Everyone who imposed toxxine mandates must be hanged

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2022 Nov 2, 7:46pm   103,189 views  768 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mandating the injection of highly profitable experimental gene-based crap with zero long-term safety data and no definitive ingredient list into billions of healthy people, resulting in 13 million 17 million pointless deaths so far, is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. The vaxx is dangerous and ineffective, but even if it were not, it would still be a crime against humanity to force mass injections of anything, much less the new Thalidomide.

The toxxine mandates are an even worse crime because the virus which was created with Fauci's funding in Wuhan was admitted to have a 99.7% infection survival rate at the time mandates were imposed, and even that has since been proven to be closer to 99.95%, making the disease no worse than a seasonal flu. There was never any good reason for the "vaccine" at all, yet mandates continue even now for foreigners entering the US, at many universities, many US companies, and in the US military.

For children, the death rate from the virus is statistically indistinguishable from 0%, making it a yet more heinous crime to inject that garbage into children.

The crass emotional blackmail from genocidal criminals like "Take the vaxx out of love" Albert Bourla of Pfizer merits special punishment in itself.

Note that I'm not talking about lynch mobs. There should be trials for those who forced the unknown effects of this toxic slime on billions of people, perhaps the way the Nuremberg trials were run. Sure, they will claim they did nothing illegal. The Nazis were not violating Nazi laws (well, maybe they were). The point is that they were violating fundamental human rights on a mass scale.

One of the conclusions of the first Nuremberg trials was that it is a crime against humanity to force people to participate in medical experiments, and that no one should be allowed to even voluntarily participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. No one had informed consent to be part of this dangerous experiment, because there was and still is literally zero long-term safety data.

There are never any circumstances whatsoever that give anyone the right to force or mandate any medical product. It is always a crime against humanity.

Everyone who abused his or her power to demand injections via threat of job loss, or being expelled from school, or military requirements, or being denied transplants - all of them must be tried and hanged as soon as possible.

Everyone who participated in the creation of the virus, like Fauci and Daszak, must also be hanged.

We are now told that no one was forced to submit to the death jabs, but being threatened with firing and expulsion and death from lack of medical care is obviously raw force. To be fired is normally a punishment for a serious offense, so to claim firing is not force is a bald lie.

This is a matter of basic human rights. Until we have justice, they will do it again and again and again - they will inject you with whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it.

Even the mere widespread discussion of hangings will help to protect the world from similar injection mandates, as the genocidal criminals become aware that getting hanged for their crimes against humanity is a real possibility. We must all publicly speak continuously of hangings until justice is served.

Those criminals who mandated the deadly injections should have their sentences commuted to life in prison if they help to convict their superiors in this crime. In this way, we may trace the crime all the way to the top.

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704   Patrick   2024 Jul 7, 6:13pm  


The real problem is that medical advances have ensured that far too many leadership positions remain clogged up by greybeards in their sixties and seventies—men who ostensibly retain all rational faculties but have grown soft, out of touch, and (most damningly) far too risk averse to lead a dynamic, vital, and agile civilization.

This is obviously why the government felt entitled to ruin everyone’s life for two years during Covid. All of society give undue weight to the interests of old people and it literally didn’t matter how many young folks lost their jobs or suffered from major depression or gained forty pounds, because it was deemed absolutely essential that we shut down civilization to give grandma a few extra years.
705   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 5:36pm  


New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair
September 9, 2022

LAURA HOFMANN [via Zoom]: First of all, I want to work. In January 2022 I was fired from my job of 10 years following an unpaid involuntary leave of absence due to the covid vaccine mandates and my firmly held religious beliefs.

I was tossed aside like human garbage after being a dedicated worker of ten years. The unfair treatment negated the decades of volunteer community work that I have done alongside my former employer and in the Greenpoint community on multiple environmental waterfront parks and housing issues.

I've testified many, many times before New York City Council regarding those issues. Never would I have ever thought that I would be testifying about my right to work, my freedom of religion, or having control over what to put in my body. But here I am.

My income and my ability to get another job were taken away, and it was needless since I've had natural antibodies since March 2020, following being sick with covid.

Given my community-based knowledge about environmentally linked diseases and knowledge about my own auto-immune diseases, I knew it was a strong possibility that these antibodies would serve to protect me from covid in the future. And now the CDC is finally catching up, acknowledging what many people already knew.

What hurts the most is that I truly loved my job, my coworkers, my clients. And I'm still friends with many of my coworkers and clients who sought me out on social media. I worked as a housing counselor in a respected not-for-profit community organization under contract with HBD [Housing Preservation and Development] as a housing counselor, housing counseling agency.

As an essential worker, I worked both in the office and remotely serving clients during the heart of the pandemic. I made wellness calls to seniors in an effort to prevent them from feeling isolated. The same organization that did this work, that—

MALE VOICE: Your time has expired.

LAURA HOFMANN: —hired me, for who I am, and isolated me, a senior with medical issues.

GALE A. BREWER: If you could wrap up, thank you.

LAURA HOFMANN: Basically, the mandates have severely harmed me and harmed the way that I interact with community. I refuse to even eat out in establishments that did not push back against the mandates.

GALE A. BREWER: Thank you.

LAURA HOFMANN: And it's to the point where I myself, after fighting environmental issues in these communities for decades, I'm thinking about moving out of New York myself.
706   Patrick   2024 Jul 10, 2:04am  


New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair
September 9, 2022

GABRIEL DALMAU: Hi, my name is Gabriel Dalmau. I worked for the Department of Sanitation for about five years. I remember feeling proud when I first got the job. I'm a welder. Welding on garbage trucks is not glamorous at all. A lot of the city jobs that we take and that we do are not glamorous, but we show up every day, even during a pandemic. Nurses, firefighters, teachers, EMTs, police, you name it, we were there, we were good enough then, we should be good enough now.

In April of 2020 my mother Cynthia, God bless her soul, she passed away, I took my four days bereavement, and I went back to work. I went back to work every single day during the pandemic, when my mother passed away, took my four days, I went back to work. It's not because I'm an outstanding employee or anything like that, it's because it's my job, that's what I chose to do, and I said, I'd rather be at work keeping my mind busy and doing something at least for the city in my own little small way to help out rather than be at home going crazy.

