A Definite PsyOps.

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2022 Nov 26, 4:55am   1,257 views  14 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

The journalist-run, intelligence-linked operation that warped British pandemic policy.

Presented as an independent voice for “unbiased” scientific advice, iSAGE provided a channel for media spinmeisters, spies and psy-op specialists to influence Britain’s pandemic policy without accountability. Leaked internal emails show members fretting over its unethical methods.

Throughout Britain’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, a lobbying group known as the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (iSAGE) served as a key driving force behind the government’s most draconian lockdown policies.

While it presented itself as a non-governmental organization composed of forward-thinking health experts, The Grayzone can reveal iSAGE not only maintains an array of ties to the British security state, while relying largely on political, rather than scientific, considerations when crafting policy recommendations.

With Winter ahead in Europe and calls for the reimposition of COVID-19 restrictions growing once again — not least from iSAGE itself — the outfit’s endeavors provide a disturbing look at the role of the security state and mainstream media in corrupting British public health policy.

Nearly three years since the world first heard of COVID-19, societies across the globe are still reeling from prolonged lockdowns and harsh social restrictions, which many governments implemented in order to supposedly “stop the spread” of the virus. Britain is no exception, and while the full long-term impact of such measures remains unknown, some grueling effects are already painfully apparent.

Patients receiving care for cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory disease were prevented from accessing routine treatment; rates of clinical depression and mobile phone addiction among university students skyrocketed; adults of all ages reported worsening mental health conditions; and the number of Britons seeking help for drug addiction increased by 81% between 2020 and 2021.

Meanwhile, school closures exposed Britain’s youth to food insecurity and increased likelihood of falling victim to domestic abuse, while the rapid digitization of education further widened learning gaps between wealthy and low-income students in the country.

“We were mesmerized by the once-in-a-century scale of the emergency and succeeded only in making a crisis even worse. In short, we panicked,” lamented Professor Mark Woolhouse, an Edinburgh University epidemiologist, in January 2022.

As with many contemporary critics of the British government’s initial “Zero COVID” strategy, Woolhouse argued a targeted response to protect the most vulnerable members of society, such as the elderly, would have done more to curb Britain’s death toll than blanket, nationwide lockdowns.

“This was an epidemic crying out for a precision public health approach and it got the opposite,” he explained.

Behind some of the most socially destructive pandemic policies implemented by the British government was iSAGE, a shady organization founded by a Russia-obsessed Guardian pundit and advised by spies, behavioral psychologists and media influencers without backgrounds in science or medicine.

Founded in May 2020 by David King, former chief scientific adviser to Labour Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, iSAGE initially set out to agitate for greater transparency around state health policy, while providing “robust, unbiased advice” to the public and government. Yet it rapidly transformed into a powerful, wholly unaccountable lobbying group, aggressively pushing for “Zero COVID” measures.

For almost two years, iSAGE members were a fixture in both British and international media. Senior politicians and pundits effusively endorsed the group’s pronouncements on the pandemic, and its weekly YouTube briefings racked up tens of thousands of views. Its representatives used their popular platforms to call for extensive control and suppression measures, including contact tracing, mass testing, border quarantines, lockdowns, and the implementation of mitigation software in order to stop the transmission of COVID-19.

Confusion regarding iSAGE’s name, given its obvious similarity to the British government’s official Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), only increased the group’s prominence. Very quickly after its launch, iSAGE began to not only work in parallel with its government namesake, but supplant it in the public mind.

Despite its enormous influence, iSAGE and its members have largely avoided public scrutiny. Little is known about the forces guiding and shaping its activities, or whether its representatives are advancing an ulterior agenda at odds with their stated commitment to providing “unbiased” scientific advice.

iSAGE pushes lockdowns “without sufficient scientific expertise or scientific evidence to inform it”

It was on iSAGE’s official launch date in May 2020 that its founding objective of securing publication of the identities of SAGE, and its papers, was achieved. Previously, the body’s composition and the evidence underpinning its decisions was entirely hidden from public view, which stoked significant controversy, particularly given its initial heel-dragging over the implementation of protective COVID-19 measures.

Emboldened by this immediate success, former iSAGE member Allyson Pollock claims the group “rapidly moved away” from its initial transparency agenda “to wanting to make policy” itself. Unknown to the public at the time, iSAGE’s transformation from government watchdog project into premier public health policy-making activist group prompted an internal revolt.

