, having no other choice, will vote for it.
224   Onvacation   2024 Aug 31, 7:06am  

Misc says

As long as a household holds assets, they are doing quite well.

If you can buy insurance and illegal criminal aliens are not taking over your neighborhood
225   HeadSet   2024 Aug 31, 7:29am  

Onvacation says

Misc says

As long as a household holds assets, they are doing quite well.

If you can buy insurance and illegal criminal aliens are not taking over your neighborhood

And the new assessments do not tax you out of your home.
226   GNL   2024 Aug 31, 7:37am  

I think taxes and insurance will crush homeowners, maybe. If "they" want to do socialism/communism, most everyone is going to suffer. The best economy is not one where the up and comers have a harder time than the generation before them.
227   AD   2024 Aug 31, 8:35am  

GNL says

I think taxes and insurance will crush homeowners, maybe. If "they" want to do socialism/communism, most everyone is going to suffer. The best economy is not one where the up and comers have a harder time than the generation before them.

yes, its like everything is upside down and/or backwards, including anarcho tyranny being responsible for a lot of it

SAT and ACT scores as well as other standardized test scores have been trending down

so society cannot even produce students who at least maintain the status quo while more challenges and complexity lie ahead ?

228   AD   2024 Aug 31, 8:38am  

GNL says

I think taxes and insurance will crush homeowners,

fortunately for florida, they won't increase your property insurance by more than 3% a year because of state law

i have HO-3 for out townhome about 2 miles from the beach in the florida panhandle, and my insurer was going to increase the premium for 2025 from around $1885 to $2345

I increased the deductible from $1000 to $5000 and the premium is $1920 (based on replacement value of around $250,000)
229   WookieMan   2024 Sep 1, 10:05am  

AD says

Big Lots on verge of bankruptcy

Has anyone even been to one? Not news in my world. So poor people don't buy crap?
230   AD   2024 Sep 1, 3:12pm  

WookieMan says

AD says

Big Lots on verge of bankruptcy

Has anyone even been to one? Not news in my world. So poor people don't buy crap?

its like a discount department store that has been around a long time that is popular to the working and lower middle class demographic

so this is telling as the first demographic that starts to show economic strain is the working class, as less working class are shopping at Big Lots as the economy sours more

231   AD   2024 Sep 1, 3:31pm  

Patrick says

The orange line is US wealth. The blue line is US GDP. The gap is the amount of wealth American households and non-profits must surrender. You see, these two lines must move in lockstep. They do over time. When they get out of sync, something will put them back into sync.

The gap is debt.

Accounts must be settled. It’s called “a reckoning.” And the reckoning is here knocking on the door.

To put this gap into historical perspective, here’s an extended view of the same data with Dr. Hunt’s markups.


Yeah Patrick, I noticed not only did wealth decouple from GDP in the late 1990s (as growth stocks became more of a mania), but also the housing affordability index reveals that housing started to become un-affordable during Bill Clinton's 2nd term.

Thank you Bill Clinton for not only the USS Cole and 9/11 but also the Great Financial Crisis.

Financial engineering became the prevalent economic activity in the 1990s, and that led to the Great Financial Crisis in 2008 to 2011. Granted, tech stocks helped some with productivity and economic growth.

232   AD   2024 Sep 1, 3:36pm  

WookieMan says

AD says

Big Lots on verge of bankruptcy

Has anyone even been to one? Not news in my world. So poor people don't buy crap?

Just another canary in the coal mine, as far as monitoring the USA's "economic dashboard".

Here is another indicator besides Big Lots going bankrupt to show the economy is a lot worse than the mainstream media reports:


233   Misc   2024 Sep 1, 10:16pm  

AD says

GNL says

I think taxes and insurance will crush homeowners, maybe. If "they" want to do socialism/communism, most everyone is going to suffer. The best economy is not one where the up and comers have a harder time than the generation before them.

yes, its like everything is upside down and/or backwards, including anarcho tyranny being responsible for a lot of it

SAT and ACT scores as well as other standardized test scores have been trending down

so society cannot even produce students who at least maintain the status quo while more challenges and complexity lie ahead ?


SAT & ACT scores are actually up a little for the White demographic. What has been driving the scores lower is the Black and Hispanic students taking the tests as they think they are college ready.
234   AD   2024 Sep 2, 11:56am  

Misc says

SAT & ACT scores are actually up a little for the White demographic. What has been driving the scores lower is the Black and Hispanic students taking the tests as they think they are college ready.

I noticed when I took the ACT back in October 1986 that a 28 (around 94th percentile) equates today to a 30. Looks like they re-baselined the ACT since the late 1980s (or was it really "dumbed down" in math ?).

I kindly disagree as there has not been a marked improvement in white student scores on the ACT.