We're not where we were before. These things don't make sense. The mandates don't make sense. People are hurting out there, people are losing their jobs, their homes.

All the people that we call on when we're in trouble, police, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, schoolteachers, all those people that were good enough then, but they're not good enough now? How does that make any sense?

All I got to say is that, end the mandates, it's unconstitutional, it's illegal, and it's just downright not human the way that we've been treating people.

We got treated like yesterday's newspaper, we got treated like the trash, that we help to take out all the time. And the same with a whole bunch of other people in this city, this great city that we love that we all signed up to take care of, that we're all a part of, we need to be less divisive and more inclusive and get everybody back to what they do best because you cannot replace the amount of experience that these people have with new hires. It just doesn't work that way.
707   Patrick   2024 Jul 10, 1:03pm  


Democrat President Joe Biden’s former White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha has admitted that vaccine mandates were a mistake.

In a new interview with former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, Dr. Jha confessed that forcing people to take Covid mRNA injections was “harmful” to members of the public and damaged trust in government.

“In the long run [vaccine mandates] bred a lot of distrust and were harmful as well,” said Jha, who now serves as the Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.

Jha suggested vaccine mandates would be “very, very narrow” if another pandemic were to emerge.

The former top Biden White House official said he often reminds his friends in public health that the track record for mandates in their field “is not a glorious history.”

“In general, you don’t want to use mandates unless you absolutely have to,” Jha stated.

“And, I say that as somebody who supported vaccine mandates early on.

Jha *must* be hanged for crimes against humanity.
708   Patrick   2024 Jul 13, 10:15am  


💉🔬 Sometimes, small developments signal massive changes. One such signal unexpectedly appeared last week in a ‘study’ (a “Perspective”) that popped up in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, succinctly titled “Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science.”

The Perspective’s unremarkable premise was that governments should not only require minimal safety testing from vaccine manufacturers for initial approval, but agencies should also continue tracking vaccines’ real-life performance after approval. The authors strongly argued we need to figure out the real-world, long-term risks from vaccines, however rare they might (or might not) be, and which for whatever reason might not have shown up in the drugs’ initial approval studies.

In other words, they argued we should keep checking vaccines after authorizing them, instead of drinking a few more espresso martinis and singing “safe and effective” at the karaoke booth until the bar closes.

While you might think that is just common sense, you are not an expert. Experts, unlike you dummies, have no need for common sense. They have grants.

Even though that infuriating admission was ultimately unsurprising, there were two quite remarkable things about the Perspective. The first was that the vaccine-tracking suggestion appeared in a mainstream medical journal at all, causing pharma sales reps to start polishing their resumes. The concept wasn’t new, but it was new that the NEJM agreed to publish what until ten minutes ago was an ugly anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory.

But second, and even more remarkable, is who joined the Perspective. One of the main authors was Dr. Stanley Plotkin, M.D..

Dr. Plotkin has, over the course of his long career, been so influential in expanding the vaccine industry that he is called, and I am not making this up, the “Godfather of Vaccines.” He’ll make you a vaccine offer you can’t refuse.

Like other bureaucratic cockroaches of our acquaintance, Plotkin has worked inside and outside government, won any number of jab awards, published innumerable supportive papers and books on vaccine science, and “pioneered” the use of fetal cells in vaccine development. So.

But now, suddenly and unexpectedly, for the first time in his long and storied career, Dr. Plotkin is calling for more research into vaccine injuries. Why? Why now? You may not be surprised to learn the article offered the pandemic as an explanation:

“The widespread vaccine hesitancy observed during the Covid-19 pandemic suggests that the public is no longer satisfied with the traditional safety goal of simply detecting and quantifying the associated risks after a vaccine has been authorized for use.”

You don’t say. Before we continue, chalk up yet another unpredicted pandemic win for the anti-vaccine movement. Anyway, Plotkin and his co-authors admitted that times have changed:

“The public also wants public health authorities to mitigate and prevent rare but serious adverse events – which no longer seem rare when vaccines are given to millions or billions of people.”
In other words, people are getting completely fed up with the philosophy of “you have to break a few people to make a vaccine omelet.” Saving five million people from “serious covid” (allegedly) cannot justify killing one million people with heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, and turbo cancers.

Doctors like Stanley Plotkin love utilitarian ethics. But sane people reject trading lives for outcomes if you can make the numbers work.

Even more surprising, Dr. Plotkin has apparently had an epiphany: it is now critical to track vaccine injuries and figure out whether and how vaccines are hurting people:

“It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination. When they are caused by vaccines (vaccine adverse reactions), the risk attributable to vaccination and the biologic mechanism must be ascertained.”
Touching on my PREP Act lawsuit, the authors recognized that people with jab injuries are being gaslit and get no help from anybody. Pushing aside, for the moment, the sacred goal of selling more vaccines, Plotkin and his confederates admitted that injured people need compensation for their injuries.

“Identifying the biologic mechanisms of adverse reactions — how and in whom they occur — is critical for developing safer vaccines, preventing adverse reactions by expanding contraindications, and equitably compensating vaccinees for true adverse reactions.”
It would be hard to understate the importance of achieving true compensation for vaccine injuries. After all, compensation for injuries is the bedrock of our tort system, which does a pretty good job keeping unsafe products off the market, for the simple reason that paying for people’s injuries cuts into profits.

For too long, vaccine manufacturers have hidden behind the “unavoidably unsafe” banner. But if victims start being fairly compensated —even by the government, as Plotkin suggested— we will immediately get vastly improved visibility into vaccine injuries.

If you give people financial incentives to report their injuries, they will do it in droves. And if you give lawyers incentives to prove how vaccines injured their clients, the lawyers will do the work the scientists have been unable to perform. It would amount to a level of visibility into vaccine injuries that we’ve always needed but never had.

In other words, Plotkin’s new Perspective signals a massive schism opening between medical science and big pharma. That growing gulf arose only because of the pandemic’s unaccountable excesses. I guess the vaccine scientists don’t want to be left holding the bag.

And they don't want to swing from ropes next to Fauci, Collins, and Bourla.
709   Patrick   2024 Jul 13, 10:20am  


Ex-CDC Director: Public health did not want to report side effects because people would not get vaccinated.

The vaccines “don't prevent infection. They do have side effects...they should have never been mandated”.