“Often, [iSAGE] ended up advocating things when it hadn’t sufficiently thought through the uncertainties in the evidence and the potential for harm,” Pollock, who worked as a clinical professor of public health at Newcastle University, alleges. She cites “prolonged lockdowns, school closures, and mass testing,” as examples of iSAGE’s misguided recommendations.

According to Pollock, the group offered policy advice “sometimes without sufficient scientific expertise or scientific evidence to inform it.” She expressed vehement opposition when the group officially adopted its “Zero COVID” position in July 2020, believing it lacked any basis in science. Two months later, the group declined to renew her membership.

iSAGE’s push for Zero COVID appeared oddly timed, and the group itself acknowledged total eradication of a disease had only ever been achieved once in history, in the case of smallpox. Britain was at that point beginning to reopen after a four-month lockdown, in line with SAGE advice. In theory though, as iSAGE was an entirely separate entity from SAGE, it was free to advocate for whatever mitigation strategies it deemed appropriate.

In practice though, an overlap in the membership of both bodies as well as their virtually identical names blurred lines between the two groups. British government chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance claims he explicitly warned iSAGE founder David King against using any derivation of “SAGE” for the title of his new group, believing it would puzzle and mislead the public.

Despite apparently pledging to not emulate the name, King did so anyway. The “Independent” prefix was even more problematic, as it clearly implied that SAGE was not a trustworthy, autonomous organization, while iSAGE issued impartial, more credible advice by contrast.

iSAGE gathers influence by fueling confusion

As predicted, the two groups’ duplicate names muddied the waters on public and government messaging around COVID-19, leading to numerous troubling — if not outright dangerous — blunders on the part of journalists, pundits, and elected lawmakers alike.

SAGE member Ian Boyd claims such chaos was intentional. In October 2021, he told The British Medical Journal the two groups’ names “created confusion and was a device used by those organising [iSAGE] to set up unnecessary friction.” In the same article, another academic suggested iSAGE’s title implied the body was “somehow more authoritative than it actually is.”

Public disorientation was compounded by the fact that several members of SAGE also moonlighted as iSAGE experts. Take the example of Susan Michie, a left-wing political activist and self-styled “behavioural change” expert who served with both iSAGE and SAGE, advising the secretive governmental SPI-B council of behavioral psychologists that fear-mongered the public into compliance with official pandemic policy. Media reports on Michie almost universally referred to her simply as a “SAGE scientist,” creating the impression that her comments represented the British government’s official position.

Michie became a symbol of iSAGE’s advocacy for a permanent biomedical security state. During a June 2021 interview, she argued that social distancing and mask mandates should “continue forever.”

At no point did the mainstream British media acknowledge that Michie’s background did not necessarily qualify her to recommend policy for a public health crisis. Rather, a clinical psychologist represented precisely the type of character who could be called upon to manipulate the public into accepting extreme lockdowns.

Michie was not the only iSAGE representative that news outlets presented as a “scientist” despite an apparent lack of relevant credentials in epidemiology, virology, or public health management. Another long-time media favorite was iSAGE mathematician Christina Pagel, who was promoted as a credible expert despite her routinely misreading and misrepresenting data.


Comments 1 - 14 of 14        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 9:34am  

i had a dream last night that everybody along the coast were enjoying a sunlit day. A phalanx of orange and black small air buoys stretching from north to south suddenly appeared from the east slowly drifting towards the west. People ran and panicked while an aerosol from the buoys caused them to burst into flame as they tried to escape. A horizontal sweeping pink ray from the ocean side started cutting them into pieces.

The dream ended as I was trying to escape and burst into flame myself. Bummer. This is at least the second time I have had the dream of the orange buoys.
2   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 26, 10:01am  

Ceffer says

This is at least the second time I have had the dream of the orange buoys.

You've been activated. Level 6 alpha. Now.

3   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 11:37am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

You've been activated. Level 6 alpha. Now.

I wish. My hood in Santa Cruz has a couple of old school Kommies, still waiting for the Revolution, including a woman right across the street. Word is they have identified my flag flying, church going wife and 'conspiracy theorist' me (along with a few conservatives in the hood) as round ups for gulags and liquidations when the Revolution hits the streets. These are people I have barely talked with over the years. One is a radical German fag who is apparently an officer of the Party and holds meetings in the commons hall.

