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The Vibe Shift I’m talking about is the speaking of previously unspeakable truths, the noticing of previously suppressed facts.
The Vibe Shift I’m talking about is the speaking of previously unspeakable truths, the noticing of previously suppressed facts.
Revolution of the Broletariat
from the christ-like resurrection of america’s frat boy to the chadification of tech, anti-masculinity is over; chad maximalism has arrived
Age of chad. With the festival-like “protests” at America’s wealthiest private universities growing more unhinged by the day, the rise of a would-be white girl jihadi with giant “I’m offended” glasses was inevitable. But last week, when Keffiyeh Karen took center stage at a press conference outside Columbia University, a main character more perfectly suited to this moment than I ever could have imagined was well and truly born. There, flanked by a lanky “yay Hamas” gay in make-up and a Castro shot boy midriff, she addressed the dire state of her fellow activists, who had just purposely locked themselves inside a campus building. The students were in danger of starving, she said of the mob literally free to leave and feed themselves at any moment. This was a crisis. The country’s richest 1% required food, and the anti-capitalist, anti-colonial “revolutionary” bourgeoisie demanded it be brought to them, by day laborers, at once. This was, their leader said with no apparent sense of self-awareness, basic “humanitarian aid.” ...
While the Sweetgreen Revolution raged to the north, a handful of similarly deranged activists first replaced, and then attempted to destroy, the most prominent American flag on UNC’s campus. Their efforts were retarded, however, when a pack of zoomer frat boys in pastel polos, broccoli perms, and at least one Hooters shirt stepped forward and defended the American flag with their bodies. The mob of Palestine enthusiasts, unprepared for this symbolic act of moral clarity, became enraged, but the country was overjoyed. Photos of the incident went viral, and a GoFundMe was launched to throw the boys a party. Donations climbed to over 500k before it was closed.
The archetypal frat boy, loathed for decades, was not only back, but celebrated. He was also not confined to UNC. ...
In all of this, one strange piece of the story increasingly hard to ignore is the gender division. Outside America’s few Muslim-majority communities, the country’s most ferocious contingent of Palestinian activists appear to be mostly female. The counter activists, on the other hand, appear to be almost entirely male. And the optics of male celebration in opposition to an activist movement so visibly female, after years of male demonization, is totally surreal.
Anyone know what film this clip is from?
DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
Anyone know what film this clip is from?
Captain Fantastic. Worth watching.
From Jail House to the Texas House: Texas Salon Owner Shelley Luther, Who Was Jailed During COVID, Wins Texas State House Seat from Dallas
Texas salon owner Shelley Luther broke the state quarantine in April 2020 to save her business and feed her children.
Shelley was later served a citation from the city of Dallas the following morning for breaking state stay-at-home policies.
At a rally that day SHE RIPPED IT UP during her speech!
Shelley Luther wanted to save her business and the Texas economy. She told the crowd at the rally, “We have a right to run a business and feed our children.”
A large crowd gathered to support her. ...
A week later Shelley Luther was sentenced to 7 days in jail and a $7,000 fine by another radical Obama judge.
Shelley refused to apologize to the liberal judge for opening her business.
The local authorities punished Shelley for wanting to save her business.
Shelley was ordered to jail for her defiance. ...
On Tuesday Shelley Luther won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives.
On Tuesday Shelley Luther won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives.
The election of Donald Trump to President of the United States and the subsequent weeks have been the most honest and authentic cultural moments of my lifetime - and probably yours too. It’s now over two weeks since the election, and I’m still shaking my head in wonder and awe.
I wouldn’t consider myself a cynical person. I’m a realist. Generally cautiously optimistic about all things in life. It takes a lot to impress me and make me hopeful, but that’s mostly because I manage my expectations really well. I understand humans and our nature at a pretty advanced level, if I do say so myself.
In the last 8 years (culminating with the height of Covid), along with you, I have watched western culture evolve into something nearly unrecognizable and unimaginable. The march towards - and then straight into - dystopia has been horrifying and disheartening, to put it mildly. At some fundamental level, I had (maybe still do) resigned myself to the fact that I was going to end up in some gulag or ministry subbasement next to Winston from 1984 sooner rather than later because I’m unwilling to bend the knee to totalitarianism and insanity. I’m a free man and I’ll die a free man, even if I’m in chains. ...
My conclusion is that the power of longform conversations won. Imagine that. The strongest ideas, debated hotly out in the open for all to see and wrestle intelligently with, won the day. Transparency, honesty, vulnerability, and a relentless willingness to truly discuss hard subjects as a society won. ...
One by one, you and I began to make some decisions we never thought we’d have to make.
We began to say “no” a whole lot more, even if it made us sad or highly uncomfortable.
We DID engage in that important conversation rather than keep our mouths shut - again.
We armed ourselves - with real ammo, yes, but also with intellectual and factual ammunition.
We went to a school board meeting or a local town hall for the first time in our lives.
We started a business or a podcast or…a Substack.
Like soldiers in the fox hole, we began to collectively poke our heads over the threshold. It was terrifying and foreign to many of us. And something amazing happened when we did.
A Virginia pilot devoted to rescuing shelter dogs was killed when a small plane crashed in the Catskills on Sunday as he was flying several dogs up for adoption to an upstate animal shelter. Father of three Seuk Kim, 49, was killed Sunday alongside one of three dogs he was flying from Maryland to Albany to be adopted as part of his work with a not-for-profit group that transports rescue animals from overcrowded shelters to places they are more likely to find a home
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