by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Well yes, of course there is massive systematic election fraud as well, but what I'm complaining about here is the millions who still vote Democrat every single time, even as the Democrats openly ruin their lives in a hundred ways.
Well yes, of course there is massive systematic election fraud as well, but what I'm complaining about here is the millions who still vote Democrat every single time, even as the Democrats openly ruin their lives in a hundred ways.
We have systemic election fraud.
Don't blame the population, blame the criminal syndicate that has seized control of our government.
It was seized at LEAST 20 years ago. Taken way longer than I EVER possibly imagined, but finally, people are starting to realize it.
Obozo was elected to end the fucking wars, he didn't, he expanded them. We have ZERO control over our government, and haven't had any control over our government for 2 decades.
Our government, consistently, engages in murdering people across the world, and lying about why they do it. Our press is a major problem, a good portion of the population no longer trusts the lying fucks, but they still don't understand our elections are bullshit. It's easy to hate the population when you think they elected "that motherfucker", the reality is, that motherfucker wasn't elected.
That dimwit loser in Florida won; she had signs around saying she would give everyone $1000/month.
People vote Democrat to get free money.
That dimwit loser in Florida won; she had signs around saying she would give everyone $1000/month.
It's money and freebies that they all want.
She called it "peoples prosperity plan"
Five votes by losers put her in.
She said anyone making under $75k would get free money.
It's money and freebies that they all want.
How did you feel about people voting for George W. Bush in 2004 over Kerry, when it was obvious that Bush lies about Hussein's weapons of mass destruction program?
We are given two shitty choices, picked, by the parties.
I'm not a fan of the Republican party establishment, but the only hope for popular control of government is the MAGA Republicans. So it's a choice between 100% corrupt Democrats, and 80% corrupt Republicans.
I say that war is necessary only when the physical territory of the US is attacked.
Americans should never be dying to protect foreigners, especially because it's never even really about protecting foreigners, but always about promoting some corporate or government insider financial interest. "War is a racket" as Smedley Butler wrote.
I say that war is necessary only when the physical territory of the US is attacked.
Americans should never be dying to protect foreigners, especially because it's never even really about protecting foreigners, but always about promoting some corporate or government insider financial interest. "War is a racket" as Smedley Butler wrote.
Defending your homeland is patriotism. Warring on foreign lands is conquest for empire.
Americans should never be dying to protect foreigners, especially because it's never even really about protecting foreigners, but always about promoting some corporate or government insider financial interest
Fuck this. I'm tired of my government protecting stupid decisions by crap corporations. Let them fail.
richwicks says
Fuck this. I'm tired of my government protecting stupid decisions by crap corporations. Let them fail.
How much are you willing to pay for a tank of gas, a tank of home heating oil or anything else dependent on petroleum, if we opt out of protecting the House of Saud and let the chips fall where they may ?
Patrick says
Americans should never be dying to protect foreigners, especially because it's never even really about protecting foreigners, but always about promoting some corporate or government insider financial interest
Like our decades long stay in Saudi Arabia and assorted countries in the Middle East and Africa ?
Fuck the Sa'ud Family, the are mobsters.
Yes, they are. The luring and murdering of dissident Jamal Khashoggi was pretty spectacular proof.
richwicks says
Fuck the Sa'ud Family, the are mobsters.
Yes, they are. The luring and murdering of dissident Jamal Khashoggi was pretty spectacular proof.
My major issue is war. It's wasteful, expensive, and useless. War is used to launder money, and pay off corrupt corporations and politicians but it's worse than that, it's covered up by state sanctioned murder.
I'm not a fan of the Republican party establishment, but the only hope for popular control of government is the MAGA Republicans. So it's a choice between 100% corrupt Democrats, and 80% corrupt Republicans.
richwicks says
My major issue is war. It's wasteful, expensive, and useless. War is used to launder money, and pay off corrupt corporations and politicians but it's worse than that, it's covered up by state sanctioned murder.
Wars are fought to continue to maintain dollar as the world's reserve currency and to some extent give back to the campaign donors. If we didn't go to wars, the country could potentially collapse. Its a part of the economy like housing, automobiles, sports etc.
I prefer collapse in this case.
Wars are fought to continue to maintain dollar as the world's reserve currency and to some extent give back to the campaign donors. If we didn't go to wars, the country could potentially collapse. Its a part of the economy like housing, automobiles, sports etc.
Your bank account and any other assets you don't physically have in hand will disappear.
richwicks says
I prefer collapse in this case.
Your bank account and any other assets you don't physically have in hand will disappear.
he script that the Democrats are using is the Cloward Piven Strategy.
gabbar It's not hopeless if we all keep telling the truth and get enough people to demand fair elections.
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