235   AD   2024 Sep 2, 3:13pm  


M2 money supply down about 3% from its peak in 2021 (COVID stimulus of about $7 trillion)


236   AD   2024 Sep 2, 3:36pm  


WTF is going on with Volkswagen ? Looks like it is sliding into bankruptcy and/or irrelevancy


237   HeadSet   2024 Sep 2, 7:08pm  

AD says


M2 money supply down about 3% from its peak in 2021 (COVID stimulus of about $7 trillion)



That style of chart is very misleading, as stats that use % change usually are. In this case, that 2% decline comes right after a 26% runup. A chart with the actual M2 dollar amounts would tell the real story.
238   AD   2024 Sep 2, 11:46pm  

HeadSet says

That style of chart is very misleading, as stats that use % change usually are. In this case, that 2% decline comes right after a 26% runup. A chart with the actual M2 dollar amounts would tell the real story.

Yes, as far as qualifying this data like "2% decline" as the Yahoo article does expand and clarify about this in regards to the "26% runup" below, as this is like putting a footnote at the bottom of the page or put an asterik next to it.


" Based on data published monthly by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, M2 peaked in April 2022 at $21.722 trillion. The newest reading, as of July 2024, shows U.S. M2 at $21.054 trillion, representing a decline of 3.07% in a little over two years. While this is well off the peak-to-trough drop of 4.74% from April 2022 through October 2023, it still marks the first sizable decline in U.S. M2 money supply since the Great Depression.

There are, however, some caveats and asterisks to the above data that should be noted to give a more complete picture of what's going on. For instance, M2 money supply is actually growing again on a year-over-year basis. Over the trailing-12-months, through July 2024, M2 has expanded by 1.4% -- and expansion is par for the course over the long run.

Furthermore, M2 skyrocketed by more than 26% on a year-over-year basis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fiscal stimulus checks dumped money into the laps of many consumers and increased M2 faster than at any point dating back to 1870. "
241   RC2006   2024 Sep 4, 10:07am  

Patrick says

Is there a reverse of that showing who is hiring?
242   AD   2024 Sep 4, 10:30am  

Harris is lucky this is not happening 6 months before the election. Only about 2 months to go and to short of a period for the economy to collapse given all the current weakness.

Unless the stock market crashes and it causes less motivation among the white affluent voters especially in Atlanta and Phoenix metros to vote for Harris.



The number of available jobs in the US shrank more than expected in July, an indication that demand for workers continues to wane amid a cooling labor market.

Job openings fell in July for the second consecutive month to an estimated 7.67 million, from 7.91 million in June, according to new data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That’s the lowest number of openings since January 2021.

Economists were expecting that the July postings would total 8.1 million, according to FactSet consensus estimates.
243   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 4, 2:23pm  

RC2006 says

Patrick says

Is there a reverse of that showing who is hiring?

244   WookieMan   2024 Sep 4, 3:07pm  

AD says

Harris is lucky this is not happening 6 months before the election.

These are west coast jobs. These retards will still vote for her anyway because of TDS. You need massive job losses in MN, MI, WI and PA to make an impact. I still think Trump sweeps all 4, but these job losses don't matter for the election. Maybe move 100k people in the popular vote which doesn't move the electoral map at all considering most is in CA.
245   AD   2024 Sep 4, 5:49pm  

WookieMan says

These are west coast jobs.

The article applies to a nationwide statistic as far as job openings. You are saying most of the drop in job openings is on the West Coast ?

246   AD   2024 Sep 7, 1:00pm  

its that bad when the $1.25 store is at $66 a share compared to its all time him of $174 in 2022

not sure how Walmart can compete with Dollar Tree or even Dollar General as they have very limited items that compete with Dollar Tree

there is one side of a small aisle of $1 items at Dollar General on Front Beach Rd in Panama City Beach ...its like toothpaste, bleach, and a few household items ...

247   AD   2024 Sep 9, 4:10pm  

more bad news

maybe the current statistics like unemployment are obsolete in an economy that has a lot more gig workers and multiple jobs workers compared to when the unemployment rate was first invented and from the 1960s to mid 1990s

249   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Sep 10, 2:28pm  

Insane Seatlle blast from the past: Lezbo mayor proclaims murder and mayhem to be the “Summer of Love.”

250   AD   2024 Sep 10, 4:52pm  


Panama City Beach and Florida tourism down compared to 2023


251   AD   2024 Sep 10, 7:36pm  

252   AD   2024 Sep 10, 7:45pm  


Look at Disney and Starbucks stock. Less affluent people to be loyal to these brands.

Its the bifurcation of American economy, the rich or well off, and the rest that are struggling that can't afford $6 small soy lattes or $90 a person per day ticket price to Disney, let alone $22 a person for lunch at Disney.

The rich alone cannot keep these two businesses afloat.



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