Did you have COVID-19? Describe your experience ...

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2022 Nov 25, 6:41am   779 views  19 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

This is what my wife & I experienced:

Prior to contracting COVID-19, I did quite a bit of research and decided that the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko 7 Day Protocol for *Low Risk Patients would be the best over the counter
treatment. I easily obtained all the required ingredients from my online vitamin supplier.

A little over a year ago, I contracted COVID-19. I had all the typical symptoms. For the first two days, I was extremely sick; fever, entire body ached, cold shivers, headache, exhaustion, the worst nasal congestion ever, severe cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, little to no appetite, etc. I began the Zelenko treatment early in the morning of the first day. Amazingly, by the middle of the 3rd. day, I began to feel better. By the afternoon of the 5th. day, I was able to work in the yard. By the 7th. day, I was back to normal. About a month later, my wife became infected and also began the treatment on the first day. She was a little sicker than I was. She remained on the treatment for an extra couple of days, but fully recovered.

For us, the Zelenko Protocol, with some modifications, worked. Check it out here and make your own decision as to whether or not it is viable for you:


*We determined that we were 'low risk' due to our overall good health with no known co-morbidity issues. We modified the treatment plan by adding 450mg Quercetin twice per day, increased D-3 from 5,000mg to 10,000mg, increased Vitamin C from one dose of 1,000mg to four doses daily. We also added Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) which can be obtained naturally by drinking green tea. Some of these additions were based upon the recommendations of other Doctors, such as Dr. McCullough, etc.

PS: Zelenko's Protocol also, IMO, can be used to help maintain your natural immune system, particularly during flu season, etc.

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1   Tenpoundbass   2022 Nov 25, 7:52am  

I put some quina Chinchona barq(tree quinine comes from) and some zinc and C in a pedestal and grind that up, boil some water put a teaspoon of that in a cup of water, then add 2 D3 capsules. stir it up and drink. It gets rid of any cold symptoms I get. I don't know if I caught Covid or just a bad cold last year, and a few weeks back, but it cured it for me.
My daughter's friend had Covid and was complaining she couldn't breath. I gave my daughter a baggie with about 5 doses and told her to give it to her. Sarah said it relived the symptoms straight away within hours.

I believe we've been lied to for decades, Quinine most likely does cure the common cold, but they make more money on selling us $18 bottles off mucus looseness, $7 cough suppressants, and $10 fever reducers. There's more money in treating the symptoms than giving the cure.
2   stereotomy   2022 Nov 25, 8:02am  

I believe I contracted the "omicron strain" several weeks ago. My son tested positive, and I had the same symptoms as he did - stuffy nose, sore throat.

I have the @Rin cocktail handy as well as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, budesonide, and dexamethezone. I took the @Rin cocktail as well as 0.4 mg/Kg body weight of ivermectin for 4 days, starting on day 1 of symptoms. Initial symptoms disappeared after 3 days, so I stopped the ivermectin and continued the cocktail. However, my sinuses kept getting worse. I did 6 days of azithromycin, thinking it was bacterial sinusitis, but then discovered that it can also be viral in nature. I went back on ivermectin for another 7-10 days, which finally brought things under control.

This has convinced me that ivermectin only inhibits viral replication - it does not kill viruses. Your immune system has to do the rest. It is therefore crucial to start ivermectin at the first sign of infection, so that the viral load can be kept very low.

The only silver lining in this whole wuhan fiasco is that, thanks to people like @Rin, Zelenko, and all those other brave medical practicians and researchers, I now have the means to stop most illness in its tracks. My understanding of immunology has grown, though I would just consider myself to know just enough to be dangerous. My family has never been healthier in a flu season. Thank you all.

EDIT: Because of a previous serious accident, I am immune compromised. I still won't take the clot shot. The cocktail, HCQ, and ivermectin work just as claimed - they just need to be taken ASAP before the virus gets out of control.
3   WookieMan   2022 Nov 25, 8:06am  

RayAmerica says

Did you have COVID-19? Describe your experience ...

Started being symptomatic last Saturday 11/19. Tested positive down in Mexico. I decided to not stop the spread and flew home anyway. Saturday being a travel day kind of sucked. Achey and sweating, yet freezing were my early onset symptoms. Sunday was hell day. I was so cold that I was shaking all over, yet was sweating my ass off. I don't think going from 83ºF to 23ºF was a big help climate wise. Sunday morning went to the pharmacy to get whatever I could. Grabbed some cough drops heavy in zinc.

