Top Democrats are playing a game: "How much can I fuck the public and STILL get Democrat votes?"

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2022 Nov 18, 1:18pm   5,678 views  48 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

What if I, say, support burning down a lot of the country? (BLM)

Wow, they still vote for me just because I'm a Democrat.

What if I, say, destroy the economy to make money for Pfizer?

Wow, they still vote for me just because I'm a Democrat.

What if I, say, convert children in schools to transsexuality or gayness?

Wow, they still vote for me just because I'm a Democrat.

What if I, say, demand dangerous experimental injections for children?

Wow, they still vote for me just because I'm a Democrat.

What if I, say, steal billions in taxpayer money by laundering it through Ukraine?

Wow, they still vote for me just because I'm a Democrat.

Huh, there is literally nothing that Democrats refuse to let me do to them and to their children! Might as well fuck them all.

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26   HeadSet   2022 Nov 18, 7:59pm  

Patrick says

Yes, they are. The luring and murdering of dissident Jamal Khashoggi was pretty spectacular proof.

Biden reneges on ‘consequences’, requests immunity for Saudi crown prince tied to Khashoggi murder

27   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 18, 9:11pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Fuck the Sa'ud Family, the are mobsters.

Yes, they are. The luring and murdering of dissident Jamal Khashoggi was pretty spectacular proof.

to be fair all governments are mobsters. there are no better people in power.
28   gabbar   2022 Nov 19, 3:46am  

richwicks says

My major issue is war. It's wasteful, expensive, and useless. War is used to launder money, and pay off corrupt corporations and politicians but it's worse than that, it's covered up by state sanctioned murder.

Wars are fought to continue to maintain dollar as the world's reserve currency and to some extent give back to the campaign donors. If we didn't go to wars, the country could potentially collapse. Its a part of the economy like housing, automobiles, sports etc.
29   gabbar   2022 Nov 19, 3:49am  

Patrick says

I'm not a fan of the Republican party establishment, but the only hope for popular control of government is the MAGA Republicans. So it's a choice between 100% corrupt Democrats, and 80% corrupt Republicans.

This is depressing. Its a hopeless situation.
30   Patrick   2022 Nov 19, 7:40pm  

@gabbar It's not hopeless if we all keep telling the truth and get enough people to demand fair elections.
32   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 7:46pm  

gabbar says

richwicks says

My major issue is war. It's wasteful, expensive, and useless. War is used to launder money, and pay off corrupt corporations and politicians but it's worse than that, it's covered up by state sanctioned murder.

Wars are fought to continue to maintain dollar as the world's reserve currency and to some extent give back to the campaign donors. If we didn't go to wars, the country could potentially collapse. Its a part of the economy like housing, automobiles, sports etc.

I prefer collapse in this case.

We were and can be again a great nation. We should lead by example, not force.
33   Patrick   2022 Nov 19, 7:59pm  

richwicks says

I prefer collapse in this case.

Your bank account and any other assets you don't physically have in hand will disappear.
34   Reality   2022 Nov 19, 8:57pm  

gabbar says

Wars are fought to continue to maintain dollar as the world's reserve currency and to some extent give back to the campaign donors. If we didn't go to wars, the country could potentially collapse. Its a part of the economy like housing, automobiles, sports etc.

How exactly does maintaining the fiat dollar as the worlds reserve currency benefit the average American? Seems to me maintaining the fiat dollar's reserve currency status only serves the interest of the few who directly control the issuance of fiat dollar at the expense of the vast majority of Americans, at least in two ways: 1. driving down the price of the fruits of most Americans' labor by easily securing alternative/replacement from overseas; aka, shipping jobs overseas and shipping capital overseas; 2. selectively bail out a few gamblers at the expense of everyone else, the latter including the overwhelming majority of Americans. What makes you think you are among the bailed out instead of one of those carrying the burden of those bail-outs? To the extent that American taxpayers have to pay for the burden of upkeeping a vast war machine, that is a further burden on their shoulders only to debase the value of their own labor (can be easily replaced by imports and/or foreign workers). The overwhelming majority of Americans would be far better off if the fiat dollar is replaced by sound money (e.g. the original constitutional money based on bimetallism, either gold or silver depending on whichever is more abundant vs. the 16:1 ratio).

Don't get me wrong, I do see a valid reason for small scale conflicts in testing out equipment and tactics as well as in keeping the troops in good fighting conditions. However, large scale war-making as "a part of the economy"? Do you use the same argument to justify narcotic drug dealing and contract murder? The question is actually even more relevant than you think: shipping drugs via Mena airport outside Little Rock Arkansas to poison the American public then use the money to fund contract murders in Central America was literally how the Clintons built their career, before moving onto bigger wars.