Ex-CDC Director Redfield: Again, I think Senator, what you're getting at, which I'm 100% agreeing with you, is I think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines. And I do think there was inappropriate decisions by some to try to under report any side effects because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated. I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made, of course, was mandating these vaccines. They should have never been mandated. It should have been open to personal choice. They don't prevent infection. They do have side effects. I'm going to clinic this afternoon.

Senator Johnson: But again, again, I appreciate your admitting side effects, but you have to admit the people, the agencies, the marks. You know, the Dr. Marks, the Dr. Woodcock, they're still by and large denying this, right? They're saying, well, they're mild, they're rare, and they're mild. They're not rare, and they're severe to death.

Redfield: The FDA should release all of the safety data they have. I was very disappointed to hear that they were planning to hold on to that until 2026. That really creates a sense of total lack of trust in our public health agencies towards vaccination. It's counterproductive.

Senator Johnson: So Mr. Chairman, I'm not getting cooperation out of the Chairman of the Perm Subcommittee Investigation to issue subpoenas to get this information. You have not yet issued a subpoena to get the final 50 pages unredacted. I would suggest we do that. Again, as important as the cover-up of the origin story is, there's a lot more that's being covered up. The public has a right to know. We pay for these agencies. We pay their salaries. We fund these studies. and they're not giving them to us. So again, I would ask you, again, appreciate this here, and this is important, there are many aspects of our miserably failed response to COVID that needs to be uncovered, not the least of which is the sabotage of early treatment, which I didn't have time to get into. ...

Redfield: It has a very strong pro inflammatory response which is problematic. Again, I think Senator, what you're getting at, which I'm 100% agreeing with you is I think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines. And I do think there was inappropriate decisions by some to try to under report any side effects because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated. I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made, of course, was mandating that these vaccines, they should have never been mandated. It should have been open to personal choice. They don't prevent infection. They do have side effects.

We, dissidents, tried to tell the people all this stuff in 2021, but Public Health agencies hid it from the people and censored those who spoke out:

They knew modRNA would be distributed all over the body, concentrating in the ovaries, and the adrenal glands, and crossing the blood-brain barrier.

Public health did not want to report side effects because people would not get vaccinated.

The vaccines “don't prevent infection. They do have side effects...they should have never been mandated”.

So, who is going to jail for this greatest crime in history with 5+ billion people jabbed with a toxic substance?

Jail is not nearly sufficient. Everyone who mandated injections of the toxic slime or participated in creating the virus MUST be hanged as soon as possible. The US government is entirely illegitimate if it refuses to administer justice to mass murderers like Fauci, Colins, and Bourla.
711   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 9:00pm  


Somehow, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the whole Constitutional system of checks and balances on power was largely disregarded. All of a sudden, a network of 3-letter agencies was calling the shots. The overreaching Executive branch called for a nationwide lockdown, and later for vaccine mandates. CISA decided if your job was essential or not. The CDC decided whether or not landlords could evict tenants. The FDA inserted itself between doctors and their patients, telling doctors not to use certain already approved meds to treat Covid, and pharmacists not to fill certain prescriptions. OSHA required you to wear a mask on public transportation and airplanes. NIH agencies and health departments shut down churches, schools, businesses, and civic, cultural, and sports clubs. They issued directives on how many people could gather in your home, and whether or not you could be with loved ones in hospitals and care centers. The NSC directed a Covid response that was militant, and unconcerned with individual rights. It went on and on and on, as we were bullied, browbeaten, and manipulated by Executive branch bureaucrats and other unelected officials inserting themselves into every aspect of our lives. The Judiciary and Legislative branches largely stood by or even supported what was happening.

All of this underlines why hangings are absolutely essential to protect humanity from getting murdered by lethal injection at the whim of cockroaches like Pfauci and Bourla.
712   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 9:43pm  


For four years, unthinkable crimes against humanity have taken place, their stories documented by C.H.B.M.P. Covid Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, stands as evidence of ongoing atrocity, compiled a list of the most prevalent characteristics associated with deadly covid hospital protocols. CHBMP is committed to shedding light on these issues, raising awareness, putting an end to these harmful practices, tirelessly seeking justice for the countless victims and their devastated families.

Isolation of victim: Victim denied access to family, friends, advocate, Rabbi, Pastor, Priest, Clergy, etc.

Strict adherence to EUA protocols: Only option allowed to victims are hospital “protocol” drugs; Remdesivir/Veklury, Baricitinib/Olumiant, Tocilizumab/Actemra. Often forced on victim when refused.

Denied alternative treatments: Denied requests (often ridiculed) for treatments such as Vitamins, Ivermectin, Budesonide, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. False statements made that they are not “FDA Approved” or do not work.

Denied informed consent: No informed consent provided regarding medications, treatments, intubation, or procedures.

Gaslighting: Gaslighting by Hospital Staff. Victim and family constantly told the victim will die because they are unvaccinated/if they refuse to be vaccinated or if they don’t comply with hospital protocol or ventilation. Constantly told their loved one “was a very sick man” or “a very sick woman”.

Removal of communication devices: Call lights, glasses, cell phone, communication devices removed from patients’ possession or placed out of reach.

Dehumanization: Methodical dehumanization of victim. Often described as “being treated like an animal”.

Pervasive sense of wrongdoing: Family members, friends, and often the victim all had a feeling “something was wrong”.

Vaccination discrimination: Discrimination based on vaccine status. Mocking, verbal and physical abuse for being unvaccinated.

Rapid oxygen increase: Oxygen supplementation increased quickly causing lung complications and damage, leading to mechanical ventilation.

Refusal to communicate: Doctors, nurses, hospital administration refusing to communicate with family or advocates.

Dehydration and starvation: Denial of food, water, or any nutrition. Given diuretics or laxatives.

Restraint abuse: Physical restraint and/or chemical restraints used. Failure to follow legal requirements around the use of restraints. Ventilation used as restraint or as a method of behavior control.

Bathroom denial: Denial of bathroom use. Forced onto a catheter and/or rectal tube.

Non-emergency ventilation: Victim and family told it is just to “give the lungs a rest”.

DNR pressure or shenanigans: Pressured to sign DNR. Ignored or falsified DNR.