Wasn't immediate, woke up Monday morning feeling better. Still had a bit of the cold sweats going but could function. Fatigue through all these days and I hand't eaten since Saturday morning. By Monday evening I think I commented here I was around 80%. Tuesday on has been relatively normal. I have minor allergies so those are kind of the symptoms I have today. Sniffles and occasional cough. No sore throat, aches gone, cold/hot spells gone. Pretty much normal.

Basically my bad symptoms lasted 48 hours. 39 years old. Average health. High hereditary BP. Probably drink too much. I think the zinc was a big help. Regular multi-vitamin and I slammed vitamin D. Hydrate. I still had 2-3 beers a night. It's a run of the mill flu. If anything from my past experience in hindsight, it wasn't too bad. Just one awful day. No vaccine either. 10,000,000% not worth shutting anything down.

This was a group trip where I got it as well. I think 8 of us total at this point have tested positive from that trip. Everyone is fine. It's lingering for one person as of yesterday, otherwise everyone is recovered basically within 7 days. I would even worry about sourcing additional meds if you get it. It's a flu. Treat it as such. Rest, hydrate, make sure you're getting the essential vitamins if you're not eating and throw in some zinc. If you're under 60 I think that's enough. Going to test later today and see if I'm negative. Hoping so.
4   Shaman   2022 Nov 25, 8:43am  

Got the omicron in January, very sick for four days, no appetite, muscle and body aches, fever, bad headache. Literally didn’t even feel like watching TV. It was gnarly.
Started my horse paste on day two. Did the other supplements starting then too. By end of fourth day I was eating again and lots more energy. Took another four days to feel mostly normal again. I used the whole ten days off work they gave me to recover.
Haven’t been sick since then.
5   WookieMan   2022 Nov 25, 9:39am  

Tested just now. Negative. Fuck yeah. Missed Thanksgiving, but it's my least liked holiday of the year. So about 5 days positive in total (that I know of). 2-1/2 days of rough symptoms, but nothing more harsh than any flu I've had in the past.

In a weird way I'm glad I got it. Because I'm not going to believe a fucking thing anymore. Go with my gut. If I don't have a mask on in the future, get fucked. My experience was a joke. Tell me to get vaccinated I'll punch you in the fucking face. That goes for the school telling my kids to if it gets there.

I'm starting to wonder now if Fauci was the simple idiot/pawn in this entire thing? If there's even something more sinister going on. In the moment I gave covid a higher rating compared to other flus I've had. In hindsight, it was was a level 2 flu if 10 is really bad (not death of course). Never even thought of going to the doc/urgent care. That takes level 5 for me (personal scale).

This has 100% cemented my distrust for the medical field. My vaccinated nurse friends and wife had symptoms longer. They threw Sudafed, Tylenol and other OTC big pharma crap at it. First and foremost be healthy. If you're not that, covid is the least of your worries.
6   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 9:55am  

PCR tests are a fake and a vector for particles and toxic vaccines. Nobody can possibly know if they got psyops 'Covid 19', because it has never been isolated, cultured, or shown to infect anybody or anything.

People are getting the variety of flus, colds and the 'other' 200 repeating seasonal viruses and calling it Covid 19 whenever they get sick, which just promotes the false narratives.

If you don't want to be part of the false narratives, being cheerleaders for the Globalist psyops, stop calling every ache, wheeze and runny nose Covid 19 based on a fake test.

You don't have to be part of their propaganda lie campaign.
7   stereotomy   2022 Nov 25, 10:10am  

Given the prevalence of spike protein shedding by the jabbed, it's possible for a pureblood to have spike protein (albeit in far lower concentration than in the jabbed) if he's surrounded by jabbed people. PCR might be able to detect the spike protein; whether or not that constitutes the presence of the virus can only be determined by genetic sequencing of the entire pathogen.
8   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 10:41am  

As I've mentioned before, everyone in the office where I worked all got sick on the same day in late November 2019. I remember thinking it was an odd illness, with a metallic smell to it. I wasn't sick enough to skip work, nor did anyone else in the office seem to get very ill. It just seemed like an odd cold. From how instantly it spread to everyone and because of the metallic smell, I'm pretty damn sure it was Wuhan Virus but of course no one called it that because it wasn't in the media yet.

I ordered ivermectin after hearing about it and tried it once when I felt I was getting a cold. Bam, cold gone in a few hours. I was impressed.

Then maybe a year ago, my wife caught it and tested positive. She was pretty sick, not enough to see a doctor, but in bed for about a week. She didn't want ivermectin at first, but took it a few days later and it didn't seem to do anything for her. I didn't get sick at all when she was sick even though we sleep in the same bed and wasn't avoiding her at all. This also seemed to confirm to me that I had some immunity from the November 2019 version I got.

