Died Suddenly is Typical Trash from Stew Peters.

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2022 Nov 26, 5:06pm   255 views  0 comments

by GNL   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


2 comments to the article that stick out...

Nov 24
·edited Nov 24

First I have to say that Peters/Ardis bit about the snake venom a few months back was absurd. Secondly this movie was indeed sensationalist and fast and loose with various facts.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there as well as plenty of narrative reinforcement from the “Covid sceptic movement.”

Having said that can you define the “acceptable discussions” of the “Covid truth movement.” Many who are in the forefront of the “Covid sceptic” movement perpetuate the biggest lie of all- that there ever was a pandemic- and I believe that includes you as well Jessica. The evidence is crystal clear and voluminous that there never was a pandemic of any sort anywhere in the world in 2020.

Why is it that those that perpetuate this biggest lie of all aren’t called on perpetuating this fabrication? Why is it that they avoid even having this discussion and examining the evidence on this?

“Covid-19” has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about the collapse of the financial system.

“Covid19” is designed for:

1) Redistribution of wealth aka THEFT (from the poor and middle class to the insanely rich; 2) Fear-induced digital enslavement- The Great Reset/4th IR; 3) Pharma making trillions in profit and introduction of mRNA gravy train; 4) Constant bailouts for the financial sector; 5) Entrenchment of the Bio-Security State.

Rather than focus on the manufactured “pandemic” best to focus on the provable crimes such as but not limited to:

1) Largest transfer of wealth to investor class in history- theft of tax dollars;

2) Slaughter of elderly in care homes through forced improper medical protocols;

3) Mass murder for money in the hopsitals through the forced use of “Covid” protocols such as remdesivir, ventilators, midazolam and other toxic drugs;

4) Destruction of millions of businesses through illegal policies;

5) Fraudulent trials and marketing of experimental medical product;

6) Reckless endangerment of the public through forced inoculations;

7) Media manipulation of public using illegal fear tactics to induce compliance;

8) Purposeful abuse of children through various lockdown policies, masks, trauma, etc;

“Covid19”, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.

There is no pandemic, there never was.


Nov 25
·edited Nov 25

Well, Pfizer in particular managed to create a fake pandemic to sell their toxic shots that have ruined the immune system in the millions of people blind enough to get injected.

Reminds me of the virus sham Pfizer pulled on horse owners decades earlier, which forced people to vaccinate their horses, created lockdowns and ostracization on horse owners who refused to vaccinate their animals (sound familiar?). These horses began to die, have stillbirths, get riddled with all sorts of disease. 20 years forward there was no special ‘horse virus’ like Pfizer had claimed. They made their millions, got sued, and only paid a small portion of their profits in compensation for all the deaths and losses they caused. And they’re now pulling the same stunt on people…

Zoetis who manufactured and marketed the Hendra Equivac HeV vaccine since 2012 for horses under a fake pandemic announcement, was actually Pfizer. Bourla held multiple executive roles at Zoetis (then known as Animal Health) and other divisions of Pfizer. Bourla became the Pfizer CEO in 2019, one year after the class action lawsuits against Zoetis.

I think this is what they’ve done with the birdflu, madcow disease and others – targeting voiceless animals. They are infecting the animals to sell their drugs. And now they pharma cartel is doing the exact same to humans…

There are articles as well out there about the financial success from these scams although the actual scam part is ignored “How Pfizer And Zoetis Launched One Of The Most Successful Spinoffs — Ever”.

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