Palliative care pressure: Victim and family pressured into palliative care, comfort care or hospice. Family denied participation in the Palliative Care Consult Meeting. Palliative care ordered without consent.

Isolated even in death: Denied access to dying victim. Denied access to view the body after death. Denial of Last Rites.

Police/Security involvement: Police/Security used to keep victim isolated. Families threatened with arrest.

Refusal of transfer: Refusal to change doctors or make hospital transfer.

Infections and injuries: Sepsis, MRSA or Hospital-Acquired Infection. Pressure sores, skin tears, necrosis.

Neglect: Neglect and lack of basic care, general hygiene or grooming, bathing, linen changes.

Nighttime emergencies: Family woken up and pressured to make instant life and death choices with little information. Staff attempting to “scare them” or “confuse them”.

Perception of malevolence: Victim states or feels like hospital staff is torturing them or going to kill them.

Unqualified staff: Treatment by foreign, travel, FEMA, or unqualified Medical Staff.

714   Ceffer   2024 Jul 20, 10:52pm  

Patrick says

Yes, but it's all good. Doctors got their death protocol reimbursements and vaccine capping fees, the politicians all got laundered profits from the vaxicides and boosters, the Mockingbird MSM got their printing press boluses for the propaganda, the crisis actors and Intel audio visual guys got a big bonuses for their role playing, millions of willing and eager sociopaths got nice paychecks. A little confession-poo after the fact should just make it all go away.
715   Patrick   2024 Jul 23, 10:08am  


A Brave German Soldier Imprisoned in 2024 for Refusing Covid Vaccinations

Jan Reiners, the modern day hero

Jan Reiners was an exemplary servicemember who served Germany for 12 years.

His problems started in 2021 when Bundeswehr’s careerist generals rushed to mandate Covid vaccine for the troops:

In November 2021, the then Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had the Corona vaccination requirement/toleration requirement introduced. The FAZ newspaper reported that "vaccination refusal in the troops is now endangering service operations" and that the "Bundeswehr is the first institution in Germany to introduce a general vaccination requirement."

This is the picture of the above-mentioned Defense minister:

The soldiers were not given any time to think about this requirement:

Reiners remembers it well: "That was loudly announced to us at the assembly point. They said: Corona vaccination is now mandatory. To all soldiers who have not yet been vaccinated against Corona: If you are not vaccinated by 1 p.m., we will accuse you of disobeying orders. That means three years in prison. Get out of here!"

How can anyone develop “informed consent” when rushed under such orders? Please tell me.

The order was illegal and contravened German law:

“The order for Covid vaccination is inadmissible” - Reiner's lawyer Edgar Siemund, an expert in military law and retired reserve lieutenant, says, "the order for Covid vaccination is inadmissible." Three areas of responsibility overlap here. Specifically, it concerns the relationship of responsibility between superiors and soldiers, between doctors and soldiers/patients, and between doctors and employers. Let us first consider the responsibility between superiors and soldiers. Paragraph 17a (2) of the Soldiers Act states: "The soldier must only tolerate medical measures against his will if they 1. serve to prevent or combat communicable diseases or 2. serve to determine his fitness for service or employment." The vaccination did not protect against transmission of the virus at any time. But that's not all. The relevant regulation here is not the law mentioned, but the Bundeswehr's central service regulation A-840/8, explains Siemund. It is precisely this that regulates the authority of superiors when it comes to vaccinations and prophylactic measures. "There is nothing in this service regulation that says that an order to vaccinate can be given."

Despite all that, the brave soldier Jan Reiners refused the illegal order and was made a scapegoat for it. He lost his Army position and his income:

Today, the former Lance Corporal lives on citizen's income . "They took everything away from me," he says. "German army driver's license, military service ID, I was no longer allowed to go to the barracks just like that, I was treated like a serious criminal."

Jan Reiners, a German Hero

Jan Reiners, a soldier with a long service history, is a hero: he refused an illegal order. All he wanted was to reject the poison, remain a healthy, battle-ready soldier, and stay ready to defend his country. Instead, he was discharged and, after exhausting his appeals, is now going to prison for 40 days. After that, his incarceration will continue as he gets six more months for refusing to pay an illegal fine...

P.S. If anyone in Germany knows how to send Pvt. Reiners money, please let me know. I cannot think of a better way to spend my paid subscriber’s fees than to help that brave man.
718   Patrick   2024 Jul 25, 7:40am  


Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again...

The RKI Covid protocols, through April 2021, were first released heavily redacted form in March of this year; following a public outcry, the Health Ministry agreed to remove all but the most essential redactions, and finally delivered on this promise in May. Thereafter, a former RKI employee leaked all documents available to him in completely unredacted form to the independent journalist Aya Velázquez. She published this leak earlier this week; it runs to 3,865 pages, extends through 7 June 2023, and includes 10 GB of supplementary material. It is the source of many new revelations, some of which I have surveyed for you above. ...

Perhaps if the Covidians had not spent years house-arresting and force-vaccinating millions of people, with the willing collaboration of the medical bureaucrats in the Robert Koch Institut, I could find it within myself to give the slightest fuck about “third-party rights” and privacy. But, they did, and I don’t.
719   Patrick   2024 Jul 26, 9:55am  


💉💉 The UK Daily Mail ran a very encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Navy SEALs who refused COVID vax score major win against Biden admin.” The government finally gave in and settled.

Biden’s August, 2021, military jab mandate caused the forced firing of over 8,000 service members who refused the shots on religious grounds, including thousands of Navy SEALs and other soldiers. On top of professionally punishing soldiers who resisted the mandate, the military had also demanded that fired soldiers pay back their signing bonuses and reimburse the government for hundreds of thousands of dollars in training.

Twenty-six SEALs sued. Later, the case expanded to include all Navy service members who raised religious objections to the shots. Yesterday, after a long and difficult case, during which the government stubbornly insisted it was right all along, civil-rights law firm First Liberty announced the government had finally settled the lawsuit.

Under the court-approved settlement, all soldiers, current and discharged, will have their records corrected to show they didn’t do anything wrong. The Navy may not consider their refusal to take the jabs in future promotion reviews. The Navy also agreed to post a public statement affirming the Navy’s new-found respect for religious service members. It must better train commanders who review religious accommodation requests, revise its accommodation request policy (which suddenly changed during the mandate), and cough up $1.5 million in attorneys’ fees.