Couple of years ago at the community Christmas party the German dude sat at the table and threw out the topic of "Let's discuss Global Warming". I said rather quickly that it was a fraud and got the Kommie struggle session death ray look from him, he was pissed, and gives us dirty looks ever since.
4   Patrick   2023 Jul 24, 10:06am  


... As it turns out, the vast majority of Canadians got off the Covid needle in the last 6 months or longer. So, instead of kicking the dead horse, our overlords switched the subject with the same playbook in mind:

10   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 7:07am  

Ceffer says

Couple of years ago at the community Christmas party the German dude sat at the table and threw out the topic of "Let's discuss Global Warming". I said rather quickly that it was a fraud and got the Kommie struggle session death ray look from him, he was pissed, and gives us dirty looks ever since.

You have to know enough about it to explain why you think it's a fraud. I agree it is a fraud. Things you have to know "no, 97% of scientists don't agree" is one - the list they gave out isn't even mostly scientists, and a good portion that ARE scientists are in stuff like economics and other PHd BS. You have to know the predictions that have been made, and didn't pass. Just watching An Inconvenient Truth and checking all the predictions were wrong, remembering those predictions, and having proof they were wrong will get you a long way.

It's not their fault they believe it, they just never check. Very few people know that the government actively lies, they think it's "mistakes".
12   Patrick   2023 Oct 5, 9:05am  


Yesterday, USA Today ran a story mocking many conservatives headlined, “'I am not a zombie': FEMA debunking conspiracy theories after emergency alert test.” The FEMA Emergency Alert went off without incident yesterday and Establishment Media is having a great time at many conservatives’ expense since nothing happened. Five-G rays didn’t instantly cull two-thirds of the population, a new deadlier pandemic did not start, and no zombies lurched out of their graves (Halloween isn’t for another three weeks yet) or whatever the rumor was.

Here’s one of the dark tweets that USA Today gleefully reprinted in its national newspaper:

So. People, please stop reading the doombloggers. And tell other people to stop reading the doombloggers. The most likely explanation for all this doomblogging is they are the true chaos agents —not Matt Gaetz— whose real job is to dispirit and discredit a lot of conservatives by making them crazy with anxiety, and making them look even crazier to democrats and independents with all these kooky conspiracy theories.

Stories about people freaking out about 5G zombies also conveniently obscures real issues like vaccine injuries — which are not conspiracy theories.

Look, I get it, and I honestly don’t blame anyone for falling for this stuff. Many folks’ worldviews were recently shattered when the government —supposedly organized to take care of us— instead stabbed everyone in the neck with a risky, experimental genetic therapy. Losing their worldview is a profound spiritual disaster, leaving the victims adrift in an ocean of meaninglessness.

So now, a lot of folks don’t know what to believe, and if you are in that group, it also means you are vulnerable to believing anything. Bad actors are taking advantage.

The only difference for the rest of us was we already believed the worst about government. So our worldview remained undisturbed; actually, the pandemic just reinforced our worldview. Nothing really changed. ...

It is clear that there is in fact a cabal of super-wealthy, delusional oligarchs who think that what the world needs most is fewer people. They’ve said so over and over; that’s not a fact in dispute. Even still, I don’t believe they would ever seriously consider any kind of mass depopulation event, like releasing an airborne Marburg variant or killing us all with 5G.

They’re much more likely to try to slowly boil the frog over a generation or two, by reducing fertility and increasing sickness. Not by collapsing civilization.
13   Patrick   2024 Jul 7, 12:22am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

In practice though, an overlap in the membership of both bodies as well as their virtually identical names blurred lines between the two groups. British government chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance claims he explicitly warned iSAGE founder David King against using any derivation of “SAGE” for the title of his new group, believing it would puzzle and mislead the public.

14   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 7, 1:13am  

Speaking of Psyops, as usual when the Dems are having a bad week, up pops the FakeFed Front in a Dark Blue Dem-Controlled city, Nashville this time.

Escorted by police, strange lightening fast permit request and approval (when you'd think the Shitlibs would find any technicality to delay or deny or demand a resubmission), riding in moving violation back of box trucks (easy ticket but never ticketed).

Oh, and "They was arrested in Ohio", I think almost all the charges were tossed and only a few useful idiots got a fine. The suspiciously dropped charges/reduced sentencing ex-con informant leaders got nothing.

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