Then about 3 or 4 months ago, my wife caught it again and tested positive again, though it was much milder for her. Then I finally caught it from her and was sicker than in November 2019, but still not sick enough to see a doctor. I tried ivermectin again, but maybe too late, since I didn't really notice an effect that time. My theory is that when my wife got sick the second time, it was because of some variant, and I caught that because my body wasn't familiar with that variant, or because my original immunity faded, which I've read does happen after some years.
9   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 10:44am  

Sorry, PCR tests are amped to register positive for any of a variety of viral fragments, none of which could possibly be proven to belong to any coherent Covid 19 particle. They have convinced you on the basis of a faked, non-specific test that a Covid 19 bogeyman exists.

Snake oil test for a snake oil condition to promote the vaccine agendas, nothing more or less. They pretend to cure an epidemic in order to inflict their imposed genocidal epidemics (clots, sterilization, etc.) through the vaccines, pure Satanic inversion. Don't promote the Satanic inversions.

Why would anybody trust the proven psychopaths that they have a 'test' for anything, much less their bioweapons?
10   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 10:47am  

WookieMan says

This has 100% cemented my distrust for the medical field.

Me too. I don't trust doctors at all anymore after seeing almost all of them turn into robot advertisements for Pfizer. They are like puppets, controlled from above strings of money. They will kill you with ventilators and Remdesivir, etc, if told by their puppet masters that it is "best practice" for you to die, not to mention the large payments they get for offing you.
11   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 10:48am  

Ceffer says

Sorry, PCR tests are amped to register positive for any of a variety of viral fragments, none of which could possibly be proven to belong to any coherent Covid 19 particle. They have convinced you on the basis of a faked, non-specific test that a Covid 19 bogeyman exists.

I think the positive home test my wife took did correspond with her being ill, and did turn negative when she no longer felt ill. So it's testing something.
12   mell   2022 Nov 25, 10:53am  

Patrick says

Ceffer says

Sorry, PCR tests are amped to register positive for any of a variety of viral fragments, none of which could possibly be proven to belong to any coherent Covid 19 particle. They have convinced you on the basis of a faked, non-specific test that a Covid 19 bogeyman exists.

I think the positive home test my wife took did correspond with her being ill, and did turn negative when she no longer felt ill. So it's testing something.

That's antigen test though right, which measures antibodies, not viral fragments (as pcr does). For being acutely ill, antibody tests are much more useful anyways in most cases
13   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 10:58am  

I'm impressed that the propaganda has had this degree of penetration. They have even the skeptical turned around. The best thing is just to change your brain programming from 'Covid 19' and instead call it 'seasonal virus of unknown origin'. PCR test is a 'non-specific test for a variety of non-specific viral fragments'.

Every time you mention the C word in relation to any non specific illness, you are helping them in their agendas.
14   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 11:00am  

Ceffer says

seasonal virus of unknown origin

True, I really don't know what either of us got. My only bit of evidence that it's something new is the metallic smell at first. I don't know what my wife's home test was really testing, only that it does eventually flip from positive to negative.
15   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 11:12am  

To top it off, the PCR test itself could be used as a vector for bioweapons. Your choice, in your arm, or right in your brain through the nose. Why do you think they promoted the stuffing of the swabs so deep into the nose? It goes right up into the nasal nerve fibres that penetrate the skull, which is one of the closest spots for breaching the blood brain barrier. The Chinese even tried the anal swabs, because the rectal mucosa is another direct route into the blood stream and the body.

When have they ever 'tested' so extensively for any cold or flu in the general population in the past. Like, never? The bioweapons come with the test because both the tests AND the vaccines can be the agents of inoculation.

Get everybody on board with the fake tests, you have another conduit into their intimate biology. Satan smiles. "There they are, testing themselves like lemmings and falling into our trap again."
16   theoakman   2022 Nov 25, 11:31am  

Everyone in my household has had it 3 times. 1 to 2 days of symptoms at worst...half of the time, no symptoms at all. The sickest I've been the past 10 years was after taking the Pfizer vaccine.
17   keeprubbersidedown   2022 Nov 25, 12:10pm  

I was recently on a business trip in Sacramento. Office people had Covid. Started feeling super sick at like 3 pm. Tough night chills, fever, etc. Took my handy invermectin pills. By morning felt alot better but not great. Made morning meetings then drove to Redding for early night. Next day back to normal.
18   Blue   2022 Nov 25, 12:10pm  

Entire family went through it few days apart. Lasted about 1-2 days following by minor cold for few days, not a big deal. Generally gargle with salt water before bed and drink a spoonful of fresh lime juice with honey in times like this for throat clearing.
19   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 12:15pm  

Look at these living 'ritualized humiliations' of the populace, and, yeah, keep promoting their agendas for them.

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