Everyone who mandated the injurious and ineffective injection must be hanged.
721   Patrick   2024 Jul 26, 10:45am  


Anonymous RKI employee describes the "intense" and secret efforts of political Health Ministry staff to influence expert pandemic assessments during Covid

Following the science is when politicians send their goons to the pandemic managers in Germany's leading public health agency to get them to say what the politicians want them to say. ...

The RKI insider says that they make hardly any mention of the pressure exerted on the employees, which was at times “intense.” Sometimes RKI staff were only able to defend themselves by asking Health Ministry employees to condense their verbal requests into written instructions. Ministry staff, however, almost always shied away from doing so, because “nobody in the Health Ministry wanted this stuff on record” …

Put more baldly: Although the protocols abound with evidence of political interference at the Robert Koch Institut, this is merely the tip of the iceberg, because the Health Ministry preferred to work asymmetrically and off the books. Above all, they sought to bypass management and lean on mid-level staff, thus hiding their actions from the obnoxious keepers of the Covid Crisis Team protocols. The Health Ministry knew they were up to no good and refused to leave any written traces, lest their plotting ever come to light.
722   Patrick   2024 Jul 30, 6:12pm  


The bombshell revelation that turned the conversation was the unredacted crisis team protocols from the Robert Koch Institute. Jörges highlighted, "It was officially determined by them that the statement, 'the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' is not correct. Literally not correct."

Emphasizing the severe implications of this misinformation, Jörges painted a poignant picture of the injustices faced by the unvaccinated. "There was this 2G rule, that only vaccinated and recovered people could move around freely. The unvaccinated were not allowed to go to the cinema, theater, concert, or restaurant. They couldn't do anything except work, even though they had to get tested every day," he lamented. For many, these infringements were not just inconvenient but a significant blow to their personal freedoms and dignity.

In a powerful call for accountability, Jörges named prominent figures who should come forward and apologize. "Those are all those who championed the phrase 'pandemic of the unvaccinated.' Mr. Spahn, the Health Minister. Mr. Söder, Mr. Lauterbach, Mr. Ramelow from the Left Party. And, hear this, the Federal President, Mr. Steinmeier, also propagated this," he stated. The columnist's tone was one of disbelief and disappointment in these leaders.

This portion of the segment resonated deeply: "And they have been insulted and berated in such a way that one can only be ashamed of it in retrospect."

Shame is not enough. Everyone who worked on creating the virus, or funded it (Fauci), or mandated the dangerous and ineffective injections MUST BE HANGED.
723   Patrick   2024 Jul 30, 7:57pm  


Updated July 2024

1. Failure to acknowledge that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was man-made.

2. Implementation of cruel lockdowns without any scientific evidence of usefulness

3. Declare experimental gene-based mRNA injections “safe and effective” when this was not supported by the available evidence. The 95% efficacy claim was false. The COVID “vaccines” have been reported to cause more death and injury than any drug in history.

4. Failure of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration to require appropriate quality, safety and efficacy data for the Covid “vaccines” and subsequently failure to properly evaluate the COVID injections for safety and efficacy.

5. Failure to stop senseless vaccine mandates when there was never any evidence that the injections would stop transmission.

6. Falsely claiming the COVID injections would keep you from getting COVID, getting seriously ill or going to hospital. The hospital statistics show this is false.

7. Falsely claiming masks prevent transmission or infection. There is no credible evidence that masks prevent transmission or acquisition of air-borne viral infection.

8. Falsely claiming it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

9. Ramping up public fear to force people into getting “vaccinated”

10. Denying early treatment which could have saved thousands of lives. Such advice has never been given in medicine for any serious infection.

11. Orchestrating and supporting outrageous epidemiologic claims of expected deaths (150,000 predicted by the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates)

12. Failure to properly assess thousands of vaccine related deaths reported in adverse drug event reporting systems including DAEN.

13. Courts failing to consider the scientific facts of regarding COVID and the lack of safety and efficacy of COVID injections

14. Contributing to the media censorship of any scientist or doctor who criticised the government narrative of “vaccine” safety and efficacy

15. Permitting the Australian Professional Health Regulation Agency (APHRA) to suspend the registration of any health practitioner who disagreed with the government COVID management policy.

16. Preventing proper and full informed consent given to patients by doctors prior to COVID injections – patients were not fully advised of the risks.

17. Falsely stating it was safe to use COVID injections for babies, children and pregnant women when there was no credible data to support such use in these groups.

18. Falsely inflating “COVID” case numbers and deaths using an inappropriate test (PCR) to justify population wide COVID injections.

19. Failure to recognise or investigate natural immunity in relation to vaccine policy

20. Falsely claiming there was no clinical evidence to support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin in the treatment of COVID-19.

21. Destroying millions of doses of hydroxychloroquin and blocking the prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19

22. Manipulating Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data and Excess Death data using data analysis which effectively minimises the impact of All-Cause Mortality following COVID “vaccine rollout

23. Considering plans for a World Health Organisation (WHO) takeover of future Australian government pandemic health policy by unelected, unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats connected to the vaccine industry and apex predators of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

24. Maintaining total secrecy surrounding the contracted arrangements with vaccine manufacturers and spending hundreds of billions of dollars needlessly on unscientific and unsound COVID pandemic policies

25. Brutally suppressing peaceful demonstrations using rubber bullets and physical force never before witnessed in Australia

26. Proceeding to build pharmaceutical plants to produce “vaccines” using the mRNA platform without any long-term safety data and with the full knowledge these injections have produced the highest reported incidence of death and serious adverse events of any vaccine in history

27. Failure to explain or investigate the cause of the non-COVID unexpected Excess Deaths following the COVID “vaccine” rollouts (estimated at 30,000)

28. Failure to conduct a proper risk/benefit assessment of lockdowns, vaccine mandates or COVID “vaccination” OR to enquire why other countries had much fewer “cases” and death despite having much smaller health care budgets.

29. Failure of the TGA to report the high incidence of ongoing cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the COVID “vaccines”

30. Failure to properly assess the ongoing safety and efficacy of modified COVID “vaccines” in light of worldwide reports of serious adverse events and death. Vaccine manufacturers and drug regulators were overwhelmed with the number of adverse event reports and there is probably a huge backlog of reports to be assessed.

