Fake Elections Are The New Normal by Dr. Joseph Sansone

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2022 Nov 12, 5:56am   621 views  6 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

From the article:

The predicted red wave in the 2022 midterm elections turned out to be a mere splash. Media analysts will read the tea leaves and decipher what this means about GOP messaging and other apparently insightful lessons to be learned. This is all BS. This election was possibly more fraudulent than the 2020 election.

In 2020 Trump likely won by 10-12 million votes or more. I make that assertion based on the number of votes Trump received in his reelection campaign above the number of votes that Obama received, the number of votes Clinton was awarded, and the alleged attribution of voted to Biden. Biden allegedly received 81 million votes, Obama received 69 million, and Trump supposedly only 74 million. I have yet to find anyone to explain how Biden could possibly receive more votes than Obama while hiding in his basement. Biden probably received less votes than Hillary Clinton which was about 65 million. In Florida, Trump actually received 1.1 million more votes than DeSantis in his recent landslide victory. Nationwide, Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history.

Currently, the economy is dismal, inflation out of control, and 75% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. In addition to these salient facts, for the past two and half years, Democrat governors have been acting like total fascists. Yet, we are to believe that Democrats gained two governor’s seats and one senate seat? This defies all logic and reason and is total BS.

Much more ... go here:


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1   pudil   2022 Nov 12, 6:16am  

No one has explained to this person that universal mail in ballots + vote harvesting makes it much more likely someone will vote and explains the high amount of votes received by both Trump and Biden?
2   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 12, 6:26am  

pudil says

No one has explained to this person that universal mail in ballots + vote harvesting makes it much more likely someone will vote and explains the high amount of votes received by both Trump and Biden?

Unlike absentee ballots, mail in balloting has virtually no verification or traceability in order to insure that the actual REGISTERED voter is the one that is mailing in that ballot.

Also, in various Democratic Party controlled areas, voter ID is not required, based upon the lame excuse that IDs 'discriminate' against Blacks, hence the bogus charge of 'disenfranchisement.'

The Democratic Party, along with their RINO fellow travelers, are committed to serving the REAL power that lurks in the shadows; the ESTABLISHMENT, aka, Deep State.
3   clambo   2022 Nov 12, 9:08am  

I departed California in 2020.
They still mail me a ballot to my former address.
I'm certain that California voting is corrupt.

Only a fool believes Biden won and that Trump is becoming unpopular or "toxic".
4   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Nov 12, 9:15am  

clambo says

I departed California in 2020.
They still mail me a ballot to my former address.

Look up the website for the county you left for contact info. Say you want to be removed from the voter rolls. They'll send you a form you have to 'wet-sign' that you can photocopy and send back.

I've only been gone 6 weeks and already took care of that. I'm still receiving forwarded mail and haven't received any ballots, thankfully.
6   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 15, 9:08am  

Kari Lake: 150,000 BOGUS Votes in AZ Governor Race; 35,000 Appeared a Couple of Days AFTER Election (video)

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