Global Digital 'Vaccine' Tracking System Proposed at WEF

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2023 Jan 21, 7:51am   531 views  3 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The global depopulation plan continues to roll along ...

‘Pure Evil’ — Tony Blair Calls for Digital Vaccine Tracking at Davos Ahead of ‘New Slew of Injectables’

From the article:

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that global “digital infrastructures” are needed to monitor who is vaccinated as he predicted a “slew” of new vaccines to be introduced to the world in the next few years.

Appearing at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Iraq War architect and former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said that even though the Chinese coronavirus has subsided in the public mind, governments must continue to develop digital tracking systems for vaccines, including for unspecified jabs for the “world’s most dangerous diseases”.


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1   WookieMan   2023 Jan 21, 1:10pm  

RayAmerica says

Appearing at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Iraq War architect and former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said that even though the Chinese coronavirus has subsided in the public mind, governments must continue to develop digital tracking systems for vaccines, including for unspecified jabs for the “world’s most dangerous diseases”.

Fucking moron. How is that dude even relevant anymore? Having had Covid, it's damn joke, or at least was for me. I was the only unjabbed person in our group. I most certainly got it from my wife or one of her friends that were jabbed. It was an ideal if not perfect small control group to see if the jab did shit. It failed them miserably and they were all sicker longer and I'm less healthy slightly. AND they likely spread it to me.

Also, "digital vaccine" tracking will easily be worked around and not even legal in the US. Unvaccinated kids are in school every week from actual dangerous ailments with proven vaccines. No government actually cares, it's just tracking. Entering the Dominican this time last week I just made up shit on my "E ticket" and they didn't even look at it. Governments want to make you do the work because they know they cannot enforce tracking. They don't have the people.

The US would need an acronym government agency with 500k employees to actually follow through on enforcement of vaccines. They'll just set up 5k people and throw out veiled threats. Nothing will actually happen. I walked through airports in 2021 and didn't wear a mask while all these morons had on face shields and 4 masks. Not one person questioned me.
3   Patrick   2023 Mar 7, 5:46pm  



We, the People of the World, will NOT allow a "digital health certificate", "vaccine passport", "digital ID" or any other attempt to restrict our rights in any way. OUR FREEDOM IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.

Anyone who is focusing on, or even discussing the proposed “Pandemic Treaty,” is distracting attention away from the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, which are a completely different set of proposals that will NOT need to be signed by any President (or Prime Minister), nor would the proposed amendments require the advice and consent of the Senate (or Parliament).

Amendments to the IHR were adopted in 2022 and no signature or Senate confirmation were required. The amendments that are currently being proposed could easily be adopted in the same manner in May 2023 or 2024. The media and politicians have been silent on this issue.

Buried among the 307 amendments to the International Health Regulations that have been proposed by 94 member nations of the World Health Organization are a number of amendments that would seek to institute a GLOBAL DIGITAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE.

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