31. Failure to report hospital COVID vaccination status of COVID patients in ICU and dying “with” or “due to” COVID

32. Failure to adequately explain child deaths post vaccination reported to the Drug Adverse Event Notification (DAEN) Scheme

33. Failure to investigate and report on multiple international reports of problems of COVID “vaccine” quality control (high death rate following certain batches)

34. Failure to disclose to the public the vested interests of so-called “health experts”, expert committees and institutions providing public advice

35. The TGA falsely claimed there is no evidence the COVID “vaccines” might interfere with your own DNA or have intergenerational adverse effects.

36. The government knows and did not warn that the COVID “vaccines” do not stay at the site of injection but travel throughout the body and the mRNA in the injections produce Spike Protein which have been shown to be directly responsible for the observed heart attacks, stroke, neurological diseases etc.

37. The government made no distinction between the minimal to near zero risk of COVID-19 in the young vs the risk to the elderly and exposed millions of younger Australians to needless gene-based mRNA injections which may have longer term adverse effects

38. The Australian government divided society and demonised those who wisely chose not to receive the COVID injections by promoting the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” concept

39. Despite unprecedented numbers of the vaccine injured, compensation has been rare and minimal. Our government protects the vaccine manufacturers with full indemnity – amazing

40. The effect of the COVID injections on fertility and miscarriages have been widely reported worldwide yet our TGA has not raised any concern

41. Failure to admit mistakes and harm or to even investigate ways to improve future policies and strategies by conducting a Royal Commission.

42. We were not told judges, Parliamentarians and their staff were exempt from vaccine mandates.

43. The TGA have not responded to repeated worldwide observations and reports that the batches of COVID-19 “vaccines” were not made in the same way as the clinical trial batches. The commercial batches were made using fermentation techniques using E. coli bacteria resulting in contamination of the vaccine vials with toxic DNA material which can potentially reverse transcribe into your DNA.

44. Cheating in clinical trial data management and analysis (eg. counting people who died suddenly and unexpectedly within 2 weeks after injection as “unvaccinated”.

45. Approval for use of remdesivir despite lack of safety and efficacy data and failure to give appropriate warnings about kidney toxicity to COVID patients.

46. Discontinued reporting of the vaccination status of seriously ill COVID-19 patients in hospital (unvaccinated vs vaccinated). The vast majority of COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated and boosted.

47. Failure by the Australian Government to investigate more than 30,000 non-COVID unexplained deaths following the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

48. Failure to properly compensate the vaccine injured and those who have died due COVID-19 vaccination.

49. The Victorian State government and other State governments sometimes inflate the number of “unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths” by including many vaccinated people whose vaccination status is either unknown or would later be confirmed.

50. The governments around the world released COVID-19 “vaccines” which were made in a different way to clinical trial “vaccines”. The commercial batches were contaminated with toxic DNA and endotoxins which could cause sudden death and serious side effects and governments knew this.

51. Pfizer delayed reporting the deaths of vaccinated people in the pivotal COVID “vaccine” clinical trial before obtaining drug regulatory approval

52. Irresponsible claims there is no need to investigate credible embalmer and vascular surgeon reports of the appearance of strange long white rubbery “clots” in both veins and arteries the deceased and living following the rollout of the Covid shots.

53. False claims that vaccines are among the most well researched therapeutic agents for efficacy and safety.

54. Laying the blame for the Covid pandemic primarily with the Chinese Communist Party and not the WHO, FDA and other drug regulators, US CDC or National Institute of Health according to ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield.

55. False claims that the iconic medical journals are a reliable source of high quality scientific and medical/clinical information on the Covid “vaccines” and are free of bias and censorship of important safety and efficacy information.

56. Covid “vaccines” specifically designed to produce toxic Spike Protein for the immune response was a good idea.

57. The Covid “vaccines” saved tens of millions of lives.

58. The government did not mandate vaccine mandates.

59. The high incidence of ongoing cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune an d cancer illness and death can be attributed to a sequela of COVID-19 (“Long Covid”) and not the shots.

60. The unexplained rise of the number of deaths above previous levels from all causes (Excess Deaths) following the rollout of the Covid shots (but not in 2020 or 2021 when there were either no vaccines or the population was only partly vaccinated) is NOT due to the shots themselves.

61. Recent (2024) calculation of the Excess Deaths by the Actuaries Institute (10 July 2024) claiming Australia had a “relatively low” Excess Death rate following the Covid “vaccine” rollouts and “the overwhelming weight of the available evidence does not point to Covid-19 vaccines as a cause of significant number of additional deaths”….and “the number of [Excess] deaths is likely to be small, especially in the context of the estimated numbers of excess deaths and the lives saved by vaccination”.
726   HeadSet   2024 Aug 1, 12:37pm  

Patrick says


No, do not polish the guillotines, leave them with a nice rusty blade.
727   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 12:52pm  


The whistleblower leaked non-redacted Covid protocols to journalist Aya Velazquez, who published the files.

Key findings from Velazquez’s report were translated from German to English by biotechnology scientist Dr. Simon Goddek.

According to the report, the German government was aware in 2020, before the shots were rolled out for public use in early 2021, that the Covid mRNA injections were ineffective against the virus.

In fact, the German government knew that those who received the injections suffered more severely from the COVID-19 virus than non-vaccinated individuals.

Dr. Goddek notes that the documents show government officials were using children as “guinea pigs” to test the experimental mRNA shots. ...

Aide from the “vaccines,” the leak also revealed that there was no scientific justification for enforcing a mask mandate.

In fact, the government was warned on January 18, 2021, that mask-wearing has negative side effects.

Nevertheless, government officials kept this information hidden and continued pushing mask mandates for the general public.
728   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 2:32pm  


Pandemic 2.0 Ready To Go: FDA To Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to mRNA Bird Flu Shots, Just Like What Happened With COVID

The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another "pandemic," this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu.

This is only because we failed to hang them the first time.

