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Shook some chicks hand and I fucking reeked like it for 2 days even after showering.
I asked Google how to make linoleum, one of the ingredients was:
oxidized linseed oil, BTW linseed oil is flaxseed oil.
So heating seed oils that are high in Linoleic Acid can create plastic and is essential in making Linoleum floors. This is to clarify the importance of avoiding processed cooking oils in your diet. Remember to read the ingredients of your boxed processed foods, they will use these types of oils because they help with shelf life.
I saw a utube vid title (and thumbnail) about Costco olive oil turning to plastic. I haven't watch it.
Remember to read the ingredients of your boxed processed foods, they will use these types of oils because they help with shelf life.
Canola oil is a preservative. That's why it's included in so many things, like bread.
I started using an app called Yuka. Works great especially with my eyes going to shit trying to read the ingredients.
I started using an app called Yuka. Works great especially with my eyes going to shit trying to read the ingredients.
I'm just going to bring my stronger glasses to the grocery I guess.
The latest headache for restaurants? Health-obsessed seed-oil refusers
Canola oil is out. Beef tallow is in — and some diners are even bringing their own to the table.
Beef tallow is in; canola oil is out. The great cooking-oil debate isn’t new but is just now cracking the consciousness of the mainstream media. Whether it’s because of the seed-oil-as-poison views of RFK Jr., likely our next secretary of Health and Human Services, or a recent study about colon cancer’s link to ultraprocessed foods that utilize seed oil, the handwringing has made it as far as the “Today” show.
Not surprisingly, there is no consensus about the dangers of these oils that are pressed from the seeds of plants and then chemically bleached, refined, and heated. It does seem safe to say that too much of the omega-6 fatty acids found in processed seed oils can cause inflammation. There is also talk of seed oils being especially toxic after reaching the high temperatures needed for deep-frying, and in the dangers of restaurants frying in the same oil over and over.
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Which of them are worth avoiding entirely?
Here are the fats and oils I think are bad:
- margarine (which is just canola and other crap oils hardened to make them stick in your arteries better)
- canola oil
- cottonseed oil (especially bad)
- palm kernel oil
I'm undecided about these:
- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil
I'm sure these are pretty good for you:
- olive oil
- butter
- lard (yes, I think lard is OK to eat)