The real strength of America doesn't come from Imperial fiat (by a bunch of crooks pretending to be wise men/women, who are really moronic cucks and shrilly whores, like Obama's white mother that slept with all the cucks in the agency and murdered her (ex-)husband, Obama's actually black dad), but from the ingenuity of Americans who are not hampered by government over-reach like in other countries.
35   Reality   2022 Nov 19, 9:06pm  

Patrick says

Your bank account and any other assets you don't physically have in hand will disappear.

Is it better to be able to choose among multiple competing banks, or is it better to trust a centralized monopoly as your bank? We know all banks eventually fail.
36   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 9:44pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

I prefer collapse in this case.

Your bank account and any other assets you don't physically have in hand will disappear.

I'm OK with that.

I tired of my criminal government, and I'm conformable with poverty to remove it.

What sustains this is what people fear to lose. I'm OK with removing our government. It will happen eventually anyhow.
37   RC2006   2022 Nov 19, 10:05pm  

I agree let it happen while I'm still able body.
38   AD   2022 Nov 19, 11:57pm  

The script that the Democrats are using is the Cloward Piven Strategy.

As far as tactics, they employ a lot of Saul Alinsky's teachings in order to achieve the strategy.

What is interesting is there is a photo of Professors Cloward and Piven standing behind Bill Clinton when he signed the Motor Voter Law.

39   gabbar   2022 Nov 20, 4:47am  

ad says

he script that the Democrats are using is the Cloward Piven Strategy.

What is Cloward Piven Strategy? Never heard this before. I will research about it.
40   gabbar   2022 Nov 20, 4:51am  

Patrick says

gabbar It's not hopeless if we all keep telling the truth and get enough people to demand fair elections.

You mentioned this earlier, food and circus. We have a population that is not hungry and has limitless access to entertainment. Under these conditions, I don't think human biology will inspire itself for the struggle/battle/war of demanding fair elections. I could be wrong but the odds are not in favor. I hope I am totally wrong with this stupid theory.
41   Reality   2022 Nov 20, 6:26am  

gabbar says

You mentioned this earlier, food and circus. We have a population that is not hungry and has limitless access to entertainment. Under these conditions, I don't think human biology will inspire itself for the struggle/battle/war of demanding fair elections. I could be wrong but the odds are not in favor. I hope I am totally wrong with this stupid theory.

The biggest beneficiary of free and fair elections is not actually the public but the ruling class itself: it's a way of making the political game run under parameters similar to a disarmament treaty instead of escalating to the proverbial one-shot Prisoners' Dilemma. Escalating power concentration and social immobility usually leads to a diminishing pie and the ruling class having to kill each other for the shrinking slices, eventually getting their offspring (if not themselves) exterminated altogether. How quickly a society falls into that blackhole depends on the level of Narcissism, especially Covert Narcissism produced by the education system, which often has an exam element that attracts extreme short-term thinking and regurgitation, instead of creativity, individual risk-taking and long-term thinking. Relatively comfortable economic conditions actually help prevent the ruling class and their minions becoming too Narcissistic too short-sighted. There is a reason why the most Narcissistic elements of the bureaucracy tend to recruit from the relatively poor youths, or the unsuccessful among the scions.
42   HeadSet   2022 Nov 20, 7:32am  

Reality says

Don't get me wrong, I do see a valid reason for small scale conflicts in testing out equipment and tactics as well as in keeping the troops in good fighting conditions.

People die during these "small scale conflicts." Such is not needed to test and train. The best model is Switzerland and Sweden - they manage to stay out of war completely by first avoiding any conflicts along with having a very strong military.
43   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 20, 10:12am  

Patrick says

steal billions in taxpayer money by laundering it through Ukraine?

Nice accusation. Any proof emerged yet?
44   Onvacation   2022 Nov 20, 10:32am  


Nice accusation. Any proof emerged yet?

Washington Post joins New York Times in finally admitting emails from Hunter Biden laptop are real

Do you still believe Trump colluded with the Russians?
45   Patrick   2022 Nov 20, 12:02pm  


Patrick says

steal billions in taxpayer money by laundering it through Ukraine?

Nice accusation. Any proof emerged yet?

Why yes, Sam Bankman-Fried openly admitting it on video.
46   AD   2022 Nov 20, 12:35pm  

Patrick says

Why yes, Sam Bankman-Fried openly admitting it on video.

I wonder if that is somewhat part of Democrat or Woke Washing. Its like wrapping oneself with the flag of virtue in order to get a free pass for criminal or bad behavior.

47   kmail   2022 Nov 20, 3:34pm  

wish we had emoji reacts here :) haha... some of the comments are emoji react worthy haha
48   clambo   2022 Nov 20, 3:46pm  

Do posters here know any Democrats?
I do, and they fall into generally three categories:
1. Minorities and losers who want your money.
2. Liberals who want your money to pay #1.
3. Government goldbricks, firemen, sheriffs, and teachers who want your money.

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