Everyone at the FDA approving this shit must be tried and hanged ASAP. Our lives depend on hanging them.
729   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 2:35pm  


Another shocking decision by a US Court-Schools can administer vaccines to children against parental wishes

If you live in the US and your children are still in state-run schools, it's time to pull them out of there!
730   Patrick   2024 Aug 3, 6:39pm  


Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022

DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: OK. I'm Dr. Stephen Guffanti. I was minding my own business. I'm an emergency room doctor so my job is to find people who are dying and stop that. And I was admitted to the hospital with covid 10 days after I contracted it, which means I was no longer contagious. My doctor told me I was no longer contagious, but he had no explanation for why I was in isolation or why I was getting remdesivir, which is an anti-viral evidently used in this protocol.

The fact that my doctor could not explain his treatment plan meant that it was not his treatment plan. So whoever's pulling the strings, it was not the MD whose name was on the order.

So this young man [indicates a photograph], 20 years younger than me, a marathon runner, became my roommate. And I watched him get sicker and sicker. Now I'm an ER doc with my own two cents in the 80s, but I can recognize when somebody's, you know, having a hard time breathing. So I grabbed my IV pull, I went over to him, I tested his inspiration volume, and he's running on one fourth of a lung, and I say to him, Keith! Why are you so sick? And he says, I don't know. I said, Do you want me to be your patient advocate? He said, sure.

So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!

So I say, well, the doctor's probably missed this pneumonia. Even though he's the one that ordered the lab! So let's talk to the doctor. Twelve hours later they still would not talk to the doctor. Keith is now looking like this [indicating photograph]. He's drowning in pus and I say to the night nurse, this man needs to see his doctor. She would not tell us who his doctor was.

I got an infectious disease doc on the phone at 3 in the morning because in the emergency room you're allowed to do that. So I did that. And they wouldn't tell the infectious disease doc which of his colleagues was taking care of this guy.

They tied me to my bed and they put me in isolation. And the only reason I can have for them doing that to an MD who is on the spot—- right—- in medical protocol the MD who is at the bedside has priority over the nurses and any of the other, you know, personnel. The only doctor that could have had protocol over me would have been the patient's doctor—- if he showed up at the bedside.

Well, I got tied to my bed. I got put in isolation. I was [inaudible] even though I told them, you know, you don't have to do any of this, I'll sign out AMA [against medical advice]. They wouldn't let me sign out AMA. Finally, some doc came by and said, Why are you here? I said, I'm being held against my will. He released me and let me go home.

When I left that hospital my oxygen saturation was 81. Normal oxygen saturation is between 95 and 100, and if you've got normal lungs and you hold your breath you will never break it down below 90. You'd be lucky to break it down below 95. So my lungs were really damaged. Turned out I had a bronchitis. I started treating myself, I went and got some oxygen and then — [indicating photo] This happens to be a FaceBook post done at 3 in the morning. The other FaceBook post I did was the last nurse walking out on the patient that he desperately needed.

That got me here because for some odd reason people think if you're a retired doctor and you've had covid, you know how to treat it. So I talked to Dr. Littell,[1] I don't know, about a month after I got out, and I just started picking his brain.

All I'm telling you is this is not real medicine. Medicine does not give mandates. We give advice. Whenever you hear medicine mandate, that's not doctors, that's the government. And I've had patients worse than me that I've brought oxygen to and given them Ivermectin and given them high-dose Vitamin C. And now there's this wave of long-haul covid.

If you take anything from my story, understand this: The hospital has become a jail. Based on the nurses reaction, the doctor is not in charge, and 6 nurses willing to abandon a patient drowning in pus means that this is a systemic problem.

So what have I done? You know, I'm an ER doc so I do whatever it takes. I have replaced half the hospital board. [Inaudible] is the fifth board member. If I get [inaudible] on Sarasota Memorial Hospital's board we can do an investigation into what laws created this chaos.

Now, you're probably not from Sarasota. But out of the 67 counties in Florida, 21 of them have elected hospital boards. So if you belong to a county that has that I highly recommend you go to the board and find out who's going to listen and who's not.

I went of course to doctors and nurses to get on the board because if you get a businessman on the board he has no clue what you're talking about when you talk medicine. We had a guy on the board for 20 years, we asked him, what's informed consent? And he had no idea. Can you imagine being on a hospital board and not knowing what informed consent is?
731   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 3, 9:35pm  

Patrick says

So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!

Many hospitals are just funnels, and if you get funneled wrong or sometimes worse, not at all, that's that.

We HAVE to eliminate the prescription requirement for most drugs and just do what most of the world does, you buy it over the counter except for opiates and mind-altering drugs like valium and pam a lams

Imagine an athlete dying of bacterial pneumonia in a hospital. Also, some US God complex doctors don't want to be told shit by nurses, including the ones who see the same shit 50x a year, year after year.
732   Onvacation   2024 Aug 4, 5:44am  

AmericanKulak says

God complex doctors

Only the hardest working most compliant students make it into med school. After they graduate they are brainwashed and indentured.
733   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Aug 4, 6:14am  

Onvacation says

Only the hardest working most compliant students make it into med school

Except for affirmative action students with regards to hardest working.
734   Onvacation   2024 Aug 4, 7:37am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Except for affirmative action students with regards to hardest working.

There is that.
736   Patrick   2024 Aug 5, 4:05pm  


Vaccine Cheerleader, Dr. Peter Hotez with Texas Children’s Hospital, Calls for Deploying Police and Military to confront anti-vaccine stance; so the bow-tied freak nutjob inept specious non-sensical, academically sloppy, intellectually lazy head up the ass DEMOCRAT voting dimwit, dangerous dimwit, wants deployed security forces against “anti-vaxxers”; he wants federal police to PUNISH us ...

Hotez has long been noted for promoting controversial and sometimes false statement about the COVID pandemic and then accusing his critics of “anti-science.”

But this is not the first time Hotez has called for police to deploy against those who disagree with his views on science. Last October, Scientific American platformed Hotez as an expert on “anti-science” and didn’t bat an eyelid when he said support for scientists would require intervention by the Department of Homeland Security and the creation of a federal interagency task force.

Hotez should be among the first hanged for his crimes against humanity, crimes that resulted in millions of deaths by mRNA injection.
737   Patrick   2024 Aug 11, 1:07pm  


In 2021, people ordered to evacuate erupting volcano could only be evacuated if 'vaccinated' for covid.

Yes, you read that correctly.

738   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 5:42pm  


The Majority of Americans Are "Anti-Vaxxers"

A majority of Americans now officially meet the definition of "anti-vaxxer"

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”:

So, to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, a person needs to only oppose receiving some vaccines. Meaning, a person that opposes receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or an influenza vaccine is an anti-vaxxer. And guess what? The majority of Americans now oppose receiving both of these vaccines.

In fact, according to the CDC, despite spending billions of dollars wildly promoting these products, less than half of Americans received an influenza vaccine, RSV vaccine, and the updated COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, less than 23% of the adult population in the U.S. has received an updated COVID-19 vaccine despite a relentless multi-billion-dollar national promotion campaign.

Not only do a majority of Americans oppose receiving these vaccines, an even greater percentage of Americans no doubt (including some that receive these vaccines) oppose mandating one or more of these products.

Good news!

This clears the way to hanging the genocidal motherfuckers who MANDATED POISON for most of the world.
741   Patrick   2024 Aug 19, 10:19am  


...all on this list (including media people who helped drive the fraud and used their podium to deceive the public) should be questioned under oath to help us understand the fraud of COVID, lockdowns, & mRNA technology and vaccine insanity

109 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse:

Dr. Francis Collins (head of NIH)

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA technology inventor)

Dr. Janet Woodcock (FDA Commissioner)

Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan

Matt Hancock (Midazolam Matt)

Gustave F. Perna (ran OWS)

Nathan Wolfe (Metabiota)

Tim Walz (governor)

Hunter Biden (Metabiota)

Melinda Gates

Cliff Lane, deputy director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Governor of New York Kathy Hochul

Bret Weinstein

Gavin Newsom

Former VP Mike Pence

Barak Hussein Obama (Former POTUS, GoF)

Dr. Rick Bright (director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority)

Officials at FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, NIAID

Uğur Şahin (CEO BioNTech)

Dr. Peter Marks

Dr. Katalin Karikó

Rishi Sunak (Prime Minister UK)

Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister Canada)

Jeremy Farrar

Jared Kushner

Members of the CDC's ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices)

D Hinshaw (Canada)

Dr. Peter Jüni

Mark McGowan, Australian state premier

Dr. Peter Hotez

Matt Pottinger

The administrators and health care providers of hospital systems and facilities providing care to patients in Texas, including but not limited to Baylor, Scott, and White Hospital Systems.

Randi Weingarten

Dr. Leana Wen

Andy Slavitt

Sanjay Gupta (CNN)

Klaus Schwab

The Wellcome Trust

Professor John Skerritt, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) boss, Australia

The Rockefeller Foundation

Bill Gates

Rachel Maddow

Cristia Freeland deputy PM /finance minister Canada


Tom Wolf

Albert Bourla (CEO Pfizer)

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)

Amanda Pritchard (NHS)

Neil Ferguson (British epidemiologist)

Bojo Johnson (Boris) Prime Minister

Stéphane Bancel (CEO Moderna)

David Fisman, Public Health Professor Ontario

Christine Grady (ethics NIH)

Dr. Mandy Cohen (CDC Director 2024)

Dr. Paul Offit

Dr. Rachel Levine (assistant secretary for health)

Andrea Horwath

Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)

Dr. Drew Weissman

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Howard Njoo (PHAC Canada)

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Daniel Andrews, former Victorian state premier

All hospital CEOs who approved COVID death protocol

Premier Doug Ford (Ontario)

Michael Osterholm

Dr. Deborah Birx

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

Dr. Bonnie Henry

Alex Azar (Secretary HHS)

Dr. Theresa Tam

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)

Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director)

Ralph Baric

Dr. Stephen Hahn (FDA Commissioner)

Mark Zuckerburg

Robert Kadlec

Jack Dorsey

Moncef Slaoui (ran OWS)

Peter Daszak

Eric Topol

Gadde, Baker, Roth, Agrawal (TWITTER)

Supriya Sharma, Health Canada/PHAC

Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician

Jacinda Ardern

All involved in managing health care in all provinces and territories of Canada. This will be all provincial and territorial Premiers plus all Chief Doctors plus all Ministers of Health and Welfare both federally, territorially and provincially.

Dr. Eric Fiegl-ding

Dr. Asish Jha

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove

Jason Kenney (Premier Alberta)

Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia

CNN e.g. Sanjay Gupta etc.

FOX News e.g. Marc Siegel

MSM (main stream media overall in USA, Canada, UK, Australia etc.)

The New York Times Editorial Board

Andrew Cuomo aka 'Mr. ‘come touch my Nipples' (former New York Governor)

Dr. Andrew Hill

Dr. Vivek Murthy

Tom Frieden

Ursula von der Leyen

Neil Cavuto (FOX)

Nicola Sturgeon (FOX)

Chris Cuomo (CNN)

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

Danielle Smith's 2 million dollar Covid 19 review committee from 2022

Dr. Nicole Saphier (FOX)

Joy Reid

François Legault (Quebec)

Don Lemon (CNN)

Trump’s OWS Task Force team (save Giroir)

Members of Crossfire Hurricane Spying (if we can tie their actions to COVID MALFEASANCE, I think we can…Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Bill Presage, Peter Struck, Joseph Pientk, III, Brian Auten, Lisa Paige, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Reins Previs, Robert Voss…I have always felt the ‘insurance’ Page et al. was COVID

Joe Biden should be on that list, having mandated the poison injection for the government and military.
742   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 10:55am  


Next, President Trump promised to compensate all service members fired for refusing the jabs, with full back pay. He also promised to rehire and reinstate them, with an official apology. I realize many folks still want to hear Trump disclaim the shots, but this is a good start.

Hangings are still absolutely necessary for the worst crime against humanity ever, starting with Pfauci.

Without hangings, no one on earth can or should trust any government, especially not any "health" agency. They are all still nothing but Pfizer in a thin disguise.
743   GNL   2024 Aug 22, 8:23pm  

Patrick says


Next, President Trump promised to compensate all service members fired for refusing the jabs, with full back pay. He also promised to rehire and reinstate them, with an official apology. I realize many folks still want to hear Trump disclaim the shots, but this is a good start.

Hangings are still absolutely necessary for the worst crime against humanity ever, starting with Pfauci.

Without hangings, no one on earth can or should trust any government, especially not any "health" agency. They are all still nothing but Pfizer in a thin disguise.

I'm with you, Patrick. There is no doubt that people need to be punished publicly and deadly.

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